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Uniqueness – Weaponization Inevitable

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Uniqueness – Weaponization Inevitable


[____] Countries will inevitably seek weapons in space, they are motivated by more than just US policies.

Steven Lambakis, senior analyst at the National Institute for Public Policy, February 2001, “Space Weapons: Refuting the Critics,” Policy Review, pp.48-49
One may ask, just because the United States unilaterally refrains from developing antisatellite weapons or space-based lasers, why do we assume that other countries will pause right alongside Washington? After all, not all innovations in war stem from provocation. While weapons developed and deployed by rival states surely influence decision making, it is unlikely that states procure weapons systems primarily to achieve a balance in arsenals. Some states certainly may strive to have what we have, but they also will strive to acquire and master those weapons that meet their unique security requirements. Washington's very reliance on satellites for security, moreover, would appear to be a more plausible motivation behind any hostile state's desire to acquire satellite countermeasures. While China might wish to integrate ASATS into its arsenal to offset Washington's deployment of ASATS as part of a deterrence strategy ("you hit one of mine, I'll hit one of yours"), Beijing is likely to be more inclined to acquire satellite countermeasures independently of what Washington does in order to degrade U.S. space advantages, which may be used to support Taiwan.
[____] Military experts believe that weaponization of space is inevitable.
Agence France Presse, 11/3/2009, “China commander says space weapons inevitable,
Beijing: A top China air force commander has called the militarization of space an "historical inevitability", state media said Monday, marking an apparent shift in Beijing's opposition to weaponizing outer space. In a wide-ranging interview in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Daily, air force commander Xu Qiliang said it was imperative for the PLA air force to develop offensive and defensive operations in outer space. "As far as the revolution in military affairs is concerned, the competition between military forces is moving towards outer space... this is a historical inevitability and a development that cannot be turned back," Xu told the paper. "The PLA air force must establish in a timely manner the concepts of space security, space interests and space development. "We must build an outer space force that conforms with the needs of our nation's development (and) the demands of the development of the space age."

Link Turn – Plan Trades off with Weaponization


[____] A major new exploration project would trade off with weaponization, not support it.

David M. Livingston, business consultant, financial advisor, and strategic planner, 8/10/2000, “From Earth to Mars: A Cooperative Plan,”
Despite the problems associated with putting humans on Mars, there are also benefits to be realized from such a mission. Both the public sector and the private sector have unique ways of benefiting from a manned voyage to Mars. Public-sector benefits include increased employment, the allocation of resources away from weapons to a space project, new technologies, scientific discoveries, and higher tax revenues. Some of the private-sector benefits include goodwill and a favorable public image as well as increased revenues and opportunities for corporate growth. High-paying jobs and employment opportunities will result from a Mars project. For example, maintaining and flying the Space Shuttle involves five NASA centers and approximately 25,000 high-paying jobs. A manned Mars mission has equal or greater potential for similar employment opportunities within both the public and private sectors. Another important benefit would be the probable allocation of resources away from military and weapons projects to the Mars project. Resources and talent will be dedicated to designing and developing the Mars mission.
[____] NASA’s budget is finite. A new project would force a cancellation of other programs. The negative’s uniqueness evidence proves it would be a weaponization program.
Norman R. Augustine et al, chairman of the Aeronautics Committee of the NASA Advisory Council and served on the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 2009, “Seeking a Human Spaceflight Program Worthy of a Great Nation,”
In the case of NASA, one result of this dilemma is that in order to pursue major new programs, existing programs have had to be terminated, sometimes prematurely. Thus, the demise of the Space Shuttle and the birth of “the gap.” Unless recognized and dealt with, this pattern will continue. When the ISS is eventually retired, will NASA have the capability to pursue exploration beyond low-Earth orbit, or will there be still another gap? When a human-rated heavy-lift vehicle is ready, will lunar systems be available? This is the fundamental conundrum of the NASA budget. Continuation of the prevailing program execution practices (i.e., high fixed cost and high overhead), together with flat budgets, virtually guarantees the creation of additional new gaps in the years ahead. Programs need to be planned, budgeted and executed so that development and operations can proceed in a phased, somewhat overlapping manner.

Impact Turn – Space Weaponization Solves Conflict


[____] Space weapons mean the end of conventional war.

Everett Carl Dolman, Associate Professor at the U.S. Air Force’s School of Advanced Airpower Studies, October 2003, “Space Weapons: Are They Needed?”

And so it would. Complete domination of space would give the United States such an advantage on the terrestrial battlefield that no state could openly challenge it. Traditional war would be effectively over. An idealist vision would be secured by realist means. Strategic dominance of space would further force the United States to maintain the industrial and technical capacity to keep it at the forefront of hegemony for the foreseeable future. Nontraditional war, especially terrorism, would not be over, but it could very well be mitigated.42 The current dominant use of space for military matters is in the areas of observation and monitoring. These are the tools of effective police organizations, and have already been adapted in counter-terrorism plans. The details would be worked out in time, but the strategy clearly has benefits for the United States and the world.


[____] Space weapons deter conflict and promote peace and freedom.

Steven Lambakis, senior analyst at the National Institute for Public Policy, February 2001, “Space Weapons: Refuting the Critics,” Policy Review, p.51
Finally, strength at home and assertiveness abroad have ensured stability for the United States and much of the world during the past century. Capricious misfortune and aggression, after all, are the bane of the republic -- and of international security. Military strength can help the United States and its allies direct chance more favorably and, in the worst of times, deter and turn aside aggression. Vast practical consequences will fall out of policy choices concerning the nature of American space power, especially as they affect the composition of U.S. forces, military organization, and security strategy. The new administration and Congress must help the American people overcome a habit of viewing space weapons in isolation from America's purpose. Should military requirements warrant and cost permit, space weapons could be invited to join the rest of the arsenal to secure American interests and contribute to global strategic stability. The United States and its allies should resist enchantment with slogans that divert attention from new security possibilities, especially ballistic missile defense, which ought to be viewed in the broader context of space power. Far from jeopardizing stability and peaceful uses of space, American military power exercised on the edge of earth would contribute to world peace and freedom.

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