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Semester: 8




Academic staff














[D] Placement








Project placement

Sprancmanis Nikolajs






[E] Final / State examination








Diploma Project /Thesis















Appendix 8
Course descriptions for the professional bachelor study programme “Business Logistics”

1. Vispārizglītojošie studiju kursi
DMS102 Mathematics

4.0 kr.( 2.0- 2.0- 0.0-) E;

Buiķis Māris Prof.; Doktors

Scalar and vectorial product. Plane analytic geometry. Functions. Limits. Derivative and its applications. The indefinite and definite integral. First order differential equations. Functions in several variables, partial derivatives.


1.E.Kronbergs, Dz.Bože, V.Rivža Augstākā matemātika. 1.2.daļas, Zvaigzne,1988.

2. K.Šteinerts, B.Siliņa. Augstākā matemātika. , Zvaigzne, ABC, 1997.g.

3. Dz.Bože, L.Biezā, B.Siliņa, A.Strence. Uzdevumu krājums augstākajā matemātikā, Zvaigzne, 1986.

4. Revina I., Peļņa M., Bāliņa S. Uzdevumu krājums matemātikā ekonomistiem. R: Zvaigzne ABC, 1997.g.
IĀS205 Statistics

3.0 kr. (2.0- 1.0- 0.0) I;

Orlovska Ausma Docents; Doktors

Formation of statistical information from separate businesses tonational economy as a whole is reviewed. Economical contents of statistical indices. Methods of information analysis of production costs, capital, finances and business.


1. A.Orlovska, ”Statistika”, RTU, 2004.

2. Valsts statistikas likums // LR Saeimas un Ministru kabineta ziņotājs, 1997. – Nr.24. – 5.-10. lpp.

3. Goša Z. Statistika. Mācību grāmata, Rīga, SIA “Jumis”, 2003. – 333 lpp.

4. Krastiņš O., Ciemiņa I. Statistika, Rīga, LR CSP, 2003 – 267 lpp.
IĀS215 Quantitative Methods for Economics

3.0 kr. (2.0- 0.0- 1.0) E;

Počs Remigijs Profesors; Hab.doktors

Economic and mathematical methods and models and decision making process. Forecasting methods by using time series. Models for examining economic relationships. Models of linear programming. Simulation. Elements of the time series theory.


1. R.Počs ”Kvantitatīvās metodes ekonomikā un vadīšanā”, Mācību līdzeklis, Rīga 2003.g.

2. Druvvaldis Kļaviņš. Lineārā programmēšana. I. Mācību līdzeklis. Latvijas Universitāte. Rīga, 1997.

3. Ludmila Frolova. Ekonomisko procesu matemātiskā modelēšana. Rīga, Biznesa augstskola Turība, 1999.

4. T.Lucey. "Quantitative Techniques". London, 5th ed, 1996.
HPS120 Basics of Communication

2.0 kr. (1.0- 1.0- 0.0) I;

Gudzuka Sandra Doc.(Prakt.)

Terminology and nature of communication. Verbal and nonverbal aspects. Interpersonal relationship in a group. Principles of human cooperation. Ethical regulation of human relationships. Influence of cultural norms. Conflict management. Communication style and behaviour etiquette at university. Nature of communicative competence.


1. Omarova S. Cilvēks dzīvo grupā. R., 1995

2. Veics V. Uzvedības kultūra saskarsmē. R., 2000.
ICA105 Civil Defence

1.0 kr. (0.5- 0.0- 0.5) I;

Jemeļjanovs Anatolijs Profesors Hab.doktors

The civil defence as a state system, its tasks, legal foundation. Requirements for this system. Estimationof economic losses for enterprisesin case of ES, measures for losses preventing and reducing. Organization and realization of rescue and other urgent worus in case of ES.


1. Ugunsdrošības un ugunsdzēsības likums (24.10.2002., grozījumi 19.12.2002.)

2. A.Jemeļjanovs, V.Jemeļjanovs, Ē.Pālītis. Civilās aizsardzības pasākumu plāns. Laboratorijas (praktiskais) darbs. Rīga, RTU, 2000. - 35 lpp.

3. A.Jemeļjanovs, V.Šķepasts. Civilās aizsardzības pamati. Lekciju konspekts. Rīga, RTU, 1996. - 200 lpp.

4. A.Jemeļjanovs, A.Laškovs. Iedzīvotāju un apkārtējās vides drošības nodrošināšana tehnogēna rakstura un dabas parādību izraisītajās ekstremālajās situācijās. Rīga, RTU, 1997. - 104 lpp.

5. A.Jemeļjanovs, V.Šķepasts. Glābšanas un citu neatliekamu darbu organizēšana un veikšana uzņēmumos ārkārtējo situāciju gadījumos. Rīga, RTU, 1996. - 23 lpp.

IUE221 Introduction into Specialisation

1.0 kr. (1.0- 0.0- 0.0) I;

Didenko Konstantīns Profesors; Doktors

Entrepreneurship and its role in the development of Latvian national economy. Organization of international economic relations and fundamentals of the operation of customs. Overview of the economy of the state, its structure and development from the perspective of economists' education and employment.


1. Ievads studiju nozarē. "Ekonomika": un "Uzņēmējdarbības un vadīšana". Mācību līdzeklis. - Rīga: RTU, 2002. - 106 lpp.

2. Geidžs N.L. Berliners D.C. Pedagoģiskā psiholoģija. - R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999. - 663 lpp.

3. Opolcere U. Mācīties - tas ir lieliski! - R.: Alberts XII, 2000. - 189 lpp.

4. Smits E. Paātrinātā mācīšanās klasē. - R.: Pētergailis, 2000. - 111 lpp.

5. Ziņojums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību. Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija. - R.: 2002

6. Latvijas statistikas gadagrāmata. - R.: 2002.

7. Curzon L.B. Teaching in Further Education. - London, 1997. - 450 p.

HFA101 Sport Activity

0.0 kr.( 0.0- 4.0- 0.0 ) II

  1. 0.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0- 0.0) I

  2. 0.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0- 0.0) I

  3. 0.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0- 0.0) I

  4. 0.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0- 0.0) I

Muižnieks Jānis Docents Doktors

Swimming.Rhythmics.Weight-lifting. Sports Games. General Physical Training.

2. Nozares teorētiskie pamatkursi un informācijas tehnoloģijas kursi
IUE218 Mathematics for Economists

4.0 kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 2.0-) E;

Jansons Vladimirs, Docents, Doktors

Partial derivatives and elasticities for several argument functions. Substitution rate and elasticity. Optimization problems and applications in economics. Elements of probability theory:algebra of events,discrete and continuous random variables. Normal,exponential and Poisson'sdistributions. Elements of mathematical statistics.


1. V.Jansons, V.Jurēnoks. Ekonomiskā modelēšana. - Rīga, RTU, 2005. - 220 lpp.

2. Lawrence L. Lapin. Statistics for Modern Business Decisions. The Dryden press. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1993. - 1265 p.
IUE218 Computers (basic course)

3.0 kr. (1.0- 0.0- 2.0) E;

Jansons Vladimirs Docents Doktors

scheme of an algorithm. Use of algorithms in problem solving. Program MathCad. Mathematical calculations - statistical processing of data. Approximation, assessment of errors, forecast, optimization. Resolution of problems by applying MathCad. Presentation of the laboratory work by using Powerpoint.


1. Datormācība ekonomistiem. Mācību līdzeklis / V.Jansons. - Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2004. - 1. grāmata.

2. Datormācība ekonomistiem. Mācību līdzeklis / V.Jansons. - Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2004. - 2. grāmata.

3. V.Jansons. Datormācība ekonomistiem - MCAD 2001 piemēros, 2003. Elektroniskajā veidā 2005 (līdzautors: K.Kozlovskis).

4. N. Lāce, V. Jansons., K. Kozlovskis. Finansu aprēķinu modelēšana Excel vidē. I daļa 2002. 158 lpp.

5. N. Lāce, V. Jansons., K. Kozlovskis. Finansu aprēķinu modelēšana Excel vidē. II daļa 2004. 172 lpp.

6. V. Jansons, K. Kozlovskis. Ekonomiskā prognozēšana. Mācību līdzeklis. 2002. 80 lpp.

7. V. Jansons, K. Kozlovskis. Ekonomiskā prognozēšana. Mācību līdzeklis. 2004. 224 lpp.

IET102 Microeconomics

3.0 kr. (2.0- 1.0- 0.0) E;

Nešpors Viktors Profesors Doktors

Supply.Elasticity. Utility and demand. Consumer equilibrium. Comparison of prospective and current value.Discounting. Production, productivity,costs.Maximization of profits of a firm in the conditions of perfect competition, monopoly, monopoly competition and oligopoly. Market of production factors. Theory of social choice.


1. Nešpors V. Ievads mikroekonomikas teorijā.-R.:Kamene 2003.

2. Nešpors V. Mikroekonomika.-R.:Kamene.2001.

3. Škapars R. Mikroekonomika.-R:LU.2001.

IET111 Macroeconomics

3.0 kr. (2.0- 1.0- 0.0) E;

Saulītis Juris Profesors Doktors

Gross domestic product, estimate of GDP. Normal un real GDP. Actual and prospective GDP. Aggregate demand and supply. Macroeconomic equilibrium, methods for reaching equilibrium.Macroeconomic disbalance, forms of manifestation.Inflation and unemployment.Money and banks. Fiscal and monetary policy.International economic relations, forms.


1. V.Bikse.makroekonomika.R.2003.

2. J.Saulītis, M.Šenfelde.Ievads makroekonomikā.R.RTU.2004.

3. Dz.E.Stiglics, Dz.Drifils.Makroekonomika.-R.1994.

ITE326 Transport and Organization of Transportation

4.0 kr.( 4.0-0.0- 0.0 ) E;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs, Profesors, Hab.Doktors

Types of goods dealt with in the transportation business. Sea transport. Air transport. Rail transport. Freight transportation. Courier services. Mail. Pipelines. Specifics of passenger transport. Multi-modal and combined transport. Advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transport.


1. English for International Trade”, Francis Radice, Nelson, 1982, 112

2. M.Birze, M.Reinholds „Transporta pārvadājumu ekonomiskā attīstība, organizācija un nozīme”, 1996, Profesionālās Izglītības Centrs, 155

3. Ūdris Z., Sēle A., Gatons V. Pamatzināšanas starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā. – Rīga 1994. – 94.lpp.

4. A.Zvejnieks „Nodokļi un nodevas”, mācību grāmata, Ogres tipogrāfija, 1996, 293
IUE407 Marketing

3.0 kr. (3.0- 0.0- 1.0) D; E

Gaile-Sarkane Elīna Docents Doktors

Marketing processes in enterprise, mechanisms of implementation, analysis and control. Development and implementation of the marketing mix in an enterprise, product life cycle management, launching a new product onto the market and its conceptual principles, information exchange. Special focus on analysis of competitiveness of an enterprise, measures for enhancing competitiveness in the condition of market globalization.


1. Gaile-Sarkane E., Andersone I. Situācijas un uzdevumi tirgzinībās. - R. RTU izdevniecība, 2004. - 78 lpp.

2. Mārketinga Pamati. Biroja sērija. - R.: Jumava, 2002. - 352. lpp.

3. Praude V. Ko ražot, kā pārdot un kā iekarot tirgu. - R.: 1994. - 95.lpp.

4. Praude V., Beļčikovs J. Mārketings. - R.: Vaidelote, 1999. - 559. lpp.

5. Kotler Ph. Marketing Management, The Millenium Edition. - USA, Prentice Hall International, Inc., 2000. - 718 p.

6. Tellis Gerard J. Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategy. - USA, Addison-Wesley, 1998. - 483 p.
IMP201 Taxes un Duties

3.0 kr.( 2.0- 1.0- 0.0) E;

Zvejnieks Alberts ,Profesors ,

Structure and elements of the taxation system: state taxes and duties, state dues, duties imposed by local governments. State taxes and duties forming the taxation system. Tax and duty payers, entities subject to taxation, tax and duty rates, payment procedure. Tax payers' rights, responsibilities and liability.


1. A.Zvejnieks. Nodokļi un nodevas. RTU. 1998.

2. Nodokļu likumu komentāri .1-2. sējums. 2004.

3. LR likums "Par nodokļiem un nodevām"

4. A.Dūdele.,T.Korsaka. Finansu vadības pamati. 2001.R.

5. Viss par pievienotās vērtības nodokli. Dokumenti un komentāri. Grāmatvedības prakse. Rīga 2004.

6. International Tax and business guide: Taxation in Central and Eastern Europe. Imprint: London. Deloitte Touche International, 1999.

7. Thuronyi, V. Tax law design and drafting. The Hague: Kluwer Law International 2003., 373p.

IUV443 Legal Basis of Entrepreneurship

2.0 kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 0.0) I;

Ķipsna Jānis ,Profesors ,

Legal deal conception and its participants. Legal deal structure and forms. Main regulations of contract coclusion. Obligations and claims from illegalactivity. Guilt as the base of civiljudical responsibility.The degrees of guilt.


1. Darba devēji-līdzvērtīgi sociālā dialoga partneri. Rīga, 2004.

2. Darba likums. LV, Nr.105., 06.07.2001.

3. Karlsens K. Eiropas Kopienas darba tiesību un starptautisko darba tiesību piemērošana Latvijā. Rīga, 2003.

ITE322 Legal Aspects of Organization of Transport Services

2.0 kr.( 2.0-0.0- 0.0 ) I

Sprancmanis Nikolajs, Profesors, Hab.Doktors

Regulations and documentation of import operations. Regulations and documentation of export operations. Legislating relating to transport and wholesale, insurance. Legislation relating to transit operations. International conventions.


1. LR MK „Noteikumi par kravas ekspeditoru un kravas ekspedīcijas pakalpojumiem”.

2. LR Autopārvadājumu likums.

3. LR Jūras kodekss.

4. LR Dzelzceļa likums.

5. Pārvadājumu dokumentu noformēšanas akti. – LR Satiksmes ministrija.

6. Latvijas nacionālā kravas ekspeditoru savienības „LAFF” ģenerālie noteikumi. – Rīga , 1996. – 128.lpp.

7. TIR rokasgrāmata. – Rīga, 1993. – 147.lpp.

8. Ūdris Z., Sēle A., Gatons V. Pamatzināšanas starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā. – Rīga 1994. – 94.lpp.
IUV321 Business Management

2.0 kr.(1.0- 1.0-0.0) I;

Ķipsna Jānis, asociētais profesors, Doktors

The targets and choice of management. Internal & external surroundingog the enterprise. The management of innovations. Management forms ofenterprise. The checking of process. Venture. The management of conflict.


1. Praude V., Beļčikovs J. Menedžments. Teorija un prakse. Otrais pārstrādātais izdevums. – R.: Vaidelote, 2001.- 508 lpp.

2. Caune J., Dzedons A., Pētersons L. Stratēģiskā vadīšana. R.: Kamene, 2000. – 232 lpp.

3. Rurāne M. Uzņēmējdarbības organizēšana un plānošana.- R.: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2002.- 330 lpp.

ITE307 Fundamentals of Business Logistics

2.0 kr.( 1.0-0.0- 1.0 ) E;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs, Profesors, Hab.Doktors

Economics of procurement of raw materials and materials when organizing production to order in small batches and establishing commercial distribution channels. Motivation for decision making on optimum client-focused service, minimum transportation and inventory storage costs; methods of calculating costs, sales and mutual optimization.


1. N.Sprancmanis. Biznesa loģistika: mācību grāmata (2003.g. – 360 lpp.)

2. N.Sprancmanis, R.Šķērītis. Uzņēmējdarbības loģistikas pamati: - mācību līdzeklis.
IUE538 Analysis of Economic Processes

3.0 kr.(2.0- 0.0-1.0) E;

Didenko Konstantīns Profesors, Doktors

Economic efficiency of production plant and equipment, technology and production processes. Analysis of uilization of technology, material resources and production capacity. Theoretical basis of the analysis of economic processes as a system of knowledge about the object of the analysis, methods, objectives, methodology and organization. Methodology of a complex analysis of the financial performance results of a company. Analysis of utilization of technology, materials, labor resources.


1. K.Hofs. Biznesa ekonomika. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2002. - 559 lpp.

IUV305 Personnel Management (basic course)

2.0 kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 0.0) I;

Reiters Jānis ,Docents ,

Naturel of management. Principles of effective team building. Psychological bases of employee selection. Manager as leader and authority.Motivation to work; skills in motivating.


1. LR profesiju klasifikators. Latvijas Darba zinātniskās pētniecības institūts.- Rīga, 2000., Latvijas vēstnesis., 416 lpp.

2. R.Hellers. Darba grupas vadība. Zvaigzne ABC, 2000., 72 lpp.

3. P.Pikeringa. Personāla vadība.- Rīga: Jumava, 2004., 126 lpp.

3. Nozares profesionālās specializācijas kursi
IUE216 Computers for Economists

4.0 kr.(2.0- 0.0-2.0) D; E;

Jansons Vladimirs, Docents, Doktors

Introduction to processing of economic information by means of MS Excel program - Goal Seek, Data Analysis and functions installed in these programs. Statistical processing of data by using forecasting elements, graphical and analytical possibilities offered by MS Excel. Optimization of simplified economic tasks by MS Excel programs Solver and MathCad. Development of a data base. Powerpoint and its use for presentations.


1. Datormācība ekonomistiem. Mācību līdzeklis / V.Jansons. - Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2004. - 1. grāmata.

2. Datormācība ekonomistiem. Mācību līdzeklis / V.Jansons. - Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2004. - 2. grāmata.

3. V.Jansons. Datormācība ekonomistiem - MCAD 2001 piemēros, 2003. Elektroniskajā veidā 2005 (līdzautors: K.Kozlovskis).

4. N. Lāce, V. Jansons., K. Kozlovskis. Finansu aprēķinu modelēšana Excel vidē. I daļa 2002. 158 lpp.

5. N. Lāce, V. Jansons., K. Kozlovskis. Finansu aprēķinu modelēšana Excel vidē. II daļa 2004. 172 lpp.

6. V. Jansons, K. Kozlovskis. Ekonomiskā prognozēšana. Mācību līdzeklis. 2002. 80 lpp.

7. V. Jansons, K. Kozlovskis. Ekonomiskā prognozēšana. Mācību līdzeklis. 2004. 224 lpp.

DMI461 Logistics Systems Simulation

3.0 kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 1.0) D;E

Merkurjevs Jurijs ,Profesors ,

The course is devoted to both theoretical and practical aspects of using simulation in Industrial Logistics Management. During the course, general structure of a simulation project is discussed, and its main steps are detailed. Special attention is paid to use of statistical methods, e.g., preparing input data, validating the model, and processingsimulation results. Examples of using simulation at different stages of Industrial Logistics Management are discussed.


1. Improve Quality and Productivity with Simulation. Thomas J. Gogg, Jack R. A. Mott (1992)

IDA403 General and Occupational Safety

2.0 kr.( 1.5- 0.0-0.5) I

Kozlovs Viktors, Profesors, Hab.doktors

The law of labour protection in Latvian Republic. The system of standards of occupational safety. The influence of the harmful and dangerous factors of production on a human body, its measuring and standardization. Activities aimed to protect man. Labour protection organization and control.


1. I. Brigers, V.Kozlovs, V.Urbāne, V.Ziemelis u.c. Darba aizsardzība. Lekciju konspekts. RTU, 2001.-114 lpp.

2. V.Kozlovs, R.Večena, V.Ziemelis u.c. Darba aizsardzība. Lekciju konspekts, 2.daļa. RTU, 2002.-114 lpp.

3. V.Kaļķis, I.Kristiņš, Ž.Roja. Darba vides risku novērtēšanas vadlīnijas. Rīga, 2003.-72 lpp.

4. Darba aizsardzības Likuma vadlīnijas. Rīga, 2002.-52 lpp.
IUV106 Business Communication

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0-0.0); I

Ķipsna Jānis, asociētais profesors, Doktors

The characterise of information. Verbal and not verbal informations. Process of comunication. Written comunication. Speaking comunication. Talking to the point.


1. Ezera I., Dreiberga S., Graudiņa I. Lietišķā komunikācija.- Rīga: Kamene, 2000.- 100 lpp.

2. Hodžsone Dž. Līdzvērtīgs sarunu partneris. Zibenīgas atbildes taktika.- Rīga: Turība, 2001.- 256 lpp.

3. Kalve I. Jaunās paaudzes lietvedība.- Rīga: Turība, 2002.- 232 lpp.

IĀS307 Economic and Transport Geography

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0- 0.0) I;

Počs Remigijs ,Profesors ,

Fundamentals of physical and political geography of Latvia, Europe and

world. Economic geography. Concept on resource distribution in different

of the movement of goods eastwards and westwards, and northward ande

European transit and main kinds of goods to be transported.Transit

through Latvia. Internal cargo and passenger movements in Latvia.


1. J. Paiders "Ekonomiskā ģeogrāfija", Zvaigzne ABC, 1995.g.

2. N. Sprancmanis "Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija", RTU, 2001.g.

3. M. Šenfelde "Makroekonomika", RTU, 2001.g.

4. Pasaules ģeogrāfiskie atlanti.
IUV322 Fundamentals of Finances

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0-0.0) E;

Vasiļjeva Valentīna, Docents, Doktors

The financial economy and the gols of an enterprise. The system of banks. A financial plan and his drawing up. The credits and the forms ofit.


1. Kutuzova O. Finanses un kredīts: trešais papildinātais izdevums-Rīga: Turība, 2003.g.-152 lpp.

2. Rurāne M. Finansu pārvaldība - Rīga: SIA Elpa, 2001.g. - 281 lpp

3. Vērtspapīru tirgus zinības. Apsītis Ģ., Aščuks I. u.c. - Rīga: Jumava, 2003.g. - 211 lpp.

IUV209 Accounting

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0-0.0) E;

Vasiļjeva Valentīna, Docents, Doktors

An organization of book-keeping accounting. A financial economic action's balance and his analysis.


1. Vasiļjeva V. Grāmatvedība. Lekciju konspekts.- Rīga: RTU, 2005.- 59 lpp.

2. Ivanova O. Starptautiskie finanšu pārskatu standarti.- Rīga: SIA „Merkūrijs Lat”, 2004.- 211 lpp.

3. Januška M. Viss par pamatlīdzekļu uzskaiti. – SIA „Merkūrijs Lat”, 2003.- 223 lpp.

IUE217 Business Economics

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 0.0- 1.0) E;

Sundukova Zoja ,Docents ,

Types of business. General description of company's assets and sources of financing. Intangible assets. Composition and utilization of fixed assets. Current assets, utilization indicators. Labor resources. Indicators of labor productivity. Types and systems of remuneration. Concepts of costs and expenditures. Classification of costs. Calculation of prime cost. Calculation of cost items. Profit and profitability, factors affecting profitability.


1. Alsiņa R., Kravinska B., Bojarenko J. Uzņēmējdarbības ekonomika. - Rīga: Kamene, 1999. - 165 lpp

2. Diderihs H.Uzņēmuma ekonomika/ tulkots no vācu val. M. Balaško, K. Didenko, J. Ķipsna u.c. - Rīga: Zinātne, 2000. - 515 lpp

3. Hofs K.G. Biznesa ekonomika/ tulkots no norvēģu val. - Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2002. - 560 lpp.

4. Ovčiņņikova I. Uzņēmējdarbības ekonomika: Lekciju konspekts. - Rīga: RTU, 2002. - 64 lpp.

5. Sundukova Z., Jevinga I. Uzņēmuma ekonomika: komersantu darbības pamati. Mācību līdzeklis. - Rīga: RTU, 2002. - 33 lpp.

6. Kuratko D. F., Hodgetts R. M. Entrepreneurship USA: The Duyden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1995. - 748 lpp.
ITE306 Economics and Management of Transport

2.0 kr.( 1.0.-1.0- 0.0 ) I;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs, Profesors, Hab.Doktors

Overview on the modes of transportation, specific economic, organizational and planning aspects. Level of privatization and relevance of state regulation concerning different modes of transportation. International agreements. Costs and tariffs, organization of transportation from the transport user's, third party and carrier's perspective. Prospects of development of the transport network.


1. V.Plaude, J.Beļčikovs. Loģistika. Rīga, Vaivode, 2003. - 540 lpp.

2. N.Sprancmanis. Biznesa loģistika. Rīga, Vaivode, 2003. - 357 lpp.
ITE433 International Law on Transportation

2.0 kr.( 2.0-0.0- 0.0 ) E;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs, Profesors, Hab.Doktors

Legal provisions concerning freight and passenger transportation by different modes of transport. Legal regulation of consignor - carrier and intermediary relations. Legal regulation of carrier - intermediary relations. Liability for missing, damaged and short cargoes.


1. J.Bojārs. “Starptautiskās tiesības”, 1998.

2. J.Bojārs. “Starptautiskās privāttiesības”, 1998.

3. M.Lejnieks, L.Medins “Jūras tiesības”, 1997./ Rīga, Jumava

4. B.Adkins “Air transport and E.C. Competition Law”, 1994, London.

5. J.Duckworth “Road transport Law”, 1992, London.

6. D.A.Glass, C.Cashmare “Introduction to the law of carriage of goods”, 1989, London.
IMP401 Commodity Science of Export and Import

2.0 kr.( 1.0.-0.0- 1.0 ) I;

Briedis Juris, Docents , Doktors

Specifics and principles of identification of major groups of commodities, considering the EU Council and European Commission regulations for establishing the necessary commodity parameters aimed at updating TARIC. Practical identification of commodity samples, mainly applying organoleptic methods, as well as searching functions of data basis (WCO, Harmonized System Commodity Data Base, EUR-Lex, Combined Nomenclature).


1. (Kopējais muitas tarifs);

2. (6. EK regulas)

3. Modernizētā Muitas Kodeksa 4.versija TAXUD/458/Rev 4-11.11.204.

4. ES Kombinētā nomenklatūra un kopējais muitas tarifs, SIA Komin, 2004.

5. Harmonizētās prerču aprakstīšanas un kodēšanas sistēmas Skaidrojumi I, II, III, IV sējums. 2001.g., Kombinētās nomenklatūras Skaidrojumi, 2002.g., SIA Komin.

6. Eiropas likums par bīstamo kravu starptautiskiem pārvadājumiem.

7. Bernes konvencija par literāro un mākslas darbu aizsardzību.

8. Parīzes konvencija par rūpnieciskā īpašuma aizsardzību.

9. Stratēģiskās nozīmes dubultā pielietojuma preces un to kontrole, A.Salmiņa un A.Krastiņa redakcijā I un II daļa, R., 2004.g.

IMP230 International Economic Relations

2.0 kr.( 2.0- 0.0-0.0) I;

Krastiņš Aivars, Asoc. Profesors, Doktors

Subject matter and significance of international economic relations. Foreign economic relations of Latvia: foreign trade, investments and joint ventures; Commodities and services in the world market; trade in raw materials, industrial goods, machinery and equipment, licences, "know-how" and other services; organization of international haulages. Foreign trade contracts, arbitrage, insurance. International settlements, crediting.


1. Ūdris Z., Sēle A., Gustsons V. Pamatzināšanas starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā. Rīga, Jāņa sēta, 1994.

2. Bojārs J., Vilne V. Starptautiskās investīcijas. Rīga, LU;

3. Czinkota M.R., Rivotli P., Ronkainen I.A. International Business. Secound Editisn. The Dryen Press. A Hrourt Brance Ivanovich College Publisher.

4. Šulca O. Latvijas ekonomiskā integrācija Eiropas Savienībā. Rīga, 1998.

5. Kalniņa I., Strazda A. Eiropas Savienības reģionālā politika un strukturālie fondi. Rīga, Mc.Ābols, 1999.

6. Dallijs Dž. Eksportēšana. Rīga, VTF.
IUE481 Economic Information Systems

3.0 kr. (2.0- 0.0- 2.0) I

Magidenko Anatolijs Profesors Hab.doktors

Requirements posed to economic information. Types and classification of economic information. Variable and constant economic information. Economic information systems (EIS) and information entropy. Formation of an EIS data base. Internet and EIS. Contents, structure and reliability of EIS. Formulation of economic problems. Economic effectiveness of EIS.


1. Terry Lucey. Management. Information System. 7 th edition. - London, 1995. - 303

2. Elektroniskās tabulas EXCEL piemēros. - Rīga: RTU, 1996. - 16,2 i.l

3. Zinajums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību // Rīga: LR Ekonomikas ministrijas, 1999, 2000., 2002 g.

4. Hanzas M., Bāliņo S. Kā aug nauda. Ievads finansu matemātikā. - Rīga, 1994. - 155 lpp.

5. Excel 5.0 demonstrējumos. - Rīga, RTU, 1995 (laboratorijas darbi).

HDG402 Special English

2.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0- 0.0);E

Matisone Irēna ,Docents (praktiskais)

Integrated Business English course related to the specialization chosen

aimed at: 1) developing the relevant scope of terminology for better

understanding of speciality-focussed texts to build professional

and improve access to the sources of information in English; 2)

professional discussion skills; 3) development of professional



1) "Business Letter Writing" - mācību līdzeklis lietišķajā sarakstē, RTU, 1990. Autore.

1) "Doing Business" - tekstu krājums ar vingrinājumiem un vārdnīcu Inženierekonomikas fakultātes studentiem, RTU, 1991. Līdzautore.

2) "Business Concepts" - tekstu krājums ar vingrinājumiem IEF studentiem, RTU, 1992. Līdzautore.

3) "English for Customs" (I) - mācību līdzeklis muitas specialitātes studentiem, RTU, SESMI, 1995. Līdzautore.

4) "English for Customs" (II) - mācību līdzeklis muitas specialitātes studentiem, RTU, SESMI, 1998. Līdzautore.

5) Angļu - latviešu - angļu muitas terminu vārdnīca (muitas likumdošana un prakse, nodokļi, starptautiskā tirdzniecība: ~12 tūkst. pamatvārdu un izteiksmju), Rīga, "Jāņa sēta", 1997. Līdzautore, līdzredaktore, autorkolektīva vadītāja.

6) Latviešu - angļu muitas sarunvārdnīca "Muitas kontrole" (156 lpp.), Rīgā, "Antēra", 1998. Līdzautore, redaktore, autorkolektīva vadītāja.

7) Angļu - latviešu uzņēmējdarbības loģistikas un transporta ekonomikas terminu vārdnīca.

(~24 000. pamatvārdu un izteiksmju, paredzēts publicēt 2001.g.). Līdzautore, līdzredaktore, autorkolektīva vadītāja.

1. Nozares profesionālās specializācijas obligātās izvēles kursi
ITE435 Business Logistics

4.0 kr.(2.0- 1.0-1.0) E;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs, Profesors, Hab.doktors

Economics of procurement of raw materials and materials when organizing production to order in small batches and establishment of distribution channels for goods. Motivation for decision making on optimum client-focused service, minimum transportation and inventory storage costs; methods of calculating costs, sales and mutual optimization.


1. Praude V., Beļčikovs I. Loģistika. – Rīga: “Vaidelote”, 2003. – 540 lpp.

2. Sprancmanis N. Biznesa loģistika. – Rīga: “Vaidelote”, 2003. – 356 lpp.

3. Sprancmanis N. Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija. – Rīga, 2001. – 283 lpp.

4. Sprancmanis N., Šīns V. Rūpniecības uzņēmumu iekraušanas – izkraušanas darbu ekonomika un organizācija. – Rīga, TSSSKCI, 1976. – 101 lpp.

5. Ūdris Z., Sēle A., Gustsons V. Pamatzināšanas starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā. – Rīga, Jāņa sēta, 1994. – 94 lpp.

6. Bowersox Donald J. At al. Logistical Management. - London, Collier Macmillan Publishers, Third edition, 1986. – 580 lpp.

7. Cole Stuart. Applied Transport Economics. – London, Kogan Page Limited, Second edition, 1998. – 450 lpp.

ITE419 Third Party Business Logistics

2.0 kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 0.0) D;I

Sprancmanis Nikolajs ,Profesors ,

Forms of business logistics in organization of domestic and transportation. Transportation and storage of goods and raw materials of mode of transport, tariffs, calculation of route and delivery time. Settlement of accounts, customs formalities, insurance. Communication Electronic data interchange. Third party operations in management of haulages.


1. N.Sprancmanis. Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija. Rīga, 2001., 283.lpp.

2. N.Sprancmanis. Biznesa loģistika. Rīga, 2004., 360.lpp.
ITE303 Organization of Terminals and Warehouses

3.0 kr.( 2.0.-0.0- 1.0 ) E

Sprancmanis Nikolajs, Profesors, Hab.Doktors

Wearehouses and terminals, economics and structure. Optimization of the diclocation of a central warehouse on a territory. Evaluation of investments in communication infrastructure. Methodology for surveying passenger flow in terminals.


1. V.Plaude, J.Beļčikovs. Loģistika. Rīga, Vaivode, 2003. - 540 lpp.

2. N.Sprancmanis. Biznesa loģistika. Rīga, Vaivode, 2003. - 357 lpp.
ITE327 Stock Management

3.00kr.( 2.0- 1.0- 0.0) E;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs ,Profesors ,

Methods of stock management by replenishing stock having constant and demand. Periodically replenished stock and guarantee stock. Selection of guarantee stock dependent on the declared service level. Time and cost evaluation in stock management. Stock management depending on the share specific products in the total amount of stock. Pareto curve. Specifics management of periodically replenished stock depending on different in deliveries. Discounting of delivery prices.


1. Donald J. Bowersox etal. Logistical Makagekunt. New York, Macmillan Publ.Co. 1986, 570 lpp.

2. V Prande, J. Beļčikovs. Loģistika. Rīga, Vaidelote, 2003, 540 lpp.

3. A.M. Gadminski. Logistika. Moskva, ,,Datkob i ko,, , 2003, 404 lpp.

4. Lucey T. Quantitative Techniques. London, DP Publications LTD, 1994, 585 lpp.
IĀS308 International Trade

3.00kr.( 2.0- 1.0- 0.0) E;

Počs Remigijs ,Profesors ,

Basic principles of the international trade. Commercial policy. Geografy international trade. International trade organizations. International and credit operations. Currency exchange rates and the regulation Economical and monetary integration. Actual problems of the in globalization environment.


1. International Trade: Theory and Evidence, 1 edition. James R. Markusen, James R. Melvin, William M. Kaepfer, Keith Maskus. McGraw - Hill/Irwin; Novembris 1994, 448 lapas.

2. International Trade and the World Economy, 1st edition. Charles Van Marrewijk. Oxford University Press; Maijs, 2002, 350 lapas.

3. A Tour of International Trade (NetEffect Series), 1st edition. David M. Neipert. Prentice Hall; 1999, 202 lapas.

4. The Cultural Dimension of international Business, 4th edition. Gary P. Ferraro. Prentice Hall; Jūnijs 2001, 214 lapas.

5. A to Z of International Trade. Frank Reynolds. ICC Publishing; Aprīlis 2002. 336 lapas.

IMP303 Organization of Customs Activities and Control

3.00kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 1.0) E;

Krastiņš Aivars ,Profesors ,

Administrative structure and organization of Customs. Customs procedures their organization. Examination of goods. Movement of goods and means of transport across the border. Customs duties and charges, their Customs brokers. Customs control, types.


1. LR un ES normatīvie dokumenti. Muita. Lietīšķās informācijas dienests. Rīga. 2004.

2.Nodokļu likumu komentāri. 3.sējums. Muitas likuma komentāri. Dienas Bizness. Rīga.2004.

3. Muitas likums. RTU Muitas konsultatīvais centrs, Rīga, 2004.

4. ES Muitas kodekss (EEK regula Nr.2913/92)

5. ES Muitas kodeksa piemērošanas noteikumi (EEK regula Nr.2454/93)

6. ES Muitas tarifu atvieglojumi (EEK regula Nr. 918/83)

7. ES, PTO un LR dokumenti internetā

IMP314 Customs Legislation in Latvia and Abroad

2.0 kr.( 2.0-0.0- 0.0 ) I

Krastiņš Aivars,, Doktors

Customs role in international trade and protection of domestic market. International normative acts governing customs operation (KIOTO, CMR, ATA conventions). National normative documents on customs matters. The law "On the State Revenue Service", the law "On Customs duties (tariffs)". Customs Law: pre-clearance activities, clearance of goods, movement of goods across the customs boarder, customs control, free zones, infringements of customs regulations, customs warehouses, customs brokers.


1. Gulbis A. Latvijas Republikas muitas likumdošana. SESMI, R., 1998.

2. Vītoliņš K. Starptautiskie tirdzniecības līgumi un muitas maksājumi. R., 1998.

3. Alehno I., Buka A., Jarinovska K., Škoba L. Ievads Eiropas Kopienas tiesībās (Tiesību prakse un komentāri). Rīga, Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2001.

4. Gatawis S., Broks E., Bule Z. Eiropas tiesības. Rīga. Latvijas Universitāte, 2002.

5. ES tiesību īstenošana Latvijā. Autoru kolektīvs I.Alehno zinātniskajā redakcijā. Rīga, Latvijas vēstnesis, 2003.

6. Lyons, Timothy. EC Customs Law. 2001.
ITE328 Delivery chain managment and freight forwarding

2.00kr.( 1.0- 1.0- 0.0) D;I

Sprancmanis Nikolajs ,Profesors ,

Demand as the main factor in deliveries. Evaluation of demand and forecasting. Role of transportation costs for long-distance deliveries. forwarding documents and how to use them. Role of information in freight forwarding. Selection of the mode of transportation, rote and sequence modes of transportation for long-distance deliveries. Evalutation of time and reliability. The role of time utility factor in determining the of delivery.


1.Autotransporta uzņēmuma vadības organizatoriskās struktūras optimizācija, Maskava, MADI, 1980.g.

2. N. Sprancmanis "Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija", Rīga, RTU 2001, -283.lpp.

3. G. Bell The Business of Transport. Plymouth, Macdonald and Evans Ltd, 1984, -325. lpp.

ITE329 Fundamentals of Transport Infrastructure and Technology

2.00kr.( 1.0- 1.0- 0.0) I;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs ,Profesors ,

Transportation roads and terminals for different modes of transport of the share of infrastructure costs in total transportation costs by transport. Organisation of handling operations and technology. Means of transportation, their specifics in different modes of transportation and multi - modal types of transportation moving goods by road, rail, waters and pipelines. Technical and economic parameters of transport.


1. D. Benson, Dž. Haiteger, Transport i dostavka gruzov. Moskva, Transport, 1990. , 278 lpp.

2. N. Sprancmanis "Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija", Rīga, RTU, 2001., 282 lpp.

3. G. Bell The Business of Transport. Plymouth, Macdonald and Evans Ltd, 1984., 325 lpp.

ITE330 Risks and Insurence in Transport

2.00kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 0.0) I;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs ,Profesors ,

Basic concepts of risk, classification of risks, concepts of risk in insurance. Detailed focus on risk identification, assessment, risk methods and types of risk management strategies, financing. Special the concept of insurance and its regulation, freight insurance, tupes of insurance used in different international conveyances. Issues related water and air transportation insurance types.


1. N. Sprancmanis "Biznesa loģistika". Rīga, Vaidelote, 2003, 355 lpp.

2. G. Bell etal. "The Business of Transport". Plymouth, Macdonald and Evans LTD, 1984, 325 lpp.

3. N. Sprancmanis "Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija", Rīga, RTU, 2001, 283 lpp.

IĀS424 Modelling of Transportation Processes

2.0 kr.( 1.0 -0.0- 1.0 ) I;

Počs Remigijs, Profesors. Hab.Doktors

Models of classical and open transportation solutions. Solutions in conditions of communication constraints. Transportation processes using warehousing. Transportation solutions for different sectors of national economy. Software support for modelling transportation and computer-aided problem solving. Sensitivity analysis.


  1. J.Evans, P.Marlow. Quantitative Methods in Maritime Economics. Fairplay Publications, 1990. (SESMI bibl.)

  2. G.Bell, P.Bowen, P.Fawcett. The Business of Transport. M&E Ltd, 1984. (SESMI bibl.)

  3. D.Kļaviņš. Lineārā programmēšana piemēros. R, LVU, 1986. (RTU bibl.)

ITE331 Organisation of Traffic and Envinonment Protection

2.0 kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 0.0) I;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs ,Profesors ,

Organisation of traffic of different modes of transport. Profiles of modes of transport in terms of environmental protection and traffic safety. Traffic congestions and methods used for their evaluation. Effect of traffic congestions on the economy of the state. Social costs for compensating the unfavourable effects to transportation, their share in different modes of transportation. Mesures undertaken by the European Union to eliminate the negative effects.


1. John J. Coyle Transportation New York, West. Publ.Co., 1990.

2. N. Sprancmanis ,,Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija,, Rīga, RTU 2001.
ITE455 Commercial Transportation Operation

4.0 kr.( 2.5- 1.5- 0.0 ) E;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs, Profesors, Hab.Doktors

Calculation of transportation costs and quality measurement for different modes of transport. Differentiation of routes and goods, its substantiation. Transportation rates and tariffs. Additional services. Technical and economic analysis of routes. Investments into various modes of transportation. Coordination of operation of different modes of transport.


1. Mācību grāmata "Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija". Rīga, RTU, 2001. - 283 lpp..

2. Mācību grāmata "Biznesa loģistika". Rīga, Vaidelote, 2003. - 369 lpp..
MKI350 Quality Systems (basics)

2.0 kr.( 2.0- 0.0- 0.0) I;

Salenieks Narimants ,Profesors ,

Quality control, assurance and management. Design quality of Quality management and improvement. Quality audit and certification. costing and assessment. TQM. Production, process and product reliability safety.


1. "Kvalitātes sistēmu pamati" lekciju kurss - 120 lpp. datordrukā.

2. "Quality 101" Pašmācību līdzeklis - 180 lpp., CD (angļu val.)
ITE332 Transportation of Hazardous Goods

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0- 0.0) I;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs ,Profesors ,

International classification of hazardous goods. restrictions with transportation of hazardous goods. Regulations on transportation of hazardous cargoes with different modes of transportation. Control of Economic calculations methods in transportation of hazardous goods. of non - compliance with the regulations on transportation of hazardous and liability resulting from these consequences.


1. Eiropas valstu nolīgums par bīstamo kravu starptautiskajiem pārvadājumiem ar autotransportu. ANO izdevums, 1. un 2. sējums, 2005.g.

2. Latvijas MK noteikumi Nr.345 no 05.08.2003.

3. Stratēģiskās nozīmes dubultā pielietojuma preces un to kontrole 1. un 2. daļa. A. Salmiņa un A. Krastiņa redakcijā. Rīga, 2004.g.

ITE403 Management of International Transportation

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0- 0.0) D; I;

Sprancmanis Nikolajs ,Profesors ,

Companies dealing with international transportation. Intermediaries, functions. Information exchange in international haulages. Transport documentation. The market of combined multi-modal haulages. Pricing. regulation by the state.


1. N.Sprancmanis. Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija. Rīga, 2001., 283.lpp.

2. N.Sprancmanis. Biznesa loģistika. Rīga, 2004., 360.lpp.
2. Humanitārie/ sociālie un vadības priekšmeti
HSP375 Sociology of Management

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0- 0.0) I;

Taraškevičs Ronalds ,Asociētais profesors ,

Social aspects of marketing. An industrial enterprise in social system. individual in the system of social relations. Management of social Social aspects in action and their organization.


1. R.Taraškevičs. Ievads vadības socioloģijā. R.,RTU, 1993.

2. R.Taraškevičs. Pārvaldes (vadības) organizācija.Efektīva līdera darbība//Industriālās attiecības.Mācību līdzeklis.R.,RTU, 2001
HFL336 Basic Ethics

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0-0.0) I;

Zvejnieks Andris, Docents, Doktors

The basic values of life. Search for sense of life. Conscience in life of man and humanity. Eternal contrasts: the good- the evil, the life-the death, the liberty- the subjugation, the love- the hatred, the suffering- the happiness. One's consciousness in time and space.


1. Lasmane S., Milts A.,Rubenis A. Ētika.R.,1993.

HFL330 Business Etiquette

BI; B; 2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0-0.0) I

Zvejnieks Andris, Docents, Doktors

Intercourse and etiquette. Arrangement and procedure of official and business appointments. Public speech. Business talks. Receptions. Clothes. Telephone talks. The visiting-card. Business correspondence. Advertising. The peculiaritie's of etiquette in different countries.


1. Lejniece Z. Lietišķā etiķete.Lekciju konspekts. R.,RTU, 1995.

HSP379 Political System of Latvia

2.0 kr.( 1.0- 1.0- 0.0) I;

Augstkalns Uldis ,Docents ,

Ideas about the development of the state of Latvia. Latvia's the corresponding power structures. Political forces and party system. system. Home and foreign policy. Political culture and citizens' in political processes.


1. Politika Latvijā. R., 1998

2. Augstkalns U. Latvija Eiroatlantiskajā ceļā.R.,1998

3. Ikstens J. Politikas pamati. R., 2001

3. Valodas
HDG405 English

4.0 kr.( 0.0- 4.0- 0.0 ) II

2.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0 0.0) I

2.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0 0.0) I

Matisone Irēna Doc.(prakt.)

Integrated Business English course related to the specialization chosen and aimed at developing the required skills for professional communication in an English speaking professional environment and development of professional competence. The course focuses on developing: 1) understanding and analysis of textual information; 2) writing (essays, abstracts, reports, business writing); 3) professional presentation and discussion skills; 4) listening comprehension skills; 5) expansion of specialized business vocabulary.


1. Mark Powell "Business Matters", LTP Business, UK, 1996.

2. David cotton "Business Class",. Nelson ELT, 1993.

3. Peter Strutt "Market Leader - Pre-Intermediate", Longman, 2002.

4. Nick Brieger "The Language of Business English - Grammar and Functions", Prentice Hall, UK, 1994.
HDG404 German

4.0 kr.( 0.0- 4.0- 0.0 ) II

2.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0 0.0) I

2.0 kr.( 0.0- 2.0 0.0) I

Servuta Ārija Docents, Doktors

Integrated Business German course related to the specialization chosen and aimed at developing the required skills for professional communication in an German speaking professional environment and development of professional competence. The course focuses on developing: 1) understanding and analysis of textual information; 2) writing (essays, abstracts, reports, business writing); 3) professional presentation and discussion skills; 4) listening comprehension skills; 5) expansion of specialized business vocabulary.


1. HoffgenA: Deutsch lernen fur den Beruf. Lehrbuch. Verlag fur Deutsch, 2001.

2. Fingerhut M: Deutsch lernen fur den Beruf. Arbeitsbutch. Verlag fur Deutsch, 2002.
VIV193 German, Special Course in Transport

2.0 kr.( 0.0- 3.0- 0.0) I;

Romanova Irina ,Lektors

Integrated specialized German course "Transport and Logistics" for developing and consolidating terminology, writing, conversation and comprehension skills.


1. Colin C.Unternehmen Deutsch. Lehrbuch. Klett Edition Deutsch,1997.

2. Wiseman Christa. Unternehmen Deutsch. Arbeitshelf. Klett Edition Deutsch,1996.

3. Schmitz W., Stricker H. Das Zertifikat Deutsch fur den Beruf. Goethe-Institut, Munhen,1996.

4. Jurgen Bolten. Marktshance Wirtschaftdeutsch. Klett Edition Deutsch,1995.

Appendix 9

Graduate Questionnaire

Appendix 10
Academic Staff Ensuring the Implementation of the Bachelor Professional Study Programme “Business Logistics”

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