Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its economic and/or diplomatic engagement with the People’s Republic of China

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Quid pro quo—Means “this for that” in Latin. Basically, there must be an exchange of favors. Think when you negotiate with your family and you exchange a week of chores for money. You may be able to convince your parents to let you go to a concert in exchange for finishing your homework.

Limits: The amount of arguments that can be run. This is usually about how many affirmatives are topical under a certain interpretation. If there are many, many affs—think 50—that would make it super hard to be negative. On the other hand, if there were only 2 affs, then that would make it too hard for the aff. When people talk about limits, this is the discussion.

Ground: Which arguments that can be run depending on the interpretation. Basically, which Disadvantages, Counterplans, Kritiks, and Case arguments can you read. If you couldn’t read ANYTHING in the core files against an aff, that would make it challenging to be negative.

1NC Bilateral Investment Treaty Topicality

  1. Economic Engagement is unconditional—The US should do it without waiting on China

Çelik, 2011 Arda Can, Master’s Degree in Politics and International Studies from Uppsala University, Economic Sanctions and Engagement Policies, p. 11
Economic engagement policies are strategic integration behaviour which involves with the target state. Engagement policies differ from other tools in Economic Diplomacy. They target to deepen the economic relations to create economic intersection, interconnectness, and mutual dependence and finally seeks economic interdependence. This interdependence serves the sender stale to change the political behaviour of target stale. However they cannot be counted as carrots or inducement tools, they focus on long term strategic goals and they are not restricted with short term policy changes.(Kahler&Kastner,2006) They can be unconditional and focus on creating greater economic benefits for both parties. Economic engagement targets to seek deeper economic linkages via promoting institutionalized mutual trade thus mentioned interdependence creates two major concepts. Firstly it builds strong trade partnership to avoid possible militarized and non militarized conflicts. Secondly it gives a leeway lo perceive the international political atmosphere from the same and harmonized perspective. Kahler and Kastner define the engagement policies as follows "It is a policy of deliberate expanding economic ties with an adversary in order to change the behaviour of target state and improve bilateral relations ".(p523-abstract). It is an intentional economic strategy that expects bigger benefits such as long term economic gains and more importantly; political gains. The main idea behind the engagement motivation is stated by Rosecrance (1977) in a way that " the direct and positive linkage of interests of stales where a change in the position of one state affects the position of others in the same direction.
  1. Violation: The plan involves negotiations and agreements before the treaty is authorized by the Senate and President

Duke Law, 2005 [10/5, “U.S. Treaties & Agreements - The Process”,]

Outline of the Treaty Making Process

Secretary of State authorizes negotiation. U.S. representatives negotiate. Agree on terms, and upon authorization of Secretary of State, sign treaty. President submits treaty to Senate. Senate Foreign Relations Committee considers treaty and reports to Senate. Senate considers and approves by 2/3 majority. President proclaims entry into force.

  1. Topicality is a voting issue for fairness and education:

  1. Fairness—all of our pre-round preparation is based on the plan text. However, they can’t prove their solvency based on that alone. They need to prove China will agree, how they will agree, and how that affects relations. They get an unfair advantage.

Ground: Our Disadvantages are based on how the US does the plan. If it can change or alter based on China policy that makes it hard to make a link. They also get unpredictable advantages based on how China engages the plan.

2NC/1NR Bilateral Investment Treaty Topicality - AT #1—We Meet

  1. You don’t meet—extend our Celik evidence that economic engagement must be unconditional. The goal must be to change the relationship between the two countries with a one-sided gesture without a certain benefit.

  1. Treaties are Conditional—Extend our Duke evidence. It explains that treaties are negotiated between the two countries before they are sent to the president and signed by the senate. Their Aff would take months of cooperation between the US and China hamming out a quid pro quo deal.

2NC/1NR Bilateral Investment Treaty Topicality AT #2—Counter Interpretation

  1. Extend our Celik evidence. Our interpretation is preferable for debate because of limits, ground, fairness, and education.

  1. There’s a topical version of the Aff—they should just have the us lower trade barriers and increase investment in China. This would increase economic ties and solve war. Also, China would probably lower its trade barriers after the US did it. This would allow us to learn about their Harms - we just argue they should have used a different Plan that’s Topical.

  1. Limits—they allow impossible to predicts Affs because the US-China negotiation process could change the Aff hundreds of ways. The negative list includes hundreds of industries that could be protected. This is totally unpredictable and reason to vote Neg.

  1. They’ve abused us in the debate round because they _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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