Page | 51/66 | Date | 23.04.2018 | Size | 4.04 Mb. | | #45731 |
| Regulidae 6/6
Regulus satrapa Golden-crowned Kinglet 1e 1f 1h 23 24 122 139 146 147 148 149 186 192 205 251 278 282 291
Regulus calendula Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1e 1f 1h 18 23 24 65 122 139 148 149 156 186 192 206 210 251 278 282 291
Regulus regulus Goldcrest 1e 1f 5 12 54 99 102 118 119 120 128 138 157 165 189 190 219 224 242 244 270 273 281
Regulus teneriffae Canary Islands Kinglet 1e 128 160 190 244
Regulus goodfellowi Flamecrest 1e 1f 1n 1p
Regulus ignicapilla Firecrest 1e 1f 5 12 54 96 99 128 165 190 219 242 244 270 273 281
Regulus ignicapilla Firecrest 1e 1f 5 12 54 96 99 128 165 190 219 242 244 270 273 281
Regulus madeirensis Madeira Kinglet 219
Pnoepygidae 5/5
Pnoepyga albiventer Scaly-breasted Cupwing 1e 1f 68 114 245
Pnoepyga mutica Chinese Cupwing 1e 1f
Pnoepyga formosana Taiwan Cupwing 1e 1f 1p 1s 114
Pnoepyga immaculata Immaculate Cupwing 1e 1f
Pnoepyga pusilla Pygmy Cupwing 1e 1f 1s 50 62 64 68 114 158 245 290
Pnoepyga pusilla Pygmy Cupwing 1e 1f 1s 50 62 64 68 114 158 245 290
Pnoepyga timoriensis Timor Cupwing 1e 1f
Macrosphenidae 21/21
Sylvietta virens Green Crombec 1e 1f 48 56 129 169
Sylvietta denti Lemon-bellied Crombec 1e 1f 48 129
Sylvietta leucophrys White-browed Crombec 1e 1f 129
Sylvietta leucophrys White-browed Crombec 1e 1f 129
Sylvietta chapini Chapin’s Crombec nr
Sylvietta brachyura Northern Crombec 1e 1f 48 67 89 129 169
Sylvietta philippae Short-billed Crombec 89
Sylvietta ruficapilla Red-capped Crombec 1e 49 60 129 227 249 279
Sylvietta whytii Red-faced Crombec 1e 49 168 279
Sylvietta isabellina Somali Crombec 1f
Sylvietta rufescens Cape Crombec 1e 1f 15 49 60 129 227 249 255 279 286
Achaetops pycnopygius Rockrunner 1e 1f 15 19 49 279 286
Melocichla mentalis Moustached Grass-Warbler 1e 1f 48 49 60 129 169 249 279
Sphenoeacus afer Cape Grassbird 1e 1f 15 49 255 279 286
Cryptillas victorini Victorin's Warbler 1e 15 49 255 279 286
Macrosphenus kempi Kemp’s Longbill 1e 129
Macrosphenus flavicans Yellow Longbill 1e 1f 48 129
Macrosphenus concolor Grey Longbill 1e 1f 48 129
Macrosphenus pulitzeri Pulitzer’s Longbill 227
Macrosphenus kretschmeri Kretschmer's Longbill 56
Graueria vittata Grauer’s Warbler 1e 1f 129
Hylia prasina Green Hylia 1e 1f 129 169
Pholidornis rushiae Tit-hylia 129
Cettidae 36/36
Erythrocercus mccallii Chestnut-capped Flycatcher 1e 1f 129
Erythrocercus holochlorus Yellow Flycatcher 1e
Erythrocercus livingstonei Livingstone's Flycatcher 1e 49 60 249 279
Scotocerca inquieta Scrub Warbler 1e 1f 12 48 55 96 109 128 165 182 190 270
Urosphena neumanni Neumann’s Warbler 1e 1f 129
Urosphena pallidipes Pale-footed Bush-Warbler 1e 1f 68 114 174
Urosphena subulata Timor Stubtail 1e 1f 62
Urosphena whiteheadi Bornean Stubtail 1e 1f 114 145
Urosphena squameiceps Asian Stubtail 1e 1f 1j 114 118 134 157 288
Tesia cyaniventer Grey-bellied Tesia 1e 1f 1r 1s 68 114 216 236 237 245
Tesia olivea Slaty-bellied Tesia 1e 1f 1s 44 87 114 158 245
Tesia superciliaris Javan Tesia 1e 1f 50 64 114
Tesia everetti Russet-capped Tesia 1e 1f 62 75
Cettia major Chestnut-crowned Bush-Warbler 1e 1f 114
Cettia brunnifrons Grey-sided Bush-Warbler 1e 1f 1s 87 114 245
Cettia castaneocoronata Chestnut-headed Tesia 1e 1f 1r 1s 68 114 245
Cettia cetti Cetti's Warbler 1 1e 1f 5 12 55 96 120 128 165 182 190 219 242 244 270 273 281
Abroscopus superciliaris Yellow-bellied Warbler 1e 1f 114 216 290
Abroscopus albogularis Rufous-faced Warbler 1e 1f 1n 1p 1s 114 138
Abroscopus schisticeps Black-faced Warbler 1e 1f
Phyllergates cucullatus Mountain Tailorbird 1e 1f 1s 3 50 63 64 75 114 145 174 183 237 290
Phyllergates heterolaemus Rufous-headed Tailorbird 1e 1f 114
Tickellia hodgsoni Broad-billed Warbler 1e 1f 114
Horornis seebohmi Philippine Bush-Warbler 1e 1f 114
Horornis diphone Japanese Bush-Warbler 1 1e 1f 1j 117 117* 118 157 235
Horornis borealis Manchurian Bush-Warbler 1e 102 134
Horornis annae Palau Bush-Warbler 1e 197
Horornis carolinae Tanimbar Bush-Warbler 1e
Horornis parens Shade Warbler 1e
Horornis haddeni Odedi 1e
Horornis ruficapilla Fiji Bush-Warbler 1 1e 76
Horornis fortipes Brownish-flanked Bush-Warbler 1e 1f 1n 1p 1s 68 114 138 162 245
Horornis brunnescens Hume’s Bush-Warbler 1e 1r 1s 87 114 245
Horornis acanthizoides Yellowish-bellied Bush-Warbler 1e 1f 1n 1p 1s 114 138
Horornis vulcanius Sunda Bush-Warbler 1e 1f 50 64 75 114 145 235
Horornis flavolivaceus Aberrant Bush-Warbler 1e 1f 68 87 114 245
Phylloscopidae 76/76
Phylloscopus laetus Red-faced Woodland-Warbler 1e 1f 129
Phylloscopus laurae Laura's Woodland-Warbler 60 81 129 249
Phylloscopus ruficapilla Yellow-throated Woodland-Warbler 1e 1f 15 49 56 60 249 279 286
Phylloscopus budongoensis Uganda Woodland-Warbler 1e 129
Phylloscopus umbrovirens Brown Woodland-Warbler 1e 1f 89 129 285
Phylloscopus herberti Black-capped Woodland-Warbler 1e 1f 48 129
Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler 1 1e 1f 5 9 12 15 25 48 49 54 55 60 99 102 119 128 157 165 182 189 190 217 219 224 231 242 244 249 270 273 279 281 285 286 287
Phylloscopus collybita Common Chiffchaff 1 1e 1f 5 12 25 48 54 55 99 102 114 119 120 128 157 165 169 182 184 189 190 217 219 224 231 242 244 270 273 281 285
Phylloscopus collybita Common Chiffchaff 1 1e 1f 5 12 25 48 54 55 99 102 119 128 157 165 169 182 184 189 190 217 219 224 242 270 273 281 285
Phylloscopus tristis Siberian Chiffchaff 1e 1f 25 102 114 120 182 184 190 219 231 242 244 273 285
Phylloscopus canariensis Canary Islands Chiffchaff 1e 128 160 190 244 270 285
Phylloscopus ibericus Iberian Chiffchaff 1e 5 12 99 128 165 182 190 219 244 270 273 281 285
Phylloscopus sindianus Mountain Chiffchaff 1e 1f 25 190 238 242 270 285
Phylloscopus neglectus Plain Leaf Warbler 1e 114 184 285
Phylloscopus bonelli Western Bonelli’s Warbler 1e 1f 5 12 48 96 128 165 169 182 184 190 244 270 273 281 285
Phylloscopus orientalis Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler 1e 55 182 184 190 244 270 285
Phylloscopus sibilatrix Wood Warbler 1 1e 1f 5 12 25 54 55 102 119 120 128 157 165 182 189 190 224 242 244 270 273 281 285 287
Phylloscopus fuscatus Dusky Warbler 1e 1f 1j 5 25 114 120 134 182 184 190 217 231 242 244 248 270 273 281 285
Phylloscopus fuligiventer Smoky Warbler 1e 114 285
Phylloscopus affinis Tickell’s Leaf Warbler 1e 285
Phylloscopus subaffinis Buff-throated Warbler 1e 1f 114 138 285
Phylloscopus griseolus Sulphur-bellied Warbler 1e 1f 25 114 120 285
Phylloscopus occisinensis Alpine Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 138 285
Phylloscopus armandii Yellow-streaked Warbler 1e 1f 114 138 285
Phylloscopus schwarzi Radde's Warbler 1e 1f 5 25 44 102 114 120 134 157 182 184 190 217 242 270 281 285
Phylloscopus pulcher Buff-banded Warbler 1e 1f 114 138 245 285
Phylloscopus maculipennis Ashy-throated Warbler 1e 1f 114 285
Phylloscopus proregulus Pallas's Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 1j 5 25 102 114 120 134 157 182 184 190 216 219 242 244 270 273 281 285
Phylloscopus kansuensis Gansu Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 285
Phylloscopus chloronotus Pale-rumped Warbler 1e 1f 87 138 245 285
Phylloscopus forresti Sichuan Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 285
Phylloscopus yunnanensis Chinese Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 114 138 285
Phylloscopus subviridis Brooks’s Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 114 285
Phylloscopus inornatus Yellow-browed Warbler 1e 1f 1j 5 25 114 118 120 128 157 182 184 190 219 231 242 244 270 273 281 285
Phylloscopus humei Hume's Warbler 1e 1f 5 25 114 120 138 182 184 190 219 244 273 281 285
Phylloscopus borealis Arctic Warbler 1e 1f 5 12 24 25 29 102 114 118 120 139 149 165 182 184 190 231 242 244 270 273 281 282 285 291
Phylloscopus examinandus Kamchatka Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 25 157 285 288
Phylloscopus xanthodryas Japanese Leaf Warbler 1e 118 157 285
Phylloscopus nitidus Green Warbler 1e 1f 25 112 178 182 184 190 201 235 238 242 248 285
Phylloscopus trochiloides Greenish Warbler 1e 1f 5 12 25 44 66 114 120 165 178 182 184 190 217 242 244 270 281 285
Phylloscopus trochiloides Greenish Warbler 1e 1f 44 114 285
Phylloscopus viridanus Western Greenish Warbler 1e 5 12 25 66 120 165 178 182 184 190 217 242 244 270 281 285
Phylloscopus obscuratus Dull-green Warbler 1f 285
Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus Two-barred Greenish Warbler 1e 1f 25 44 114 120 138 182 184 190 244 273 285
Phylloscopus tenellipes Pale-legged Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 25 114 134 174 285
Phylloscopus borealoides Sakhalin Leaf Warbler 1e 25 118 157 235 285
Phylloscopus magnirostris Large-billed Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 1s 66 87 112 114 138 178 201 235 245 248 285
Phylloscopus tytleri Tytler’s Leaf Warbler 1e 285
Phylloscopus occipitalis Western Crowned Warbler 1e 1f 25 285
Phylloscopus coronatus Eastern Crowned Warbler 1e 1f 25 102 118 134 157 190 235 285
Phylloscopus ijimae Ijima’s Leaf Warbler 1e 118 157 285
Phylloscopus reguloides Blyth's Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 1s 68 285
Phylloscopus claudiae Claudia’s Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 114 138 285
Phylloscopus goodsoni Hartert’s Leaf Warbler 1e 285
Phylloscopus hainanus Hainan Leaf Warbler 1e 285
Phylloscopus emeiensis Emei Leaf Warbler 1e 285
Phylloscopus davisoni Davison’s Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 44 114 285
Phylloscopus ogilviegranti Kloss’s Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 114 285
Phylloscopus calciatilis Limestone Leaf Warbler 1e 285
Phylloscopus cantator Yellow-vented Warbler 1e 1f 87 114 245 285
Phylloscopus ricketti Sulphur-breasted Warbler 1e 285
Phylloscopus cebuensis Lemon-throated Warbler 1e 114
Phylloscopus trivirgatus Mountain Warbler 1e 1f 64 114 145 285 290
Phylloscopus trivirgatus Mountain Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 64 114 145 285 290
Phylloscopus nigrorum Negros Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 114
Phylloscopus sarasinorum Sulawesi Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 63 285
Phylloscopus presbytes Timor Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 62
Phylloscopus poliocephalus Island Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 27 59 246
Phylloscopus olivaceus Philippine Leaf Warbler 1e 1f 114
Phylloscopus makirensis San Cristobal Leaf Warbler 1e
Phylloscopus amoenus Kulambangra Leaf Warbler 1e
Phylloscopus xanthoschistos Grey-hooded Warbler 1e 1f 68 114 162 245 285
Seicercus burkii Golden-spectacled Warbler 1e 285
Seicercus tephrocephalus Grey-crowned Warbler 1e 1f 114 285
Seicercus soror Plain-tailed Warbler 1e 1f 114 138 174 285
Seicercus omeiensis Martens’s Warbler 1e 285
Seicercus whistleri Whistler’s Warbler 1e 1f 1s 87 114 245 285
Seicercus valentini Bianchi’s Warbler 1e 1f 114 138 285
Seicercus affinis White-spectacled Warbler 1e 1f 236 237 285
Seicercus poliogenys Grey-cheeked Warbler 1e 1f 1r 1s 285
Seicercus castaniceps Chestnut-crowned Warbler 1e 1f 87 114 138 245 285 290
Seicercus montis Yellow-breasted Warbler 1e 1f 62 114
Seicercus grammiceps Sunda Warbler 1e 1f 64 114
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