46Configure the provisioning server
The following are examples of DIAL_TONE:
1. 350,440;-1 (350 and 440 Hz continuous tone)
•RINGING_TONE frequency | frequency | on_time | off_time] is used to select the tone advising the caller that a connection is made and a calling signal is applied to a telephone number or service point.
You can select the country specific tone. The default tone is the North
American tone
frequency1 - the frequency of tone 1.
frequency2 - the frequency of tone 2.
on_time - the duration of the tone when it is on. A -1 indicates a continuous tone
off_time - the duration when no tone is played.
The following are examples of RINGING_TONE:
1. 440,480; 2000,4000 (440 and 480 Hz with 2
seconds on, 4 seconds off)
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