E.3.1.Access Event Subgroup
Components wishing to receive notification of account-related events must register as AccessEventListeners. While it is assumed that a Package will implement the AccessEventListener interface, this is not a requirement of the API
Informs a registered listener of a change in content availability status, the completion of a user initiated request, or both. Changes to content availability may be due to a request from the consumer (e.g., a purchase) or may result from some event or action not initiated by the consumer (e.g., expiration of a rental period). If the change is derived from a consumer initiated request, any requestId provided when the acquire() method was invoked will be included in the event notification.
Any event notification associated with a request made via the acquire() method will also indicate the completion status of the request. In these cases the requestStatus field will be an integer value equal to one of the StatusDescriptor CODE_OP_xxxx values (see Section D.4.1).
eventNotification(String contentId, int[] eventCode, String requestId, int requestStatus)
contentId: the retailer’s content identifier
eventCode: the set of all applicable availability codes.
requestId: identifier associated with the request that resulted in the change to availability status (optional)
requestStatus: integer value equal to one of the CODE_OP_xxxx values (optional)
Returns: none
ECMAScript Example
Annex F. Account Access API Group
Account Access allows a package to access account properties, such as screen name, preferences and favorites as appropriate. It also provides the means to determine if the user is signed in. If appropriate, it can be used by the package to indicate that the user needs to sign in or sign out. The sign-in/sign-out procedures, like all other aspects of account management, are a retailer-specific process and are therefore handled by the framework.
Functionality to be implemented by the Framework is divided into the following subgroups:
Subgroup Summary
Methods to sign in or out and to access consumer preferences
Account Event
Interface to receive notification of account-related events
A Package will only implement the Account Event subgroup.
F.1.Framework Interface F.1.1.Basic Subgroup
The role of the Framework instance is primarily to provide the package with access to user account data.
Method Summary
Opens the retailer’s sign-in UI.
Initiates the retailer’s sign-out process.
Indicates if consumer is currently signed in.
Request for information regarding the properties of a signed-in consumer.
Request for information regarding the user interface preferences of a signed-in consumer.
Opens the retailer’s sign-in UI. The specifics by which the consumer establishes their identity is up to the retailer. The sign-in process should be handled synchronously. Thus upon the completion of this method the returned StatusDescriptor will indicate the success or failure. No asynchronous event notification is associated with the sign-in process.
Parameters: none
StatusDescriptor instance
ECMAScript Example
Initiates the retailer’s sign-out process. An asynchronous event notification (ACCNT_SIGNED_OUT.) is associated with the sign-out process. This is due to the possibility of the consumer being signed out either by user request or by software initiative (e.g., session timed-out due to inactivity). Since sign-out may potentially not have involved invocation of the signOut() method, the event is always signaled to ensure consistent behavior on the part of a package.
Parameters: none
StatusDescriptor instance
Indicates if consumer is currently signed in.
Parameters: none
true if consumer is currently signed in
ECMAScript Example
F.1.1.4.getAccountProperties ()
Request for information regarding the properties of a signed-in consumer (i.e., screen name, age, avatar, etc.). Properties are specified in terms of key-value pairs (KVP). The available properties are specific to each retailer. Account properties are, for a package, immutable and read-only. That is to say, only the retailer’s framework may include or modify the account properties.
Parameters: none
KVP array
Request for information regarding the user interface preferences of a signed-in consumer (i.e., layout format, language, font size). Properties are specified in terms of key-value pairs (KVP). The available properties may be specific to each retailer’s framework. Unlike the AccountProperties, the preferences are mutable.
Parameters: none
KVP array
ECMAScript Example
F.1.2.Account Event Subgroup F.1.2.1.addListener()
Adds the listener to the listener list. The listener is registered for all event notifications associated with this interface.
addListener(AccountEventListener listener)
true if the listener was added successfully
ECMAScript Example
Removes the listener from the listener list. This removes an AccountEventListener that was previously registered for all event notifications.
removeListener(AccountEventListener listener)
Returns: none
ECMAScript Example
true if the listener was successfully removed
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