Stream User’s Guide

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6.2DPU basic types

Due to DPU hardware restrictions, kernels may use only a limited set of data types. All DPU basic types are 32-bit types, as the DPU operates only on 32-bit words. Standard C types char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, float, double and pointer types are not DPU basic types; they may not be used in kernels.

Types int32x1 and uint32x1 represent a single 32-bit signed or unsigned integer; these types are synonyms for int and unsigned int.
Packed data types allow the DPU to perform multiple operations simultaneously on a single packed data item. Types int16x2 and uint16x2 represent two signed or unsigned 16-bit integers packed into a single 32-bit word. Types int8x4 and uint8x4 represent four signed or unsigned 8-bit integers packed into a single 32-bit word. An operation on a packed type performs multiple subword operations simultaneously in a single arithmetic-logical unit (ALU) of the DPU. For example, the following code executes four 8-bit additions at the same time on the DPU.
int8x4 a, b, c;

c = a + b; // performs four 8-bit adds simultaneously on one DPU ALU

New packed constant types allow for correct constant arithmetic. Suffix p2 or p4 appended to a valid C signed or unsigned integer constant of any radix indicates a packed constant type; suffix p1 appended to a valid C signed or unsigned integer constant of any type is ignored. The Stream compiler spc warns about the use of incorrect constant types.
int8x4 bar = 0xDEF23008; // Warning - not p4 constant

int16x2 bar = -27p2; // Low order 16 bits = -27, hi = -1

unsigned int8x4 foo = 0xFE008023p4 + 0x018A8621p4; // foo = 0xFF8A0644

6.2.1Type conversions

Any explicit conversion (cast) from one basic type to another basic type produces the same bit pattern; this is possible because all DPU basic types contain 32 bits. An explicit cast allows any 32-bit object to be used as if it were of any basic type. For example:

int32x1 a;

int16x2 b;

a = (int32x1)b; // bit pattern of packed 16x2 b assigned to 32x1 a
General rules called implicit conversions apply implicitly to operator and function call arguments.
Kernel basic data types fall into signed and unsigned categories. Each category contains three basic types (width variants), interpreting an object of the type as a single 32-bit value, a pair of 16-bit values, or a quad of 8-bit values; the width of the type is accordingly said to be 32, 16 or 8 bits. Stream performs implicit conversion from signed to unsigned (as in C). The implicit conversion is to the integral type with the same width as the original type (e.g., from int16x2 to uint16x2). Conversion leaves the bit pattern unchanged; no range checking occurs.

Stream does not perform implicit conversions between objects with different type widths. Operators cannot mix argument widths:

int32x1 a, x;

int16x2 b;

x = a + b; // Illegal because + has mixed argument widths

6.2.2DPU booleans

The boolean result of a C relational operator such as ‘==’ is 0 (false) or 1 (true). The boolean result of a DPU intrinsic operation such as spi_veq* instead is 0 (false) or all 1 bits (true: 0xFF, 0xFFFF, or 0xFFFFFFFF, depending on the width of the type). Because of this difference, relational operators in kernel functions generate multiple DPU operations, first obtaining the DPU boolean result and then converting it to a C boolean. The programmer can avoid unneeded operations by using DPU intrinsics directly instead of using C operators, although in many cases the Stream compiler spc removes unnecessary operations during optimization.

Similarly, conditional operators such as ‘a ? b : c’ in C check whether the control condition is 0 (false) or nonzero (true), while DPU conditional operators such as spi_vselect* check only the low bit of the control condition. As a result, ‘?:’ expressions generate multiple DPU operations, first converting the condition from a C boolean to a DPU boolean and then applying the DPU select operation. As with relations, the programmer often can avoid unneeded operations by using DPU intrinsics instead of C operators.

6.3Scalar and vector variables

A kernel may use two types of variables: scalar variables and vector variables. Like an ordinary C variable, a scalar variable has a single value. A vector variable, declared in a kernel function in a Stream program with the storage class modifier vec, has a different value in each lane of the DPU. It may be thought of as an array of size SPI_LANES. Vector variables may be declared and used only within kernel functions. A DPU operation on a vector variable operates on all values in the “array” simultaneously, performing the same operation on the data in each lane (in SIMD: single instruction, multiple data). Any kernel function type or structure may be used as the type of a vector variable declaration.

typedef struct {

int16x2 x, y, z;

} xyz;
int32x1 i; // scalar variable

vec int32x1 v; // vector variable

xyz s; // scalar record

vec xyz v_s; // vector record

Stream does not support vector variable initializers.
The following table shows examples of vector variables and their use.
Declaration Use Type Description

vec int16x2 e[10]; e[2] vec int16x2 third value in array e

xyz c; c.x int16x2 value of x member of struct c

vec xyz f; f.x vec int16x2 value of f.x in each lane

vec xyz g[3]; g[1] vec xyz second value in array g

g[1].y vec int16x2 value of y member of second value in array g


A kernel may use one-dimensional arrays of vectors, declared as follows:

vec int a[4];
If an array is used only with constant indices, then the Stream compiler spc may store the array in the operand register file (ORF) within the lane. Otherwise, spc will store the array in the LRF.

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