Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its economic and/or diplomatic engagement with the People’s Republic of China

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2AC Answers to: China Relations DA

  1. The negative misunderstands the nature of our relations with China. Yes, human rights issues are contentious, but failure to acknowledge these differences will strain relations further

Council on Foreign Relations, September 2016 September 22, “How to Improve U.S.-China Relations”
But if this is the model, then the United States and China are heading in divergent historical directions. A host of new friction points now center around the abridgement of individual rights in China: arrests of human rights lawyers, growing restrictions on civil society activities, new controls on academic freedom, a more heavily censored media, more limited public dialogue, visas denied to foreign press, and domestic journalists and foreign correspondents suffering more burdensome forms of harassment. These trends grow out of differences in our systems of governance and values.Whether we should confront these differences head on or seek some artful way to set them aside so the two countries can get on with other serious issues of common interest is a question we have hardly dared even think about. The elephant is still in the room, and the fact that no one knows quite how to address it lays at the root of our human rights disagreements. These differences often gain such an antagonistic dimension that they not only inhibit our ability to make progress on the rights front, but also undermine the rest of the U.S.-China relationship.
  1. Engagement over human rights issues will not strain relations with Beijing

Moon and Park, 2014 Richard Park, research assistant, Brookings Institute, Katherine H.S., H.S. Moon is the inaugural holder of the SK-Korea Foundation Chair in Korea Studies and senior fellow at the Brookings Center for East Asia Policy Studies,
Bilateral relations were normalized in 1979, and in spite of documented human rights violations, Washington developed a constructive and mutually beneficial relationship with Beijing. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush boldly vetoed Congressional efforts to link the renewal of Most Favored Nation (MFN) status in trade with improvement in China’s human rights situation and nuclear cooperation with Iran. President Bill Clinton pushed to grant permanent MFN status to China, breaking from his campaign promise to link the privileged trade status to China’s human rights record. Finally, in December 2001, President George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress ended the annual review of China’s MFN privilege by granting it permanent MFN status. This same China, which is expected to veto any resolution referring North Korea to the ICC, is now the number two trading partner of the United States (after Canada) and working to cooperate with the U.S. on multiple fronts such as climate change, anti-terror measures, containing Iran, tightening the belt on North Korea, and fighting disease in Africa. Like North Korea, China is openly criticized by the U.S. on its human rights record. Yet, these accusations do not seem to hinder both countries from working together on common goals and improving bilateral relations. The November 17 conference at Brookings will feature experts on China, Taiwan, and Japan (Richard C. Bush III, Alexis Dudden, Steven Goldstein, Jonathan Pollack) who study this complex dynamic between cooperation and tension between the U.S. and China.

2AC Answers to: EU Counterplan

  1. Only the perm solves – The US and EU being on the same page about human rights gives added credibility that neither the Counterplan alone lacks because of current trade disputes between China and Europe

Guangcheng and McMillan-Scott, 2013 Chen; Civil rights activists, Edward; Liberal Democrat MEP for Yorkshire & Humber and vice-president of the European Parliament for Democracy & Human Rights, and Transatlantic Relations, "China: The West Needs to Promote Both Trade and Human Rights ", Huffington Post,, June 14, 2013
The historic meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Obama last week, billed as a chance to improve relations between the two superpowers, revolved largely around sensitive economic issues such as industrial cyber-espionage. Meanwhile, the news that the European Union has just lodged a complaint at the World Trade Organization against China is just the latest development in a rapidly escalating trade dispute. This growing preoccupation with trade threatens to sideline the wider issue of how best to promote human rights and democratic reform in China, a country whose political future is set to determine the course of the 21st century. The Chinese leadership tends to stress its economic achievements in order to justify the continued oppression of its people, pointing to the millions who have been lifted out of poverty through three decades of rapid economic growth. But while it is important to recognize this progress, it in no way excuses the ongoing imprisonment and torture of political dissidents or the complete suppression of freedom of speech. It is completely disingenuous to suggest that China must choose between economic prosperity and political freedom. It can and must have both. A handful of high-profile dissidents, including one of the authors of this piece, have come to embody the voice of Chinese protest in the West. But we are merely the tip of the iceberg. The brutal imposition of the one-child policy, endemic corruption and relentless political repression are all causing widespread anger with the Chinese authorities, from the victims of illegal land grabs to the growing numbers in the educated middle class who find themselves locked out of a decent career through lack of political connections. Whether it is through traditional rural demonstrations or new, modern forms of online protest, the Chinese people are increasingly expressing their frustration with the ruling Communist Party. Their voices cannot be ignored forever. As economic growth begins to slow and China faces up to its momentous social, environmental and demographic problems, calls for political reform will become impossible to ignore. For the West, the question arises of how best to aid this process of reform. Some, both in Europe and the U.S., are demanding a much tougher approach towards China, including the imposition of punitive sanctions and high import tariffs. But this is undeniably motivated more by a desire to protect vested domestic economic interests, rather than as a way to put political pressure on the Chinese government. Crucially, such an approach risks fueling the perception that the voicing of human rights concerns is only used as a means of criticism in order to justify protectionist measures against China. This would play into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, which is keen to portray any Western interference as an attempt to contain China’s growing global economic power. Moreover, putting up greater trade barriers would punish ordinary Chinese citizens and threaten the process of economic engagement that is bringing them into closer contact with the outside world. Finally, indiscriminate China-bashing risks unwittingly bolstering support for the current regime - by stoking the flames of nationalism and provoking resentment towards the West. Instead, a targeted approach is needed which clearly distinguishes between the Chinese people and their government. Last month’s decision by the US government to impose sanctions on 18 individual Russians accused of human rights violations is a good example. Another case in point is Germany, which has seen an explosive growth in trade with China over the last decade but has also taken a robust approach to human rights. Angela Merkel has led the way in trying to defuse the recent trade row between the EU and China. But since coming to power she has also been vocal in criticizing China’s human rights record. This shows that the promotion of trade and human rights need not be mutually exclusive. Close engagement with China over economic issues should be combined with a strong and consistent line on human rights. Last month, we launched a transatlantic pact between the EU and US to highlight individual human rights abuses in China and around the world. We believe that a strong and coordinated approach will prevent China from playing a divide and rule strategy, and that the combined economic and political clout of the EU and U.S. will draw more attention to the plight of political prisoners and help to secure their release. Furthermore, such an approach should amplify the voices of Chinese political activists and civil society groups and embolden their calls for bottom-up political reform. However, such efforts will be undermined if the U.S. and EU member states are perceived to criticize the Chinese government solely for their own self-interested economic reasons. Western governments must also guard against hypocrisy by addressing their own human rights problems. The recent revelations over U.S. online surveillance, as well as longstanding issues such as Guantanamo Bay and drone strikes, all give ammunition to the Chinese regime, which now publishes its own highly critical annual human rights reports on the United States. The failure of Western countries to condemn the human rights abuses of close allies such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain also gives rise to accusations of double standards. Such hypocrisy must be addressed if the West is to be truly credible in its efforts to promote human rights abroad. Ultimately, the Chinese government will not be able to resist the growing internal pressure for political reform. Throughout history, there has been no authoritarian regime which has not eventually crumbled before the inherent human desire for justice and freedom. But by showing solidarity with political dissidents while promoting China’s ongoing integration into the global economy, the U.S. and Europe can strengthen progressive social and political forces and encourage a stable, democratic transition. Combining economic engagement with consistent political pressure over human rights is the best way to promote China’s emergence as a peaceful global power, and ensure that the Chinese people are given the government they deserve.
Human Rights NEGATIVE

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