Specification and user’s guide corresponding author: Barry Smith

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Immaterial entity

Immaterial entities are independent continuants which contain no material entities as parts. The roots of BFO’s treatment of such entities lie in the application of theories of qualitative spatial reasoning to the geospatial world, for example as outlined in [21, 41], in the treatment of holes by Casati and Varzi [20], in the treatment of niches by Smith and Varzi [, ] and in the treatment of cavities in the FMA [15, 16, 6, 7].

Rosse and Mejino provide the following rationale for including terms for surfaces, lines, and points in the FMA:

Although anatomical texts and medical terminologies with an anatomical content deal only superficially, if at all, with anatomical surfaces, lines, and points, it is nevertheless necessary to represent these entities explicitly and comprehensively in the FMA in order to describe boundary and adjacency relationships of material physical anatomical entities and spaces. [15]

note(immaterial entity)[Immaterial entities are divided into two subgroups:

  1. boundaries and sites, which bound, or are demarcated in relation, to material entities, and which can thus change location, shape and size and as their material hosts move or change shape or size (for example: your nasal passage; the hold of a ship; the boundary of Wales (which moves with the rotation of the Earth) [10, , ]);

  2. spatial regions, which exist independently of material entities, and which thus do not change.]

note(continuant part of)[Immaterial entities /*under 1. */are in some cases continuant parts of their material hosts. Thus the hold of a ship, for example, is a part of the ship; it may itself have parts, which may have names (used for example by ship stow planners, customs inspectors, and the like). Immaterial entities under both 1. and 2. can be of zero, one, two or three dimensions.

We define:

a(immaterial entity)[Definition: a is an immaterial entity = Def. a is an independent continuant that has no material entities as parts. [028-001]]

      1. Continuant fiat boundary

a(continuant fiat boundary)[Definition: b is a continuant fiat boundary = Def. b is an immaterial entity that is of zero, one or two dimensions and does not include a spatial region as part. [029-001]]

a(continuant fiat boundary)[ Axiom: Every continuant fiat boundary is located at some spatial region at every time at which it exists] (but not necessarily at the same spatial region from one time to the next) [XXX-001].

Intuitively, note(continuant fiat boundary)[a continuant fiat boundary is a boundary of some material entity (for example: the plane separating the Northern and Southern hemispheres; the North Pole), or it is a boundary of some immaterial entity (for example of some portion of airspace).

Three basic kinds of continuant fiat boundary can be distinguished (together with various combination kinds []):

  • continuant fiat boundaries which delineate fiat parts within the interiors of material entities – for example the fiat boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth; the North Pole; the fiat boundary which separates Utah from Colorado

  • continuant fiat boundaries which delineate holes or cavities, for example fiat boundaries of the type referred to by the FMA as ‘plane of anatomical orifice’.

  • combination continuant fiat boundaries such as the border of Israel, which contains both rectilinear fiat boundaries along the border with Egypt and fiat boundaries tracking physical discontinuities on the Mediterranean side and along the borders with Syria and Jordan.

Note that boundaries are dependent entities, but they are not dependent in either of the senses of s- and g-dependence.]

zero-dimensional continuant fiat boundary

a(zero-dimensional continuant fiat boundary)[Elucidation: a zero-dimensional continuant fiat boundary is a fiat point whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. [031-001]]

as(zero-dimensional continuant fiat boundary)[Examples: the geographic North Pole\; the quadripoint where the boundaries of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona meet\, the point of origin of some spatial coordinate system.]

one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary

a(one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary)[Elucidation: a one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary is a continuous fiat line whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. [032-001]]

as(one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary)[Examples: The Equator\, all geopolitical boundaries\, all lines of latitude and longitude\, the median sulcus of your tongue\, the line separating the outer surface of the mucosa of the lower lip from the outer surface of the skin of the chin. ]

To say that a one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary is continuous is to assert that it includes no gaps (thus it is a single straight or curved line).

two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary

a(two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary)[Elucidation: a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary (surface) is a self-connected fiat surface whose location is defined in relation to some material entity. [033-001]]

‘Self-connected’ is to be understood in the usual topological sense: thus an entity b is self-connected if and only if: given any two points in b, a continuous line can be traced in b which connects these points.

From this it follows that a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary (surface) may have holes, as for example in the case of the surface of one side of a compact disk.

      1. Site

a(site)[Elucidation: b is a site means: b is a three-dimensional immaterial entity that is (partially or wholly) bounded by a material entity or it is a three-dimensional immaterial part thereof. [034-002]

Axiom: Every site is occupies_spatial_region some three-dimensional spatial region at every time at which it exists. [153-001]]

as(site)[Examples: a hole in the interior of a portion of cheese\, a rabbit hole\, the interior of your bedroom\, the Grand Canyon\, the Piazza San Marco\, an air traffic control region defined in the airspace above an airport\, the interior of a kangaroo pouch\, your left nostril (a fiat part – the opening – of your left nasal cavity) \, the lumen of your gut\, the hold of a ship\, the cockpit of an aircraft\, the interior of the trunk of your car\, the interior of your refrigerator\, the interior of your office\, Manhattan Canyon) ]

Each immaterial entity coincides at any given time with some spatial region, but, as in the case of material entities, which spatial region this is may vary with time. As the ship moves through space, so its hold moves also. As you pinch and unpinch your nose, so your nasal passages shrink and expand.

The above elucidations of site and of the different kinds of continuant fiat boundary will be replaced by definitions when dimension and boundary dependence have been defined within the BFO framework.

Note: Sites may be bounded by various combinations of boundaries of different sorts []. Thus the Mont Blanc Tunnel is bounded by fiat surfaces at either end.

Many of the terms used to refer to sites are ambiguous in that they are also used to refer to corresponding material entities. To say that ‘detergent is pumped into the tanksite’ is to assert that the detergent is pumped into the cavity which forms the interior of the tankmaterial_entity (rather than into, say, the portion of metal which bounds this cavity). To say that ‘Mary lives in Salzburgsite’ is to assert not that Mary lives in a certain material collection of buildings, ashphalt, rocks, trees, and so forth, but rather that she lives in the spatial niche [] bounded by this material collection.

The region of class A controlled airspace associated with any given airport is a site, since it is a three-dimensional continuant part of the site formed by the sum of this region with the portion of the class E region that is bounded by the surface of the Earth (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: Airspace classes

Cavities within what OGMS calls the ‘extended organism’ are sites; they are, following the FMA, parts of the organism if they are part of its anatomical Bauplan [15, 16]. A cavity formed by a swallowed drug-capsule that is half-filled with powder is for this reason not a part of the organism. The cavity formed by the interior of the capsula that is not filled with powder is for the same reason not a part of the organism. These sites are however parts of the OGMS:extended organism.

Figure 6: Examples of types of site: 1) the interior of an egg; 2) the interior of a snail’s shell; 3) the environment of a pasturing cow

      1. Spatial region

We recommend that users of BFO region terms specify the coordinate frame in terms of which their spatial and temporal data are represented. When dealing with spatial regions on the surface of the Earth, for example, this will be the coordinate frame of latitude and longitude, potentially supplemented by the dimension of altitude. Lines of latitude and longitude are two-dimensional continuant fiat boundaries which move as the planet rotates and as it moves in orbiting the sun; however, they are by definition at rest relative to the coordinate frame which they determine.

Given the terminology of spatial frames, we can elucidate ‘space’ as in BFO 1.1, as the maximal instance of the universal spatial region, relative to some frame, as follows:

a(spatial region)[Elucidation: A spatial region is a continuant entity that is a continuant_part_of spaceR as defined relative to some frame R. [035-001]]

‘Maximal’, in the above, means that any instance entity including spaceR as proper part is not a spatial region. SpaceR is, in common parlance, the whole of space (as defined in reference to some frame R). The term ‘space’ is the name of a certain particular. As we shall see below, spacetime and time, similarly, are maximal instances of spatiotemporal and temporal region, respectively.

a(spatial region)[Axiom: All continuant parts of spatial regions are spatial regions. [036-001]]

Material entities have qualities of shape and size because they are located at spatial regions which instantiate corresponding shape and size universals.

Axiom: axiom(material entity)[Every material entity is located at some three-dimensional spatial region at every time at which it exists] [XXX-001]

Object boundaries and sites are distinguished from the spatial regions which they occupy at any given time as follows:

(1) Object boundaries and sites move when their material host moves, and they change shape or size when their material host changes shape or size.

(2) Spatial regions are, by definition, at rest relative to the pertinent coordinate frame.

zero-dimensional spatial region

a(zero-dimensional spatial region)[Elucidation: A zero-dimensional spatial region is a point in space. [037-001]]

one-dimensional spatial region

a(one-dimensional spatial region)[Elucidation: A one-dimensional spatial region is a line or aggregate of lines stretching from one point in space to another. [038-001]]

a(one-dimensional spatial region)[Examples: an edge of a cube-shaped portion of space.]

A line is a connected one-dimensional spatial region.

two-dimensional spatial region

a(two-dimensional spatial region)[Elucidation: A two-dimensional spatial region is a spatial region that is of two dimensions. [039-001]]

as(two-dimensional spatial region)[Examples: the surface of a sphere-shaped part of space\, an infinitely thin plane in space. ]

A surface is a connected one-dimensional spatial region.

three-dimensional spatial region (a spatial volume)

a(three-dimensional spatial region)[Elucidation: A three-dimensional spatial region is a spatial region that is of three dimensions. [040-001]]

as(three-dimensional spatial region)[Examples: a cube-shaped region of space\, a sphere-shaped region of space,


      1. Location

The occupies_spatial_region relation

at(occupies_spatial_region)[Elucidation: b occupies_spatial_region r at t means that r is a spatial region in which independent continuant b is exactly located [041-002]]

a(occupies_spatial_region)[Domain: independent continuant]

a(occupies_spatial_region)[Range: spatial region]

Occupies_spatial_region is a primitive relation between an independent continuant, a spatial region which it occupies, and a time. This is a relation of exact location; the size, shape, orientation and location of b fit exactly to the size, shape and location of r. Thus for example if there are cavities in the interior of b then there are corresponding holes in the interior of r.

Clearly, normal usage will involve not assertions of exact location, but rather more liberal statements for example: John is in London, Mary is in her hotel room, Carlo is in his mother’s womb, which will involve assertions of which are formulated using the located_in relation as defined below.

a(occupies_spatial_region)[Axiom: every region r is occupies_spatial_region r at all times. [042-002]]

a(occupies_spatial_region)[Axiom: if b occupies_spatial_region r at t & b continuant_part_of b at t, then there is some r which is continuant_part_of r at t such that b occupies_spatial_region r at t. [043-001]]

The located_in relation

The located_in relation links independent continuants which are not spatial regions..

at(located_in)[Definition: b located_in c at t = Def. b and c are independent continuants, and the region at which b is located at t is a (proper or improper) continuant_part_of the region at which c is located at t. [045-001] ]

a(located_in)[Domain: independent continuant]

a(located_in)[Range: independent continuant]

as(located_in)[Examples: your arm located_in your body\; this stem cell located_in this portion of bone marrow\; this portion of cocaine located_in this portion of blood\; Mary located_in Salzburg\; the Empire State Building located_in New York. ]

at(located_in)[Axiom: Located_in is transitive. [046-001] /*CHECK _ I THINK THIS IS A THEOREM

b located_in c at t and c located_in d at t, then b located_in d at t*/]

as(independent continuant)[Axiom: For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. [134-001]

Axiom: For any independent continuant b and any time t, if b is located_in r at t then there is some region r that is continuant_part_of r and such that b is occupies_spatial_region r at t. [135-001]]

For all independent continuants a and b, parthood implies location.

at(continuant_part_of)[Axiom: if b continuant_part_of c at t and b is an independent continuant, then b is located_in c at t. [047-002] ]

Sites and boundaries, too, may stand in the located_in relation, as for example when we say that 5th Avenue is located in New York, or that a portion of the Franco-German boundary is located in the Rhein valley.

Problem cases for the located_in relation

As pointed out in [24] there are problem cases for this account, in that, for example an insect located near the stem of a wine glass would be counted as located_in the wine glass; similarly crumbs placed in the hole of a donut would be counted as located_in the donut. Briefly, users of located_in should use an intuitive test to the effect that: if b is not in the interior of c but is rather in some hole or cavity attached to c’s outer boundary, then b located_in c will obtain only if this hole is a fillable hole in the sense defined by Casati and Varzi [24]. The cup-shaped hole in the wine glass is fillable in this sense; not however the concave spaces around the stem.

Chaining rules

a(located_in)[Axiom: for all independent continuants b, c, and d: if b continuant_part_of c at t & c located_in d at t, then b located_in d at t. [048-001]]

a(located_in)[Axiom: for all independent continuants b, c, and d: if b located_in c at t & c continuant_part_of d at t, then b located_in d at t. [049-001]]

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