Show how to create an organizational chart for the different programs that were created under the New Deal. (US.1A, US.1B, US.1C, US.13B, US.13C, US.24B, US.24C, US.25A, US.25B, US.25C, US.25D)
Create an organizational chart demonstrating the different programs that were started under the Roosevelt Administration.
Guide discussion on how these programs have affected modern society. (US.1A, US.1B, US.1C, US.13B, US.13C, US.24B, US.24C, US.25A, US.25B, US.25C, US.25D)
Add to the organizational chart how each of the programs affect modern society in the United States.
Independent Practice
Conduct the rest of the TCI Lesson: The Response to the Economic Collapse. (US.1A, US.1B, US.1C, US.13B, US.13C, US.24B, US.24C, US.25A, US.25B, US.25C, US.25D, US.26A, US.26B)
See the lesson plan for details.
Review the guiding questions from this lesson. (US.1A, US.1B, US.1C, US.13B, US.13C, US.24B, US.24C, US.25A, US.25B)
Review the essential questions from this unit. (US.1A, US.1B, US.1C, US.13B, US.13C, US.24B, US.24C, US.25A, US.25B)
Answer the guiding questions from this lesson in the interactive notebook.
Answer the essential questions from this unit in the interactive notebook.