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**** Chapter Seventeen: THE GOOD ROOM

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**** Chapter Seventeen: THE GOOD ROOM

“Alright, enough of playtime,” Azure said. “Nobody’s dying and we have no funerals to attend. Point is half the day is gone and we need to prepare for tomorrow.” “What’s tomorrow?” I asked.

“Tomorrow we’re going to Sikri,” Azure announced enthusiastically, holding both his hands up in the air.

Demon stared at him. “Don’t tell me you already gave the orders?”

“Yes!” Azure was beaming and I hadn’t a clue in the world as to why. “It is time I took some matters in my own hands since you so obviously don't want to.”

“I was going to,” Demon said. “Eventually.”

“And while we’re gone, Rumir will have your room fixed as well.”

“That’s endearing. Though I’m not sure I’ll be coming back. What with the full moon bullshit and all.” Demon frowned.

“Okay timeout!” I cut in. “Repeat forecast, only with more description this time please.”

“Sikri is the land of the Shaman,” Azure said. “We leave early in the morning so you better pack up and get to bed early tonight.”

“Pack up? I have nothing to pack up!” I folded my arms and glared. “What will I wear to see this Shaman? And as for sleeping, I don't like that room. It’s so white and dead and – white. I want another room.”

“Perhaps, Her Highness would like to consider the presidential suite at the Plaza for tonight?” Demon asked delicately.

“You have it in Volttus?” How exciting!


“You meany!” I said. “Invited or not I’m still your guest and you have to make me happy. Even if you have to give me your room. Oh, my God! That’s so perfect that’s exactly what you should do!”

“Are you bloody drunk?” Demon looked nearly shocked. “Five minutes here and you’ve already trashed half of it. Hell knows what tornado would dance here if I let you in for the night!”

“But this is so perfect!” I ogled his room. “Oh, please, switch with me. I agree this is a little creepy with claws everywhere but –”

“Excuse me?” Demon glared. “The claw is my mark!”

“Whatever! It’s just one night and it’ll work. If only you had a television though I mean that’s a real dumper not having one in a guy’s room you know.”

“Oh, but he does!” Azure picked up a palm-sized brown glass globule sitting on top of a long chest of drawers right opposite Demon’s bed. “Watch this.” He tapped the ball.

In a much shorter time than it takes to blink, a gigantic holographic screen, the size of the entire wall, sprang out of nowhere and covered everything – the dresser on which the ball was sitting before; the other things on the dresser; the wall behind the dresser and finally the whole of Demon’s room!

“I’m turning the demo on,” Azure said as a forest came to life and I could see and smell trees all around me.

Demon slapped his forehead. “Oh, sure that’ll help! That’ll make her run out screaming like mad!”

“This. Is. Awesome.” I was holding my breath and not blinking for fear of losing a single precious moment of such historic TV viewing. “It’s like I’m in the movie!”

“When they sell stuff in your world, calling it 3D this isn’t what they mean.” Azure was grinning. “This ball is the remote, of sorts really, anyway its voice controlled. You can just tell it to air any program ever made and aired ever since the inception of television and it will do it.” Yummylicious!

“But can we change the course of a story by interfering?” Oh, yes I had questions!

“I’d so love to do that!”

“No,” Azure said. “It really is TV. You are inside it but not part of it. Hence, you can’t interfere with the character’s life, can’t alter anything at all.” “Lucky bastards.” Demon sighed.

“Very!” I glared at him and then turned to Azure. “Sounds like a giant video library.

Uhm – let’s see – okay I missed my last episode of VD.”

Azure gasped. “You dig Damon Salvatore? Me too!” And we screamed like complete BFF’s. “You know his eyes remind me of Dee’s.” He said.

“Yeah!” I realized he was right. “They do!”

“Oh, for the love of hell!” Demon marched in and took the ball from Azure, switching off the – uhm – screen. “I look like me. Not a blood lusting creature. Though I can understand the craving for good necks but still.”

“Were you born this awful or did life treat you bad?” I snapped. “And you watch VD?

How very macho of you!” I laughed.

“Go to your room.” He said it bluntly.



“Have you ever seen the guestroom?” I said. “It doesn’t even have a closet I mean how can you, how can you treat your guests that way? Especially women.”

“Ah yes – women.” He took a deep breath. “Sugar and spice and everything nice.”

I felt my body temperature rise – in a bad way. “You know it wouldn’t kill you if you treated women with a little respect. Give them a few clothes to wear at least!”

He looked at me calmly. “That’s preposterous. I always give my women few clothes to wear.”

My women! Few clothes! I didn’t know whether to scream or scratch his eyes out.

The nerve!

“Yes, I know. I think I’ve been here long enough to see what women really mean to you. Look at the thing I’m in – the one underneath the robe.”

“Since you insist.” He grinned, as if granting a huge favor against his will. “Please do stay the night with me and I shall look at the thing.”

Unbelievable! I shook my head and almost laughed at his theatrics. Azure was looking at us, from one face to another, his head bobbing back and forth like a pendulum but he didn't say anything. I guess he was still trying to grasp the gist of the conversation.

“You’re so slutty!” I said. “Do you ever talk to the girls you spend time with?”

“Slutty!” He raised a questioning brow. “I talk to you don't I?”

“Only because you can’t have me.” Burn! “In my case, you don't have a choice but to talk.”

Demon’s face froze for an instant. His brows arched and his mouth hung open slightly. The shock lasted only less than a second but it lingered long enough to be obvious to me. And the stunned look of his magic eyes – that was my victory dance.

The ensuing silence was getting too heavy even for Azure to break when a light knock at the door did the trick.

“Demon honey, I’ve put the things in the guestroom. You really should get an armoire for that room, child.”

She had the gentlest voice that I ever heard. I turned to find a woman smiling at Demon like a brilliant ray of sunshine. Her round face was rosy, her arms muscular and her thick, short hair was gray with silver strands. She wore a blue denim knee length skirt with a white button-up shirt. Very graceful. I liked her immediately.

“Thank you Kara,” Demon said. “You came back early?”

“You know I don’t like to stay away from the castle too long.” She smiled sweetly. “I hope the clothes will fit the Princess.” Demon looked at me.

Kara laughed and looked at me affectionately. “Yes, I sized her up when I got her out of the bathtub. Seriously darling, you should put on some weight. You’re as light as a baby!” Then, just as she had entered, smiling brightly, she left the room.

I quietly watched her go while my tongue temporarily abdicated her throne. Clothes? So Demon had sent her off to buy clothes for me? And I had grilled him for – Aargh!

“Oh good! Now you’ll have something to pack up after all.” Azure finally had something to say.

My vocabulary seemed to be on vacation but I managed to call back a few words,

“Demon, I – I’m sorry I –”

“Don’t spoil it with an apology, Syhlain,” He said curtly. “Perhaps you’re right. In your case, I have zero choices.” Then he started walking towards the door. “Kara will look after you. And if anybody needs me I’ll be over at the stables.” Then he was gone.

“You know he may have more class than you give him credit for!” Azure frowned. “What’s the matter with you? You should be making peace with him and luring him to break the Scepter!”

“I know.” I rubbed my temples, my head ached. “I can’t help it he’s just so – Aargh!

He’s always pushing all the wrong buttons!”

“He’s a demon.” Azure threw his arms in the air. Then he took a deep breath and held me by my shoulders. “Please Aoife you have to at least try for all our sakes – okay?”

I nodded. My brain felt like it had been popping out popcorns. So much for teasing Demon!

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