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Solvency – Deflection Successful

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Solvency – Deflection Successful

[____] Detection capabilities are key—standing deflection program is unnecessary and expensive.
Richard L, Park, President of the American Physical Society PARK et al. 1994, “The Lesson of Grand Forks: Can a Defense against Asteroids be Sustained?”, Hazards Due to Comets and Asteroids ed. Tom Gherels, pg. 1225-1228)
A standing defense against large asteroid and comet impacts is rendered impractical by the long interval between events. Governments, which are under constant pressure to respond to immediate crises, are unlikely to sustain a defense against an infrequent and unpredictable threat. Nor can it be argued that such short-term priorities are misplaced. Indeed, civilization will do well to survive long enough to be threatened by a major asteroid impact. The emphasis should be on early detection, thus allowing sufficient time to mount a response to a specific threat.

Solvency – Space Telescopes Best

[____] Space-based telescopes provide several advantages over ground based ones.
National Research Council, Committee to Review Near-Earth-Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies, 2010, “Defending Planet Earth: Near-Earth-Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies”
The 2003 NASA NEO Science Definition Team Study concluded that an infrared space telescope is a powerful and efficient means of obtaining valuable and unique detection and characterization data on NEOs (Stokes et al., 2003). The thermal infrared, which denotes wavelengths of light from about 5 to 10 microns, is the most efficient color regime for an NEO search. An orbiting infrared telescope that detects these wavelengths and has a mirror between 0.5 and 1 meter in diameter is sufficient to satisfy the goal of detecting 90 percent of potentially hazardous NEOs 140 meters in diameter or greater. Also, locating an NEO-finding observatory internal to Earth’s orbit is preferable for identifying NEOs with orbits mostly or entirely inside Earth’s orbit.

Specific advantages to space-based observations include the following:

• A space-based telescope can search for NEOs whose orbits are largely inside Earth’s orbit. These objects are difficult to find using a ground-based telescope, as observations risk interference from the Sun when pointing to the areas of the sky being searched;

• Thermal-infrared observations are immune to the bias affecting the detection of low-albedo objects in visible or near-albedo measurements (see the discussion above);

• Space-based searches can be conducted above Earth’s atmosphere, eliminating the need to calibrate the effects introduced by the atmosphere on the light from an NEO; and

• Observations can be made 24 hours a day.

AT: Deflection Fails – International Cooperation


[____] The plan alone solves—the US can deflect with no international assistance.
David Morrison, senior scientist at the national astrobiology institute, 2005 “ Defending the Earth Against Asteroids: The Case for a Global Response,” Science and Global Security, 13:87–103
We do not have today the technology to deflect an asteroid, especially not one of the most dangerous class, which are larger than 1 km. However, it seems reasonable to expect that if such a large asteroid is discovered, one whose impact could kill more than 1 billion people and destabilize world civilization, the space-faring nations would find a way to accomplish the deflection and save the planet. One hopes that this could be accomplished through broadly based international collaboration, but it is also plausible that one nation, such as the United States, might take the lead or even go it alone. Given such a specific threat to our planet, almost any level of expense could be justified. This effort would represent the largest and most important technological challenge ever faced, and whether it is successful or not, world civilization would be forever changed.

AT: Deflection Fails – International Cooperation

[____] Increasing detection capabilities will allow NASA to take the lead in asteroid detection globally and coordinate deflect efforts with other countries.
NASA Advisory Council, 10/6/2010, “Report of the NASA Advisory Council Ad Hoc Task Force on Planetary Defense,”
NASA has developed a strong foundation for understanding the NEO hazard and building a long-term capability to counter a potential asteroid impact threat. By taking the steps recommended in this report, the agency can expand this expertise and lead global efforts to develop an effective capability for Planetary Defense. Society now possesses sufficiently mature space technology to provide two of the three elements necessary to prevent future damaging asteroid impacts. NASA currently searches for the largest objects of concern and issues warning information for any asteroid discovered to approach Earth. New ground- and space-based search systems can increase our capability to provide impact warning for the smaller, more numerous asteroids. Although NASA has not demonstrated a specific asteroid deflection capability, the agency’s current spaceflight technology shows that impact prevention is possible. Actual NEO deflection demonstrations are being studied and are excellent candidates to be part of future NEO science and technology missions. The missing third element for NEO impact prevention is the international community’s readiness and determination to respond to a predicted future asteroid collision with Earth. NASA is well20 positioned to take a leading role in this government and international response, but to be ready, the agency must move well beyond search, analysis, and warning to develop the practical means for actually changing a threatening asteroid’s orbit. Without the ability to detect the most numerous asteroids, to alter NEO orbits, and to lead a global effort to plan a deflection campaign, the only possible U.S. response would be evacuation and disaster response. If NASA fails to prepare for Planetary Defense, and then a sizeable random NEO strikes Earth without warning, the damage to the U.S.’s leadership and reputation would swell the tally of the event’s devastating effects. NASA should begin work now on forging its warning, technology, and leadership capacities into a global example of how to effectively shield society from a future impact.

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