Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its economic and/or diplomatic engagement with the People’s Republic of China

AC Affirmative Answers to Pressure Counterplan

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2AC Affirmative Answers to Pressure Counterplan

2AC- Pressure CP- Human Rights Affirmative

  1. Permutation: do both- The U.S. must sustain dialogue with China in order to be credible- This means the CP cannot solve. Additionally, dialogue with China gives us global credibility, which resolves the hegemony link on the net benefit.

Lum, 2011 Thomas, Specialist in Asian Affairs, July 18 “Human Rights in China and U.S. Policy”
The U.S.-China human rights dialogue was established in 1990. It is one of eight government-to- government dialogues between China and other countries on human rights. Beijing formally suspended the process in 2004 after the Bush Administration sponsored an unsuccessful U.N. resolution criticizing China’s human rights record. The talks were resumed in May 2008, the first round in six years. The Obama Administration has participated in two rounds, the fourteenth round held in May 2010 in Washington and the fifteenth round in May 2011 in Beijing. Both were co-chaired by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Michael Posner and PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of International Organizations Director General Chen Xu. In the 2010 meetings, topics included Chinese political prisoners, freedom of religion and expression, labor rights, the rule of law, and conditions in Tibet and Xinjiang. The Chinese delegation also visited the U.S. Supreme Court and were briefed on ways in which human rights issues are handled in the United States. During the 2011 talks, Assistant Secretary Posner raised the Obama Administration’s deep concerns about the PRC crackdown on rights defenders and government critics. Discussions of China’s “backsliding” on human rights reportedly dominated the talks, which the U.S. side described as “tough” and Chinese officials portrayed as “frank and thorough.” Posner characterized the dialogue process,however, as a forum for candid discussion, not negotiation. Although no breakthroughs or concrete outcomes were reported during the latest rounds, Administration officials have continued to perceive the dialogue as an important means by which to emphasize and reiterate U.S. positions on human rights issues. They have suggested that, given the deep disagreements on human rights and other contentious issues, the holding of the dialogue and the agreement to continue them represent positive steps. Furthermore, some observers have contended, the absence of the dialogue would undermine other U.S. efforts to promote human rights in China.

  1. China will not compromise on human rights with a hardline stance. Engagement such as the affirmative’s is critical to solve our advantages

The Atlantic, 2013 June 13, “Can the U.S. Help Advance Human Rights in China?”
Second, the U.S. government needs to be consistent in the way it raises its concerns on human rights, and not be shy to use vocal diplomacy when private diplomacy yields no result. Too often, the U.S. is sending conflicting messages, one day stressing its attachment to universal human rights norms, and the next stating that the U.S. and China "agree to disagree" on a range of issues, including human rights. This undermines the universality of human rights. Third, the U.S. must mainstream human rights perspectives across the full spectrum of its engagement with China. The compartmentalization of human rights as a minor rubric of diplomacy is bound to fail, because the Chinese side knows human rights have no bearings on other aspects of the bilateral relationship. The business environment for U.S. companies operating in China is directly linked to issues intimately connected to human rights, such as the elastic character of China's state secrecy laws or the introduction of provisions in the criminal law that allows for secret detention by the police. Fourth, the U.S. must forge partnerships and coordinate more effectively with other rights-respecting countries in their effort to press China on specific issues and cases. There has been very little said by any head of state about the fact that China is the only country in the world that holds a Nobel Peace Laureate in prison (while his wife is imprisoned at her home outside of any legal procedure.) Finally, the U.S. must be ready to take steps when the situation demands it. For instance, given China's absolute refusal to engage on any issue related to the situation in Tibetan areas, the U.S. must be ready to upgrade its contacts with the Dalai Lama, and encourage other countries to do so. The Democracy ReportThe United States does more to raise human rights issues with China than any other country, but it often conveys the implicit message that it does so out of moral convictions, not out of well-understood national interest and concern for human rights globally, and that greatly diminishes the effectiveness of such statements.

  1. Pressure doesn’t solve and will lead to domestic instability in China.

Deng, 2000 (Yong, professor in the Department of Political Science at the United States Naval Academy, In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World, p. 98-99)
The concluding section highlights the implications of this discussion for Sino-American relations. Given the views held by ordinary Chinese and the current relationship between the government and society, human rights has become largely a foreign policy issue for a majority of Chinese. Human rights in China will remain an issue in the United States due to American political traditions and domestic politics, a fact of life acknowledged and increasingly understood by China. But if the U.S. government goes beyond a baseline of just speaking up about human rights issues and instead imposes severe pressure on China over human rights or makes explicit linkage with other issues, such policies now find an unresponsive Chinese audience and invite nationalist reactions. An interventionist policy works only when the society of the target nation seeks and appreciates such intervention. But there does not exist a broad support base in China at this historical moment for U.S. human rights intervention and pressure.

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