3.4.1. Development and Use of GIS for Natural Conditions and Anthropogenic Impact The characterization of ecological risk is inherently geographic in nature. The location, extent, and distribution of ecological resources, potential stressors, and their interactions across the landscape is critical to the basic characterization of the landscape and to the overall risk assessment process. Because of this, GIS technology is being used to provide the tools for the storage, retrieval, display, and some of the analysis of spatial information about the risks posed by oil and gas development in the arctic landscape. In GIS development, a central theme is the creation of multiple layers of cartographic data. Each layer usually has a unique theme that represents some aspect of the landscape. The collection of GIS data layers characterizes both the natural landscape (soils, vegetation, lakes, topography, rivers, geology, etc.) and manmade activities (roads, pipelines, powerlines, buildings, etc.). This collection of data layers provides the information necessary to begin the process of determining the impact of anthropogenic activities on natural resources, and this is the essence of the risk assessment process.
20 Figure 1
21 3.4.2. Determination of Major Problems of Interaction Between the Environment andShare with your friends: |