Sources for the study of mesoamerican ritual cave use

(73)Awe, Jaime J. and Christophe G. B. Helmke

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(73)Awe, Jaime J. and Christophe G. B. Helmke

1998 Preliminary Report on the Reconnaissance of Cahal Witz Na, Roaring Creek Valley, Cayo District, Belize. In The Western Belize Regional Cave Project: A Report of the 1997 Field Season, edited by Jaime J. Awe, pp. 200-215. Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper No. 1. University of New Hampshire, Durham.

see Awe (69)

(74)Awe, Jaime J., Christophe G. B. Helmke and Cameron S. Griffith

1998 Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Roaring Creek Valley: Caves, Rockshelters, and Settlement Architecture. In The Western Belize Regional Cave Project: A Report of the 1997 Field Season, edited by Jaime J. Awe, pp. 216-236. Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper No. 1. University of New Hampshire, Durham.

see Awe (69)

(75)Awe, Jaime J., Christophe G. B. Helmke and Cameron S. Griffith

1998 Preliminary Analysis of the Pictographs, Petroglyphs and Sculptures of Actun Uayazba Kab, Cayo District, Belize. In The Western Belize Regional Cave Project: A Report of the 1997 Field Season, edited by Jaime J. Awe, pp. 216-236. Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper No. 1. University of New Hampshire, Durham.

see Awe (69)

(76)Ayala, Maricela

1993 Entre Cuevas, Cerros, y Cruces. In Cosmology and Natural Modeling Among Aboriginal American Peoples: Mesoamerica. The Second Sibley Conference on World Traditions of Culture and Art, Austin.

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2008 Crystal Giants in the Caves of Naica. La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche,

(77)Badino, Giovanni, Alvise Belotti, Tullio Bernabei, Antonio de Vivo, Davide Domenici, Italo Giulivo

1999 Rio La Venta: Treasure of Chiapas. La Venta Associazione Culturale Esplorazioni Geografiche, Consejo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Chiapas, Tipolitografia Turra, Padova.

see papers by Cortés Mandujano, Domenici, Drusini, Lee, Mendez, Orefici, Orefici et al., Piacenza
(78)Báez-Jorge, Felix

1991 Homshuk y el Simbolismo de la Ovogenesis en Mesoamerica (Reflexiones en Turno a los Radicalismos Difusionistas). La Palabra y El Hombre 80:207-230.

(79)Baker, George T., III, Hugh Harleston, Jr., Alfonso Rangel, Matthew Wallrath, Manuel Gaitán and Alfonso Morales

1974 The Subterranean System of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan: A Physical Description and Hypothetical Reconstruction. Groupo UAC-KAN, Apartado 6-857, Mexico.

Ballensky, Tamara

2012 Secrets of Condoy: Discovering Oaxaca’s Ancient Mud Sculptures. NSS News 70 (9):6-13.

(80)Ballinger, Diana A.

1986 Ossuary Burial of Cremated Human Remains from Copan, Honduras. M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Houston.

see Aoyama (46), Brady (176), (178), (180), Gatschet (506), Gordon (540), Rue (1226), Rue et al. (1227), Thomas (1469)
(81)Bancroft, Hubert Howe

1886 The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Volume II: Civilized Races. The History Company, San Francisco.

see pp. 211, 622-623
(82)Bancroft, Hubert Howe

1886 The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Volume IV: The Native Races, Antiquities. The History Company, San Francisco.

see pp. 116, 117, 120, 128-129, 201-202, 373, 575, 597-599, 600-601, 601-602
(83)Bancroft, Hubert Howe

1886 The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Volume V: Primitive History. The History Company, San Francisco.

see pp. 532-533
Barabas, Alicia M., Marcus Winter, María del Carmen Castillo, and Nallely Moreno

2005 La cueva del Diablo: Creencias y rituals de ayer y de hoy entre los zapotecos de Mitla, Oaxaca. Diario de Campo, (Mayo). CONCULTA, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.

(84)Barakat, Robert A.

1965 The Bear's Son Tale in Northern Mexico. Journal of American Folklore 78:330-336.

see pp. 331, 333
(85)Barakat, Robert A.

1967 John the Bear and Beowolf. Western Folklore 26(1):1-11.

see pp. 3, 4
(86)Barba de Piña Chan, Beatriz

1993 Calzadas y Peregrinaciones Prehispánicas a las Deidades del Agua y de los Mantenimientos. Antropología 40: 3-9.

see p. 4
(87)Barba P., L.A., Linda Manzanilla, R. Chávez, Luis Flores and A.J. Arzate

1990 Caves and Tunnels at Teotihuacan, Mexico: A Geological Phenomenon of Archaeological Interest. In Archaeological Geology of North America, edited by Norman P. Lasca and Jack Donahue, pp. 431-438. Geological Society of America, Boulder.

(88)Barbarena, Santiago I.

1950 La Gruta de Corinto. Anales del Museo Nacional "David J. Guzman" Vol. 1, No. 3: 68-71. El Salvador.

see Coladán (321) (322), Haberland (593), (594), (595), Paz (1071)
(89)Barbour, Warren

1987 Ceramic Figurines from Oxtotipac. In The Teotihuacan Valley Project: Final Report – Volume 4: The Toltec Period Occupation of the Valley, Part 2 – Surface Survey and Special Studies, edited by William T. Sanders, pp. 697-754. Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 15. Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park.

(90)Barrera Rubio, Alfredo

1985 The Rain Cult of the Puuc Area. In Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, Vol. 6, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 249-260. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco.

see pp. 250, 251, 253
(91)Barrera Rubio, Alfredo

1999 La Ciudad del Brujo del Agua/The City of the Water Wizard. In Cenotes y Grutas de Yucatán, edited by Luis Armando Ruíz Sosa, pp. 102-109. Secretaría de Ecología del Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán, Merida.

see Ruíz Sosa (1236)
(92)Barrera Rubio, Alfredo and Carlos Peraza Lope

1999 Los Vestigios Pictóricos de la Cueva de Tixcuytún, Yucatán. In Land of the Turkey and the Deer: Recent Research in Yucatan, edited by Ruth Gubler, pp. 37-56. Labyrinthos Press, Lancaster.

(93)Barrera Vásquez, Alfredo

1970 The Ceremony of Tsikul T'an Ti' Yuntsiloob at Balankanche. Appendix to: Balankanche, Throne of the Tiger Priest, by E. Wyllys Andrews IV, pp. 72-78. Middle American Research Institute Publication 32. New Orleans.

(94)Barrera Vasquez, Alfredo

1978 Mani. Boletín de la Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán No. 33:32-39.

see pp. 36, 39.
(95)Barrera Vásquez, Alfredo

1980 Diccionario Maya Cordemex. Ediciones Cordemex, Merida.

see pp. 4, 7, 123, 131, 133, 146, 215, 228-229, 596, 889-890, 946, 961
(96)Basante Gutiérrez, Oscar

1982 Algunas Cuevas en Teotihuacán. Memorial del Proyecto Arqueológico Teotihuacán 80-82. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Colección Científica No. 132, Vol. 1:341-349. Mexico.

(97)Basauri, Carlos

1931 Tojolabales, Tzeltales y Mayas. Talleres Grafícos de la Nacion, Mexico.

see p. 13
(98)Bassie-Sweet, Karen

1991 From the Mouth of the Dark Cave: Commemorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

see Day 1993, Joyce (712), Tedlock (1463)
(99)Bassie-Sweet, Karen

1996 At the Edge of the World: Caves and Late Classic Maya World View. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

see Arrata (57), Brady (181), Brady (186)
(100)Bassie, Karen

2001 The Jolja’ Cave Project. Electronic document, reports/00017. Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc.

(101)Bassie, Karen, Jorge Peréz de Lara, and Marc Zender

2000 Jolja Cave. The Pari Journal 1 (1): 5-10.

(102)Baudot, Georges

1974 The Last Years of Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1585-90): The Resue of the Confiscated Work and the Seraphic Conflicts. New Unpublished Documents. In Sixteenth-Century Mexico: The Works of Sahagún, edited by Munro Edmonson, pp. 165-187. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

see p. 183
(103)Beals, Ralph L.

1933 The Acaxee: A Mountain Tribe of Durango and Sinaloa. Ibero-Americana 6. University of California Press, Berkeley.

see p. 32
(104)Beals, Ralph L.

1935 Two Mountain Zapotec Tales from Oaxaca. Journal of American Folklore 48:189-190.

(105)Beals, Ralph L.

1939 Sacrificial Rites of the Mixe. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas 27(2):428-434. Mexico.

see pp. 429, 431, 432
(106)Beals, Ralph L.

1943 The Aboriginal Culture of the Cáhita Indians. Ibero-Americana 19. Univeersity of California Press, Berkeley.

see p. 60
(107)Beals, Ralph L.

1945 The Contemporary Culture of the Cáhita Indians. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 142. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

see p. 199
(108)Beals, Ralph L.

1945 Ethnology of the Western Mixe. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume XLII.

see pp. 64, 67-68, 87-89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 170-171
(109)Beals, Ralph L.

1946 Cheran: A Sierra Tarascan Village. Institute of Social Anthropology, Publication 2. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

see pp. 157, 161-162
(110)Beaudry-Corbett, Marilyn, James E. Brady, Boyd Dixon, Pastor Gomez, George Hasemann and Dorie Reents-Budet

1997 North Central Honduras: A Maya Landscape? In Proceedings of the 1995 and 1996 Latin American Symposia, edited by Alana Cordy-Collins and Grace Johnson, pp. 49-66. San Diego Museum Papers No. 34, San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego.

see Brady (182), Brady et al. (202), (203), (204), (205), Cohen (321), Dixon et al. (386), Mexicon (924)
(111)Becker-Donner, Etta

1974 Investigation of Some Keckchi Myths. Actas del XLI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Vol. 2: 122-126. Mexico.

see pp. 122, 125
(112)Becquelin, Pierre and Claude F. Baudez

1982 Tonina: Une Cite Maya du Chiapas (Mexique). Mission Arqueologique et Ethnologique Francaise au Mexique, Paris.

see pp. 1225, 1231
(113)Benavides Castillo, Antonio

1983 La Gruta de Xcan, Yucatán, Sitio de Enterramientos Prehispanicos. Mexicon 5(2):32-36.

(114)Benson, Elizabeth P.

1985 Architecture as Metaphor. In Fifth Palenque Round Table, 1983, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields, pp. 183-188. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco.

(115)Benson, Elizabeth P.

1998 The Lord, the Ruler: Jaguar Symbol-ism in the Americas. In Icons of Power: Feline Symbolism in the Americas, edited by Nicholas J. Saunders, pp. 53-76. Routledge, London.

see pp. 59, 66-67, 71
(116)Benuzzi, Silvia

1981 A Pilgrimage to Chalma: The Analysis of Religious Change. Katunob: Occasional Publications in Mesoamerican Anthropology No. 17. Greeley, CO.

see pp. 7, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35-36
(117)Berlo, Janet Catherine

1980 Teotihuacan Art Abroad: A Study of Metropolitan Style and Provincial Transformation in Incensario Workshops. Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University.

see pp. 170, 172, 298-300, 301
(118)Bernal-García, María Elena

1994 Tzatza: Olmec Mountains and the Ruler's Ritual Speech. In Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, edited by Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia Field, pp. 113-124. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco.

(119)Bernal-García, María Elena

1997 From Mountain to Toponym in the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca. In Latin American Indian Literatures: Messages and Meanings, edited by Mary H. Preuss, pp. 85-102. Labyrinthos Press, Lancaster, CA.

(120)Beteta, José Luis

1985 Sorprendente Aventura en el Pedregal de San Ángel. México Desconocido 103: 41-45.

see Iturriaga de la Fuente (693)
(121)Betts, Robert C. and David Libbey

1993 Speaking with Dios: A Costumbre in Highland Guatemala. Shaman's Drum No. 33: 50-57.

(122)Bevans, Bernard

1938 The Chinantec: Report on the Central and South-Eastern Chinantec Region, Volume 1 - The Chinantec Their Habitat. Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, Publication No. 24, Washington, D.C.

see p. 65
(123)Bierhorst, John

1992 History and Mythology of the Aztecs: The Codex Chimalpopoca. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

see pp. 23, 24, 41, 42, 85, 150, 153
(124)Bitterli, Thomas, and other Cerro Rabón Project members (eds.)

1996 Proyecto Cerro Rabón, 1990-1994, Oaxaca, Mexico. Speleo Projects,Caving Publications International, Basel, Switzerland.

(125)Blackiston, A. Hooton

1910 Recent Discoveries in Honduras. American Anthropologist 12: 536-541.

(126)Blackiston, A. Hooton

1910 Xochicalco. Records of the Past 9: 295-308.

(127)Blaffer, Sarah C.

1972 The Black-Man of Zinacantan: A Central American Legend. University of Texas Press, Austin.

see pp. 20, 28, 29, 32-33, 38, 68-69, 102-103, 117, 148-149
(128)Blanton, Richard Edward

1972 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns of the Ixtapalapa Penninsula Region, Mexico. Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 6. Department of Anthropology, Pennsyl-vania State University, University Park.

see pp. 38, 61a, 91, 125
(129)Blom, Frans

1924 Preliminary Work at Uaxactun, Guatemala. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 23:217-219.

see p. 217
(130)Blom, Frans

1928 Preliminary Notes on Two Important Maya Finds. Proceedings of the XXIII Internactional Congress of Americanists, pp. 165-171. New York.

see pp. 165-167
(131)Blom, Frans

1929 Preliminary Report of the John Geddings Gray Memorial Expedition Conducted by the Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA in 1928. Department of Middle American Research, Tulane University, New Orleans.

see pp. 6-7, 8
(132)Blom, Frans

1954 Ossuaries, Creamation and Secondary Burials Among the Maya of Chiapas, Mexico. Journal de la Société des Américanistes 43: 123-135.

(133)Blom, Frans

1961 Notas sobre Algunas Ruinas Todavía sin Explorar. In Los Mayas del Sur y sus Relaciones con los Nahuas Meridionales, pp. 115-125. VIII Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, Mexico.

see pp. 118, 119, 120-121
(134)Blom, Frans

2004 Osurios, Cremación, y Entierros Secondarios de los Mayas de Chiapas. Bolom 1: 91-112.

(135)Blom, Frans

2004 Notas sobre Algunas Ruinas Todavía para Explorar. Bolom 1: 113-119.

(136)Blom, Frans and Gertrude Duby

1957 La Selva Lacandona: Andanzas Arqueológicas. Editorial Cultura, T. G., S.A., Mexico.

see Vol 1: 341, 348-350; Vol 2: 43-45, 55, 59-60, 197, 200, 218, 222, Figs. 91, 94
(137)Blom, Frans and Oliver La Farge

1926-27 Tribes and Temples. Middle American Research Institute Publications 1-2. New Orleans.

see Vol. 1:155-158; Vol 2: 252, 253, 367-368, 409-410, 417-418, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511
(138)Bonet, F.

1953 Espeología Mexicana: Cuevas de la Sierra Madre Oriental en la Región Xilitla. Boletín del Instituto de Geología Número 57. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.

(139)Bonfil Batalla, Guillermo

1968 Los que Trabajan con el Tiempo. Anales de Antropología 5: 99-128. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.

see pp. 112-113, 115-120, Foto. 1-5
(140)Bonfil Batalla, Guillermo

1971 Introducción al Ciclo de Ferias de Curesma en la Región de Cuautla, Morelos, México. Anales de Antro-pología 7:167-202. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.

see p. 169
(141)Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis

1987 Exploraciones en las Grutas de Calcehtok y Oxkintok, Yucatán, México. Mayab 3:24-31.

(142)Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis

1987 Aproximación al Estudio de las Fuentes de Agua en la Antigua Ciudad Maya de Oxkintok. Boletín de la Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán No. 87:32-40.

(143)Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis

1988 Cuevas Mayas en Yucatán. Historia, Vol. 16, No. 151, pp. 152-160. Madrid.

(144)Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis

1989 Las Cuevas de Oxkintok: Informe Preliminar. Memorias del Segundo Coloquio Internacional de Mayistas, pp. 303-309. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.

(145)Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis

1989 El Complejo Cueva-Pirámide en la Cultura Maya Antigua. Boletín de la Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán No. 90:3-16.

(146)Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis

1989 Las Cuevas Mayas: Simbolismo y Ritual. Universidad Compultense de Madrid, Madrid.

(147)Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis

1992 El Culto al Sol en las Cuevas Mayas. Mayab 8:123-133.

(148)Bonor, Juan Luis

1995 Excavación de Salvamento en "Caves Branch Rock Shelter", Cayo District, Belize. IV Encuento Internacional Investigadores de la Cultura Maya 1:46-70.

(149)Bonor, Juan Luis

1997 Caves Branch Caves: Archaeological Field Report. Electronic document, reports/96044. Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc.

(150)Bonor, Juan Luis and David M. Glassman

1999 La Arqueología y el Estudio de los Restos Humanos en “Caves Branch Rock Shelter”, Distrito de El Cayo, Belice. Mayab 12: 18-30.

(151)Bonor, Juan Luis and Carolina Martínez Klemm

1995 Trabajos Recientes en la Región de Caves Branch, Distrito de el Cayo, Belice. V Encuento Internacional Investigadores de la Cultura Maya 4:250-267.

(152)Bonor Villarejo, Juan Luis and Ismael Sanches y Pinto

1991 Las Cavernas del Municipio de Oxkutzcab, Yucatán, México: Nuevas Aportaciones. Mayab 7:36-52.

(153)Boone, Elizabeth Hill

2000 Venerable Place of Beginnings: The Aztec Understanding of Teotihuacan. In Mesoamerica’s Classic Heritage: From Teotihuacan to the Aztecs, edited by Davíd Carrasco, Lindsay Jones, and Scott Sessions, pp. 371-395. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

see p. 373
(154)Boremanse, Didier

1979 Magic and Poetry among the Maya: Northern Lacandon Therapeutic Incantation. Journal of Latin American Lore 5 (1): 45-53.

see pp. 48, 49
(155)Boremanse, Didier

1993 The Faith of the Real People: The Lacandon of the Chiapas Rain Forest. In South and Meso-American Native Spirituality, edited by Gary H. Gossen and Miguel León-Portilla, pp. 325-351. The Crossroads Publishing Company, New York.

see pp. 327-328, 331, 332, 348
(156)Boremanse, Didier

1998 Hach Winick: The Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, Southern Mexico. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, The University at Albany, Albany.

see pp. 27, 28
Borgsted, Greg

2011 Social Memory and Sacred Sites in the Western Mya Highlands: Examples from Jacaltenango, Guatemala. Ancient Mesoamerica 21:385-392.

(157)Borhegyi, Steven F. de

1952 Travertine Vase in the Guatemala National Museum. American Antiquity 17:254-256.

see p. 389
(158)Borhegyi, Stephen F. de

1957 Incensario de Purulhá, Guatemala. Antropología e Historia de Guatemala 9 (1):3-7.

(159)Borhegyi, Steven F. de

1965 Archaeological Synthesis of the Guatemalan Highlands. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 2: Archaeology of Southern Mesoamerica, Part 1, edited by Gordon R. Willey, pp. 3-58. University of Texas Press, Austin.

see p. 54
(160)Bower, Bruce

1998 Sacred Secrets of the Caves: Archaeologists Go Underground for Enlightenment on Ancient Maya. Science News 153 (4):56-58.

(161)Bower, Bruce

2002 Openings to the Underworld: The Ancient Maya May Have Dug Caves with Spiritual Abondon. Science News 161 (20): 314-316.

(162)Boyd, Carolyn E.

1996 Shamanic Journeys into the Otherworld of the Archaic Chichimec. Latin American Antiquity 7 (2):152-164.

see pp. 153, 156-157, 159, 160, 161
(163)Bradt, George McClellan

1949 Huichol Pilgrim. Natural History 58 (10):456-459, 475.

see p. 456
(164)Brady, James E.

1987 A Re-Evaluation of Protoclassic Orange Wares. In: Maya Ceramics: Papers from the 1985 Maya Ceramic Conference, edited by Prudence M. Rice and Robert J. Sharer, pp. 469-477. BAR International Series 345, London.

(165)Brady, James E.

1988 The Sexual Connotation of Caves in Mesoamerican Ideology. Mexicon 10(3):51-55.

(166)Brady, James E.

1988 Analysis of Obsidian from Naj Tunich, Peten, Guatemala. In Obsidian Dates IV: A Compendium of Obsidian Hydration Dates Made at UCLA Obsidian Hydration Laboratory, edited by Clement W. Meighan and Janet Scalise, pp. 120-127. UCLA Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles.

(167)Brady, James Edward

1989 An Investigation of Maya Ritual Cave Use with Special Reference to Naj Tunich, Peten, Guatemala. Ph.D. dissertation, Archaeology Program, University of California, Los Angeles.

(168)Brady, James E.

1990 Report on Recent Damage to the Inscriptions at Naj Tunich. Mexicon 12(1):5-6.

(169)Brady, James E.

1990 The Discovery and Exploration of Maya Sacred Caves. In Spirit of Enterprise: The 1990 Rolex Awards, edited by David W. Reed, p. 316. Buri International, Bern, Switzerland.

(170)Brady, James E.

1990 Investigaciones en la Cueva de El Duende. In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatún, Informe Preliminar #2, Segunda Temporada, 1990, pp. 334-351, edited by A.A. Demarest and S.D. Houston. Vanderbilt University, Nashville.

(171)Brady, James E.

1991 New Vandalism at Naj Tunich Cave. National Geographic Research and Exploration 7(1):114-115.

(172)Brady, James E.

1991 Caves and Cosmovision at Utatlan. California Anthropologist XVIII (1):1-10.

(173)Brady, James E.

1992 Function and Meaning of Lowland Maya Shoe-Pots. Ceramica de Cultura Maya 16: 1-10.

(174)Brady, James E.

1993 Exploraciones de la Rama Nueva de Naj Tunich: Implicaciones para su Interpretación. In Tercer Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Héctor L. Escobedo and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, pp. 141-149. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal, Guatemala.

(175)Brady, James E.

1993 Cuevas No Naturales: Una Forma de Arquitectura No Reconocida en el Altiplano Maya. In Tercer Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Héctor L. Escobedo and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, pp. 253-265. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal, Guatemala.

(176)Brady, James E.

1993 El Proyecto de Cuevas Rituales de Copán. El Escribano, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1, 4. Boletín del Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, Tegucigalpa.

see Aoyama (46), Ballinger (80), Brady (178), (180), Gatschet (506), Gordon (540), Rue (1226), Rue et al. (1227), Thomas (1469)
(177)Brady, James E.

1994 El Impacto del Ritual en la Economia Maya. VII Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte and Héctor L. Escobedo A., pp. 87-91. Ministero de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia y Asociación Tikal, Guatemala.

(178)Brady, James E.

1995 A Reassessment of the Chronology and Function of Gordon's Cave #3, Copan, Honduras. Ancient Mesoamerica 6:29-38.

see Aoyama (46), Ballinger (80), Brady (176), (180) Gatschet (506), Gordon (540), Rue (1226), Rue et al. (1227), Thomas (1469)
(179)Brady, James E.

1996 Sources for the Study of Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use. Studies in Mesoamerican Cave Use, Publication 1, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

(180)Brady, James E.

1997 Retorno a las Cavernas de Copán: Otra Evaluación Preliminar. Yaxkin 15: 99-118.

see Aoyama (46), Ballinger (80), Brady (176), (178), Gatschet (506), Gordon (540), Rue (1226), Rue et al. (1227), Thomas (1469)
(181)Brady, James E.

1997 Review of: At the Edge of the World: Caves and Late Classic Maya World View, by Karen Bassie-Sweet. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1996. Latin American Amtiquity 8:159.

see Bassie-Sweet (99)
(182)Brady, James E.

1997 Palaces of the Dead: Glimpses of the Afterlife from a Middle Preclassic Cave Ossuary. In Proceedings of the 1995 and 1996 Latin American Symposia, edited by Alana Cordy-Collins and Grace Johnson, pp. 21-32. San Diego Museum Papers No. 34, San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego.

see Beaudry-Corbett et al. (110), Brady et al. (202), (203), (204), (205), Cohen (321), Dixon et al. (386), Mexicon (924)
(183)Brady, James E.

1997 Settlement Configuration and Cos-mology: The Role of Caves at Dos Pilas. American Anthropologist 99 (3):602-618.

(184)Brady, James E.

1998 Caves on the Cutting Edge. Anthropology Newsletter 39 (3):23, 25.

(185)Brady, James E.

1998 Las Grutas de Nooch Naj Cultunich. San Benito No. 28: 5-11. San Benito, Peten.

(186)Brady, James E.

1998 Review of: Images from the Under-world: Naj Tunich and the Tradition of Maya Cave Painting, by Andrea Stone. University of Texas Press, 1995, and At the Edge of the World: Caves and Late Classic Maya World View, by Karen Bassie-Sweet. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1996. The Explorers Journal 76 (3): 30-31.

(187)Brady, James E.

1999 The Gruta de Jobonche: An Analysis of Speleothem Rock Art. In Land of the Turkey and the Deer: Recent Research in Yucatan, edited by Ruth Gubler, pp. 57-68. Labyrinthos Press, Lancaster.

(188)Brady, James E.

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(189)Brady, James E.

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