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**** Chapter Thirty Six: SWAY WITH ME

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**** Chapter Thirty Six: SWAY WITH ME

As soon as I was out of the dancing crowd – and what a weird lot it was – masked men with horned women – I took a deep breath and looked for a way out of the ballroom.

I was looking around when I spotted a man leaning against a pillar in a corner. He wore black and the cool manner in which he just stood and stared at me completely gave him away in spite of his mask. I wondered how idiotic the Ducimus were to not notice him standing there in plain sight! I rolled my eyes and continued my search for a way out in the opposite direction.

And why hasn’t he left yet? I told him I wouldn’t go with him! Stubborn jerk!

If I wasn’t in such a foul mood I would’ve actually gone towards him but just then I needed to get away from everyone and anyone.

A nice young voice filled my ears, speaking French.

“What?” I blinked a few times to focus on some man’s hand on my arm. Where had he come from? I realized he was trying to help me up. Had I ran into him? Curse the Demon!

“Oh, I mean – are you okay?” The man, a Richesse soldier of course since they were the only men there, had the most amazing French accent ever possible!

“Yeah – yes!” I said gaining composure. “I’m fine.”

“Can I get you anything?”

“I just need to get some air.”

Oui, la terrasse – I mean the terrace is that way – behind the curtains there.” He smiled and pointed in the direction where I’d seen Demon standing a few seconds ago.

But he wasn’t there anymore. “Would you like me to accompany you?”

Non, merci.” I smiled back at him and went in the direction he had pointed. And after being smiled at and stared at all the way there, I was able to get on deck without further drama.

Bonsoir, me chere.

I stifled a shriek before I recognized his voice. I turned to look at him and sighed – more with annoyance than relief.

“Why are you still here?” I frowned. “I thought I told you to leave.”

“And since when do I take orders from you?” He paused. “Oh wait,” he said adjusting his mask. “Do we know each other?”

I rolled my eyes and yanked his mask off. “Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur! But your eyes and voice give you away! What if somebody sees you?”

Fichu!” He shrugged. “That means ‘damn’.”

“I know that! What I don't know is why are you wasting your time here? I’m not leaving. I’m staying here and helping the Ducimus with their plan.” “Why?” He asked it calmly this time.

“I’ve told you why!” I felt vexed.

“Tell me again.”



I was exasperated! A storm of words bubbled up to my tongue but all I had the strength left to do was shake my head and look away. I wrapped my arms around myself and felt his stare melt my skin but I didn't look at him.

Stupid Demon! He could go to hell for all I cared. And it would really help if he stopped staring!

“She is right by the way,” he said.

“Who is?” Aoibheann? He decided to agree? I was suddenly all ears.

“That Nancy.” He smiled. “White really does make you look very angel –”

“Don’t!” I raised a finger. “Don’t ever say that word to me!”

“In that case the only alternate I have is what we call fesch in Akina.” He smirked.

“What does that mean?”


“Demon!” I felt a wave of a dozen seething sparks run up and down my entire body.

“What the heck is a pornographic angel?”

“It’s a compliment!” He raised his hands.

“For a whore!” I snapped. “Which is perfect since that’s what you think of me!”

“Come on pumpkin, don’t be so moody with me.”

“I’m not moody!” My lid was off and lost altogether. “You know if you just, a tiny bit like me – no not like since that’s too huge a sensation for anyone with your idea of romanticism so if you have even a shadow of an iota of an emotion even in the vicinity of like – for me – could you please be civil with me just for tonight? Or is that really too much to ask?”

He smiled. “Okay,” he said and stepped closer. Then taking my hand, placed it on his shoulder and took me by the waist.

“Demon.” I glared at him. “This is exactly what I did not mean when I talked about you being civil to me just now!”

“Well, your appearance isn’t helping. And also!” He raised a finger to check my oncoming protest. “We dance.”

“I do not dance!” I frowned.

“You do on ice.”

“That’s not dancing. That’s skating. And that’s totally irrelevant and different. Are they playing tango? I don't know tango!”

“Then don't tango!” He chuckled. “Sway with me.”

“I don't sway!” To my dismay, I had begun to sound like a brat, even to me!

“Don’t fret now pumpkin, you already are.” He smoothly spun me around away from him then reeled me in. Then, he smiled.

I didn't object anymore. He continued to lead and I swayed with him as some very cheerful notes filled the air. There were drums and trumpets and it was a very soothing and peppy fusion of fast and mellow tango beats that did invite a nice dance. The terrace we were on must’ve been very close to where the orchestra played indoors as I could hear the music just as well as if I was on the dance floor.

Demon held me close. I looked up at him expecting to find either a mean or a sensual smile or expression but there was none of that there. Instead, there was a sincere look in his eyes and a playful smile on his lips. He spun me around, led me and dipped me and held me as the music flowed from inside the ballroom out to us. And I, for some uncanny reason, felt liberated. I wanted to spin round and round and round and never stop. As long as his strong arms held me I wouldn’t fall no matter how far I bent backward.

Somewhere in those moments, I found him.

I saw him as Aoibheann had shown him to me. I hugged that man – and the demon I loved. He would never know the tears I secretly hid in my eyes as I buried my face in his shoulder. He didn't push me away. He did not lock me in an amorous embrace or smell my hair or kiss me. He simply let me hear the soothing beats of his heart as we danced. He simply let me be.

And then, I gasped and stopped.

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