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Private sector – the private sector collectively refers to companies that are owned by individuals, as opposed to the government. In the context of space exploration, NASA would be a “public” organization since it is a part of the government, whereas someone like Boeing or Lockheed Martin would be considered a part of the private sector.

Free Enterprise – Synonym for Private sector

Commercial Sector – Synonym for Private Sector

Commercialization – Synonym for Privatization

Space JunkAlso known as space debris, it is the collection of objects in orbit around Earth that were created by humans but no longer serve any useful purpose. Many worry that accumulation of Space Junk will pose a hazard to future space flight. Because there is no friction or air resistance in space, the debris moves very fast and functions like a small bullet, potentially ripping holes

Demand Pull – The process of creating a market by creating a demand for it. You are creating demand pull for a company if you consistently demand something that you cannot buy in the status quo. Government operations in space create a demand pull for private companies if the government is unwilling to use its own means of space transportation

Chapter 11 – A company in Chapter 11 is bankrupt.

Assumption – a foundation of an argument accepted to be true without proof

Uniqueness – Private Sector Doesn’t Exist

[____] A commercial space sector does not exist yet.
William Harwood, writer for cnet news, 2/1/2010, “Obama ends moon program, endorses private spaceflight,”
As for commercial flights to and from the International Space Station, NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver said she hoped a new private-sector launch system, possibly including modified versions of technology developed for the canceled moon program, could be available by around 2016 if not earlier. "We will try to accelerate and use the great minds of industry to get a competition going, and I'm sure they'll want to beat that," she said. Former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin, chief architect of the now-canceled moon program, told CBS News the shift to commercial space operations was a profound mistake. "I'm one of the biggest proponents of commercial spaceflight that there is, but it doesn't yet exist," he said. "I would like an enlightened government policy to help bring it about, but I don't believe you get there by destroying all your government capability so there's no option but for the government to do whatever necessary to get the 'commercial operators' to succeed. That's not the way to do it.

[____] The private sector is not ready to take over from NASA.
David Freedman, science and tech journalist for 30 years, December 2010, Scientific American December 2010, Vol 303, Issue 6
What, then, could the Obama administration have been thinking when it announced this past February that NASA should essentially get out of the manned-spaceship business and turn it over to private industry? Under the plan, NASA will write off most of the $9 billion invested so far in Constellation, the program to develop a replacement vehicle for the space shuttle capable of ferrying astronauts and supplies to the space station and, eventually, to the moon. Instead the agency will provide seed money to start-ups such as SpaceX, then agree to buy tickets to the space station on their rockets. It is a naive and reckless plan, a chorus of voices charged. Among the loudest was that of former astronaut and space icon Neil Armstrong, who was quick to scoff at the notion that the private sector is ready to take over from NASA. "It will require many years and substantial investment to reach the necessary level of safety and reliability," he stated. Leaving orbital ferrying in the hands of private companies, Armstrong and others insisted, would at best be setting the clock back on manned space exploration. And were private enterprise to drop the ball, perhaps even catastrophically, as many believe it would, the entire grand enterprise of sending people into space might come to a long-term or even permanent halt. Once NASA's massive manned-spaceflight machine is dismantled, rebuilding it might take far more time and money than anyone would want to spend. Yet despite these concerns, Congress reluctantly agreed to the plan this fall.

Uniqueness – Private Sector Doesn’t Exist

[____] The private sector is not ready now because it has not received enough government incentives.
Gregg Easterbrook, senior editor of the New Republic, 4/15/2010, “Get over the moon. We need NASA to save the Earth”
Obama’s plan to encourage free-enterprise rocketry sounds great, but is extremely unrealistic. Only one company, Sea Launch, has ever succeeded in placing a large, privately funded rocket into orbit, and right now Sea Launch is in Chapter 11. The capital requirement for reaching space is very high, the customer base modest. (Here are details about Sea Launch and private rocketry The White House would provide $6 billion over five years to encourage development of private rockets, but this is a drop in the bucket. The new Boeing 787 and its engines cost about $13 billion to develop, and the 787, while beautiful, is just an airplane. A new “human-rated” — multiple redundant systems — rocket capable of carrying significant payloads to orbit could easily require $25 billion or more for development. No private company will be able to raise such a sum without a long-term guaranteed NASA contract, at which point you might as well just have NASA develop the next rocket. (Private flight to orbit will happen someday, but absent a major breakthrough, perhaps not for decades. The winged “spaceship” being developed by Richard Branson is not a spaceship; it will fly higher than conventional aircraft, but not reach orbit.)

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