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Privatization DA 1NC [2/2]

C. Impact—Privatization of space is key to the US economy. A strong private space industry is key to the economy and innovation.

E.C. Aldridge, Chairman of the President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy, 2004 “A Journey to Inspire, Innovate, and Discover”, pg. 32,
Although many companies exist and more are emerging in the field of space, an increase in both the number and variety of such businesses would vastly increase the processes and materials available for space exploration. The private sector will continue to push the envelope to succeed competitively in the space field. It is the stated policy of the act creating and enabling NASA that it encourage and nurture private sector space. The Commission heard testimony on both positive incentives and potential bottlenecks encountered by the private sector as they attempt to exploit these commercial opportunities. A space industry capable of contributing to economic growth, producing new products through the creation of new knowledge and leading the world in invention and innovation, will be a national treasure. Such an industry will rely upon proven players with aerospace capabilities, but increasingly should encourage entrepreneurial activity.

D. US economic leadership solves great power wars.

Zalmay Khalilzad, former US ambassador to the United Nations, 2/8/2011 National Review, “The Economy and National Security.” February 8, 2011. Online. Accessed May 4, 2011 at /articles/259024/economy-and-national-security-zalmay-khalilzad?page=1
Today, economic and fiscal trends pose the most severe long-term threat to the United States’ position as global leader. While the United States suffers from fiscal imbalances and low economic growth, the economies of rival powers are developing rapidly. The continuation of these two trends could lead to a shift from American primacy toward a multi-polar global system, leading in turn to increased geopolitical rivalry and even war among the great powers.





Uniqueness – Privatization Occuring Now

[____] Private industry will eclipse NASA as the leader in space in the next 10 years
Evan Ackerman, staff writer for DVICE, 4/25/2011, "Will humans make it to the moon and Mars in 10 years? ",
Private industry is rapidly catching up to NASA. In the next ten years especially, the space agency seems likely to get eclipsed after the impending retirement of the space shuttle. SpaceX might have the credentials to back up its space exploration plans, which would put humans on Mars in a decade if everything goes well. That's a big if, though, since SpaceX still has a lot of work to do to get its Falcon heavy-lift rocket operational by 2012. Is a 10 year timetable — especially one that includes Mars —; reasonable? SpaceX founder Elon Musk even puts the worst case at "15 to 20 years." When considering investing in an outpost on the moon at all, there are so many variables: whether we want it to be manned by humans (as opposed to robots and the like) or whether NASA is even the best fit for the job. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big supporter of NASA and I think there's a lot of important lunar research that still needs to be done. At the same time, however, I think that the amount of additional infrastructure required to support humans would be hard to justify considering the capabilities of autonomous or teleoperated systems. And it seems that NASA itself is starting to focus more on outsourcing spaceflight (and space exploration) to private industry, which often exhibits the same levels of creativity and technical expertise without the bureaucratic baggage and budget constraints.

[____] NASA is in transition to allow the private sector to lead space exploration
Jeffrey Kluger, senior time write for TIME magazine, 12/17/2010, “Astronatus Inc.: The Private Sector Muscles Out NASA,”,8599,2037089,00.html
The Obama Administration turbo-charged things this year when it officially directed NASA to scrap its part of that work and concentrate exclusively on space science and eventual manned flights to asteroids or beyond. The private sector alone will tend to near-Earth orbit. SpaceX and Orbital Sciences had already made enough progress to secure conditional contracts with NASA to service the space station, but SpaceX was clearly the greater of those two equals, with successful orbital missions in 2008 and June 2010. Last week's mission blew those other two away because it included a working prototype and successful return of the Dragon space capsule, making SpaceX the first private company to achieve such a feat.(See pictures of five nations' space programs.) "It's a historical truth that government goes into those areas in which there is no private-sector profit motive, and the private sector follows behind," says Phil McAlister, acting director of NASA's Commercial Space Flight Development team. "We think the time is right to transition that part to the private sector."

Uniqueness – Privatization Occuring Now

[____] Private companies are leading the way with new innovations in space.
The Economist, 9/10/2009, “Flying High,”
At the behest of the president, NASA has been undergoing an independent review of its human-spaceflight plans. On September 8th the review committee delivered a summary report. That the agency does not have enough money to return to the moon is no surprise. What is more surprising is that the Augustine report (named after the committee’s chairman, Norman Augustine) argues that NASA should stop travelling to the International Space Station in particular and to “low Earth orbit” in general. It should let the private sector do that instead, and focus its own efforts on more distant and difficult tasks. Five years ago the idea that the private sector might have been capable of transporting cargo and people reliably into low Earth orbit was viewed as crazy. Much has happened since, and two things in particular. One was that Virgin Galactic, an upstart British firm, said it would develop a space-tourism business based around a craft that had cost only $25m to build. The other was that an equally upstart American entrepreneur called Elon Musk, flush from his sale of PayPal, created a company called SpaceX (whose Falcon rocket is pictured above, dropping its first stage on its way into orbit). He said he wanted to make it cheaper to launch people into space and wanted, ultimately, to send a mission to Mars—but that he would start by launching satellites. It would be an understatement to say that both ventures were treated with scepticism. But they have now come far enough to be able to thumb their noses at the cynics. On September 3rd SpaceX signed a contract worth $50m with ORBCOMM, a satellite-communications firm. The deal is to launch 18 satellites for ORBCOMM’s network. Meanwhile, at the end of July, Aabar Investments, a sovereign-wealth fund based in Abu Dhabi, bought a 32% stake in Virgin Galactic for $280m. Aabar was not just interested in space tourism. It was also keen on a proposal to use Virgin’s White Knight launch system to put satellites into low Earth orbit. Will Whitehorn, Virgin Galactic’s president, said that one of the things which attracted Aabar was the fact that White Knight (an aircraft which lifts to high altitude a rocket that can then take either passengers or satellites onwards into space) could be flown from Abu Dhabi.
[____] Space exploration will be led by businesses soon.
Patrice Sarath, staff writer for bizmology, a subsidiary of Hoover’s business research company, , 2/25/ 2011. “Space, Inc: as the shuttle program lands for good, private companies step in.”
It’s not just the plot of a science fiction novel, either. Humans are a resource-hungry species. With the right infrastructure, from rockets to shuttles to space stations, to automated mining equipment to space elevators (my personal favorite in the pie-in-the-sky space exploration Olympics), it is possible that the exploration of space will become the business of space in a fairly short time. It’s interesting to compare the development of space flight with the development of manned flight. It’s only now that the private sector has stepped in, after the government has stepped back, whereas the Wright Brothers and their intrepid ilk led the way in their rickety airplanes. At a recent discussion of space flight at ConDFW, a science fiction convention, several experts in the space industry said that is exactly what space flight needs now to carry it forward: the barnstormers and the space tourists to put it within reach.

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