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Chapter Twenty Three: HUMBLE ABODE

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Chapter Twenty Three: HUMBLE ABODE

Upon entering the cabin, I found myself standing in the middle of an airy, bright hallway that stretched from left to right. The floor was made of dark, seasoned planks.

The walls were a unique mix of brick, painted wood, and tree trunks in some places. There was a console in the entryway; its red stain had grown old and looked rusty. A big terracotta urn sat on its top next to a tall clock. It was the first time I’d seen a clock in the Realm and my joy was sublime.

“Finally I can tell time!” I picked up the clock and embraced it.

Ogaz laughed and Azure smiled. Demon, on the other hand, looked at me as if I’d finally gone mad.

“Have you seen one of these before?” I asked him, meaning to be sarcastic.

“I never really needed to watch time till you came into my life and cut it short.” Without waiting for my response, he moved on inside a doorway on the right end of the foyer.

“Sourpuss,” I mumbled and replaced the clock. Since I was not in an obedient mood I didn't follow the Master but explored other things in the spacious foyer.

In one corner was a lamp – a lantern actually on a stick tied with string. The stick was a broken tree branch. The lantern was a work of art on its own. Its entire casing was made of metal filigree with a fat vanilla colored candle inside. It wasn’t lit. There was already plenty of sunlight streaming in from the glass panels flanking the main door.

In front of me was a door. Azure told me it was a closet. It was sweet of him to stay back with me. On the left end of the foyer was a stairway that, as Azure told me, led to all the bedrooms in the cottage.

Once I’d had my fill of the entryway, I took the doorway through which Demon and Ogaz had disappeared.

There were two steps leading inside to what looked like another hallway. The floor was the same wood as in the foyer, beautiful and highly polished. I went in to discover an airy and bright kitchen that provided for a large dining space on one side as well as a huge adjoining room for – apothecary medicines –?

“That’s my lab.” Ogaz’s voice boomed in my ears and I realized he had caught me staring with knotted brows at his collection of plants, pots, books, tools and jars. The jars were of various shapes, sizes and filled with colorful liquids and powders.

“I’m sorry I didn't mean to pry but it’s just so unique.” I blushed at being ungraciously curious.

“Oh, not at all, Princess.” He laughed. “After all you must take a tour of it all. You will be spending days here.” Really?

I smiled and turned my attention to the kitchen since my poor tummy had begun to rumble. And that area was an inviting sight too. I loved it instantly.

The floor was wooden again but a shade darker than the rest of the house I’d seen. Sparkling clean countertops, made of some stone I didn’t recognize, were laden with fresh fruits in baskets, set on wire racks. Garlands of fragrant blossoms dangled from tree trunk pillars and graced the mammoth dining table that lay naked without a tablecloth, proudly displaying all its aging scars and spots to match the rest of the decor. The cabinets looked hand carved, with intricate trimming. The backsplash and the sink were same kind of creamy stone as the countertops and added much needed light to the dark fittings. Since the actual kitchen was L shaped, it looked cozy. Its most eye catching feature was a wall of green cabinetry, built at the short leg of the L shape. The color reminded me of cooked asparagus.

I loved asparagus!

At first I hadn’t even noticed it but then it occurred to me. There was a stove there, and a refrigerator. No dishwasher or microwave though but I mean – I hadn’t expected appliances at all!

“Er – you cook – on gas?”

“Oh, for hell!” Demon looked as affronted as if I had smacked him on the head! “Where in bloody hell do you think you are? Cavemen? This isn’t a little fancy trip back in time via Daddy’s time machine, Princess! This is a real universe with real people.

Respect it!”

“Oh?” My eyes stung. “Then why don't you teach me respect by tying my hands behind my back and beating me!”

“Okay!” Ogaz put a hand on Demon’s shoulder before he could reply. “I see things have already started off not on the right foot.” He smiled at me and I felt my rage fading.

“No worries. Shaman can fix everything! Follow me!” He marched into his lab.

Demon and I glared at each other, but when he didn't move, I flung my head back with a little ‘Hmph!’ and followed Ogaz.

The lab was more than it looked from the kitchen. Once I stood within the plants and jars and tables I realized it was a huge space. It was rectangular and opened up to a very full and lush vegetable garden in the back.

“This is so soothing – like a spa.” I smiled at Ogaz. “You must spend hours here right?”

“A few every day, yes.” He returned my smile and asked me to settle down on a tall wooden stool. Then he grabbed a decanter holding sparkling blue liquid. “Do you know what this is?” He waved it at me.

I shook my head.

“This is the potion we used to save the warmth of Antinoos’s eyes.” He pursed his lips. “But you need something else.”

“What? His eyes?” My mouth hung open in confusion as he set down the decanter and turned to Demon, who stood leaning against the wall near the door.

“Antinoos,” Ogaz said to him. “Could you please fetch the brass pot cooking on the stove? And do turn off the heat.”

“You’re telling him?”

“Yes.” Ogaz’s simple answer came with a smile.

I looked back at Demon but he wasn’t there. Meanwhile, Azure was outside, strolling in a pumpkin patch. I must say his bold blue against the fresh orange of the pumpkins made a striking contrast.

A soft thud made me look away from Azure. Demon had placed a small round brass pot near Ogaz. There was something deliciously steamy inside smelling of peppers, garlic and fresh mint. I sniffed hard and long and sighed with delight.

“Tasty smell, yes?” Ogaz chuckled, and then turned to Demon. “And I need a bowl please. You know where they are.”

“You’ve got to be joking.” Demon stared incredulously at Ogaz.

“Endurance, dear boy.” The Shaman nodded wisely. “You cannot teach what you do not have.”

Demon opened his mouth to say something but turned it into a forced smile. “Fair enough.” He went away again.

“Oh, I like you,” I told Ogaz.

“We all need to learn things, Aoife.” He chuckled. This was the first time since our meeting that he had called me by name. “Antinoos will teach you many things. You must teach him to be humble.” He was talking to me but his attention was focused on a pale terracotta pitcher. He was stirring something vigorously in it with a fresh leafy stem. “And,” he continued, “You both must learn a few things together.” “A few things together? Like what?”

Before Ogaz could answer, Demon returned with a bowl

“Ah! Thank you!” Ogaz smiled graciously at him. “And this,” he said pouring some clear liquid from the terracotta pitcher into a tumbler, “is for you.” He gave it to Demon.

“Let me guess,” I said. “Lemonade?”

Demon smiled and raised his mug. “Cheers!”

Ogaz returned to the brass pot and poured out the lemon colored, soupy liquid into the bowl

“Drink this, Princess.” He offered it to me. “It will wash away all the fatigue from the trip and any weakness you may have felt as your powers manifested and of course – from skipping breakfast.” He looked accusingly at Demon, who shrugged his shoulders carelessly and looked away.

I tasted the soup and felt an instant kick of freshness in my body. It was just the right combination of salty, peppery and lemony. There was a hint of ginger, more than its musk that seemed to open up my brain through my nostrils. Hmm, strange how fresh

I felt!

I put the entire bowl to my lips and slurped off every drop. When I looked up I saw Demon looking at me in a way I couldn’t quite define.

“Feel better? Good.” Ogaz took the bowl from my hands. “Now, Antinoos tells me you have the pearl. May I see it?”

I reached inside my jeans pocket and took out the red stone. As I handed it to Ogaz I unwittingly looked at Demon who winked at me – as if to say you missed your final chance pumpkin! Now don't blame me.


“So what’s up? Ah! The Pearl.” Azure’s voice brought me back. I quickly ran a hand through my hair in an attempt to hide the frown on my face as he came to stand beside me.

Ogaz took out a long brown string from a little box set on a nearby bench cluttered with numerous gardening tools and other strange objects, and threaded the pearl onto it.

“Now listen carefully, Aoife,” he said somberly. “This is the Red Pearl of Guidance. It will be your guiding light through tough and dark hours. It will take you places you want to go and –” he stopped.

“And what?” I was curious.

“See for yourself.” He placed the pearl in his upturned palm, and stretched out his hand for all to see.

Ogaz stared at the gem and whispered, “O Scarlet!”

The pearl began to glow with a soft red hue. The glow formed a halo around the pearl and it intensified so much that rays of red light sparked from the pearl’s center and just when everything seemed to be drenched in this bright light, a scarlet spirit appeared from within the pearl.

“My regards to the Princess of Enth,” the spirit spoke in a small sweet echo. “Why have you sent for me?” I gasped. Loudly.

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