Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its economic and/or diplomatic engagement with the People’s Republic of China

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2NC/1NR Solvency #3—Talks Fail

They say __________________________________________________, but


  1. Extend our evidence.


It’s much better than their evidence because:



(it’s newer) (the author is more qualified) (it has more facts)

(their evidence is not logical/contradicts itself) (history proves it to be true)

(their evidence has no facts) (Their author is biased) (it takes into account their argument)

( ) (their evidence supports our argument)




and this reason matters because: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Six Party Talks fail and give North Korea time to develop weapons

Buszynski, 2013 [Leszek, Visiting Fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University. “The Six-Party Talks have had their day: time for an expanded dialogue”, August 9,]
The talks made sense when they were first convened in August 2003 to prevent North Korea from developing nuclear weapons. The Hu Jintao government was concerned that the Bush administration would resort to force as it had done in Iraq and Afghanistan. Beijing also feared that the North’s nuclear program would push Japan and South Korea closer to forming an anti-China grouping with the US, and release the constraints preventing Japan from rearming and developing nuclear weapons of its own. This considerations meant that China was willing to work with other parties and assume the pivotal role of a mediator in the talks, while being constrained by its special relationship with the North. As the key player in the talks China ensured the participation of a reluctant North and made it possible for parties to reach the September 2005 agreement (which is still regarded as the basis of a possible solution). But Beijing’s actions also gave North Korea ample opportunity to play upon rivalries and tensions between the US and China, and to string out negotiations indefinitely. During the negotiations, China, Russia and South Korea’s shared concerns about the Bush administration’s forceful approach saw them form an alignment bloc that thwarted America’s insistence on dismantling the North’s nuclear program up front under the Complete, Verifiable and Irreversible Dismantlement approach. North Korea used this time to develop its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs, testing its first nuclear device on 9 October 2006, its second on 25 May 2009 and its third on 12 February 2013. The US lost faith in the Six-Party Talks and doubted China’s willingness to press the North over the issue. The Americans were eventually obliged to move to bilateral talks with North Korea in the Berlin Talks of January 2007. But by that time the North had already tested its first nuclear device and demanded to be treated as a nuclear power. The US would not recognise the North’s nuclear status so Pyongyang finally withdrew from the talks in April 2009. During this process, China’s and Russia’s actions encouraged the North in its provocations. When Beijing and Moscow watered down UN Security Council resolutions which were intended to condemn the North’s nuclear and ballistic missile tests, the North understood that it could resort to ballistic missile and nuclear tests without losing China’s support. As China began to take a harder line against the US and its territorial disputes with Japan in the South China Sea North Korea became more important to it as an ally. Beijing lost its position as mediator in the talks as it reassessed the North’s importance as an ally against America’s alliances with Japan and South Korea and its military deployments in Northeast Asia. China has often called for a revival of the Six-Party Talks and regularly pressed the North into agreement. But little progress can be expected if the Six-Party Talks are re-convened. China would line up again with North Korea and Russia, creating an alignment against the US, South Korea and Japan. China would feign anger against North Korea for the purpose of persuading the Americans that it would support it in the negotiations but it would still attempt to obtain their tolerance of North Korea’s nuclear status, if only to promote a long-term solution to the issue. A Chinese solution would demand long term economic support to encourage the regime to reform and open up, a risky approach to nuclear non-proliferation because it would also suspend pressure upon the North to surrender its nuclear weapons program.

Currency Manipulation AFFIRMATIVE


Currency Manipulation: This is when the government, in this case China, buys or sells their currency to influence the value. For example, China can reduce the value of the Yuan Renminbi to draw more companies to their country, make goods cheaper, etc. Essentially, China is controlling the value of their money and that is not a free-market approach where companies trade, but government manipulation.

macintosh hd:users:s27:desktop:how china controls.png

macintosh hd:users:s27:desktop:download.png

Inflation: when money comes to be worth less than it did before. This naturally happens slowly in the global economy. It can be a serious problem when it happens quickly because individuals’ money loses buying power. For example, a dollar would buy much more fifty years ago than it does today.

World Trade Organization (WTO): An organization with many countries represented whose goal is to promote free and fair trade rules. They want to increase cooperation and trade between nations. However, they may do so through being a middle person between countries who have unfair trade rules.

Trade Deficit: When imports are larger than exports. Basically, the US has a large trade deficit with China because we buy much more from them than they do from us which means there is a deficit in our trade with them.

macintosh hd:users:s27:desktop:images.jpegmacintosh hd:users:s27:desktop:china_trade_deficit-constant_2015_dollars.jpg

Xi Jinping (She jin-PING): General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the President of the People's Republic of China, and the Chairman of China's Central Military Commission. He’s like Obama, but even more powerful since China does not have the same political structure as the US. Essentially, he’s the president of China.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): value of all goods and services made in a particular country, usually counted yearly. This is a good indicator of how well an economy is doing—the higher the GDP the better.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): When a foreign company owns a business in another country. It also includes general investment from one country to another. For example, US companies invest and own companies in China.

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