Review of the literature

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Table 7.2: Summary information for each sub-topic

Sampling Design

Response Design


Assessment of applicability in developing countries

Sampling designs should achieve cost-efficiency criteria.

The reliability of the reference data sets should be assessed.

Recommendations on the methods proposed in the literature

The sampling design identifies the protocol for selecting locations at which the reference data are obtained. Probability sampling designs show advantages over non-probability sampling designs, in terms of statistical rigor of inference.

The response design refers to the protocol by which the reference classification for the sample units is determined. The reference classification should be able to ensure a direct comparison with the classification depicted in the land cover/land use map to be assessed.

The analysis protocol consists of constructing estimators for accuracy metrics at map-level and category-level. Accuracy metrics have been mainly derived for hard classifications, relying on the use of confusion matrices. The inclusion probabilities, which define the sampling design that has been used, need to be included in the accuracy measure estimates.

Outline of the research gaps and recommendations on areas for further research

Since reference data might serve to different accuracy analysis, more efforts should be directed to the definition of sampling designs amenable to multiple uses, which achieve both precision and cost efficiency criteria.

A protocol for the accuracy assessment of the response design should be developed.

The accuracy assessment for soft classifications need to be further investigated.

8. Conclusions and outline of gaps
The purpose of this Report was to summarize some topics concerning the use of remotely sensed data for agriculture statistics. Very recently, satellite and/or aerial remote sensing technology, in combination with in-situ observations, has been and will continue to be a very important factor in the improvement of the present systems of acquiring agricultural data. Remote sensing has been increasingly considered for developing standardized, faster, and possibly cheaper methodologies for agricultural statistics. Many countries have Remote sensing programs providing to official agricultural statistics programs including the EU countries, China, India, and some countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America.

Remote sensing techniques can represent an appropriate support for particular problems in agricultural survey as, for example: reliability of data, incomplete sample frame and small sample size, methods of units’ selection, measurement of area, non sampling errors, gap in geographical coverage, and non availability of statistics at disaggregated level.

In this report we have followed a scheme in 6 topics for which, at the end, a summary table was enclosed to summarize the main research issues and their characteristics in terms of applicability, recommendations and gaps to be filled.

Hereafter, we summarize topics requiring further methodological development:

A - Methods for using remote sensing data at the design level

  1. Sample selection with probability proportional to the size when a size measure is multivariate.

These methods are particularly useful in list frames (farms or household) that are quite rare in developing countries, however their applicability can be extended also to polygons frames (regular or irregular).

ps designs are known to be not robust for outliers. A single probability too high may change reasonably the estimates.

A method is needed to evaluate the inclusion probabilities as a linear combination of multivariate set of auxiliaries which should represent an advance with respect to the maximal Brewer selection used by USDA.

  1. Optimal stratification with multivariate continuous auxiliary variables

These methods are particularly useful in list frames (farms or household) that are quite rare in developing countries, however their applicability can be extended also to point and polygons frames (regular or irregular).

The literature is mainly univariate while X is usually multivariate.

Develop an algorithm to optimally stratify with irregularly shaped strata.

  1. Models linking survey variables with some auxiliary variables to design the sample (sample size, sample allocation etc). As often happens when a data modeling is suggested these models should be tuned for each single application and are difficult to be generalized.

Develop the theory of anticipated moments for “zero inflated” models (some zeros in the data that alter the estimated parameters), estimation and test on remotely sensed data.
B1 - Extension of the regression or calibration estimators

  1. Models for space varying coefficients.

Model allowing the coefficients to vary as smooth functions of the geographic coordinates. Methods for the identification of local stationarity zones, i.e. post strata. These could increase a lot the efficiency of the

A method is needed to identify the best partition and the estimation and test of models on remotely sensed data.

D1 - Comparison of regression and calibration estimators with small area estimators

  1. Missing values in the auxiliary variable

Multiple imputation methods in order to reflect the uncertainty due to the imputed values.

Test of the behavior of the small-area predictors under a different model used to impute the data.

B2 - Extension of the regression or calibration estimators

  1. Non-response.

Missing value in the auxiliary vector. Variance estimation in the presence of imputed data.
C - Robustness of the estimators adopted for producing agricultural and rural statistics

  1. Direct Estimation

Sample design, which allows for increasing the sample size in small areas allowing for direct estimates could be developed (linked to point A3).

  1. Model-based Small Area Estimation

Most of the proposed benchmarking approaches only adjust for the overall bias irrespective of the bias at the small area level. Further investigations on the benchmarking procedures could be developed.
D2 - Comparison of regression and calibration estimators with small area estimators

  1. Models for not Gaussian data

Use of non-parametric methods incorporating spatial information into the M-quantile approach.
E - Statistical methods for quality assessment of land use/land cover databases

  1. Sampling Design – linked to A3

Since reference data might serve to different accuracy analysis, more efforts should be directed to the definition of sampling designs amenable to multiple uses, which achieve both precision and cost efficiency criteria.

  1. Response Design

A protocol for the accuracy assessment of the response design should be developed.

  1. Analysis

The accuracy assessment for soft classifications needs to be further investigated.
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