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**** Chapter Thirteen: DON’T SAY MY NAME

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Chapter Thirteen: DON’T SAY MY NAME

I slapped away his hand and glared. He smiled and started to walk away.

“How could you have such a black heart?” I stomped my foot. “How could anybody be so wicked? You have no compassion. No mercy. Nothing!”

He didn't stop or turn back. With a swift motion, he slid his naked sword in the sheath at his waist. I ran after him.

"Wait!" I called after him. "I didn’t want any of this either. I was tricked into it and now you can’t leave me alone. You have to help me. Demon!"

I followed him into the blue snowy cemetery. The moon was now almost at her highest in the sky. Demon was walking toward the stables and I quickened my pace to catch up. He was already near the stables when I finally stopped running. My lungs had run out of air.

He stopped, too, and whistled softly. Before I could blink twice, his handsome horse was nuzzling its master. Demon was about to mount.

"Antinoos!" I yelled.

He stopped dead in his tracks. His strong hands still clenching the silky mane, he turned and stared at me as if I’d just thrown a fireball at him.

"What did you call me?" He barely whispered the words.

"Antinoos," I said quickly.

I had no idea what I had just done, but whatever it was, I surely had the Demon King’s attention. Was that good?

"No woman has called me that in a long time," he said softly.

I swallowed hard. Was that good? Or bad? Why was I so nervous?

“Antinoos,” I said again. The name sure seemed to hold magic for the boy. Might as well use it to my advantage. “I can understand how you must feel about me. You hate me for exposing you to mortality but –” okay where was I going with this? “But I’m a victim too.” Good. Go on. “I really need your help, Antinoos. If you do this for me I’ll – I’ll do anything for you – Antinoos.” Was I out of my freakin’ mind? Saying that to him was like handing a blank check to a homeless thug! Bad idea! Bad, bad idea!

I killed the howling voice of reason in my head and smiled at him instead.

He let go of the horse and walked over to me. My heart was pounding. I stood my ground and watched him stand so close to me that I could almost feel his sweet breath on my cheeks. His eyes were the shade of a calm ocean. But I wasn’t in the right place or mood to appreciate that. I was feeling queasy, almost nauseated. It would be very unladylike if threw up on him.

My crescent had already begun to sting but I stayed put.

“So you need my help?” His eyes glowed softly.

I smiled sweetly. A part of me wanted to toy with him. I mean how often do you come face to face with a Greek god who smiles so favorably at you? But he wasn’t a god. He was a demon.

“Yes,” I said without meaning to sound dazed or dreamy though that’s how my voice floated out of my mouth. I was a little breathless too.

“And you think Antinoos can do that?” He gently held my hand and lifted it as if to kiss it. But he didn't.

“And he will, won’t he?” I smiled again, although, a mind-blowing kiss was the last thing I wanted. “Will you, Antinoos? Please?”

“Now, how can Antinoos say no when you ask him so sweetly?” He smiled and I thought I’d drown in his charm.

He stroked my cheek with his other hand and then slid it under my loose hair. Small prickles of excitement started exploding all over my skin. I was trying to stay strong and look tough but was failing miserably. I knew he would kiss me and the stunning part was I was all ready for it.

And then he spoke.

“But I’m just a mean Demon.” He whispered in my ear. Before I knew it he had pinned my hand – the one he was holding – behind my back and grabbed my neck tightly in a vicious grip. "And if you dare say my name again I’ll throw you in the hells of

Volttus, ok pumpkin?”

My crescent burnt my skin. But more than that my ego scorched me. I wanted to scratch his eyes out for making me feel I almost had him while all along he knew what I was doing. Who the hell did he think he was?

And so I stood there, glaring into his fire-filled eyes as my crescent tortured my thigh and his words tortured my mind.

“I hate you!” I hissed. “And to think I let you kiss me that night!”

“Oh, come on, pumpkin; don’t be so hard on yourself. But to be fair, had I known you were a Syhlain I would’ve slit your throat the moment I saw you.” He brushed back a wanton lock of my hair.

“I won’t let you do this to me.” I thought I’d burst with hurt and fury as I spoke. “I’ll find the Scepter and I’ll make you lift the curse!” “Try me.” He smiled and then, he let me go.

The pain in my leg subsided instantly, as soon as Demon let go of my hand and neck. This was new. The last time I’d had a burning in my crescent it had made my leg near unusable but not this time. Now it was painless. Perhaps that was the miracle of the Elixir. Well. At least some good had come out of my misery. I could tell when Demon meant me harm but the pain wouldn’t cripple me.

I stood still as Demon walked over to his waiting horse and mounted it. Then, he looked at me, a near sympathetic glint flickering in his cold eyes.

“Go home demon slayer. You can’t win this one.” He spoke almost sincerely.

I was shivering. It wasn’t cold. It was summer hot. Sweat was running down my spine and yet – I was shivering.

He continued to stare but without words this time. Well, I for one couldn’t care less about what happened to him. I was just freaked out to death about turning into a ghost!

Demon finally moved. He put two fingers to his lips and blew me a kiss – as sure and sweet as revenge itself. Then with a swift command to his horse, he melted into the dark night sky.

I felt sick

“Oh damn!” Azure’s shriek startled me. “You let him go!”

“Damn him!” I yelled. “And where the hell have you been?”

“I was sleeping. How the hell was I supposed to know you two would be out here?”

Azure rubbed his forehead anxiously. “But then I heard voices and now – he’s gone?!”

“He says he can restore his powers.” I clenched my fists. “What are we going to do?

What am I going to do? I don’t want any part of this stupid curse!”

“I was afraid of that.” Azure sighed and then his eyes lit up. “I know who can help us. Come on!”

“Where to?” I asked. “I know somebody who –”

“No!” I cut in.

"What do you mean no?" Azure look shocked.

"I’m sick of this,” I said. “I am being bounced around from one place to another. You just take me from one bad situation to an even worse one. And I don't feel too good. I’m tired. I need to eat something and I need to sleep. And I need a bath!"

“But – but the moon is full now! We need help now!” He waved his hands frantically.

“Although, the Realmics say that Krâl cannot wield the Scepter alone once the curse is unleashed but you can’t trust everything you read, can you? Or why else would Dee go?”

“What are you babbling about?” I frowned at him.

“Aoife! We need to get help now!”

“So you go get help now! Me go get some food! Now!” I ground my teeth. “Aoife you don't understand. If Demon restores his powers the game will be over.” “Will I turn into a ghost instantly?” I asked.

“No but –”

“Then no. I’m not going anywhere.” I folded my arms across my chest.

Azure just stood there staring at me for a long minute and then at the spot in the sky where Demon had vanished.

"Fine." He sighed. “Perhaps we can work a remedy in the meantime. I will take you to your room. But as soon as you have rested we have to go to the Shaman."

"Shaman? Ok, I don't even want to know.” I sighed. “Just take me to the room. My stomach feels queasy."

Azure led me inside. I wasn’t paying attention to the way inside as I had intended to earlier, as I should have. We walked a little across some sort of a marble floor, and it looked as if I was yet again in a big foyer or a lounge. But I couldn't see too much around me. Literally, it was all blurred like I was looking through a pair of dirty glasses. How many various kinds of entrances did this castle have? Or was there just one that kept changing its décor all on its own?

I noticed a grand staircase and I think I even walked up it but it seemed as if nothing around me was really there. Was I dreaming all this?

"Here we are." Azure was holding me up now. “You must be really tired. I am sorry I didn't realize. The clean clothes are there, and there is a bath running for you. I will have some food sent up for you in a little while." “Thank you.” I nodded.

I squinted, trying to see. The room wasn’t so white anymore. It was bigger and well lit. The lamps were bright and beautiful although the furnishings, the floor, the fabrics were all still white as death. There was an open door on the left. I could hear water running. Must be the bathroom. I dragged myself there, took off my clothes and slid into the bathtub.

Ah! Hot water. Soft fruity lather. Bubbles. And then there was darkness –

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