Sources for the study of mesoamerican ritual cave use

(324)Colas, Pierre Robert

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(324)Colas, Pierre Robert

1998 Ritual and Politics in the Underworld. Mexicon XX (5): 99-104.
(325)Colas, Pierre Robert and Christophe G. B. Helmke

1999 A Brief Note on the Orthography, Meaning, and Grammar of Archaeological Site Names in Western Belize and the Maya Area. In The Western Belize Regional Cave Project: A Report of the 1998 Field Season, edited by Jaime J. Awe, pp. 1-7. Department of Anthropology Occasional Paper No. 2. University of New Hampshire, Durham.

see Awe (71)
(326)Colas, Pierre Robert, Philip Reeder and James Webster

2000 The Ritual Use of a Cave on the Northern Vaca Plateau, Belize, Central America. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 62 (1): 3-10.

Colas, Pierre Robert, Philip Reeder & James Webster

2011 O uso ritual de uma caverna ao norte do Planalto Vaca, Belize, América Central. In Cavernas, rituais e religião, edited by Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos, Edgard Dias Magalhães and Elvis Pereira Barbosa, pp. 71-92.. Editus, Ilhéus.

(327)Colby, Benjamin N. and Pierre L. van den Berghe

1969 Ixil Country: A Plural Society in Highland Guatemala. University of California Press, Berkeley.

see pp. 96-97
(328)Cole, Leon L.

1910 Caverns and Peoples of Northern Yucatan. American Geographic Society Bulletin 42: 321-326.

(329)Collier, Jane Fishburne

1973 Law and Social Change in Zinacantan. Stanford University Press, Stanford.

see pp. 114, 115, 116, 118-119
Conca, Corrado, Antonio De Vivo, Leonardo Piccini, Giuseppe Savino

2009 From Forests to Deserts: A Journey in the Caves of Mexico. La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche, Treviso, Italy.

(330)Cook, Garrett

1986 Quichean Folk Theology and Southern Maya Supernaturalism. In Symbol and Meaning Beyond the Closed Community: Essays in Mesoamerican Ideas, edited by Gary H. Gossen, pp. 139-153. Institute of Mesoamerican Studies, State University of New York, Albany.

see p. 142
(331)Cook de Leonard, Carmen

1954 El Vaso de Tabasco. Yan 3:96-104.

see p. 101
(332)Cook de Leonard, Carmen

1956 Some Psycho-Cultural Defense Mechanisms of Mexican Indians. Third Interamerican Congress of Psychology, pp. 50-56. Austin.

see pp. 54, 55
(333)Cook de Leonard, Carmen

1966 Psicodinamia de un Sacrificio. Revista Mexicana de Psicología 2 (9):763-774.

see p. 765
(334)Cook de Leonard, Carmen

1966 Roberto Weitlaner y los Graniceros. In Summa Anthropologia en Homenaje a Roberto J. Weitlaner, pp.291-298. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.

see pp. 291, 295, 296
(335)Cook de Leonard, Carmen

1967 Sculptures and Rocks at Chal-catzingo, Morelos. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 3:57-84.

see pp. 59, 60, 66, 70, 71
(336)Cook de Leonard, Carmen and Ernesto Lemoine V.

1955 Materiales para la Geografía Historica de la Region Chalco - Amecameca. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 14:289- 295.

see pp. 293, 294
(337)Cope, E. D.

1975 List of Vertebrata Obtained by Mr. H. C. Mercer in the Caves of Yucatan. In The Hill-Caves of Yucatan, by Henry C. Mercer, pp. 168-171. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

(338)Cordry, Donald Bush

1941 Zoque Maize Legend. Masterkey 15 (1):58-59.

(339)Cordry, Donald Bush and Dorothy M. Cordry

1941 Costumes and Weaving of the Zoque Indians of Chiapas, Mexico. Southwest Museum Papers, No. 15. Highland Park.

see pp. 61, 62, 64-65, 66-67, 68
(340)Corona C., Edwin

1977 “Cuando Hay Luna Llena Se Puede Bucear sin Lámpara…” México Desconocido 8: 28-29.

(341)Cortés Campos, Rocío

1998 La Tzukán, Centinela de Cavernas. Por Esto! Panorama, April 6, pp. 1-3. Merida.

(342)Cortés de B., Fernando

1989 Arqueología del Valle de Zapotitlán. In Las Máscaras de la Cueva de Santa Ana Teloxtoc, edited by Ernesto Vargas, pp. 53-60. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.

see Vargas (1537)
(343)Cortés Mandujano, Héctor

1999 Ocozococoautla Caves: Two Legends. In Rio La Venta: Treasure of Chiapas, edited by Giovanni Badino, Alvise Belotti, Tullio Bernabei, Antonio de Vivo, Davide Domenici, Italo Giulivo, pp. 215-217. La Venta Associazione Culturale Esplorazioni Geografiche, Consejo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Chiapas, Tipolitografia Turra, Padova.

see Badino et al. (77)
(344)Coto, Fray Thomas de

1983 Thesavrvs Verborv. Universidad Autónoma de México, Mexico.

see p. 120
(345)Cottier, John W.

1976 Preliminary Archaeological Excavations at X'KuKiKan. Unpublished manuscript.

(346)Cottier, John W.

1982 The Dzibilchultun Survey: Consideration of the Test-Pitting Data. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri.

see p. 103
(347)Covarrubias, Miguel

1946 Mexico South: The Isthus of Tehuantepec. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.

see pp. 51, 79, 98-99, 153, 387
(348)Cowgill, George L.

1997 State and Society at Teotihuacan, Mexico. Annual Review of Anthropology 26:129-161. Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto.

see pp. 148-149
(349)Craine, Eugene R. and Reginald C. Reindrop

1979 The Codex Perez and the Book of Chilam Balam of Mani. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

see pp. 105, 108-109, 113, 115
(350)Crespo M., Mario

1968 Algunos Titulos del Archivo General del Gobierno de Guatemala. Tesis de licenciatura, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

see pp. 35, 39, 40, 50, 51, 54
(351)Cronica Mexicayotl

1975 Cronica Mexicayotl, 2nd ed., translated by Adrián León. Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

(352)Cruz, Sandra and Blanca Noval

1994 Conservación del Material Cultural Orgánico de la Cueva “El Gallo,” Morelos. Memoria del III Congreso Interno del Centro INAH Morelos pp. 123-130. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Acapantzingo, Morelos, Mexico.

see Alvardo et al. (17); Morett et al. (977)
(353)Cruz Guzmán, Ausencio, Kathryn Josserand, and Nicholas A. Hopkins

1980 The Cave of Don Juan. In Third Palenque Round Table, 1978, Part 2, edited by Merle Greene Robertson, pp. 116-123. University of Texas Press, Austin.

see pp. 116, 123
(354)Csank, Tibor

1998 Pottery Vessels from the Caves. In Caves and Settlements of the Sibun River Valley, Belize: 1997 Archaeological Survey and Excavation, edited by Patricia A. McAnany, pp.77-93. Boston University, Boston.

see Isaza et al. (687), McAnany (896),
(355)Dahlgren de Jordan, Barbro

1966 La Mixteca: Su Cultura e Historia Prehispanica Imprenta Universitaria, México.

see pp. 278-279
Danien, Elin C.

2005 A Ritual Vessel in a Maya Cave. Expedition 47(3):48.

(356)Davalos Hurtado, Eusebio

1961 Return to the Sacred Cenote. National Geographic 120(4):540-549.

(357)Davies, Nagiel

1980 The Toltec Heritage: From the Fall of Tula to the Rise of Tenochtitlan. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

see pp. 23, 25, 42-43, 86, 97
(358)Davis, Virginia Dale

1978 Ritual of the Northern Lacandon Maya. Ph.D. dissertation, Tulane University, New Orleans.

see pp. 19, 24, 26, 74, 76, 147, 152, 155
Day, Jane Stevenson

1993 Review of: From the Mouth of the Dark Cave: Commemorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya, by Karen Bassie-Sweet. American Antiquity 58:772.

see Bassie-Sweet (98)
(359)De la Cruz Torres, Mario

1982 Monografía del Municipio de San Antonio Senahú, Alta Verapaz. Guatemala Indígena XVII(3/4).

see pp. 43-45
(360)De la Cruz Torres, Mario Enrique

1967 Las Leyendas, Mitos, Fábulas y su Influencia en la Vida Actual del Indígena Kekchí. Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia 40:273-93.

see pp. 284, 281, 286, 287, 288
(361)De la Fuente, Beatriz

1992 Order and Nature in Olmec Art. In The Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes, edited by Richard F. Townsend, pp. 121-133. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago.

see pp. 124-125, 128
(362)De la Fuente, Julio

1939 La Ceremonia de la Lluvia entre los Zapotecas de Hoy. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas 27(2): 479-484. Mexico.

see pp. 480, 483
(363)De la Fuente, Julio

1949 Yalálag: Una Villa Zapoteca Serrana. Museo Nacional de Antropología, Serie Científica No. 1. Mexico.

see pp. 265-266, 271, 301, 305-306
(364)De la Fuente, Julio

1961 Notas Sobre el Folklore de los Altos. VIII Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, pp. 308-318. Mexico.

see pp. 311, 315
(365)De la Garza, Mercedes

1984 El Universo Sagrado de la Serpiente entre los Mayas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.

see pp. 87, 214-215
(366)De la Haba, Louis

1972 Belize, The Awakening Land. National Geographic 141(1): 124-146.

(367)De la Haba, Louis

1974 Guatemala, Maya and Modern. National Geographic 146(5):661- 689.

(368)De Vega Nova, Hortensia and Ana María Pelz Marín

1994 Informe Parcial de los Hallazgos Arqueológicas de la Cueva de Chimalacatepac, San Juan Tlacotenco, Municipio de Tepoztlán, Morelos. Memoria del III Congreso Interno del Centro INAH Morelos pp. 95-100. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Acapantzingo, Morelos, Mexico.

see Broda and Maldonado (243), (244)
(369)Deal, Michael

1988 Recognition of Ritual Pottery in Residential Units: An Ethnohistorical Model of the Maya Family Altar Tradition. In Ethnoarchaeology Among the Highland Maya of Chiapas, Mexico, edited by Thomas A. Lee, Jr. and Brian Hayden, pp. 61-89. Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, No. 56. Provo.

see pp. 74-75.
(370)Delgado, Agustín

1956 La Arqueología de la Chinantla. Tlatoani 10:29-33.

see pp. 30, 32
(371)Delgado, Agustín

1958 Pipas de Piedra de Cueva Vetada, San Luis Potosí, México. Direccion de Prehistoria Publicacion 4, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de Mexico, Mexico.

(372)Delgado, Agustín

1964 Investigaciones Arqueológicas en las Cuevas del Sur de Tehuacan, Pue. y Sur de Cordoba, Ver. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 17:75-107.

(373)Delgado, Agustín

1965 Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Region of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, No. 18. Provo.

(374)Delgado, Agustín

1991 Pipas de Piedra de Cueva Vetada, San Luis Potosí, México. In Arqueología de San Luis Potosí, compiled by Patricio Dávila Cabrera and Diana Zaragoza Ocaña, pp. 93-118. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.

(375)Delgaty, Colin C.

1964 Vocabulario Tzotzil de San Andres, Chiapas. Serie de Vocabularios Indigenas, No. 10. Instituto Liguistico de Verano, Mexico.

see p. 16
(376)Demarest, Arthur A.

1986 Political Geography, Warfare, the Collapse of the Classic Maya Civilization. Report presented to the National Geographic Society.

(377)Demarest, Arthur A.

1989 The Olmec and the Rise of Civilization in Eastern Mesoamerica. In Regional Perspectives on the Olmec, edited by Robert J. Sharer and David C. Grove, pp. 303-344. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

see p. 338
(378)Demarest, Authur A.

1997 The Vanderbilt Petexbatun Regional Archaeological Project 1989-1994. Ancient Mesoamerica 8 (2):209-227

see pp. 215, 218
(379)Demarest, Arthur, Kim Morgan, Claudia Wooley, and Héctor Escobedo

2003 The Political Acquisition of Sacred Geography. In Maya Palaces and Elite Residences: An Interdisciplinary Approach, edited by Jessica Joyce Christie, pp. 120-153. University of Texas Press, Austin.

see pp. 125-126, 138-139, 142, 143, 144
Deuss, Krystyna

2007 Shamans, Witches and Maya Priests: Native Religion and Ritual in Highland Guatemala. The Guatemalan Maya Centre, London.

See pp. 36, 44, 45, 54-58, 66-69, 73, 92, 93, 114, 172, 176, 184, 202, 217, 247-248, 261-264, 324 n. 2
Dickman, Kyle

2005 Caving with the Xibalba Mapping and Exploration Team. NSS News 63 (7):4-5.

(380)Diehl, Richard A. and Michael D. Coe

1995 Olmec Archaeology. In The Olmec World: Ritual and Rulership, pp. 11-25. The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princton.

see pp. 19, 20
(381)Dienhart, John M.

1989 The Mayan Languages: A Comparative Vocabulary. Odense University Press, Odense, DK.

see pp. 2: 109-110
(382)Dieseldorff, E. P.

1926 Kunst und Religion der Mayavolker: Im Alten und Heutigen Mittelamerika. Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin.

see photos 2, 6, 9
(383)Dieseldorff, E. P.

1926 El Tzultaca y el Mam, los Dioses Prominentes de la Religión Maya. Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala 2:378-386.

see pp. 381-382
(384)Digby, Adrian

1958 A New Maya City Discovered in British Honduras at Las Cuevas and an Underground Necropolis Revealed. The London Illustrated News 232: 274-275.

(385)Dillon, Brian D.

1979 Review of: The Hill Caves of Yucatan. Bibliographic Leaflets on Archaeology, Mesoamerica No. 19. Institute of Archaeology, UCLA.

see Hammond (601), Mason (882), Mercer (921), (922)
(386)Dixon, Boyd, George Hasemann, James Brady, Pastor Gomez and Marilyn Beaudry-Corbett

1998 Multi-Ethnicity or Multiple Enigma: Archaeological Survey in the Rio Talgua Drainage, Department of Olancho, Honduras. Ancient Mesoamerica 9: 327-340.

see pp. 333-334, 336, 337-338; Beaudry-Corbett et al. (110), Brady (182), Brady et al. (202), (203), (204), (205), Cohen (321), Mexicon (924)

(387)Domenici, Davide

1999 Caves in Meso-American Culture. In Rio La Venta: Treasure of Chiapas, edited by Giovanni Badino, Alvise Belotti, Tullio Bernabei, Antonio de Vivo, Davide Domenici, Italo Giulivo, pp. 219-222. La Venta Associazione Culturale Esplorazioni Geografiche, Consejo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Chiapas, Tipolitografia Turra, Padova.

see Badino et al. (77)
(388)Domenici, Davide

2001 Pre-hispanic Ritual Use of Caves in the Rio La Venta Region, Chiapas, Mexico. Speleology in the Third Millennium: Sustainable Development of Karst Environments. (not paginated). Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Speleology, International Union of Speleology, Brasilia, Brazil.

(389)Domenici, Davide and Thomas Arvol Lee Whiting

2000 Il Progetto Archeologico Río La Venta (Chiapas, Messico). Risultati delle Campagne 1997-98. In Studi Americanistici, edited by Luciano Gallinari, pp. 209-233. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto sui Rapporti Italo-Iberici, Cagliari.h

(390)Dreux, Daniel

1978 Guatemala dans les Gouffres du Pays Maya. Presses de la Cité, Paris.

(391)Dreux, D. and J. Perraud

1968 La Espeleología en Guatemala. Guatemala.

(392)Drusini, Andrea G.

1999 Human Skeletons in the Cueva del Lazo. In Rio La Venta: Treasure of Chiapas, edited by Giovanni Badino, Alvise Belotti, Tullio Bernabei, Antonio de Vivo, Davide Domenici, Italo Giulivo, p. 156. La Venta Associazione Culturale Esplorazioni Geografiche, Consejo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Chiapas, Tipolitografia Turra, Padova.

see Badino et al. (77)
(393)Duby, Gertrude and Frans Blom

1969 The Lacandon. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 7: Ethnology, edited by Evon Z. Vogt, pp. 276-297. University of Texas Press, Austin.

see p. 292
(394)Dunham, Peter S., Robert C. Murray, Daniel G. Gall, and William P. Meurer

1993 The Maya Mountains Archaeological Project (MMAP): A Preliminary Report on the 1993 Season. Report prepared for: The National Geographic Society, The Department of Archaeology, The Geology and Petroleum Office, The Forestry Department, Belmopan, Belize, Central America.

(395)Dunham, Peter S. and Keith M. Prufer

1998 En la Cumbra del Clásico: Descubrimientos Recientes en la Montaña Maya en el Sur de Belice. XI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte and Héctor Escobedo, pp. 165-170. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal, Guatemala.

(396)Durán, Diego

1964 The Aztecs: The History of the Indies of New Spain. Translated by Doris Heyden and Fernando Horcasitas. Orion Press, New York. (original: 16th century)

see pp. 6-9, 14, 15, 80, 133-135, 222, 255-257, 330-331, 353
(397)Durán, Diego

1971 Book of the Gods and Rites and The Ancient Calendar, translated and edited by Fernando Horcasitas and Doris Heyden. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. (original: 16th century)

see pp. 248, 250
(398)Du Solier Massieu, Wilfrido

1939 Una Representación Pictórica de Quetzalcóatl en una Cueva. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 3(2):129-141.

(399)Earle, Duncan M

1989 The Dawning Place: Sacred Places from the 16th Century Documents and their Use Today. Paper presented at the American Society for Ethnohistory meetings, Chicago.

Earle, Duncan

2008 Maya Caves Across Time and Space: Reading-Related Landscapes in K’iche’ Maya Text, Ritual and History. In Pre-Columbian Landscapes of Creation and Origin, edited by John Edward Staller, pp. 67-93. Springer, New York.

(400)Ebersole, Justin

2001 Ritual Feasting in the Twilight Zone:Mollusca from the Caves. In Sacred Landscape and Settlement in the Sibun River Valley: XARP 1999 Archaeological Survey and Excavation, edited by Patricia A. McAnany, pp. 113-125. Department of Archaeology, Boston University, Boston.

see McAnany (898)
(401)Ediger, Donald

1971 The Well of Sacrifice. Doubleday and Company, Garden City.

(402)Editors of Time-Life Books

1993 The Magnificent Maya. Time-Life Books, Alexandria.

see pp. 104-105
(403)Edmonson, Munro S.

1986 Heaven Born Merida and its Destiny: The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel. University of Texas Press, Austin.

see p. 124
(404)Edmonson, Munro S.

1993 The Mayan Faith. In South and Meso-American Native Spirituality, edited by Gary H. Gossen and Miguel León-Portilla, pp. 65-85. The Crossroads Publishing Company, New York.

see p. 78
(405)Edmonson, Munro S. and Victoria R. Bricker

1985 Yucatecan Mayan Literature. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, Supplement 3: Literatures, edited by Munro S. Edmonson, pp. 44-63. University of Texas Press, Austin.

see pp. 50, 60
(406)Eliot, John L.

2001 Deadly Haven: Mexico’s Poisonous Cave. National Geographic 199 (5): 70-85.

see Hose (670), (671), Porter Núñez (1123)
(407)Elson, Ben

1947 The Homshuk: A Sierra Popoluca Text. Tlalocan 2: 193-214.

(408)Elzey, Wayne

1976 Some Remarks on the Space and Time of the "Center" in Aztec Religion. Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl 12:315-334.

see pp. 320-321, 323
Emery, Kitty F.

2004 Animales del Inframundo Maya: Reconstruyendo los rituales de las élites a través de los restos animales de la Cueva de Los Quetzales, Guatemala. In XVII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2003, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Barbara Arroyo, Héctor Escobedo and Héctor Mejía, pp.203-222. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.

Emery, Kitty F.

2004 Animals from the Maya Underworld: Reconstructing Elite Maya Ritual at the Cueva de los Quetzales, Guatemala. In Behaviour Behind Bones: The Zooarchaeology of Ritual, Religion, Status and Identity, edited by Sharyn Jones O’Day; Wim Van Neer, Anton Ervynck, pp. 101-113. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

(409)Escalona Ramos, Alberto

1946 Algunas Ruinas Prehispanicas en Quintana Roo. Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadistica 61:513-628.

see p. 545
(410)Escobedo Ayala, Héctor Leonel

1989 El Estudio de la Cerámica de Naj Tunich 1988-1989. In Proyecto Arqueológico Naj Tunich: Informe Sobre la Temporada de Trabajo de 1988, edited by James E. Brady, pp. 34-84. Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala, Guatemala.

(411)Escobedo Ayala, Héctor Leonel

1992 Resultados Preliminares del Análisis de la Cerámica de Naj Tunich. Utz'ib 1(2):9-15.

(412)Escobedo Ayala, Héctor Leonel

1993 Resultados Preliminares del Análisis de la Cerámica de Naj Tunich, Petén. Tercer Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Héctor L. Escobedo and Sandra Villagrán, pp. 151-162. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal, Guatemala.

(413)Escobedo, Héctor L.

1997 Arroyo de Piedra: Sociopolitical Dynamics of a Secondary Center in the Petexbatun Region. Ancient Mesoamerica 8 (2):307-320.

see p. 316
(414)Espejo, Antonieta

1976 La Gruta de Binola, Cerca de Tula, Hgo. In Proyecto Tula: Segunda Parte, edited by Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, pp. 21-33. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Colección Científica No. 33. Mexico.

(415)Espinasa Pereña, Ramón

1986 Las Grutas de Huacalapan. México Desconocido 116: 54-57.

(416)Evans, Susan Toby and David L. Webster

2001 Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. Garland Publishing, New York.

see pp. 99-101, 197, 199, 510-511, 572, 653
(417)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

1990 Importantes Hallazgos en una Gruta del Sur Aportan Más Datos sobre los Mayas. Diario de Yucatán, December1. Merida

(418)Evia Cervantes, Carlos

1991 Espeleología y Etnografía: Chuyen Balam, La Leyenda. Aktun 1: 19-21.

(419)Evia Cervantes, Carlos

1991 La Gruta de Xpukil, en Calcehtok. Boletín de la Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán 18: 15-27.

(420)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

1995 La Función Social de las Grutas. Revista de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán No. 195: 20-26.

(421)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

1996 Tzukán, La Serpiente de las Grutas. Revista de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán No. 197: 44-52.

(422)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

1997 Grutas, Turismo y Medio Ambiente: Análisis y Propuesta. Revista de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán No. 202: 78-90.

(423)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

1999 Los Cenotes en el Devenir Histórico: De Ritos a Balnearios. Diario de Yucatán, April 14, pp. 1, 3. Merida.

(424)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

1999 Dzonotoob - Cenotes: El Tívoli de Santa Ana. Ichcanzihó: Revista Trimestral-Patri-monio Arqueológico y Ecológico No. 1:4.

(425)Evia Cervantes, Carlos

1999 Los Cenotes de Mérida/The Cenotes of Mérida. In Cenotes y Grutas de Yucatán, edited by Luis Armando Ruíz Sosa, pp. 48-60. Secretaría de Ecología del Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán, Merida.

(426)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

2000 Rituales de Cavernas. Por Esto! Unicornio, January 30, pp. 3-9. Merida.

(427)Evia Cervantes, Carlos A.

2001 El Arte Rupestre en Kaab. Por Esto! Cultura, March 13, p. 2. Merida.

(428)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

2001 Protección y Preservación de Cuevas y Cenotes. Por Esto! Unicornio, April 15, pp. 3-11. Merida.

(429)Evia Cervantes, Carlos

2001 Relatos de Boxaktún, Dzununcán. Ichcanzihó: Revista Trimestral-Patri-monio Arqueológico y Ecológico 7: 14.

(430)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

2002 El Mito de la Serpiente de las Grutas. Por Esto! Unicornio, February 24, pp. 6-8. Merida.

(431)Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto

2002 Baño de Cenote. Por Esto! Unicornio, June 2, pp. 3-9. Merida.

(432)Exley, Sheck

1980 Diving Beneath the Mayan City of Xcaret. Caving International Magazine 8:38-40.


1988 Brujos Sacrifican a Niño al Demonio en Xela. Extra, Época 3, No. 306, August 7-13, p. 16. Guatemala.

(434)Fabrega, Horacio, Jr. and Daniel B. Silver

1973 Illness and Shamanic Curing in Zinacantan: An Ethnomedical Analysis. Stanford University Press, Stanford.

see pp. 233, 261-262
(435)Fahsen, Federico and James E. Brady

1993 Una Interpretación Arqueológica y Epigráfica de un Texto Nuevo en una Cueva Maya. In VI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, pp. 57-62. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes/Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Guatemala.

(436)Farnsworth, Paul, James E. Brady, Michael J. DeNiro, Richard S. MacNeish

1985 A Re-Evaluation of the Isotopic and Archaeological Reconstructions of Diet in the Tehuacan Valley. American Antiquity 50:102-16.

(437)Fash, William L., Jr.

1986 History and Characteristics of Settlement in the Copan Valley, and Some Comparisons with Quirigua. In The Southeast Maya Periphery, edited by Patricia A. Urban and Edward M. Shortman, pp. 72-93. University of Texas Press, Austin.

see p. 76
(438)Feld, William A.

1994 The Caves of Caracol: Initial Impressions. In Studies in the Archaeology of Caracol, Belize, edited by Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase, pp. 76-82. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, Monograph 7, San Francisco.

(439)Feldman, Lawrence H.

1972 An Old Titulo of Santo Domingo Sacapulas, Guatemala. Katunob 8(1):70-77. (18th century)

see p. 70
(440)Feinberg, Benjamin

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see pp. 406-415
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see pp. 104, 117, 155, 162
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see Awe (71)
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see pp. 100, 137
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see pp. 154-156
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(453)Folan, William J.

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see p. 27
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see pp. 180-181, 191, 194, 208-209
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see p. 473
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see p. 71
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see pp. 24, 34, 96
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see p. 164
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see pp. 73-74
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see pp. 33, 49, 71, 130, 148, 154, 173, 176
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see pp. 41, 92, 151, 157, 185-187, 202, 203, 250, 422 n. 43, 441 n. 25
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see p. 869
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see Vol. 6:334-336.
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see pp. 57-58
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see pp. 10, 50, 54, 76
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see pp. 153, 155, 156, 157

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see pp. 279-290
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see pp. 169-170
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see pp. 144-145, 145-147, 149, 229, 318, 319, 544-545, 560-561, 659
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see pp. 531-532
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see Ruíz Sosa (1236)
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see pp. 28-29, 32
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see pp. 432-434
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see pp. 314-315
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see pp. 40-41, 47, 138-139
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see pp. 234-236
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see pp. 93-102
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see pp. 191-192, Gruning (578), Joyce (715), Joyce et al. (716)
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see pp. 41-50, 71-77, 187-205, 206-209, 245-246, 252-255
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see pp. 53-54
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see pp. 144, 145-146
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see pp. 253-254
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see Vol. 1:269
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see pp. 368-369
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see p. 26
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see pp. 105, 106, 108
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2007 Género, complementariedad y separación en rituals mayas en Santa Eulalia, Guatemala. XX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológiacas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo and Héctor E. Mejía, pp. 945-950. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal, Fundación Arqueológica del Nuevo Mundo, Guatemala.

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2009 The Cosmological and Social Significance of Quen Santo in Contemporary Maya Society. In Exploring Highland Maya Ritual Cave Use: Archaeology & Ethnography in Huehuetenango, Guatemala, edited by James E. Brady, pp. 49-54. Association for Mexican Cave Studies, Bulletin 20, Austin, TX.

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(506)Gatschet, A. S.

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see Aoyama (46), Ballinger (80), Brady (176), (178), (180), Gordon (540), Rue (1226), Rue et al. (1227), Thomas (1469)
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1966 Rock Carving at Chalcatzingo. Natural History 75(7):56-61.

see p. 57
(508)Gay, Carlo T. E.

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1973 Olmec Hieroglyphic Writing: The Probable Background and Meaning of an Inscribed Stone Tablet from Ahuelicán, Guerrero, Mexico. Archaeology 26(4):278-288.

see pp. 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286-288.
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(512)Gibbs, Sherry A.

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see Awe (69)
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see Awe (71)
(514)Gibson, Lorna F. and Donald and Anne Olson

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see p. 126
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2007 Viaje al centro de la tierra. Revista No. 153: D19-D23, Prensa Libre, June 10, Guatemala.

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see mention of Black Rock Caves: pp. 125, 145, 193, 195, 196, 255; Sheptak (1317)
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see p. 399
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see pp. 106, 107
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see pp. 4, 44, 57, 85, 115, 162, 178
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see pp. 205, 206, 211
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1945 Costumbres, Fiestas, Enterramientos y Diversas Formas de Proceder de los Indios de Nueva España. Tlalocan 2:37-63.

see p. 45
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(525)Gómez Robelo, Roberto

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see p. 12, chap. 9
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see p. 136, 139, 142, 143, 144
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see p. 218
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see pp. 29, 31, 164-165, 200-203
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see p. 117

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