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| Strigopidae 3/3
Nestor notabilis Kea 1 1e 47 76 276
Nestor meridionalis New Zealand Kaka 1 1e 1f 47 76 95 276
Strigops habroptila Kakapo 2 47 276
Cacatuidae 21/21
Probosciger aterrimus Palm Cockatoo 1 1e 1f 26 26* 59 74 171 280 288
Calyptorhynchus banksii Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo 1 1e 1f 26 26* 97 207 280 288
Calyptorhycnhus lathami Glossy Black-Cockatoo 1e 26 26* 98 179 280 288
Calyptorhynchus funereus Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo 1 1e 8 26 26* 170 277 280 288
Calyptorhynchus latirostris Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo 1e 26 26* 207 280 288
Calyptorhynchus baudinii Baudin’s Black-Cockatoo 1e 26* 207 280 288
Callocephalon fimbriatum Gang-gang Cockatoo 1e 26 26* 277 280 288
Lophochroa leadbeateri Pink Cockatoo 1 1b 1e 26 26* 203 280 288
Eolophus roseicapilla Galah 1 1e 1f 26 26* 203 235 280 288
Cacatua tenuirostris Long-billed Corella 1e 26 26* 277 280 288
Cacatua pastinator Western Corella 1e 26* 207 280 288
Cacatua sanguinea Little Corella 1 1e 26 26* 27 280 288
Cacatua goffiniana Tanimbar Corella 1a 1e 1f 156
Cacatua haematuropygia Philippine Cockatoo 1e 1f
Cacatua sulphurea Yellow-crested Cockatoo 1e 1f 62 75
Cacatua ducorpsii Ducorps’s Cockatoo 1e 1f 167
Cacatua galerita Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 1 1e 1f 7 26 26* 27 47 59 170 235 280 288
Cacatua ophthalmica Blue-eyed Cockatoo 1e 1f
Cacatua moluccensis Salmon-crested Cockatoo 1a 1e 1f 61 156
Cacatua alba White Cockatoo 1a 1e 1f 61 74
Nymphicus hollandicus Cockatiel 1a 1e 1f 26 26* 156 157 280 288
Psittaculidae 162/173
Psittrichas fulgidus Pesquet's Parrot 1e 27 127 246
Mascarinus vasa Greater Vasa-Parrot 1b 1e 1f 103 136 175 194 240
Mascarinus barklyi Seychelles Parrot 14 176 194
Mascarinus niger Lesser Vasa-Parrot 1ab 1e 1f 103 136 175 194 229 240
Micropsitta keiensis Yellow-capped Pygmy-Parrot 1e 1f
Micropsitta geelvinkiana Geelvink Pygmy-Parrot 1e
Micropsitta pusio Buff-faced Pygmy-Parrot 1e 1f
Micropsitta bruijnii Red-breasted Pygmy-Parrot 1e 1f 127 246
Micropsitta meeki Meek’s Pygmy-Parrot 1e 1f
Micropsitta finschii Finsch’s Pygmy-Parrot 1e
Polytelis swainsonii Superb Parrot 1b 1e 26 26* 280 288
Polytelis anthopeplus Regent Parrot 1e 26 26* 203 207 288
Polytelis alexandrae Princess Parrot 1e 1f 26 26*
Alisterus scapularis Australian King-Parrot 1e 26 26* 98 179 280 288
Alisterus amboinensis Moluccan King-Parrot 1e 1f
Alisterus chloropterus Papuan King-Parrot 1e 86 246
Aprosmictus jonquillaceus Olive-shouldered Parrot 1e 1f
Aprosmictus erythropterus Red-winged Parrot 1e 1f 26 26* 280 288
Prioniturus mada Buru Racquet-tail 1e 1f 29
Prioniturus platurus Golden-mantled Racquet-tail 1e 1f 63 75
Prioniturus waterstradti Mindanao Racquet-tail 1e
Prioniturus montanus Luzon Racquet-tail 1e
Prioniturus platenae Blue-headed Racquet-tail 1e 1f
Prioniturus mindorensis Mindoro Racquet-tail 1e 1f
Prioniturus verticalis Blue-winged Racquet-tail 1e 1f
Prioniturus flavicans Yellowish-breasted Racquet-tail 1e 1f
Prioniturus luconensis Green Racquet-tail 1e 1f 114
Prioniturus discurus Blue-crowned Racquet-tail 1e 1f 114
Eclectus roratus Eclectus Parrot 1ab 1e 1f 26 26* 27 29 61 62 167 171 280 288
Geoffroyus geoffroyi Red-cheeked Parrot 1e 1f 26 26* 27 61 62 171 246 280 288
Geoffroyus simplex Blue-collared Parrot 1e 1f 246
Geoffroyus heteroclitus Singing Parrot 1e
Psittinus cyanurus Blue-rumped Parrot 1e 1f 114 290
Psittacula eupatria Alexandrine Parakeet 1a 1e 1f 1j 68 73 112 112* 114 162 178 214 235 244 248 260
Psittacula krameri Rose-ringed Parakeet 1 1e 1f 49 55 67 112 112* 114 117* 129 156 157 160 162 165 169 178 188 190 194 212 216 233 244 248 260 270 279 287
Psittacula eques Mauritius Parakeet 1e 188 191 194
Psittacula himalayana Slaty-headed Parakeet 1e 1f
Psittacula finschii Grey-headed Parakeet 1e 1f
Psittacula cyanocephala Plum-headed Parakeet 1a 1e 1f 66 112* 114 162 178 201 213 235 248 260
Psittacula roseata Blossom-headed Parakeet 1e 1f 216
Psittacula columboides Malabar Parakeet 1e 1f 66 114 162 178 260
Psittacula calthrapae Layard’s Parakeet 1e 1f 73 83 112 112* 235 248
Psittacula derbiana Derbyan Parakeet 1b 1e 1f
Psittacula alexandri Red-breasted Parakeet 1e 1f 16 114 162 198 216 236
Psittacula caniceps Nicobar Parakeet nr
Psittacula longicauda Long-tailed Parakeet 1e 1f 3 114 198 290
Psittacella picta Painted Tiger-Parrot 1e
Psittacella brehmii Brehm’s Tiger-Parrot 1e 1f
Psittacella modesta Modest Tiger-Parrot 1e
Psittacella madaraszi Madarasz’s Tiger-Parrot nr
Tanygnathus gramineus Black-lored Parrot 1e 1f
Tanygnathus megalorynchos Great-billed Parrot 1e 1f 29
Tanygnathus lucionensis Blue-naped Parrot 1e 1f 1s 114
Tanygnathus sumatranus Azure-rumped Parrot 1e 1f 63 75 235
Pezoporus wallicus Ground Parrot 1e 26 26* 170 280 288
Pezoporus wallicus Eastern Ground Parrot 1e 26 26* 170 280 288
Pezoporus flaviventris Western Ground Parrot nr
Pezoporus occidentalis Night Parrot unrecorded
Neopsittacus musschenbroekii Yellow-billed Lorikeet 1b 1e 1f 27
Neopsittacus pullicauda Orange-billed Lorikeet 1e 1f 246
Neophema bourkii Bourke's Parrot 1e 1f 26 26* 280 288
Neophema chrysostoma Blue-winged Parrot 1e 26 26* 277 280 288
Neophema elegans Elegant Parrot 1e 26 26* 207 288
Neophema petrophila Rock Parrot 26 26* 207 288
Neophema chrysogaster Orange-bellied Parrot 1e 26 26* 170 288
Neophema pulchella Turquoise Parrot 1e 26 26* 179 280 288
Neophema splendida Scarlet-chested Parrot 1f 26 26* 203
Lathamus discolor Swift Parrot 1e 26 26* 170 280 288
Prosopeia splendens Crimson Shining-Parrot 1e
Prosopeia tabuensis Red Shining-Parrot 1e 76 79
Prosopeia personata Masked Shining-Parrot 1e 76
Eunymphicus cornutus Horned Parakeet 1e 76 167 172
Eunymphicus cornutus Horned Parakeet 1e 76 167 172
Eunymphicus uvaeensis Ouvea Parakeet 1e
Cyanoramphus unicolor Antipodes Parakeet 2 47
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae Red-crowned Parakeet 1e 1f 14 47 94 95 276 280
Cyanoramphus hochstetteri Reischek’s Parakeet 47
Cyanoramphus saissetti New Caledonian Parakeet 1e 167 172
Cyanoramphus cookii Norfolk Island Parakeet 1e 288
Cyanoramphus auriceps Yellow-crowned Parakeet 1e 47 76 95
Cyanoramphus forbesi Chatham Islands Parakeet 2 47 94
Cyanoramphus malherbi Malherbe's Parakeet 1e 2 47
Barnardius zonarius Port Lincoln Parrot 1 1e 26 26* 207 280 288
Barnardius barnardi Mallee Ringneck 26 26* 203 280 288
Platycercus caledonicus Green Rosella 1e 26 26* 170 280 288
Platycercus elegans Crimson Rosella 1e 7 26 26* 47 98 110 179 235 277 280 288
Platycercus elegans Crimson Rosella 1e 7 26 26* 47 98 110 179 235 277 280 288
Platycercus flaveolus Yellow Rosella 26 26* 280 288
Platycercus adelaidae Adelaide Rosella 26 26*
Platycercus venustus Northern Rosella 26 26* 280 288
Platycercus eximius Eastern Rosella 1a 1e 26 26* 170 276 280 288
Platycercus adscitus Pale-headed Rosella 1e 1f 26 26* 280 288
Platycercus icterotis Western Rosella 1e 26 26* 207 280 288
Northiella haematogaster Greater Bluebonnet 1e 1f 26 26* 280 288
Northiella narethae Naretha Bluebonnet unrecorded
Psephotus haematonotus Red-rumped Parrot 1e 1f 8 26 26* 203 280 288
Psephotus varius Mulga Parrot 1e 26 26* 203 280 288
Psephotus dissimilis Hooded Parrot 1e 26 26* 280 288
Psephotus chrysopterygius Golden-shouldered Parrot 1e 26 26* 171 280 288
Purpureicephalus spurius Red-capped Parrot 1e 26 26* 207 280 288
Cyclopsitta gulielmitertii Orange-breasted Fig-Parrot 1e 1f
Cyclopsitta diophthalma Double-eyed Fig-Parrot 1e 1f 26 26* 97 98 171 280 288
Cyclopsitta diophthalma Double-eyed Fig-Parrot 1e 1f 26 26* 97 98 171 280 288
Cyclopsitta coxeni Coxen’s Fig-Parrot nr
Psittaculirostris desmarestii Large Fig-Parrot 1e 59
Psittaculirostris edwardsii Edwards’s Fig-Parrot 1e
Psittaculirostris salvadorii Salvadori’s Fig-Parrot 1e
Bolbopsittacus lunulatus Guaiabero 1e 1f
Melopsittacus undulatus Budgerigar 1 1e 1f 26 26* 156 157 280 282 288
Oreopsittacus arfaki Plum-faced Lorikeet 1e 59
Charmosyna palmarum Palm Lorikeet 1q
Charmosyna rubrigularis Red-chinned Lorikeet 1e
Charmosyna meeki Meek’s Lorikeet 1e
Charmosyna toxopei Blue-fronted Lorikeet unrecorded
Charmosyna multistriata Striated Lorikeet unrecorded
Charmosyna wilhelminae Pygmy Lorikeet nr
Charmosyna rubronotata Red-fronted Lorikeet 1e
Charmosyna placentis Red-flanked Lorikeet 1e 1f
Charmosyna amabilis Red-throated Lorikeet unrecorded
Charmosyna margarethae Duchess Lorikeet 1e
Charmosyna pulchella Fairy Lorikeet 1e
Charmosyna josefinae Josephine’s Lorikeet 1e
Charmosyna papou Papuan Lorikeet 1a 1e 1f 127 246
Phigys solitarius Collared Lory 1 1e 76
Vini australis Blue-crowned Lorikeet 1e
Vini kuhlii Kuhl’s Lorikeet 1e 166
Vini stepheni Stephen’s Lorikeet 1e 79
Vini peruviana Blue Lorikeet 1 1e 166
Vini ultramarina Ultramarine Lorikeet 1e 166
Chalcopsitta atra Black Lory 1e 1f
Chalcopsitta duivenbodei Brown Lory 1b 1e
Chalcopsitta scintillata Yellow-streaked Lory 1a 1e 1f
Chalcopsitta cardinalis Cardinal Lory 1e
Lorius garrulus Chattering Lory 1 1a 1e 1f 61
Lorius hypoinochrous Purple-bellied Lory 1e 1f
Lorius domicella Purple-naped Lory 1e
Lorius lory Black-capped Lory 1a 1e 1f 27
Lorius albidinucha White-naped Lory unrecorded
Lorius chlorocercus Yellow-bibbed Lory 1e
Glossopsitta concinna Musk Lorikeet 1b 1e 1f 26 26* 170 277 280 288
Glossopsitta pusilla Little Lorikeet 1e 26 26* 179 280 288
Glossopsitta porphyrocephala Purple-crowned Lorikeet 1e 26 26* 203 207 280 288
Psitteuteles versicolor Varied Lorikeet 1e 26 26* 280 288
Psitteuteles iris Iris Lorikeet 1e 1f
Psitteuteles goldiei Goldie's Lorikeet 1a 1e
Eos histrio Red-and-blue Lory 1e 1f
Eos squamata Violet-necked Lory 1a 1e 1f
Eos bornea Red Lory 1a 1e 1f 29 61
Eos reticulata Blue-streaked Lory 1a 1e 1f
Eos cyanogenia Black-winged Lory 1a 1e 1f
Eos semilarvata Blue-eared Lory 1e
Pseudeos fuscata Dusky Lory 1a 1e 246
Trichoglossus ornatus Ornate Lorikeet 1e 1f 63
Trichoglossus haematodus Rainbow Lorikeet 1a 1e 1f 1q 26 26* 27 28 29 61 75 86 110 167 172 235 280 288
Trichoglossus haematodus Coconut Lorikeet 1e 1f 1q 27 29 61 86 167 172 235
Trichoglossus rosenbergii Biak Lorikeet 1e
Trichoglossus moluccanus Rainbow Lorikeet 26 26* 110 280 288
Trichoglossus rubritorquis Red-collared Lorikeet 1e 26 26* 280 288
Trichoglossus forsteni Scarlet-breasted Lorikeet 1e
Trichoglossus weberi Flores Lorikeet 1e 1f 75
Trichoglossus capistratus Marigold Lorikeet 1e 1f 28
Trichoglossus euteles Olive-headed Lorikeet 1a 1e 1f
Trichoglossus flavoviridis Yellow-and-green Lorikeet 1e 1f
Trichoglossus johnstoniae Mindanao Lorikeet nr
Trichoglossus rubiginosus Pohnpei Lorikeet 1e 197
Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus Scaly-breasted Lorikeet 1e 1f 26 26* 97 179 280 288
Loriculus vernalis Vernal Hanging-Parrot 1a 1e 1f 178 260
Loriculus beryllinus Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot 1e 1f 73 83 112 112* 201 248
Loriculus philippensis Philippine Hanging-Parrot 1e 1f 114
Loriculus camiguinensis Camiguin Hanging-Parrot 1e
Loriculus galgulus Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot 1a 1e 1f 290
Loriculus stigmatus Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot 1e 1f 75
Loriculus sclateri Sula Hanging-Parrot 1e 1f
Loriculus amabilis Moluccan Hanging-Parrot 1e
Loriculus catamene Sangihe Hanging-Parrot 1e
Loriculus aurantiifrons Papuan Hanging-Parrot 1e
Loriculus tener Green-fronted Hanging-Parrot nr
Loriculus exilis Pygmy Hanging-Parrot 1e 63
Loriculus pusillus Yellow-throated Hanging-Parrot 1e 1f
Loriculus flosculus Wallace’s Hanging-Parrot 1e 1f
Agapornis swindernianus Black-collared Lovebird 129
Agapornis canus Grey-headed Lovebird 1e 1f 103 175 194 229 240
Agapornis pullarius Red-headed Lovebird 1e 129
Agapornis taranta Black-winged Lovebird 1e 1f 89 137
Agapornis roseicollis Rosy-faced Lovebird 1a 1e 1f 15 49 156 279 286
Agapornis fischeri Fischer's Lovebird 1 1e 168
Agapornis personatus Yellow-collared Lovebird 1d 1e 1f 168
Agapornis lilianae Llian’s Lovebird 1e 49 249 279
Agapornis nigrigenis Black-cheeked Lovebird 49 249 279
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