Sigaccess fy’10 Annual Report

Awards that were given out

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Awards that were given out

In 2006, ACM SIGBED established a student award in the name of late Dr. Frank Anger to promote cross-disciplinary research between embedded systems and software engineering. SIGBED solicited applications from qualified student members also in 2008. The submission deadline was beginning of August and the call has been distributed to all SIGBED members well in advance. In 2009, the recipient of the Frank Anger Memorial ACM SIGBED/SIGSOFT Student Award was Timothy Hnat (University of Virginia).

In 2008, SIGBED established a new SIGBED-EMSOFT Best Paper Award. The SIGBED EMSOFT Best Paper Award will be presented to the individual(s) judged by the award committee to have written the best paper appearing in the EMSOFT (Embedded Software) conference proceedings. The selection criteria are the scientific quality of the paper and the exposition of the ideas. The 2009 award went to Kai Lampka, Simon Perathoner, and Lothar Thiele for “Analytic real-time analysis and timed automata: a hybrid method for analyzing embedded real-time systems.”

Significant papers on new areas that were published in proceedings

We consider the EMSOFT best paper as a significant contribution to the area of embedded systems. In addition, we would like to highlight a major contribution to the area of sensor networks which received the IPSN best paper award: Prabhal Dutta, Thomas Schmid, and Mani Srivastava, “High-resolution, low-power time synchronization an oxymoron no more.”

Innovative programs which provide service to some part of your technical community

We used the fall 2009 SGB meeting to discuss closer collaboration between SIGSOFT and SIGBED. The two SIGs are working to have a leading researcher from each field speak at the conference of the other field. Software engineering and embedded computing have strong common technical interests but are largely distinct communities with different bodies of knowledge.
SIGBED now has two major federated conferences: CPS Week in the spring [HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, LCTES, RTAS] and ES Week [EMSOFT, CODES+ISSS, CASES] in the fall. These conferences together cover the waterfront of embedded computing and give members world-class venues in which to discuss their work. CPS Week initiated a new conference, the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS). SIGBED also co-sponsors other more specialized conferences such as the International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras.
The SIGBED review, edited by Oleg Sokolsky of University of Pennsylvania, provides a forum for technical contributions by members as well as lists of upcoming events.

A very brief summary for the key issues that the membership of that SIG will have to deal with in the next 2-3 years

We introduced low student membership fees to the SIG to encourage student members. We started a diversity workshop at ES Week 2010 to help nurture a more diverse set of researchers and practitioners in the field.


July 2009 - June 2010

Submitted by: Flo Appel, SIGCAS Chair
1. Awards

SIGCAS’ 2009 award recipients were Cem Kaner, “Making A Difference”, presented at ACM’s Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conference; and Flo Appel “Outstanding Service”, presented at her

home institution of Saint Xavier University. The nomination process for the 2010 SIGCAS "Making a Difference" and "Outstanding Service" awards is in progress. Mark Perry, SIGCAS Executive Committee member, is responsible for its oversight.
2. Significant papers on new areas that were published in proceedings

3. Significant programs that provided a springboard for further technical efforts

4. Innovative programs which provide service to some part of your technical community

Although SIGCAS does not sponsor our own conferences, we have been proactive in forging relationships with other organizations, and continue to find venues in which to present and publicize the good work of our membership: Our very popular Birds of a Feather (BOF) session, held at the past 3-4 SIGCSE Symposia, provides us with a formal and visible presence for a population that is interested in the work of SIGCAS. And, we continue to present SIGCAS panels, workshops and tutorials at CCSC conferences (Consortium for Computer Science in Colleges).

SIGCAS has also continued its collegial relationship with the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT), and has again published (in the December 2009 Computers & Society) a collection of INSEIT (CEPE) conference papers. The issue was guest-edited by SIGCAS-INSEIT member Herman Tavani. We will also be publishing a special issue of Computers & Society this coming September (2010) in which we highlight a collection of papers from the 2010 Ethicomp Conference, an international computer ethics biennial.

Additionally, two promising collaborations are in process:

  • This past year, we have been involved in discussions with the ACM’s Committee on Professional Ethics (CPE) about the possibility of collaborating on a pre-conference mini-conference at the March 2011 SIGCSE Symposium. We have been in contact with the SIGCSE Symposium leadership regarding space availability for this event. SIGCAS members Don Gotterbarn & Keith Miller are already committed to delivering a computer ethics pedagogy workshop through CPE as part of this effort.

  • We have been approached by IEEE’S Society for the Social Impact of Technology (SSIT) to collaborate with them on their 2011 ISTAS conference, currently scheduled for May 2011 in Chicago. We would like to take our relationship with SSIT to a higher level, and see this as an important opportunity. However, we understand that the ACM-IEEE relationship is a bit complex, so we will be consulting with SIG services to ensure that we proceed in accordance with ACM protocol.

Carol Spradling from Northwest Missouri University continues in the capacity of SIGCAS representative to the ACM Education Council, while Alan Rea from the University of Minnesota represents SIGCAS on the USACM. SIGCAS member Don Gotterbarn serves as the ACM representative to IFIP’s TC9 Group on computers and society. All of these dedicated SIGCAS members provide reports to the SIGCAS community through our Computers & Society newsletter.

5. Brief summary of key issues that the SIG membership will have to deal with in the next 2-3 years.

July 2011 will signal the arrival of new SIGCAS leadership, resulting from the 2011 election. Flo Appel will be stepping down from her position of Chair and will not seek re-election, and it is unclear at this time whether the other Executive Committee members will seek re-election. Diana Burley, George Washington University, will be completing her first 3-year term as Vice-Chair; Mark Perry, University of Western Ontario, will be completing his second 3-year term as Executive Committee Member-at-large. Therefore, it is essential that new leadership continue to be nurtured and that the new officers are able to “hit the ground running.”

The challenges identified over the past years continue to exist. While we have made sustained and important inroads into collaboration at the leadership level with other organizations, we continue to struggle to mobilize our membership to become more actively involved in a sustained way in these liaisons.

We have been successful in recruiting and retaining a talented and effective editorial board, whose members work well together and continue to work on the content, format and character of the newsletter. Timely publication of the newsletter has been achieved. However, we do not have an editorial board member yet willing to step forward as editor-in-chief, and this puts an undue burden on the SIG leadership to edit and produce the newsletter every quarter. Our newsletter, online since 2002, must be stabilized from the perspective of both its editorial board and its publication. We continue to discuss plans to leverage the online character of the newsletter.

Our website requires ongoing work to become more interactive, and has proven to be a valuable resource. It has been effective in its ability to mobilize our membership. We routinely receive responses to the “Volunteer Opportunities” page, and this is gradually resulting in a more active & engaged membership.


July 2009 - June 2010

Submitted by Gerrit C. van der Veer, President

1. Awards

1.1 SIGCHI made the following awards in 2009-2010:

  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Lucy Suchman

  • Lifetime Achievement in Practice: Karen Holtzblatt

  • CHI Academy:  Susanne Bodker, Mary Czerwinski, Austin Henderson, David Kieras, Arnie Lund, Larry Tesler, Shumin Zhai

  • Social Impact: Award: Ben Bederson, Allison Druin

  • Lifetime Service Award: Mary Czerwinski    

1.2 SIGCHI Conference awards:

  • "Best of CHI Awards for Papers":

How does search behavior change as search becomes more difficult?
Anne Aula, Rehan M. Khan, Zhiwei Guan, Google, USA

The Tower of Babel Meets Web 2.0: User-Generated Content and its Applications in a Multilingual Context
Brent Hecht, Northwestern University, USA
Darren Gergle, Northwestern University, USA

Occlusion-Aware Interfaces
Daniel Vogel, University of Toronto, Mount Allison University, Canada
Ravin Balakrishnan, University of Toronto, Canada

Skinput: Appropriating the Body as an Input Surface
Chris Harrison, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Desney Tan, Dan Morris, Microsoft Research, USA

Avaaj Otalo | A Field Study of an Interactive Voice Forum for Small Farmers in Rural India
Neil Patel, Stanford University, USA
Deepti Chittamuru, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Anupam Jain, IBM India Research Laboratory, India
Paresh Dave, Development Support Center, India
Tapan S. Parikh, University of California at Berkeley, USA

Lumino: Tangible Blocks for Tabletop Computers Based on Glass Fiber Bundles
Patrick Baudisch, Torsten Becker, Frederik Rudeck, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany

Feminist HCI: Taking Stock and Outlining an Agenda for Design
Shaowen Bardzell, Indiana University, USA

Prefab: Implementing Advanced Behaviors Using Pixel-Based Reverse Engineering of Interface Structure
Morgan Dixon, James Fogarty, University of Washington, USA

Mobilizing Health Workers in Rural India
Divya Ramachandran, John Canny, University of California, at Berkeley, USA
Prabhu Dutta Das, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communications Technology, India
Edward Cutrell, Microsoft Research India, India

Mapping the Landscape of Sustainable HCI
Carl DiSalvo, Georgia Tech, USA
Phoebe Sengers, Hrönn Brynjarsdóttir, Cornell University, USA

The Design of Eco-Feedback Technology
Jon Froehlich, Leah Findlater, James Landay, University of Washington, USA

Useful Junk? The Effects of Visual Embellishment on Comprehension and Memorability of Charts
Scott Bateman, Regan L. Mandryk, Carl Gutwin,
Aaron Genest, David McDine, Christopher Brooks, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

  • Best of CHI Awards for Notes:

Note | A Longitudinal Study of How Highlighting Web Content Change Affects People’s Web Interactions
Jaime Teevan, Susan T. Dumais, Daniel J. Liebling, Microsoft Research, USA

Note | Social Network Activity and Social Well-Being
Moira Burke, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Cameron Marlow, Thomas Lento, Facebook, USA

2. Significant Papers on new areas that were published in proceedings
See 1.2

3. Significant programs that provided a springboard for further technical efforts
3.1. Starting work on a SIGCHI Sponsored Regional Workshop for CHI Asia

In order to better anticipate the possibility of SIGCHI events (including the CHI conference) in Asia, we need to have a clearer understanding of the actuality of HCI development in Asian countries. Capturing an understanding of HCI knowledge and practice that exists in Asia would be useful in formulating a strategy for using SIGCHI resources with clear targets to help Asian HCI communities mature and in building/strengthening ties with them.

Aiming at this, we are organizing a SIGCHI sponsored Workshop on HCI in Asia (a three-day event to be held in Beijing, China) which will attempt to better know about the HCI situations in Asian countries in the following aspects:

  • The current status of HCI development in academia, industry, education, organizations etc.

  • The problems and challenges faced in HCI development in Asian communities.

  • Where help from external bodies like SIGCHI can make a difference and how

  • How SIGCHI can better involve local HCI communities in the global SIGCHI community and help them mature in Asia - specifically what are the areas SIGCHI needs to work on with priority and what are the feasible approaches and achievable goals?

The results of this workshop will also help SIGCHI leadership to have a direct contact with the Asian HCI communities and their leaders and get familiar with them, so that better and close working relationships could be developed with ease later on.

Workshop Participants

This is not an open conference, but a targeted workshop. We will invite representatives from Asian countries/regions (21) and from the SIGCHI committee (6), totaling 27, to attend the workshop. The following represents our current thinking about the distribution of the invited participants:

  • 1 for each country/region, 2 for countries/regions with bigger HCI community, 5 for the host country China

  • Representing local SIGCHI chapters or HCI organizations if possible

  • Representing different disciplines: computer science, design, psychology, ergonomics etc.

Logistics and Venue

The workshop will be held in Beijing, China, March 25-27th, 2011. This is shortly after the ACM SIGCHI Sponsored CSCW 2011 conference in Hangzhou, and will attempt to incorporate lessons learned from that event. SIGCHI has budgeted approximately $50K for this event to cover travel and meeting expenses for the participants.

Expected Outcome

  • A report on the state of the HCI field in the Asian region.

  • Key areas identified to be worked on by SIGCHI towards staging future SIGCHI events in Asia and the initial action plans for such events.


ACM SIGCHI is the primary sponsor. Additional support is being solicited from CCF (Chinese Computer Federation), and from the local chapter SIGCHI China.

3.2 CHI Communities
What are they?

Communities are collections of people that are associated with SIGCHI who share a common interest. Communities may be geographic (many local SIGs would want to become a community) or they may be topical (UIST, CSCW, design, games, health care etc.) A community is a collection of people who, by banding together, can speak with a common voice within SIGCHI; can more effectively organize the activities that are of interest to them; and can obtain services that support their activities.

How are the communities benefited?

Identity and organization

The first thing that a community provides is an identity and an organizational structure. This structure may be very lightweight but it allows the community to elect leaders who can help direct activities, rally involvement and speak for the community.


SIGCHI can provide a wide range of infrastructure services to communities that can simplify their organization and activities. Potentially these services could include mailing/membership list management, elections, dues collection, room scheduling at CHI, badge ribbons, activities into conference program, web hosting, blogs, wikis, conference organization assistance and budgetary/financial services.


Communities can also be a way of exerting influence on SIGCHI so that their voices do not get drowned out in the larger organization. A community may have a leader who can speak for that community. As communities become larger they could potentially have additional influence such as: nomination of CHI conference associate chairs, special conference venues targeted to particular interests, nominations of TOCHI editors, and adjunct chairs who serve on the SIGCHI on the executive committee.

How is SIGCHI benefited?

SIGCHI would be better able to serve its increasingly diverse membership. Communities and their membership would help SIGCHI recognize, adapt too and facilitate new trends spawned from the grass-roots of our membership. Communities can also serve as a great place to groom the next generation of leadership for the larger organization.

How are communities formed?

Communities are formed by ordinary members of SIGCHI banding together around an issue, interest, or location and then inviting others to join them. As a community grows, the infrastructure and influence of that community can grow with it.


Forming a Community

  1. • Web-based mechanism for groups of SIGCHI members to form new communities

  2. • 5 SIGCHI members are required to form a community with one of these designated as temporary chair

  3. • Membership is not limited to SIGCHI members, but only SIGCHI members can vote.

  4. • New communities specify a name and a one paragraph mission statement.

  5. • Final approval for new communities rests with the SIGCHI Executive Committee in negotiation with the organizers.

Community Governance

  1. • In general, communities are responsible for their own functions and interests; however, ultimate fiscal and procedural authority rests with the SIGCHI Executive Committee.

  2. • At minimum a community should have a chair who is elected (after a short term under the temporary chair designated at community creation). A community can then define its own officer structure including additional elected and/or appointed positions.

  3. • Elections are web-based among SIGCHI members of the community and are held every two years.

  4. • An individual can only be a voting member of at most 5 communities. However, any individual can be an affiliate member of as many communities as they want. The purpose of the voting member limit is to ensure that voting members are actively engaged in the community.

  5. • A community is dissolved when it goes for more than 12 months with fewer than 5 voting members.

  6. • Non-SIGCHI members of a community can be removed with cause by the community chair or other body of community officers.

Potential Services to Communities

  1. • At minimum communities are provided with web-based elections, an email list to all members (optionally moderated), and a web site for posting community-based information.

    1. • Future services may include o Social media resources such as: wiki, blog, twitter feed . . .

    2. o Resources for organizing conferences and workshops

    3. o Easy surveys of members

    1. • Future services to large communities may include o Influence over CHI conference events

    2. o Influence over SIGCHI related publications such as interactions and TOCHI

    3. o Budgetary assistance from SIGCHI

    4. o Membership on the SIGCHI Executive Committee

Relationship between Communities and Specialized Conferences

  1. • It is hoped that the specialized conferences sponsored by SIGCHI will be each be backed by a CHI Community.

  2. • The associated community will provide the year-to-year oversight of the conference and its finances and policies. This will give SIGCHI an ongoing point of contact for conferences.

  3. • The associated community will also give its members election and discussion opportunities as part of the governance of their conference.

Relationship between Communities and Local Chapters

  1. • Local chapters can become communities but need not do so.

  2. • For many local chapters it is hoped that the communities mechanism will provide services and infrastructure that will assist in community activities.

  3. • However, local chapters that have independent organization and infrastructure may decide that the communities mechanism is not helpful to them.

Relationship between CHI Conference Communities and SIGCHI Communities

  1. • CHI Conference communities have offered subgroups of attendees with opportunities to influence the conference.

  2. • The current model for CHI Conference communities provides little year-to-year organizational structure to maintain the vibrancy of their initiatives.

  3. • It is hoped that SIGCHI Communities will provide the ongoing volunteer structure behind the role currently played by CHI Conference communities.

  4. • Potentially, new CHI Conference communities will emerge from highly successful SIGCHI communities.

4. Innovative programs which provide service to some part of our technical community
We started this year with a systematic focus on HCI aspects in relation to public policy. To this end we appointed an Adjunct Chair for Public Policy, Jonathan Lazar, with who we developed our task vision:
Public policy increasingly plays a role in influencing the work that we do as HCI researchers, interaction designers, and practitioners. Public policy is a broad term that includes both government policy but also policy coming from non-governmental organizations such as standards bodies. While the government policies are sometimes limited to a single country, and sometimes concern more complex structures (e.g. the European Union), the community of researchers and designers who inform policy makers is worldwide, creating interface and interaction standards that are adopted by governments around the world. Two examples of well-known CHI policy topics are (1) how to facilitate fair and accurate voting (what types of interfaces, what types of voting machines), and (2) what types of web-based information should be legally required to be accessible for people with disabilities. The two examples provide a stark contrast: HCI experts were involved in accessibility policies from the beginning, driving the development of international standards which were then adopted (in modified form) by most governments around the world. HCI experts were not greatly involved in voting machine usability until after the topic came to the forefront of public policy discussions, and the HCI community has still not gotten the attention of policymakers, or made an impact in the same way that those who study voting machine security have gotten. Other potential topics related to public policy and interaction design include the use of interfaces that cause distracted driving, government requirements for multi-lingual web sites, end-user licensing agreements, privacy controls in interfaces, interfaces (and guidelines and processes) for usable e-government information, and interfaces on e-books used in education.
Good design and good research should be the driving force behind these decisions, not just commercial values and local politics. Members of the SIGCHI community are perfectly positioned to offer grounded advice to public policymakers about how people interact with technology, and thus directly affect how people interact with devices, applications and services in the future. The goals of SIGCHI related to public policy are to increase awareness, dissemination of information, and involvement of community members in policy-related activities.
In this first year our VC has been in place only for the final period. So far the following actions were taken:

  • Approve short statement about CHI public policy and add to SIGCHI web site

  • Create list server for CHI Public Policy (request submitted, thanks to Fred)

  • Plan on holding 3 public policy-related events at CHI 2011

  • Started to form a committee of international representatives related to CHI policy issues

  • Responded with suggestions to the USACM request for comments on the National Academies Report

5 Summary of key issue that the membership of SIGCHI will deal with in the next 2-3 years
We have decided to develop a consistent SIGCHI vision on HCI Education issues, and we recently appointed a Vice Chair for Education, Jenifer Preece.
At this moment we are drafting our vision statement:
Developing and promoting the teaching of HCI is an important endeavour, and one that the SIGCHI EC is deeply committed to. We construct education broadly: from school, undergraduate and graduate education to continued learning for practitioners and researchers who are already established in careers. We also see the development of networks of information and people who can promote, share and contribute to the education of HCI as a field as central to our mission.
We propose the formation of an Education Committee associated with the SIGCHI Executive Committee. The SIGCHI Education Committee shall comprise committee members from across the world who have a proven record for innovative contributions to HCI education. These could include: leadership of a group, writing an influential text or paper, innovative teaching, supervision of exemplary student work, voluntary service to HCI education at university, school, company or non-profit organization, and more.
The aim of the committee will be to promote innovative HCI education practices by sharing ideas, collaborating on projects, holding workshops etc. We recognize that there have been several previous attempts hosted by SIGCHI to promote HCI Education, which have faltered through lack of interest among researchers. Since these are people who often have the most creative ideas we will try to draw them in to creative discussion and brain storming. We also note that it is not only SGCHI that has struggled to foster HCI Education. Similar groups have been hosted by INTERACT, UPA and national societies. Experience suggests that efforts which have focused on creating repositories of educational material have floundered; we suggest that this is because material has been hard to collect, difficult to curate effectively and suffers from being quickly out-dated in our fast-moving discipline.
We propose that this committee will not focus on developing repositories of syllabi, but will focus on providing social venues for leading researchers and practitioners to share ideas. Initially we will focus on sharing ideas through dynamic brainstorming, the collection of the most exemplary student projects as models for others, and develop insights from interviews with the faculty and students that developed them. Brainstorming to identify exemplary work and inspire the SIGCHI to place more value on HCI Education will be the sole short-term aim of the committee. We will also investigate the potential for social media infrastructures to be a method for reaching out to our constituencies for input. This will likely take two to three years.
Once we have engaged the SIGCHI Community will we then start to think about longer term goals that might include national and international projects, supported by collaborative funding between agencies in different countries. Exactly how we will proceed will depend on the ideas provided by the SIGCHI community.
The SIGCHI Adjunct Chair for HCI Education will work on developing a committee of international representatives familiar with issues related to HCI Education, to be called the SIGCHI HCI Education Committee. We acknowledge that local representatives are most qualified to deal with local issues in their own countries, states and institutions. Therefore, for countries with already-existing groups, the chair of the existing group will be considered as a potential
invitee to serve on this international committee. This process will start immediately with the help of the SIGCHI VP.

Much of the committee’s activities will be conducted using new communications technologies but we suggest that there should be an annual meeting, hosted and sponsored partly by ACM and partly by the funding body of the host country. The first of these meetings would be in the USA partially hosted by NSF funding.


July 2009 - June 2010

Submitted by: Bruce Davie, Chair
SIGCOMM continues to be a healthy and vibrant SIG. There are a number of highlights in the past year.
SIGCOMM held elections in June 2009, leading to the election of Bruce Davie as the new chair, and re-election of Henning Schulzrinne as Vice-Chair and Tilman Wolf as Secretary/Treasurer. There were no changes to the appointed members of the EC, but an effort was undertaken to fill the position of Education Director, which had been vacant for some time. After an open call, the position was filled by Olivier Bonaventure, who has been quick to start assembling a group of advisors and putting together web resources for educators teaching networking-related courses.
The EC has received considerable feedback on the organization of the SIGCOMM conference in the last 2 years, and this prompted a series of discussions on how conference oversight may be improved. As a result, this year a new Technical Steering Committee (TSC) was created after extensive discussion with the community. The TSC has responsibility for selecting PC chairs, crafting policies related to the PC operation and technical program, and providing a repository of knowledge about the technical aspects of the conference. Administrative and fiscal responsibility for the conference continues to reside with the SIGCOMM EC. Six members have been appointed to the TSC, including three past PC chairs, and the TSC has selected PC chairs for the 2011 conference.
The SIGCOMM newsletter, Computer Communications Review, continues to thrive as a journal with high quality and timely articles under S. Keshav's editorial guidance. An online submission and review system has been established, allowing authors and reviewers to interact with each other anonymously before a paper acceptance decision is made. This has substantially improved authors' perception of the review process and simultaneously improved the paper quality. Acceptance rates for the newsletter are around 20%, on par with top-tier conferences. Turnaround time is quite a lot better than many journals.
SIGCOMM became an approved nominating organization for the Research Highlights section of CACM. We are asking PC chairs from all of our sponsored conferences to submit the most suitable papers for consideration, and at this point we have submitted two nominations to the CACM editors.
With respect to awards, SIGCOMM has recognized Radia Perlman with the SIGCOMM award for lifetime achievement; she will receive the award and present a keynote talk at the annual SIGCOMM conference in August 2010 in New Delhi. SIGCOMM also has recognized Binbin Chen, Ziling Zhou, Yuda Zhao and Haifeng Yu from the National University of Singapore for the best paper in that conference, "Efficient Error Estimating Coding: Feasibility and Applications". Two "Test of Time" awards will also be given at the conference for the best papers with long-lasting impact from 10-12 years ago. Those papers are both from the SIGCOMM conference of 1999: Griffin, T. G. and Wilfong, G., "An analysis of BGP convergence properties" and Faloutsos, M., Faloutsos, P., and Faloutsos, C., "On power-law relationships of the Internet topology."

SIGCOMM has also recognized Ratul Mahajan with its Rising Star award; he received his award and delivered a keynote address at the CoNEXT conference held in December 2009 in Rome.

Further, four SIGCOMM members were recognized as ACM Fellows: Bruce Davie, Jeffrey A. Dean, Farnam Jahanian, and John Chi-Shing Lui. Five SIGCOMM members were made Distinguished Members of ACM: Mark Crovella, Richard P. Draves, Venkata N. Padmanabhan, Ramon C. Puigjaner and Prashant Shenoy.
In the prior year, the SIG had decided to add its support to ACM-W's scholarship program, and the first recipient of this award, Mariyam Mirza from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, attended the 2009 SIGCOMM conference in Barcelona. SIGCOMM's support augments the ACM-W scholarship for any recipient who chooses to attend a SIGCOMM-sponsored or in-cooperation conference or workshop, covering full costs of travel, lodging, and conference registration. In addition, SIGCOMM helps find informal mentors for ACM-W award winners to interact with at the conference.
SIGCOMM continues its geodiversity travel grants: for five years now we have awarded travel grants to support junior researchers from under-represented regions in attending the main SIGCOMM conference; this year, support was extended to selected authors at the Latin American Networking Conference (LANC 2009), enabling them to travel to New Delhi for the 2010 SIGCOMM conference. The SIG has also increased its financial support for student travel grants to both the flagship conference and to CoNEXT.
The CoNEXT conference is growing into a high-quality, general networking conference of comparable quality to the SIGCOMM conference. With a smaller audience than SIGCOMM, it can be a little more interactive, and has had successful panel sessions and student workshops. CoNEXT 2010 will be held in December in Philadelphia. We are planning an industry session at the conference as part of the SIG's efforts to improve the level of interaction among industrial and academic participants in our community.
With fairly stable membership and a solid financial position, the largest problem faced by the SIG in the next few years may well be the extreme selectivity of the flagship conference (which has an acceptance rate around 10%). Our approach to tackling that problem has several components:

- attempting to build CoNext up to a level that it as seen as a peer conference to the Sigcomm conference

- ensuring high quality program committees and transparency in their operation, something we hope the TSC can facilitate

- fostering journal publication as an alternative to the flagship conference.

To the latter point, the SIG has committed to provide financial support to the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking to defray some of the page costs of longer papers.
Finally, the SIGCOMM main conference continues to thrive. In keeping with ACM's mission of becoming a more truly global organization, we are holding our flagship conference outside North America two years out of three. After a successful 2009 edition in Barcelona, SIGCOMM 2010 will take place in New Delhi, India. SIGCOMM 2011 returns to North America, with Toronto being the host city.

SIGCSE FY’10 Annual Report

July 2009- June 2010

Submitted by: Barbara Boucher Owens, Past Chair
ACM assigns the responsibility for each SIG’s Annual Chair’s Report to the immediate past chair when a new Chair has just assumed the office. Renée McCauley as the new chair has only to read this one!
First of all, let me express my deepest appreciation to the 2007-2010 SIGCSE Board. Each and every one of the members performed with exceptional energy, skill and thoughtfulness. The members of that Board were the Executive Committee consisting of Vice-Chair Alison Young (Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, New Zealand), Secretary Dan Joyce (Villanova University), Treasurer Renée McCauley (College of Charleston), and Immediate Past Chair Henry Walker (Grinnell College). The At-Large Members were Doug Baldwin (SUNY Geneseo), Wanda Dann (Carnegie Mellon) and Ingrid Russell (University of Hartford). Without their energy, and the countless hours they and other volunteers have given to the organization none of the work would have been possible.
Unlike my previous Chair’s Reports, this is a three-part report. Part I consists largely of a lengthy excerpt from my report on the Viability Study published in the June 2010 SIGCSE Bulletin. Part II resembles a standard Chair’s Report and looks at the highlights of 2009-2010. Part III addresses the challenges faced by the 2010-2013 SIGCSE Board as I see them.

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