Smashwords Edition, License Notes

**** Chapter Forty Nine: THE END IS THE BEGINNING

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The day outdoors was bright and beckoning. After an hour long conference with

Ogaz I couldn’t possibly stay inside. I hurried out into the streets of Gustak. The people smiled, waved, blew kisses and reverently greeted me as they went along their daily business in and around the houses and workplaces.

I noticed the youth in particular showed an interest in me. Young teenaged boys flocked around me, questioning me about skills needed in warfare as if I was a great veteran with boundless wisdom in hand. They regarded Demon with the same reverence but they seemed to fear him more. They never questioned him. They always listened to him if he said or told them anything but even if there was a discussion; it was very controlled – not by him but by their own careful demeanor around him.

“So if I invited you to a duel would you accept, Princess?” Saem, a strikingly beautiful boy of eighteen years of age was especially interested in the tricks of warfare. Though, I strongly suspected he was more intrigued by how could a girl be strong enough to throw off a man as big as Jay.

“No.” I said to him. “I don’t duel for fun.”

We were gathered in the center of the town under a huge tree with a thick trunk and heavy boughs laden with evergreen (or ever-red) tapering auburn leaves. The locals called it Neme and it resembled the Neem tree from back home – I mean – Earth.

Maybe they were the same species?

This part of town was where the Gustakians, especially young people, hung out on wooden benches or concrete slabs beneath the Shady Neme, to take a break from work or simply kill time in the sunny Enthonian afternoons.

“But if we go to war, you’ll have to teach us,” Saem argued and the rest of the trio of boys of similar age agreed.

“Can you handle swords, Saem?” I looked at him suspiciously. He was so young and vibrant. He should’ve been out there crushing on a local beauty or something!

He smiled and took out a dagger from his waist belt. “I can throw daggers. And I can throw them very well!”

“Really?” my interest was piqued. A knife thrower – something after my heart.

“Okay, how about wrestling? That’s important in a war in case you run out of weapons. Or so I’m told.” I glanced at Demon, completely ignoring us kids and chatting away with the elders of the village.

Saem and his friends followed my glance and gathered more closely around. At that moment, we must’ve looked like a group of conspirators or stalkers staring at the Demon King. Good that he was out of earshot or the conversation that ensued wouldn’t have pleased him much.

“Krâl really trained you?” Saem asked me.

“Yeah,” I replied, eyes still fixed on the subject. “It was hell.”

“He must be so intimidating.” Aden, another young man in the group gave Demon an apprehensive look.

“Hardly with women.” Arvin winked. “Haven’t you heard the stories? He’s very good with the ladies.”

“What stories?” I asked instantly. “And he has no choice but to be good to me – I’m a Demon slayer.” The boys all laughed with understanding at that.

“Well,” Saem said, “this is from like really long ago – about half a century ago because I hear he hasn’t been in a relationship for that long.”

“How can anyone be sure of that? It’s not like we go check what goes on in Volttus!” Aden said.

“Because Krâl doesn’t hide stuff.” Arvin shrugged. “He is who he is and it’s for everyone to know.”

“Okay, okay! So what happened?” I intervened impatiently.

“Oh yes,” Saem said. “There was this lady, Nera. Very pretty and about Krâl’s age too. They had something special or so everyone says.”

“So she thought.” Arvin said. “Nera thought she and Krâl were a couple which is why she fell in despair when it ended.”

“Why did it end?” I felt a little sickened. Demon having something special with someone else?

“It had to, Princess.” Saem said. “She wasn’t exactly his girlfriend or a – you know. He would meet her sometimes but he sure took care of her. She was rich and everything but then she was mortal. She grew old while Krâl remained the same and though he continued to take care of her, he no longer came to see her – you know – not that same way as he used to at least. So, one day, she killed herself.”

“What?” I gasped. “Seriously?” Poor darling! All she wanted was love. What a steep price to pay!

Saem nodded. “Yes, she did. And it was after her death that Krâl stopped dating altogether. He stopped seeing any woman. This happened fifty years ago.”

God! “Did he love her that much that he couldn’t date again after her death?” My heart was pounding out of my chest. Please, say no!

“Oh, he didn’t love her,” Saem said. “In fact, I’ve never heard anyone say anything about Krâl ever loving anybody.”

“Yeah, love and Krâl don’t gel.” Arvin shook his head. “I think that’s what irked Nera. He liked her enough to take care of her but never loved her.”

“I know.” I heard myself say. “I mean – that’s so twisted.” I couldn’t help it if I understood Nera’s predicament all too well since she was smitten by the same man who had captivated me. “So,” I said casting a quick glance in Demon’s direction. “Why’d he stop dating?”

“I think guilt.” Aden shrugged. “He couldn’t get over the fact that he was the reason for her heartache and death.”

“And he didn’t want to put anyone else through the same grief.” Saem completed the thought. “They say he is incapable of love but he has a conscience that stopped him from – uhm – breaking more hearts I guess.”

“But then who knows what goes on in the castle, right?” Aden cocked an eyebrow.

“How long were you in Volttus, Princess?” Arvin asked. “Did you see anyone?”

“No.” I sighed. “The only people I saw were Kara and Rumir. But then I didn’t stay there that long – perhaps a few days and that was it.”

“Nah!” Saem said. “I don’t think there’s a lady in his life anymore. Y’know,

Shehrzad's death also left him furious. I mean I’m eighteen and I’ve met Krâl a thousand times in my life but I never saw fire in his eyes before that day.”

“He was that furious?” I decided to explore the subject further, though very cautiously. “Do you think he found out the identities of the hunters who left that trap?”

“Could’ve been anybody.” Arvin shook his head sadly. “But Krâl was angry it had happened. Sardan was devastated too, of course.”

I slumped down on the nearby wooden bench. So nobody in Gustak knew what exactly had happened to Shehrzad either. What a courageous heart Kabir and Ina had!

They’d done that in the name of peace.

I felt for that girl, Nera. But then I felt for Demon too. He had endured so much and so much more for all those lonely dark years of his endless life. No wonder Azure and Ogaz had come to the end of their wits and decided to throw me in to put an end to the misery of the one man they both cherished. I could understand. I cherished him too.

As our small group fell silent to revere the memory of the dead and the misery of the living, two little people joined us. Zemen and Zim – Saem’s niece and nephew who loved to hang around him. I’d noticed before that he adored those two as well, especially Zemen as she proudly locked her arms around his neck and hauled herself up in his lap every chance she got.

I was pleasantly surprised the two Z’s had taken a liking to me too – and the way they behaved with Krâl was another story. No fear, no boundaries, pure innocent curiosity.

“What are you talking about?” Zemen asked as she settled in my lap instead of Saem’s. After all, I was the Princess!

“Nothing,” I said. “What do you want to talk about?” “I have a question for Krâl.” Zim spoke up.

I looked up at Demon and saw him coming towards us. “What question?” I looked back at Zim. But by then Demon had reached us and everyone stood quiet and attentive – except the kids of course.

“Saem,” Demon said. “Has anyone seen Kabir?”

“He went into the woods, Krâl. You want us to go look for him?”

“Yes. I need to speak with him”

“Krâl, I have a question for you.” Zim looked up at the towering frame of the King.

Demon smiled at the little boy. “Shoot,” he said.

“When are you getting married?” he said.

I stared at him holding my breath while the big boys choked. Saem seemed to have lost all color for a second before he regained composure and shot Zim a reprimanding glare.

“Zim!” He barked at his nephew. “What kind of a question is that?”

“A good one,” the boy replied calmly. “So are you.” “What? Who told you that?” Saem blinked.

“I heard Granna say that last night.” Zim turned to me, his eyes innocent. “She was telling Mama. They were talking about getting Saem a bride.” “With you in the vicinity?” Demon seemed shocked.

“What’s vicinity?” Zim asked.

“Krâl,” Zemen spoke up tugging at Demon’s hand. “Would you marry me when I’ve growed up?”

“No!” Demon frowned. “What are they feeding you people?”

“Krâl!” Zim frowned too. “You still haven’t told me when you’re getting married.”

“There is no hurry,” Zemen said very seriously. I could almost see the blueprints of her future being sketched in her little mind.

Demon rolled his eyes at Zim and then turned to Zemen. “And where is your mother?”

“You don’t have to ask her now.” Zemen slapped her forehead. “Wait till I’m eighteen!”

At this I couldn’t hold my lungs anymore and I burst out laughing. I didn’t care if Demon was annoyed and the boys scared to death in case he fired up in anger at such decorated questions. The kids were just too cute to not admire!

“Saem!” Demon glared at the poor boy. “I think you better escort your little people back home. I’ll get someone else to find Kabir.”

Samish, Krâl,” Saem replied promptly and scooped up Zemen in his arms. He nudged Zim to follow him.

Arvin turned to Demon. “Should I go for Sardan? I’m free right now. Aden can go with me.” Aden nodded.

“Okay, but don’t wander off looking for him.” Demon frowned as the boys left with a slight bow of their heads.

“I’ll see you later guys,” I called out to my new friends as they vanished into the trees marking the edge of the neighboring woods a few yards away from us. Then, I looked at Demon. “I love ‘em! And you’re quite the heartthrob, aren’t you?”

He shook his head. “Kids say the darnest things.”

“It’s not just the kids. It’s the adults too!” I teased him. “How come you don’t have a girlfriend?” Maybe he’ll tell me about Nera.

“Why? You’re competing with Zemen?” He was still frowning a little.

I smiled. As if you’ll let me! So, he wouldn’t breathe a word about his past. No worries. I was in a good mood and wanted to poke fun. “How about an evil black cat, then? Every evil character has a cat.”

“You’re pretty catty at times.” He smiled. “I think that’ll do.” I didn’t reply. Instead, I simply savored the moment.

I loved him. I loved the man he was within and I loved the man he portrayed himself to be. I loved the way he looked and I loved the way he looked at me. I loved him! And it didn’t matter if he didn’t reciprocate. For as long as he was there for me to look at and talk to and be with, I’d be fine.

And that’s when something tiny took hard root in my heart. What would happen after the Scepter broke? Would Demon forget me? Would he go away? My heart sank. And so did my smile.

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