Smashwords Edition, License Notes

**** Chapter Thirty Five: THE INFERNAL BALLROOM

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“Princess Aoife, are you ready yet?” Nivis’s knock on the door sent us both, Azure and I, into a frenzy of hasty hugs and goodbyes.

After Azure was safely out of the room, I soothed my nerves, smoothed my dress and opened the door to receive a very peculiarly dressed wizard.

He still wore a medallion in place of a shirt but he had changed into light blue harem pants and bejeweled blue shoes which curled up at the front. He looked like a genie from a cartoon movie. Completely tanned and perfectly toned, he constantly reminded me of smooth caramel. I noticed a small belt on his waist with an ice pick stuck into it. It looked very sparkly as if it was studded with a lot of jewels.

“My dear Princess! You – you are breathtaking!” His fawning voice brought me back from my intense scrutiny of the ice pick in his belt.

"What is that?" I asked pointing to it.

"This is my dagger coated with uncut diamonds,” he said proudly. “The diamonds cause more damage when I use it to attack, and also lets the magic flow from me through it. This is my weapon and wand, so to say." Then his gaze was fixed on me again. “You look exquisite, my dear.”

Seeing that there was no other way out of it but to acknowledge his fond remarks, I smiled. He returned the favor with more zeal than required and finally decided to lead the way.

“So, what do you for the Ducimus?” I asked him as we walked once more through dull hallways.

“I am the Ice Sorcerer of Ducimus.” He spoke smugly. “I am the Royal Wizard and the Queen’s advisor.”

“Ice? You can freeze things?” My interest was piqued. “So you are Demon’s – I mean Krâl's – nemesis in a way.”

Nivis threw back his head and laughed a sudden loud laugh. “I can merely wish for that my Princess! No one is equivalent to Krâl’s powers. But we all try. After all, cold is what kills the heat.”

That reminded me of something: guns can freeze…then they are useless. Oh!

We walked down the long dimly lit corridor and reached a carved metallic door tucked away in a corner. He tapped twice and it opened. As soon as we entered, someone announced us as ‘Honorable Wizard and Lady of Enth’.

Lady of Enth? Whatever happened to ‘Princess’? They wouldn’t change my title to suit their fancies would they?

I followed Nivis into a grand hall with extremely high ceilings and huge medieval times’ chandeliers that seemed to be there more for décor rather than illumination. The space seemed to be actually lit with big brass torches with fire in them. Long tables were lined up on the sides with food and wine. My stomach growled at the sight, making the corset feel snug.

At first glance, it reminded me of one of the numerous banquets Nancy held at the house. Not exactly, though. Nancy might be many things but classless she was not! And this party was more of a shabby put-together of old things and ugly people.

However, a more detailed look at the guests and venue brought things more into perspective. The hall wasn’t quite as boring or grim as the rest of the castle. In fact it looked very cheerful. I could see horn-heads and snake-hairs. And they were plenty. In fact, there were so many people everywhere it was hard to differentiate the horns from the snakes. But wait – the humans stood out!

Yes, there were quite a few human men. Men. Wearing flamboyant banquet masks. The crowd before me could easily be divided into two kinds of beings: unpleasant amazons and masked men who were neither as mightily built nor unfortunate to look at. In fact, some of the men – Richesse soldiers as Nivis told me – were fairly handsome with nice frames, suave demeanor and amorous French accents.


Languages had never been my forte back in school. I knew what Mon Cher meant – beyond that – somebody needed to be nice and translate.

“Well, well, if it isn’t our little Princess.” Aoibheann's voice came from behind me. "Only she doesn’t look very little now, does she?” She scrutinized me from head to toe in a seemingly fleeting glance and smiled. “You look exquisite. Like you belong with us."

“Thank you.” Hurrah! I had managed to dish out the first polite words of this stressful evening. Though I wondered why she was still dressed in her leather army apparel.

“We have guests visiting today,” she explained as if she had read my thoughts. "Our uniform is to differentiate us from each other. The Army of Richesse is here. They are here to negotiate a contract. Come; let me introduce you to the King."

Dismissing Nivis, she took me to the south side of the hall and called out to a man. He was very tall and wore a black tailcoat over a white button front shirt with ruffles at the neck, and black trousers. Though not handsome, he was clean shaven, and had a rugged look about him. He undeniably looked like he had authority of some sort. “Aoife – this is King Isaac Leon and Your Highness – this is Princess Aoife," Aoibheann introduced us to each other.

The man turned to me with an arrogance that was more comical than genuine. I almost laughed as he eyed me pompously but forgot to close his mouth as he surveyed me from head to toe.

"Enchanté." He bent and kissed my hand.

I didn't know whether or not I should have curtsied so I stayed put. "Thank you – King Leon." I wasn’t gonna call no one HRH!

The King laughed and turned to Aoibheann. “Quite a trinket you have there, is she not?”

“Excuse me?” Trinket! “What do you mean?” I didn’t try to hide my displeasure.

“Just a compliment to your Syhlain spirit, my dear,” Aoibheann said soothingly and then she looked behind me at someone and smiled. I turned around too, to find Nivis. “Good you’re back, Nivis.” Aoibheann said to him. “Please keep the Princess company and help her meet our new friends.” Then she turned to me and said politely. “Excuse us dear girl. King Leon and I have important business to discuss.”

“Yes,” King Leon said in his liquid French accent. “I do hope to see you again,

Princess. I’m sure your addition to our little family is very valuable.” I didn't like him. So I didn't smile and simply looked away.

“Come Princess.” Nivis took my arm as King Leon and Aoibheann strolled off to quietly chat in a corner.

I looked around and noticed the flamboyant attire of the fifty to sixty men who were present in the ballroom. Some wore black costumes of the type Zorro might wear, others wore more frilly jackets and seemed to have stepped right out of some fancy old world vampire novella and a few wore simple tuxedos of various colors. But all the men wore banquet masks. They were all talking to each other and seemed relaxed, unlike the women from the Ducimus army. The amazons looked like they were ready to go to war.

“You seem to generate a lot of interest on the floor,” Nivis whispered in my ear as his eyes darted from one face to another.

A lot of the men kept looking my way and I suddenly felt very conscious. I should try not breathe too much tonight, I told myself. I looked at Nivis and the expression on his face set fire to the remnants of my good humor. He looked as if he was showing off a trophy on his arm. This was the way people at Nancy’s parties used to treat me!

How dare he!

I noticed that every time anyone looked our way and especially with a lingering glance at me, Nivis’s smile would widen. Yes, I’m with her was written all over his face as I’m sure I’m with Stupid was written all over mine!

Suddenly I had an urge to get away from him. But where could I go?

“Would you like to dance?” Nivis asked. And I realized the orchestra had started to play some mellow stringy tunes.

“I don't dance,” I said. But he pulled me on the dance floor anyway.

“It’s just simple slow dancing – not even a proper waltz.” He took my waist. “And this orchestra is especially good. They are from Volttus. They play some very exotic songs as well.”

“Do they?” I had begun to feel quite uncomfortable with him close as we swayed lazily in one spot. He was right. It wasn’t dancing; more of a warm-up routine before an actual dance.

“Oh yes.” He smiled. “And with a beautiful partner like you I wouldn’t miss a step for the world!”

“I don't think I’ll grant you another dance.” I smiled. Cheapster!

“But then what else would you do? You’d be lost without me.” Excuse me? But he continued to speak. “After all a girl needs to be looked after and here – among so many strangers – I simply can’t leave you unattended.”

“What are you talking about?” I could feel my face getting red. “Are you my guardian or something trying to make everything PG 13 for my comfort?”

“PG what?”

I stared at him.

He laughed a little sheepishly. “We aren’t as scientific as you or Volttus. We’re a more magical sort. And Princess,” he said suggestively, holding me closer, “I can show you just how magical I can be –”

“Nivis!” I stopped swaying with him and took his hand off of my waist. “You’re behaving cheaper than the stuff they offer on eBay! And God forbid should you ask me what that is I swear I’ll spam your ass in the most medieval of ways!” And with that I turned to walk away but then turned again and, raising a warning finger at him, said.

“And don't follow me!”

And then, I was off the dance floor.

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