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Cursed be the Syhlains!

She killed me with her final look.

The moon was shining full in the sky

And my Scepter strong and high

But I chose not to use her

Yes, so dazed was I

I was in love

I wanted to die

That lock of hair I lost to Lorez

Was more death to me than to sweet Princess

And so my Scepter cursed me for betrayal

For not being the Master of my own will

No longer could I enter Khuzdoh

Nor summon the Scepter from her abode

Nor use her, nor wield her

She, like a jilted lover, cursed me more So all shall know and know it well Heed you all for blasted hell!

If it ever happened again what happened to me

If another Demon falls

If he should ever grieve

Then, he, my son to the Volttus crown

Should seek out a Syhlain and hold her down

Wait for the moon to rise

Wait till it is old and full

Then with the Syhlain enter the cave

Summon the Scepter, my son, be brave

Use her power to turn the tide

To either gain strength

Or gain pride

For cursed be the Demon who falls prey To a Syhlain’s love or her fury!

The recital had ended. Demon was silent.

I couldn’t feel a pulse in my body. The echoes of his musical voice rang strong and true in my soul and I felt their rush in my heart. His voice – I had never heard anyone speak with such seductive tenderness. I could feel the haunting pain of Darchuz settle in my heart– not simply because the words were so beautiful but also because of the way Demon had said them. Poetry, not said right, loses half its allure.

“Wow,” I whispered as I ran an idle hand over the page in Memoirs where the original text was written in Akina. “He must really love her – such pain.”

“Yes, he was a tortured soul,” Demon said. “And a moron.”

“He was in love.” I flashed him a look. Surely Demon knew what that must be like.

“Love is a fickle emotion,” he said. “It’s not worth dying for or cursing an entire race over.” He wasn’t fuming. He was stating it like plain facts – as if in a debate.

“I read about you.” I cringed a little, inside. “Did you love her a lot? Is that why you’re so bitter?” I meant well. No sarcasm involved and I hoped he’d see that.

“Don’t remember that part,” he said casually. “But I do remember how she killed me, which is an irony in itself since the biggest perk of becoming Demon is that you forget your past – both good and bad.” He paused, his face didn’t give away much of what he felt inside but his eyes glowed very softly. “But I suppose some memories remain with us even in death.”

“Did you die?” I wanted him to talk. Tell me more. I just – wanted him to talk to me!

“Not entirely. You can’t be branded if you’re completely dead. There has to be some life left in the body.”

“Do you remember how Darchuz branded you?” My interest was reaching new heights.

“No.” He drew in a long breath. “But I know how to brand my heir if that’s what you mean.”

“But how will you choose your heir? I mean – none of you demons were related right? Kalum chose Darchuz and –”

“Marzong.” He corrected me. “Kalum chose Marzong, his nephew. Then Marzong chose Darchuz, a Richesse soldier who was injured saving Marzong’s life. Then it was me – after Darchuz.”

“So it’s not exactly lineage – like a bloodline, I mean like –” “I’m not blue blooded like you – or so I’m told.” He smiled.

I felt a rush of warm blood throbbing in my face. I must’ve sounded so patronizing!

I’d never meant to but it had come out all wrong.

“That’s not what I meant.” I spoke quickly, feeling sheepish. “I mean these things aren’t even important!”

“Then what is, pumpkin?” He looked – sleepy. Was he bored?

“I meant why do you pick random people? Why not just give the legacy to your kids?”

“Because demons have no kids.” He gave a dry smile. “Another perk of


“You can’t make a family?” That was shocking!

“No.” He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

“And you call that a perk!”

“Do you not?” He looked at me.

“No! I love kids! When I’m married I’ll have a huge family!”

I couldn’t believe he had said that! Family – children – was what made life beautiful – worth living for. I knew. I had been alone for so long. But perhaps I shouldn’t have let my heart pour out like so because when I looked back at him at the end of my confession he was staring at me. One hand covered his mouth while his eyes, sparkling like jewels – probably mined in the quarry of mischief – scanned my face.

“What?” I snapped.

“Oh, nothing.” He removed his hand to reveal a roguish smile. “So you do plan on having sex at some point in your life then?” Okay - why did I not see that coming?

“You are such a sleaze!” I got up instantly, furious, all over again. “Here we were having a perfectly good conversation but you just had to ruin it!”

“What did I say?” He stood up too, still mocking me. “You were the one being delirious about having a basketful of babies. Perhaps you’re not educated enough in the reality of how they’re made.”

“And what would you know? You’re sterile!” I slapped the book back on the table as mean anger took control of my tongue.

I thought he would stop dead at my remark but instead he threw back his head and laughed out loud.

“What does that have to do with what I’m after?” He smirked. “I think you’re confused again.”

With what he was after? What the hell was he after? What the –!

“Why did you ever come back?” I was losing it. “Why didn't you just shrivel and die in that retarded hellish cave of Scepter!” I had lost it.

“Okay, rewind your brain back to the conversation where I told you why,” he said calmly in the face of my rage. “You may even refer to the lament I just read to you from

Darchuz’s memoirs.”

“Well then you rewind your brain back and see how idiotic it was of you to go away in the first place.”

“I had to see it for myself if it was true. You can’t believe everything you read, can you?”

I was out of breath – my anger had reduced me to that. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. It didn't help much. That stupid smart mouth of his!

“This conversation is so over!” I said icily.

I pushed past him when he grabbed my hand, immediately sending a small electric shock all the way up to my shoulder. I stopped. He pulled me, ever so gently towards him. Looking straight into my eyes, he put his hand on my neck and started to slide it down. I looked first at his face and then his hand, then back at his face.

What the hell did he think he was doing? Threats bubbled in my mind but none made it to my fists. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was unable to move. When his hand reached lower than I was comfortable with, I opened my mouth to protest. And that’s when he simply pulled in the left collar of my robe to cover my bared shoulder and front.

Angry as I was, I hadn’t realized the massive robe had slipped out of place.

“If you walk around like that you may render my best soldiers useless and may even cause them to revolt against me,” he said softly.

Speechless, I stared at him. Still holding my collar, he moved his mouth a little closer to mine. I didn't recoil. I didn't stop him. I simply looked at those deep aqua eyes and, instinctively, I moved closer to him. Without meaning to, I closed my eyes. Waiting for him to – and just when our lips were about to touch, I heard him say.

“Seems like I can have anyone I want – including you.”

My eyes popped open. He was looking at me with that roguish, demonic smirk of his. His dreamy eyes mocked me. I pushed him away with all my strength.

He had been standing with his back to the numerous bookshelves out in the main library. And thanks to my shove, he flew back and crashed into them. His crash landing resulted in a domino effect for all the shelves in the space before us. They all fell; one shelf after the other then another. It took about ten minutes to knock down what looked like thirty large cases filled with books.

When what looked like an enormous dust storm finally settled and as Demon rose out of the debris, I realized what I had done. All those first edition priceless books!

“Oh no!” I gasped and covered my mouth.

“My library!” He looked around and then glared back at me. “I don’t believe this! For the love of hell! Is there no end to your aggression?”

“You deserved it!” I narrowed my eyes. “And if you’re not careful, I’ll wreck the remaining shelves as well.”

“Get out.” He growled.

“Make me.”

“Oh, I will.” Slowly, he stalked toward me.

“Touch me again and I’ll flick you off like a dead bug!” My new powers had given me a dangerous high.

“Oh, don't flatter yourself so Madam.” He smirked. “That was but beginner’s luck and I wasn’t prepared. Don't you dare think you can overpower Demon yet!”

“And don't you – Sir – coax me to use you in a slingshot!” I retorted hotly, but felt shivers run up and down my body.

My new, fearless warrior streak was magical. I felt like fighting him. I wanted to squash him like the pesky insect that he was! Was this the Syhlain blood taking over?

Was this the true way I was supposed to react to a demon?

He was standing in front of me and smiling.

“Oh, my beautiful Syhlain.” He almost whispered it. “So ready to take charge. But what she forgets is that this is still my domain.”

Like lightning, he twirled me into a fierce grip so that one of my arms was pinned against my back and my back was pinned against him. I struggled to free myself but his iron grip gave me no chance. It was confusing, exasperating and humiliating all at once!

“Let me go!” I tried to free my hand to claw his face. “You jerk! You’re hurting me!”

He spun me around so that now I faced him while now both my arms were pinned behind my back – and I was pinned against him.

“It all makes sense to me now – this Syhlain-Demon enmity.” He spoke as if we were sitting on a loveseat in the most comfortable of positions. “I mean how terrible would it be to date and bed an amazon? I’m happy Darchuz never had to find out.” Oh, the insult! I writhed, but couldn’t break free.

“Don’t you dare talk about Lorez that way!” I was trembling with rage. “You haven’t seen her! I have and she is the most –”

“But then their beauty is so seductive. It makes one believe the real sin would be to not take advantage.” His eyes were like pools of burning, angry teal.

My heart stopped.

He drew me nearer and I knew then. If he wanted to either molest or kill me – or both – there was nothing in the world to stop him. But then something strange happened. He pulled back slightly. “Why isn’t your crescent burning?” “What?” I blinked.

“Why the hell is your damn crescent not burning?” He asked again very slowly this time, stressing each word.

“How the hell do I know?” I snapped. “Maybe it’s gotten used to you roughing me up as you damn well please!”

Suddenly, he let me go and stood there staring at me for a few seconds.

“Stay away from me!” He hissed menacingly and turning on his heel, stormed out of the ruined library, slamming the door behind him.

“Is it that time of the month again?” I shouted after him, much relieved to be free and wondering what exactly had happened.

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