Figure 18 - Thin client-type system architecture mockup.
The thin client architecture is much closer to a traditional desktop user experience. A thin client is little more than a small form factor motherboard, processor, and RAM (no HDD necessary) loaded with a special BIOS. The server does most of the processing and the think client simply helps to shuttle data back and forth. With this setup, four thin clients are each connected to their own monitor, keyboard, and mouse. All of the applications and processing tasks are handled on a central server.
This is another easy solution that uses all commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software. It also has much lower power consumption when compared to installing four individual desktops, but the power consumption is not as low as other methods. The key drawback is price. Since Lenovo does not produce a thin client, they would have to be purchased at full market price. This brings the total per seat cost up to around $700.