The manufacturer’s functional operating checks and control tests in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual have been completed satisfactorily. Miscellaneous manufacturer’s recommendations have been taken in to considerations
Confirmed that the environmental conditions such as wind speed and vessel movements are suitable to perform the operation.
Confirmed that the following were checked and tested successfully:
i) Crane safety devices,
ii) Operation of limit switches, hoisting upper and lower limits, luffing upper and lower limits
Emergency mode of operation tested. Including alternative means of lowering in case the crane loses primary power i.e. emergency source of power or manual operation, such as by the use of hand pumps.
Date of last wire test
Date of last load test
B) Personnel Transfer Basket (PTB) Prior to the Ship’s Arrival at the STS Location
Confirmation that the Personnel Transfer Basket has a valid certificate
Confirmation that in accordance with manufacturer’s guidance a complete visual check has been performed of all components of the PTB, these include the lifting ring, load line, safety load line, lifting sling and shock cords, aluminum rings, ultraline rigging line, splices, etc.
Confirmation that deterioration, cracks, distortion, weld integrity, rust etc. are not visible on the steel components.
In accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines tag lines are attached to the bottom outside of the basket
The condition of personal flotation devices (PFD) has been checked and there are sufficient to ensure their availability for all personnel being transported.
The PFD should be suitable for basket transfer, with due consideration being given to the height above sea level)
To ensure that transfer procedures have been well understood all participants have been properly briefed
Crane operator is experienced and fully familiar with the international crane hand signals.
In accordance with the owner’s instructions and manufacturer’s guidance, the officer in charge officer in charge confirms that the personnel basket and crane have been inspected and tested before use.
Adequate personnel are available to perform the transfer safely
Confirmation that a pre-transfer safety meeting has been completed and the transfer plan has been agreed with.
Discussions have included methods of communications, use of standard crane signals, etc.
Prevailing conditions, including sea state, currents, wind speed and direction and weather, have been assessed to ensure that the transfer can be conducted safely
Where required confirmed adequate availability of search lights and flood lights.
Contact has been established between the two vessels on the radio and the responsible person in charge of the transfer arrangements on deck
As far as possible raising and lowering of the basket will be generally carried out above the sea and not above the vessel
The lifting equipment’s reach extends sufficiently to ensure
that the basket will not be pulled over excessively during transfer
At the transfer location a lifebuoy with light and line is readily available
D) During Personnel Transfer Operation
The transfer procedure and transfer sequence for personnel have been understood and personnel have been instructed to hold on at all times and observing instructions from those in charge of the operation
Agreement received from the personnel being transferred
At a minimum Personnel Protective Equipment – Personnel Flotation Device and Helmet have been worn.
PFDs should be equipped with suitable means of illumination during night time transfers.
Both vessels have the authority to stop the transfer if conditions are considered unsafe.
A rescue boat is available for immediate launching in the event that a person falls into the sea during the transfer.
Limitations associated with the minimum or maximum angles of crane booms considered. The minimum outboard reach is more than five meters at the lowest jib angle.