Answer questions responsibly. Remember that some children will have a desire to go home and experiment on their own; focus on the chemistry not the recipe. We don’t want kids going home and trying to make thermite on their own.
Dispose of all waste in the waste container provided.
Even if a demo says you can flush something down the drain, don’t. Pouring chemicals down the drain, although safe with most of these chemicals, isn’t setting a good example for school children. Place all liquid spend demonstrations in the waste container provided. Return the full waste container to Lecture Prep. Do not dispose of the waste yourself.
EXCEPTIONS: Elephant’s toothpaste can get very messy if not cleaned up immediately. Be sure that a sink out of sight of students will be accessible, so that you can wash the foam down the sink (using gloves).
Promptly return all items to the Lecture Prep Laboratory
Promptly means the day of the demo, if at all physically possible. At the very latest, very first thing the next day. Any later than that puts an unacceptable burden on the Lecture Prep Lab staff’s ability to be of service to the faculty.
Complete the following questions to demonstration your understanding of the information presented in the packet. This is a quiz on the contents of the safety packet as well as the training presentation. It is open packet/notes, and you may consult with Dr. Burt if you have questions. Any questions missed will be reviewed orally at your plan review with Dr. Burt.
What is the purpose of Y-Chem Magic Shows?
How many demonstrators (minimum) are required to be at every magic show?
Name three mandatory safety equipment items that must be present/worn for prep, show, and clean-up?
Explain proper disposal of the following demonstrations:
Oscillating clock
Elephant’s toothpaste
How far ahead of time can you mix solutions A and B for shaker bottles?
What should be done with the waste container once your magic show is over?
Circle one:
Dump it down the drain.
Return it immediately to the Lecture Prep Laboratory for disposal.
Call waste management and have them pick it up.
Take it home as a pillow.
Sell it to the highest bidder at the next elementary school
Explain what precautions must be taken with the flaming tornado.
What precaution must be taken when using the heat gloves?
What is the one experiment that is safe for children to touch?
What precautions must be taken when transporting the materials and chemicals for the show?
What are potential hazards for the methanol cannon demonstration?
How many days in advance of the show must you meet with Dr. Burt to review the show plan?
What do think is a question we should have asked on this quiz, but didn’t?
It is very important to fill out this form:
If you do not fill out this form, you will not be notified for Magic Show opportunities.
Now, set up a meeting with Dr. Burt by email ( with the subject line “Y-Chem Training Interview.” Include in your e-mail likely times you could meet.
Presenter Training Checklist Fill out the following form and bring it with you when you review the show with Dr. Burt.
While performing magic shows, I will follow the guidelines outlined in this packet, I will be responsible, and use common sense. I also promise to try to have fun!
□ Assisted with a magic show (required to be lead presenter)
□ Passed Chem 201 (required to be lead presenter)
Lead Presenter Approved!
____________________________ _______________
Scott Burt, PhD. Date
Demonstration-Specific Instructions from LPL The following are the instructions the LPL has on file for the demonstrations mentioned above. Preparation instructions of the solutions you will be using have been omitted for clarity.