Sbsp affirmative- arl lab- ndi 2011

Ext- Radar key to capabilities

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Ext- Radar key to capabilities

Radar jammers cripple US capability

Easton 9 (Ian, senior fellow for the Project 2049 Institute, a research institute studying military outer space programs, “The Great Game in Space: China’s Evolving ASAT Weapons Programs and Their Implications for Future U.S. Strategy,” Jun 19, 2009. )

China has also been developing (and in some cases fielding) cyber warfare units to hack into space control systems; co-orbital ASAT systems to covertly disable enemy satellites; radiofrequency weapons to jam satellite signals; and high-powered microwave weapons to destroy satellites from Earth. Some of these systems have been in development for over a decade, and the cyber warfare and laser programs are particularly mature. 25 In terms of co-orbital ASAT development, China’s recent BX-1 micro-satellite test, which was carried out as a part of the manned Shenzhou-7 mission, demonstrated technology that can be used as a base for future covert satellite inspection missions, as well as co-orbital ASAT attacks. The BX-1 test was particularly notable for the fact that it pasted within 25 km of the International Space Station (ISS) in what may have been a simulated attack run. 26 In the near future, it is possible that China could use this technology to launch co-orbital, micro-satellite ASAT weapons from its Xichang Satellite Launch Center (or Base 27) to attack U.S. national security satellites in GEO. Looking longer term, such weapons could potentially be launched using road-mobile launchers as well. The summation of this broad and assertive Chinese ASAT weapons program is a clear challenge to U.S. space operations, and by way thereof, nearly all modern U.S. war fighting capabilities. This fact has not gone unnoticed, especially in the Pacific theater of operations, where the U.S. is especially reliant upon its space assets.

Ext- SBSP solves ASATs

SPS solve satellite reconstitution

Ramos 2k (Kim, USAF Major and professor at the Air Command and Staff College Air University, “Solar Power Constellations Implications for the US Air Force.” April 2000. )
In addition to terrestrial applications, solar power satellites are an enabler for space assets. The ability to rapidly reconstitute space assets is enabled by solar power satellites. With a solar power satellite on orbit, satellites launched without internal power production capabilities would be smaller and easier to launch. Small satellites are gaining popularity in an age of decreasing budgets and increasing demands for information provided from space. Solar power satellites are an enabler here also. A few solar power satellites may power a constellation of small satellites. To achieve smaller satellites, eliminate individual power production capabilities, this would then require the small satellites to receive power on orbit from a solar power satellite. To increase survivability of a satellite, new methods to increase its maneuverability are under study. Solar power satellites coupled with electric propulsion enable satellites to achieve maneuverability without decreasing operational life span.

SBSP key to UAVs

Beaming solves - expands payload and flight time

Naval Research Laboratory 9 (a US military scientific research institute, “Space-based Solar Power: Possible Defense Applications and Opportunities for NRL Contributions,” 10/23/09. )

Current long-duration solar-powered UAV systems, while demonstrated to be feasible, are payload limited because a significant fraction of total vehicle mass must be dedicated to energy storage, usually in the form of batteries. Those batteries are essential to provide power during nighttime flight as well as to augment available solar power when the aircraft flies in attitudes or circumstances not favorable to solar energy collection. While significant advances in lightweight battery technology have been made in recent years, energy storage still comprises anywhere from 20% to 50% of total vehicle mass in flight-proven UAVs. Significant augmentation of overall UAV system capabilities is possible if a large fraction of that battery mass can be made available to the payload. SBSP, provided in concert with local insolation at the UAV, can result in far less battery mass being required on the aircraft. In addition to providing additional power during daylight operations, a network of SBSP satellites can provide nearly continuous power to the UAV during local night. In fact, at typical UAV cruise power requirements of 75 to 100 W and typical wing areas of 1.2 to 2 m 2 , all the flight power for the bird could conceivably be provided by RF or light transmission from SBSP without exceeding the 100 W/m 2 controlled area limit of exposure currently accepted as human-safe.

SBSP allows for unlimited UAV flight time – direct beaming

Ramos 2k (Kim, USAF Major and professor at the Air Command and Staff College Air University, “Solar Power Constellations Implications for the US Air Force.” April 2000. )

One of the requirements for these vehicles is that they must have long endurance, 7 which currently is not possible. Using a microwave beam for powered flight and to power on-board instrumentation increases the endurance of the vehicle. Theoretically, by powering the craft with a beam it would possess unlimited endurance. 8 The power transmitted to the unmanned vehicle could come from a solar power satellite in space or from a ground station. These vehicles would be part of a war fighting commander-in-chief’s arsenal. Unmanned aerial vehicles with various detection modules would serve as near earth satellites for regional coverage of events. This is especially important in areas where satellites are not available for coverage, the revisit time of a satellite is too long, or due to limited assets, sharing of satellite time takes place.

UAVs key for informational superiority – only way to ensure success in regional conflict

Ramos 2k (Kim, USAF Major and professor at the Air Command and Staff College Air University, “Solar Power Constellations Implications for the US Air Force.” April 2000. )

Unmanned aerial vehicles help achieve information superiority. Both joint and Air Force service visions define information superiority as vital. Joint Vision 2010 calls information superiority a technological innovation to enable dominant maneuver, precision engagement, focused logistics, and full-dimensional protection. It defines information superiority as “the capability to collect, process, and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or denying an adversary’s ability to do the same.” Global Engagement: A Vision for the 21 Century Air Force expresses the Air Force’s vision for the future and defines its core competencies. One of the Air Force Core Competencies it describes is information superiority. It goes on to endorse the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to “explore their potential uses over a full range of combat missions ” 4 to achieve information superiority. Supported by the highest levels of the Department of Defense, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to achieve information superiority in regional conflicts is increasing. High altitude and long endurance vehicles are in development for monitoring the atmosphere, environmental impact studies, and more important to the Air Force, for communications relays, surveillance, and missile defense. 5 Other military uses for such vehicles are reconnaissance, targeting, target designation, and battle damage assessment. 6

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