Seppo Suominen Essays on cultural economics

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4.3Method and sample

The most recent data, ISSP 2007 (International Social Survey Programme) is based on a mail survey that was carried out by the Statistics Finland Autumn 2007 (18th September – 11th December 2007). The sample unit is a person, age between 15 and 74. The sample method was a systematic random sample from the population register, the sample size was 2500 but only 1354 answers were returned, i.e. the response rate was 54.2%. The key words in the ISSP 2007 are the following: use of time, physical condition, hobbies, organisations, board games, physical education, holiday, games, social relations, sports, leisure. As background information the following data among others was collected: gender, year of birth, size of the household, education, participation in working life, profession, source of livelihood or branch, regular weekly working hours, professional status, employer (private or public sector), membership of a trade union, voting behaviour, religiousness, income and some information concerning the place of residence.

There are at least three suitable statistical methods that can be used with that data: 1) the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) or the covariance analysis (MANCOVA), 2) the multinomial logit or multinomial probit and 3) the bivariate probit. The analysis of variance is a suitable method for comparing the difference of means of two groups (e.g. the heavy users and the rest). With the MANOVA it is possible to have more than one explanatory variable (e.g. gender, province, and age). In the MANCOVA the values of the explanatory variables are corrected with the information from the covariate. The purpose of this covariate is to reduce the heterogeneity of the variable to be explained: for example most of the audience at the opera live in the Uusimaa region, therefore it is reasonable to use the place of residence as covariate. If there are many explanatory variables, both MANOVA and MANCOVA give results that can be divided into the separate and joint effects of each variable. The total sum of squared deviations about the grand mean is partitioned into a sum of squares due to many sources and a residual sum of squares. However, the direction of the effect remains open, e.g. it is not known whether higher education increase or decrease opera visits.
The deviation of the individual from the grand mean Xij – GM in the analysis of variance can be divided into two parts:) + . The first part is the deviation of the individual from its own group’s mean and the second part is the deviation of the group mean from the grand mean. When the deviation is calculated to all observations, the total sum of squares 2 = SStotal can be partitioned into two parts: SSwithin and SSbetween, i.e. the internal (within) sum of squares and the sum of squares between the groups (between). When the sums of squares are divided by their degrees of freedom (within = N – k, between = k – 1, where N is the sample size and k in the number of groups), the mean squares are obtained. The mean squares of the parts (i.e. within and between) are compared with the F-test.

The test statistics is distributed according to the F-distribution. If the difference between groups is significant, the difference can be evaluated with ή2 = SSbetween/SStotal which tells how much of the variation of the variable to be explained can be explained by the grouping variables (Metsämuuronen 2009, 785-789).

The second possible statistical method is logistic regression analysis or multinomial logit or probit. An equation explaining the visitor density of performing arts must be formulated to find out the impact of each explanatory variable. Furthermore, it is possible to predict behaviour because the effect and direction of explanatory variables are found out. The variable to be explained is either a binary variable (binary logistic) or multinomial but rather often also ordered variable (multinomial logistic). In the ISSP 2007 data the question is: “How often during the past 12 months on your leisure did you go to converts, theatrical performances, art exhibitions, etc.?” The answer alternatives were: 1 = daily, 2 = several times per week, 3 = several times per month, 4 = less often, 5 = never. When a binary logistic method is used, the alternatives could be reclassified for example so that one alternative is a combination of 1,2 and 3 and the second alternative is a combination of 4 and 5. If the probability of the first choice is p and the probability of the second is 1-p, then


where X includes all explanatory variables and β is the vector of coefficients, u is the error term. The statistical significance of β can be evaluated with a suitable test. Usually it is assumed that the error term is distributed according to logistic (Weibull) distribution or to normal distribution. In the last case, the model is probit. Both logit and probit give more information compared with the analysis of variance because both the coefficients of the explanatory variables and the direction of the effect are found out: positive or negative and its statistical significance. Usually the hypothesis testing (single variable) is based on usual t-tests using the standard errors. A common test, which is similar to the F-test that all slope parameters in a regression are zero, is the likelihood ratio test that all the slope coefficients in the probit or logit model are zero.
The normal distribution for the binary choice (no = 0 / yes = 1) has been used frequently generating the probit model.


The function is the commonly used notation for the standard normal distribution (Greene 2008, 773) and x is a vector of explanatory variables and β is the corresponding vector of parameters. The logistic distribution which is mathematically convenient has been very popular.


The function is the logistic cumulative distribution function. If the responses are coded 0,1,2,3 or 4 (‘ Every day’, ‘Several times a week’, ‘Several times a month’, ‘Less often’ or ‘Never in the last twelve months’) the ordered probit or logit models have been very common. The models begin with y* = x’β + ε in which y* is unobserved and ε is random error. The discrete choices y are observed by the following way:


y = 0, if y* ≤ 0

y = 1, if 0 < y* ≤ µ1

y = 2, if µ1 < y* ≤ µ2

y = 3, if µ2 < y* ≤ µ3

y = 4, if µ3 ≤ y*

The µ’s are unknown parameters to be estimated with β. If ε is normally distributed with zero mean and variance equal to one [ε~N(0,1)] the following probabilities ensue (Greene 2008, 831-832):


The parameters of the multivariate probit model, β’s are not necessarily the marginal effects that describe the effects of the explanatory variables on cultural participation since the model is not linear.

The marginal effects in the multivariate probit20 are


One step forward is to simultaneously study the visitor density of different leisure activities, e.g. “performing arts” on the one hand and “at the movies” or “physical exercise activity”. If the unobserved person’s preference for performing arts is y1* and the preference for movies is y2* and the corresponding explanation models are and where the error terms u1 and u2 are jointly bivariate distributed N(0,1). Under the null hypothesis that the error terms are not correlated, ρ equals zero, the model consists of two independent probit equations (Greene 2008, 820). If the correlation coefficient equals zero, the performing arts consumption and movies at the cinema consumption are unrelated (Prieto-Rodriguez and Fernandez-Blanco 2000). The estimation of the equations could be based on classification y1 = (“daily” or “several times per week” or “several times per month”) = 1 if and y2 = (“less often” or “never”) = 0, if . In the above example a difference is made between “several times per month” and “less often” but this separation point could be another. With the probit model the marginal effects of each variable could be evaluated (Greene 2008, 821). The marginal effects must be assessed in relation to the zero alternative (like “northern Finland” or “pupil”). The coefficients in the probit model are difficult to interpret since they present what the effect of the variables is on the unobserved dependent variable y*1. However, the marginal effects of the explanatory variables are on the observed variable y1. The total marginal effect could be partitioned into two parts: the direct marginal effect and the indirect marginal effect. The latter part is formed through the correlation coefficient of the error terms. The bivariate probability for joint y1 and y2 is


where contain all the nonzero elements β1 and β2 possibly some zeros in the places of variables in x that appear only in the other equation. The marginal effects of changes in x on this probability are given by



where ρi* = (2yi1-1)(2yi2-1)ρ and wij = qijzij = (2yij – 1)xíjβj (Greene 2008, 818-820). If yi1 = 1 (“daily” or “several times per week” or “several times per month”), 2yi1-1 = 1 and if yi1 = 0 (“less often” or “never”) then 2yi1-1 = -1 for j = 1 (arts) and 2 (movies).

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