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Chapter Twenty Four: SCARLET OF THE RED PEARL “O Scarlet! The Princess seeks the Scepter,” Ogaz said.

“The Scepter is guarded in Khuzdoh by Narzul himself.” The Spirit’s voice floated through the space. “The way to the Dragon’s lair is through the Kingdom of Ducimus.

Queen Arela holds the key to the portal.” Then she vanished.

Natural light seeped through Ogaz’s green nook as red sparkles faded away. I sat entranced.

“You must wear it around your neck.” Ogaz looped the thread around my neck. “If you need her, just call her by name, Scarlet, and she’ll appear.” Then, he looked at the others and smiled. “Azure, you will protect the Princess with your life. Your loyalties no longer lie with your Master alone. And Antinoos – do we have a problem?” “She needs to train.” Demon crossed his arms.

“I knew that.” Ogaz was staring at him intensely. “Is there anything else I should worry about?”

“Yes,” Demon said. “Find Salaar.”

“Whatever for?”

“So he can take her.” Demon’s face was expressionless. “You can’t expect me to bear with her.”

“Hey!” I protested. “I’m right here!” “Exactly!” He didn’t look at me.

The nerve of that imp, insulting me like I was a – and who was this Salaar? I turned to Ogaz and asked, “Who is Salaar?”

“Nobody.” Ogaz’s tone was iron as he returned Demon’s stare. “Right now all you need is Demon.”

“In that case I’ll pass on whatever you’re planning, actually.” They could just take their ideas and shove ‘em!

“Finally something we agree on.” Demon’s eyes glinted dangerously.

“Don’t be silly, Antinoos.” Ogaz frowned. “You’re the best trainer for her, and besides, you two need to be comfortable with each other.”

“Why on earth would I want to do that?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Had they all gone mad?

“Yes, I’m sure there are far less painful ways of killing me.” Demon’s voice was a low growl.

I wanted to breathe fire but Ogaz raised his hands. “We don't know where Salaar is.

He can only be found when he wants to be. Right now that doesn’t seem to be the case.

And why can’t you two get along?”

“Because I am not a babysitter.” Demon shook his head like a sage unraveling one of the world’s mysteries.

“Why you – you – ra em what –” “Ra em khai,” Azure said.

“Yes, that!” I turned to Azure and smiled. “Thank you!” “Anything for you, Princess.” He smiled back.

“You traitor!” Demon glared at him.

“Sorry Dee,” Azure said. “Doctor’s orders – literally.”

Shaman if you please.” Ogaz smiled. “I find doctors a bit too overrated for their


I gasped with excitement. “That’s what Daddy used to say! He –” Demon was mocking me with his eyes again.

“Daddy was ever so wise.”

“Antinoos, be nice.” Ogaz shook a finger at him.

“All I’m saying is you can clearly see what a waste of time this is. Why can’t she just use that gem and locate Salaar?”

“Why didn't you use the gem and locate Salaar since you so want him?” I blinked as it hit me. “You can’t use the pearl can you? Because if you could you would have!”

He looked at me wearily and then shrugged. “It’s a Syhlain trinket. Only they and Ogaz have the power to –” he stopped abruptly and looked at Azure. “Wait a minute, why didn't I think of this before? How in hell did you get it, Azure?” “I – I found it.” Azure swallowed hard and stepped back.

“Like hell you did!” Demon turned to Ogaz. “It was you, wasn’t it? You gave it to Azure. You planned it all! To get Aoife here, to have her pull a strand, to have her – I’ve been set up! The two of you were in league with each other this whole time!”

“Well of course we were!” Ogaz chuckled. “She is the one true heir to the throne of Syhla – of Enth! Her place is here. And as for you – five hundred years of burning in loner’s hell is a pretty long sentence. It is time it stopped.”

“You had no right! I decide!” Demon’s eyes had begun to flare up and his face was frightening.

“I did have the right!” Ogaz stepped closer to him. “You may be the Krâl of Volttus but to me you are – and always will be – Antinoos. I care for you too much to let you destroy yourself and I will do everything I can to protect you whether you like it or not!”

“Then you decide what you’re going to do with this little heiress of yours,” Demon hissed. “I’m out!”

A sinister silence fell over us as Demon walked out of the now chilly nook.

Something inside me woke up and screamed. I didn't want him to leave! If he left then I’d be the one doomed to float in Lonersville for the rest of eternity – however long that was! I had better do something – anything!

I caught up with him while he was still half way across the kitchen floor.

“Good to know I’m better than you.” I recognized my voice. Good! Tell him! “You have no powers. I have the pearl, a kingdom and I can whoop your ass any time I want!

All you demons are good for is cursing an entire race over a broken heart!”

He stopped. Turned around and studied me for a long moment. Just then, something in his eyes relaxed. By then Ogaz and Azure had joined us. He strolled towards me, eyes still fixed on my face. I wasn’t scared – not until he was close enough to attack me again.

“Change of plan!” He grabbed me by the arm and headed for the door again. “In all fairness this would be a lovely chance for me to boot your beautiful behind with good reason!”

“Now, now, Antinoos!” Ogaz warned him.

Demon stopped by the door and looked at him. “This was your call, Shaman. Now deal with it!”

He dragged me outside on to the front yard, halted and spun me around so that I stood in front of him. Then he let go of my arm.

“Show me what you got!” He bared his teeth in a grin.

“I don't know what you mean.”

“O you don't, do you?” He mocked. “Come on, Princess. Surely you got some moves other than pouting and throwing tantrums and playing victim.”

“You’re insane!” I turned to leave when something cut my feet from under me, and I fell full on my bottom on the grass with a thud.

“Aww, you fell!”

“How dare you!” I scrambled to me feet.

“Oh yes, shout some more. That’ll scare me!”

“Take this!” I threw a punch at him that he blocked with his fist and spun me around, pinning my hand behind me with my back to his front. It was the previous night all over again.

Of course, I jabbed him with the elbow of my free arm. He tackled it by slipping his arm in the cavity formed between my elbow and my ribs and locked in my other arm behind my back as well.

“Let me go!” I struggled.

“Why?” He chuckled and my blood boiled. “In fact this is the most fun I’ve had. Better than last night since I’ve been handpicked now to train you.” He pulled me even closer with a jerk and tightened his grip. “Princess – let’s see you fend off a demon!”

“You,” I whispered, “are despicable!”

“And you smell so nice.” He licked my neck.

That sent a thousand volt electric shock from my feet to my head and my eyes burned with rage! Without thinking, I locked my right leg behind his and spun on my left toe. The move resulted in a loosened grip on my wrists. That split second seemed an eternity, plenty of time for me to comfortably throw him off my back onto the grassy floor. He fell flat and while he was still in that position I jumped onto his chest, straddling him with my hands balled up in angry fists ready to strike.

“If you ever touch me again I’ll kill you!” It was as if his crassness had triggered a vicious streak in me that I didn’t know I possessed.

”Finally something to work with!” He was chuckling. Then he lifted his head a little to look at me. “How did you do that?”

“What?” I blinked at him. Was this some new trick?

I watched him, my angry fists still inches away from his face, as he smiled and laid his head back again. The sight of his relaxed face calmed my racing heart and for the first time since I’d attacked him, I blinked. I breathed. It was as if after a few blurry moments when everything looked red, I could see colors again.

“Do you even remember what you did?” He stared at the sky, not looking at me.

“Yeah – but I wasn’t thinking. It was like – very innate.”

“That’s because you were too angry to pay attention to your own action. Rule number one, keep a cool head at all times. Rule number two, do maximum damage with minimum force. Save your energy. Unleash your powers. You could’ve just head butt me or stomped on my foot instead of twirling through three sixty degrees like a ballerina.” Then he looked at me. “Now get off.”

“I’m a figure skater,” I said thoughtlessly, getting off of him, but refrained from explaining when he eyed me curiously. Didn't want to give him another dainty detail about me so he could mock me later. “I’m sorry I threw you off. I didn't mean to.”

”Rule number – whatever – never apologize to the enemy. Mostly because a dead person doesn’t care how you felt after you killed him.”

“But you’re not my enemy.”

“No.” He smiled. “Not in this war.”

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