Ensure that there is provision for all members of the community to health facilities ranging from hospitals down to locally based community health facilities (RSS Policy L1) (Choosing Health: making healthier choices easier, para 34)
Increase accessibility (both in terms of location and physical access) for all members of the community to health and community facilities. (PPS1, para 16)(PPG13 para.39)(Health Inequalities in Salford- a local strategy for action, p48 and p.50)
The retention of existing health and community facilities will be encouraged. The re-use or redevelopment of health and community facilities will only be granted when a clear lack of demand for such a facility has been proven, or where appropriate alternative provision can be made. (Salford City Council UDP, Policy EHC4)
Increase the number of facilities available to treat drug & alcohol misuse across the city. (Salford Community Safety Strategy, 2005-2008, p13)
Reduce the rate of hospital admissions per 100,00 for alcohol related harm from 2,349 (2006/07) to 3,993 (2010/11).
Improve drug services and treatment - increase the numbers, and retention, of problem drug users in treatment, decrease waiting times, enhance interventions around blood borne viruses and develop care planning and case review systems (Salford Drug and Alcohol Action Team Strategy 2005-2008 p4-5)
Reduce alcohol related harm in multiple arenas & enhance alcohol treatment services. (Salford Drug and Alcohol Awareness Action Team, p10)
Those involved with campus sites, including hospitals and universities should ensure different parts of the site are linked by appropriate walking and cycling routes (NICE Public Health Guidance 8 p9)
Proposals and schemes for all major development and regeneration schemes, especially for housing, employment or mixed uses should incorporate appropriate health, education and training provision from the outset. (RSS Policy L1)
Ensure Health Impact Assessments are carried out on Housing Market Renewal Schemes (Health Inequalities in Salford.- a local strategy for action, p 46)
Ensure that planners fully play their part both in the green space agenda but also in the creative use of planning regulations to limit the health impacts of new applications e.g. the proliferation of fast food outlets (Salford Healthy Weight Strategy p31)
The Government will promote powers open to local authorities and PCT’s to highlight the impact they can have on promoting healthy weight, for instance through managing the proliferation of fast food outlets, particularly in proximity to parks and schools (Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives p18)
Require contributions to deliver health facilities and health-promoting infrastructure, through a collaborative process with PCT’s, and health promoting infrastructure such as accessible open spaces, cycle route networks and sport facilities (Prevention is still better than cure p7).
PROMOTING HEALTHY LIVING (Also see Recreation/ Open Space/ Green Infrastructure, Transport, and Retail and Town Centres)
Those responsible for all strategies policies and plans involving changes to the physical environment should:
Involve all local communities and experts at all stages of development to ensure the potential for physical activity is maximised;
Ensure planning applications always prioritise the need for people to be physically active as a routine of their daily life;
Assess in advance what impact the proposals are likely to have on physical activity levels (NICE Public Health Guidance 8 p6)
Increase availability, accessibility and affordability to nutritious and appropriate food. (Health Inequalities in Salford- a local strategy for action, p48,) (A Sustainable Europe for a Better World. A European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development, p11)(Facing the Future p.50)(Salford Healthy Weight Strategy p.7)
Support the promotion of health and well-being by making provision for physical activity (PPS 1, para 16)
Make active ageing the norm rather than the exception, for example by building more Lifetime Homes, protecting green spaces and launching physical activity initiatives. Protect and promote community ownership of green spaces and improve access to land so that people can grow their own food (Healthy Lives Healthy People para 11(e)).
Raise the level of physical activity in the Salford population across all age ranges (Salford Healthy Weight Strategy p7)
Make active travel methods the preferred choice for short and medium journeys (Salford Healthy Weight Strategy p7)
4NW (2009) The North West Regional Housing Strategy
Commission of the European Communities, 2001, A Sustainable Europe for a Better World. A European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development,
Department of Health, November 2004, Choosing Health, making healthier choices easier.
DCLG (2008) Improving Public Access to Better Quality Toilets – A Strategic Guide
GONW, 2008, North West of England Plan: Regional Spatial Strategy
HM Government (2008) Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: A Cross-Government Strategy for England
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2008) Promoting and Creating Built or Natural Environments that Encourage and Support Physical Activity (NICE Public Health Guidance 8)