St Jago High School Handbook Appendices Appendix 1: Request for Gate Pass
Appendix 2:
Policy Electronic Devices Appendix 3: Expectations for Parents Students Teachers
Appendix 4:
Critical Incident Action Plan Appendix 5: Prefects Roles & Responsibilities
Appendix 6:
Appendix 7:
Graduation Criteria Appendix 8: Critical Incident Form
59 St Jago High School Handbook
Appendix 1 Gate Pass Gate passes are issued by the block supervisor in all cases except For any disciplinary matter the Dean of Discipline will issue the pass For any medical reason the School Nurse will issue the pass For sports related activity the Sports Master (Head of the Physical education Department) will issue the pass For field trips and group that contain students from various year group a Vice Principal will issue the pass In the absence of the authorized persona Vice Principal may issue a pass for any reason. Passes are only issued upon presentation of a written request from
the parent or guardian on file, or the return of a signed consent from (permission slip. A written request should contain The date of the request The date for which the pass is requested The time for which the pass is needed The reason and duration of absence leaving The name and class of the student The name, number, email address and signature of the parent or guardian making the request. Students will still be marked absent even with a pass students on school business will be marked present on the register for that activity.
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