Thus, those who say, I will not awaken the sleeping Buddha. I will not bother the Mother. This is one thing I have to do for myself because I have done this thing wrong for so long and now I am going to do it right. . . .” You see,
beloved ones, you engage in the lie of nonhierarchy. They deny the chain of being and they get you to deny you area part of the eternal chain of God.
The higher helps the lower. As you accept help in humility, you can extend help. If you do not receive from the one above you, you cannot give to the one below you whose progress is utterly stopped because you yourself have stopped.
You seethe pride. Some do not like to think they are dependent upon others. Learn to be receivers of our grace and the grace of a chela for whom you have had disdain. For the prayers of that one whom you think to be beneath you maybe the salvation of your soul.
Revere God and let him take care of the human and do not create
a false hierarchy in your mind, a panoply of all persons you know—some you place on the highest rung and some on the lowest in your system of judgment. And then you seek the company
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of those whom you think to be the important people who can somehow add to your stature.
This is failing tests, and it leads to a great debacle as the house comes tumbling down that you have built through establishing contacts, associations, being
apart of that illusory society, et cetera, et cetera.
One day the world must always turn against the living Christ. And I do not think that any among you would consciously turn down the light of your Christ consciousness to be accepted by men, yet some of you do this unconsciously to avoid the challenge or the hurt or the public criticism.
Beloved ones, you can only go so far with this little game as you fit yourself in and out of society’s cliques. Sooner or later they will make demands upon you, and sooner or later you will realize that you just compromised your soul and your relationship to
me to be popular with some potentate.
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