Subdisciplines of Earth Science Geology; study of the earth

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Danish; king built him an observatory

  • Used viewing instruments

  • Proponent of geocentric model

  • Johannes Kepler

    1. 1571-1630

    2. Tycho’s assistant

    3. Heliocentric model

    4. Three Laws of Planetary Motion

      1. True shape of planets is ellipse

      2. Each planet revolves so a line connecting it to the sun sweeps equal areas in equal time

      3. Orbital periods of planets and distance to the sun are proportions

    5. Astronomical Unit

  • Galileo Galilei

    1. 1564-1642

    2. First to use telescope in astronomy

    3. Heliocentric model proponent

    4. Major discoveries

      1. Four large moons of Jupiter

      2. Planets are circular disks instead of points of light

      3. Venus has phases

      4. Moon’s surface has craters

      5. Sun has sunspots

    5. Work: “Dialogue of the Great World System”

    6. Went before Inquisition and convicted of heresy

    7. Sentenced to house arrest

  • Isaac Newton

    1. Three laws of motion

    1. Constellations

      1. Group of stars

      2. Designated as region of the sky

      3. Today 88 recognized

      4. Naming of stars

    1. Positions in the Sky

      1. Equatorial system

      2. Similar to latitude and longitude

      3. Declination

      4. Right ascension

    1. Astrology

      1. History

      2. Zodiac constellations

    1. Motions of Earth

      1. Rotation; turning of a body on an axis

      2. Revolution; motion of a body around a point in space

        1. Elliptical orbit

        2. Aphelion

        3. Perihelion

      3. Precession

        1. Slow tilting or wobbling of earth’s axis

        2. Cycle every 26,000 years

    1. Motions of the Earth-Moon System

      1. Satellite of earth

      2. Phases; movement of moon around earth

      3. Eclipses

        1. Solar eclipse

        2. Lunar eclipse

        3. Umbra

        4. Penumbra

    CHAPTER 22

    1. The Planets: An Overview

      1. Terrestrial

        1. Inner; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

        2. Smaller

        3. More dense; rocky

        4. Thin or no atmosphere

        5. Few or no satellites

      2. Jovian

        1. Outer; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

        2. Bigger

        3. Less dense; hydrogen and helium

        4. Thick atmosphere

        5. Many satellites

    c. Nebular hypothesis

    1. Earth’s Moon

      1. Surface of the moon

        1. No water or atmosphere

        2. Highlands

        3. Lowlands

        4. Extinct volcanoes

        5. Impact craters

          1. Rays

        6. Lunar regolith

      2. Lunar history

        1. Giant-impact hypothesis for formation

        2. Melting of outer shell; solidified to make anorthosite (composition of the highlands)

        3. Basalt flows formed lowlands

    1. Mercury

      1. Second smallest planet

      2. Closest to the sun

      3. Greatest temperature extremes

      4. Crustal scarps; cracks from shrinking of the crust

      5. No satellites

      6. Difficult to see because it is so close to the sun

    1. Venus

      1. Similar to earth in size and density

      2. Basaltic volcanism and tectonic deformation

      3. Plains (80%) and highlands; some volcanoes

      4. Hottest temperature in solar system

      5. Thick carbon dioxide atmosphere

      6. Greenhouse effect

      7. No satellites

    1. Mars

      1. Very thin atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide

      2. Dust storms

      3. Red color of atmosphere

      4. Meteorite impacts

      5. Olympus Mons; large shield volcano

      6. Valley of the Mariner; large canyon

      7. Evidence on Mars of running water

      8. Ice caps which change size with seasons

      9. Phobos and Deimos

    1. Jupiter

      1. Most massive planet

      2. Alternating bands of multicolored clouds

        1. Belts of high and low pressure in thick atmosphere

        2. Cyclonic storms at boundaries of the pressure zones

        3. Great Red Spot; large hurricane-like storm

      3. Hydrogen and helium most abundant elements

      4. Atmosphere composed of hydrogen and helium with methane, ammonia, water, sulfur; high atmospheric pressure

      5. Core composed of liquid metallic hydrogen; strong magnetic field

      6. Ring system

      7. Four large satellites

        1. Europa

        2. Io

        3. Ganymede

        4. Callisto

      8. Explored by Voyager 1 and 2

    1. Saturn

      1. Similar to Jupiter but smaller

      2. Explored by Voyager 1 and 2

      3. Known for rings

        1. Tiny moonlets

        2. Leftover from moons that never formed

        3. Cassini’s gap

      4. Core of liquid metallic hydrogen

      5. Most oblate planet

      6. Pressure zone and storms similar to Jupiter

      7. Explored by Voyager 1 and 2

    1. Uranus

      1. Rotates on its side

      2. Very thin rings

      3. Blue methane atmosphere

      4. Explored by Voyager 2

    1. Neptune

      1. Windy, stormy atmosphere

      2. White cirrus-like clouds

      3. Rings

      4. Methane atmosphere

      5. Explored by Voyager 2

    1. Pluto

      1. Discovered in 1930

      2. Most elliptical orbit of any planet

      3. Instead Neptune’s orbit from 1979-1999

      4. Does not fit into either Jovian or terrestrial category

      5. Moon Charon discovered 1978

      6. Smallest planet in the solar system

      7. Should it be reclassified?

    1. Minor Members of the Solar System

      1. Asteroids

        1. Most between orbit of Mars and Jupiter

        2. Ceres the largest

        3. NEAR Shoemaker landed on asteroid in 2001

        4. Larger boulders on top, smaller on bottom

      2. Comets

        1. Dirty snowball theory

        2. Coma; glowing head

        3. Two types of tails

          1. Radiation pressure

          2. Solar wind; ionized particles that stream away from the sun

        4. Short period

          1. Originate in Kupier belt

          2. Halley’s comet

            1. Every 76 years

            2. Last visit in 1986

            3. Explored by Giotto

              1. Dark layer

              2. Possible organics

        5. Long period

      3. Meteoroids

        1. Meteor shower

        2. Meteorites

          1. Iron

          2. Stony

          3. Stony-iron mix

          4. Carbonaceous chrondite

    CHAPTER 23

    1. Study of Light

      1. Electromagnetic radiation

      2. Spectroscopy

      3. Doppler Effect

    1. Astronomical Tools

      1. Refracting

        1. Chromatic aberration

      2. Reflecting

      3. Properties of optical telescopes

        1. Light-gathering power

        2. Resolving power

        3. Magnifying power

        4. Best place to put an optical telescope

      4. Detecting invisible radiation

        1. Radio telescopes

        2. Radio interferometer

    1. Sun

      1. Average star

      2. Structure

        1. Photosphere

          1. Granules

        2. Chromosphere

          1. Spicules

        3. Corona

      3. Active sun

        1. Sunspots

          1. Sun’s rotation

          2. Tangling of magnetic field

        2. Prominences

        3. Solar flares

      4. Nuclear fusion; source of sun’s energy

    Test I Review

    1. Describe the subdiciplines of earth science.

    2. What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis. Name an example of each.

    3. Describe the earth’s inner structure based on composition.

    4. Describe the earth’s inner structure based on physical properties.

    5. Describe the divisions of the continents.

    6. Describe the divisions of the oceans.

    7. What is an external heat source for the earth? Internal heat source?

    8. What drives plate motion?

    9. Describe the model of the atom.

    10. What are isotopes? Why are they important in geology?

    11. What is a mineral? Describe 5 physical properties used to identify minerals.

    12. What is Mohs scale? Which mineral is the hardest? Softest?

    13. What is a silicate? Name 6 common silicates.

    14. Describe the silicon oxygen-tetrahedron. Why is it important?

    15. Name 4 common non-silicates.

    16. What is an ionic bond? Covalent bond?

    17. Describe the steps in the rock cycle (including drawing a diagram).

    18. How do igneous rocks form? Name and describe six common igneous rocks.

    19. What is the difference in intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks?

    20. How do you classify igneous rocks?

    21. What is sediment? How does it become sedimentary rock?

    22. How do you classify sedimentary rocks?

    23. Name and describe four features of sedimentary rocks.

    24. How do metamorphic rocks form?

    25. What is foliation? Name 3 foliated rocks.

    26. What are metallic mineral resources? What are some ways they form? Name three.

    27. What are nonmetallic mineral resources? Name three.

    28. Describe the hydrologic cycle (including drawing a diagram).

    29. What is a drainage basin? Divide?

    30. Define gradient and discharge.

    31. How does a stream erode?

    32. What are the three types of sediment load? Describe each.

    33. What is deposition? Alluvium?

    34. Describe the difference between meandering streams and braided streams (draw a diagram).

    35. What is base level?

    36. What is a delta?

    37. What are natural levees?

    38. What are alluvial fans and where do they form?

    39. Describe the four types of drainage patterns. (Draw a diagram)

    40. What is groundwater? Why is it important?

    41. What is porosity and permeability?

    42. Describe the difference between an aquitard and aquifer.

    43. What is a spring?

    44. How does a geyser form? Where would you find geysers?

    45. What is a well? What are some of the effects of overpumping?

    46. Name and describe three environmental problems associated with groundwater.

    47. Name three common pollutants of groundwater.

    48. What type rock has caverns and caves?

    49. Describe karst topography and its associated features.

    50. How does a sinkhole form?



    1. What is an earthquake? Where do they occur?

    2. What is a foreshock? What is an aftershock?

    3. What is the epicenter? What is the focus?

    4. Where in the US do most earthquakes occur? Where do most earthquakes occur worldwide?

    5. What is seismology? What is a seismograph?

    6. What are the two types of body waves? How do they differ?

    7. How do you locate an earthquake epicenter?

    8. What are three scales used to measure earthquakes? What are the differences between the three?

    9. What is a tsunami? What causes it?

    10. Describe the types of destruction from earthquakes?

    11. What is liquefaction? Name its effects during an earthquake.

    12. What are methods of short-range earthquake predictions?

    13. What type of fault is the San Andreas fault? Describe the movement.

    14. Describe the layers of the earth defined by composition.

    15. Describe the layers of the earth defined by physical properties.

    16. Describe the theory of continental drift? Who was the originator? Describe the evidence he used. What was the problem with the theory?

    17. Describe a divergent plate boundary (draw a sketch). Name two examples.

    18. Describe the three types of convergent plate boundaries (draw sketches). Name an example of each.

    19. Describe a transform plate boundary (draw a sketch). Name an example.

    20. What discoveries were made by ocean drilling?

    21. What are hot spots? How do they form? Name two examples?

    22. What is paleomagnetism? How is it used in geology?

    23. What is the driving force of plate tectonics? What are the three forces involved?

    24. Describe how viscosity controls volcanic activity.

    25. What are the three general magma types? Describe each.

    26. What is lava? Magna?

    27. What is pahoehoe? Aa? Where is it found?

    28. What are the gases common in volcanoes?

    29. What is a pyroclastic? Describe the different size classifications.

    30. Describe the anatomy of a volcano. What is a crater? Pipe? Caldera? Fissure? Fumaroles?

    31. Describe the features of a shield volcano. What type of magma? Name one example.

    32. Describe the features of a cinder cone. Name an example.

    33. Describe the features of a composite volcano. Name examples.

    34. What are lahars?

    35. What is a caldera? Name examples.

    36. What is a fissure eruption? Name an example.

    37. What is Shiprock, NM? What is Crater Lake?

    38. Describe a: dike, sill, laccolith, and batholith.

    39. How does magma form?

    40. What is the geothermal gradient?

    41. Which plate boundaries have igneous activity?

    42. How do volcanoes affect climate?

    43. What is a fold? Anticline? Syncline? Dome? Basin? (Draw a sketch).

    44. What is a strike-slip fault? Name an example.

    45. What is a dip-slip fault? What are the two types?

    46. What are joints? How does columnar jointing occur?

    47. What is orogensis?

    48. Describe mountain building at subduction zones. What is an accretionary wedge?

    49. What type mountain building occurs in the North American Cordillera? What is a terrane?

    50. What is isostasy? Isostatic adjustment?


    1. What contribution did John Wesley Powell make to geology?

    2. What is catastrophism? Uniformitarianism?

    3. What contribution did John Hutton make to geology?

    4. What is the difference between relative and absolute dating?

    5. What is the law of superposition?

    6. What is the principle of original horizontality?

    7. What is the principle of crosscutting relationship?

    8. What is the principle of inclusions?

    9. What are the three types of unconformities? By hand, draw a diagram for each.

    10. What are fossils? Paleontology?

    11. What are 5 methods of fossil preservation? Describe each.

    12. What are 4 examples of fossil traces?

    13. What is faunal succession?

    14. What is an index fossil?

    15. What is a half-life?

    16. Describe the use of Carbon-14 dating.

    17. What is the age of the earth?

    18. Compare the distribution of oceans in the northern vs. southern hemisphere.

    19. What are the 4 major oceans? Describe each.

    20. What were early techniques for mapping the seafloor? What techniques are used today?

    21. What are the three provinces of the ocean floor?

    22. Describe the characteristics of a passive margin including the shelf, slope and rise.

    23. Describe the characteristics of an active margin.

    24. What features are present on the ocean basin floor?

    25. What is a mid-ocean ridge?

    26. Describe coral reefs and atolls.

    27. Name and describe the following sediments: terrigeneous, biogeneous, hydrogeneous.

    28. Describe resources from the ocean floor.

    29. What is the composition of saltwater? How does its salinity vary?

    30. What resources can be extracted from saltwater?

    31. What is desalination?

    32. How does the temperature of the ocean water vary?

    33. What factors affect ocean water density?

    34. Describe the three layers of the ocean.

    35. Describe the variation in ocean life.

    36. What are gyres?

    37. What are the general ocean circulation patterns?

    38. What is the Gulf Stream?

    39. What drives the ocean circulation?

    40. What is upwelling?

    41. Why are ocean currents important?

    42. Describe deep ocean circulation.

    43. Define the: shoreline, shore, coastline, nearshore, offshore, berm, beachface.

    44. What is wave height? Wavelength? Wave period?

    45. What are the two types of waves? Describe each.

    46. What is wave refraction?

    47. What is a longshore current?

    48. What is a rip current?

    49. Describe the features of: erosional coasts, depositional coasts.

    50. What are examples of hard stabilization techniques?

    51. What are examples of soft stabilization techniques?

    52. What are the erosion problems along the US coasts?

    53. What is the difference in a submergent coast? Emergent coast?

    54. What causes tides?

    55. What is neap tide? Spring tide?

    56. What are the three tidal patterns?

    57. What are tidal flats?

    58. What are the flood and ebb currents?

    Test IV Review

    1. What is the difference between weather and climate?

    2. Name and describe the elements of weather and climate.

    3. What is the composition of the atmosphere?

    4. What is an aerosol?

    5. What is ozone?

    6. Describe the problem of ozone depletion.

    7. What are the four layers of the atmosphere? Describe the characteristics of each.

    8. How does the pressure change with increasing elevation?

    9. What is the most important control on weather?

    10. What are the two motions of the earth?

    11. What is the perihelion? Aphelion?

    12. What causes the seasons on earth?

    13. What is the summer solstice? Winter solstice? Vernal equinox? Autumnal equinox?

    14. What are the three mechanisms of heat transfer?

    15. What happens to 75% of incoming solar radiation?

    16. What is albedo?

    17. Describe the greenhouse effect?

    18. What is the daily mean? Monthly mean? Yearly mean? How do you calculate it?

    19. What is the temperature range? How do you calculate it?

    20. What are the 5 controls on temperature? Describe each.

    21. What is the worldwide distribution of temperature?

    22. What are the three states of water?

    23. Name the six changes of state.

    24. What is humidity? How is it measured?

    25. What is the dew point?

    26. What is fog?

    27. What are adiabatic temperature changes?

    28. What are the processes that lift air?

    29. Describe thermal inversion. How does it affect air pollution?

    30. What are condensation nuclei? Hygroscopic nuclei?

    31. How are clouds classified?

    32. What is a cumulonimbus cloud?

    33. What are the types of cooling fog? Evaporation fog?

    34. Describe the two different ways precipitation can form.

    35. What are the forms of precipitation?

    36. How is precipitation measured?

    37. What is air pressure?

    38. What is wind?

    39. What contribution did Torricelli make to science?

    40. What is standard sea level pressure?

    41. What is the pressure gradient force?

    42. What are geostrophic winds?

    43. Describe the difference between cyclones and anticyclones.

    44. Describe the general circulation of the earth’s atmosphere. Why is Florida an exception to the general circulation model?

    45. What are the westerlies?

    46. Describe the land breeze and the sea breeze.

    47. Describe the valley breeze and the mountain breeze.

    48. How is wind direction measured? How is wind speed measured?

    49. What is El Nino and La Nina?

    50. What is an air mass? What are the source regions for North America?

    51. Describe the four types of air masses.

    52. Describe the characteristics of a cold front, warm front, and occluded front.

    53. What is a middle-latitude cyclone?

    54. Describe the characteristics of a thunderstorm. Describe the life cycle.

    55. Describe the characteristics of a tornado. What scale is used to describe tornadoes?

    56. What is the difference between a watch and warning?

    57. What is Doppler radar?

    58. Describe the formation of a hurricane in the Atlantic.

    59. What is the eye? Eye wall?

    60. What is the difference between a tropical depression and a tropical storm?

    61. What is the storm surge?

    62. What scale is used to measure hurricane wind speeds?

    Test V Review

    1. What is astronomy?

    2. What is geocentric? Heliocentric?

    3. What contribution did Aristarchus make? Hipparchus? Eratosthenes?

    4. What is the Ptolemeic system? What is retrograde motion?

    5. What contribution did Copernicus make? Brahe? Kepler? Galileo?

    6. What is an AU?

    7. What are Newton’s Three Laws?

    8. What is a constellation?

    9. What is declination? Right ascension?

    10. What is rotation? Revolution? Aphelion? Perihelion?

    11. What is precession? How long is the cycle?

    12. Describe the phases of the moon.

    13. What is a solar eclipse? Lunar eclipse? Umbra? Penumbra?

    14. What are the characteristics of terrestrial planets? Jovian planets?

    15. What is the nebular hypothesis?

    16. What caused the craters on the moon?

    17. What is the difference between the highlands and lowlands? Which is older?

    18. What are rays?

    19. What is the hypothesis for the formation of the moon?

    20. Describe the characteristics of Mercury.

    21. Describe the characteristics of Venus.

    22. What is the Greenhouse effect?

    23. Describe the characteristics of Mars.

    24. What is Olympus Mons?

    25. Describe the characteristics of Jupiter. Describe the four large moons.

    26. What is the Great Red Spot?

    27. Describe the characteristics of Saturn.

    28. Describe the ring system.

    29. Describe the characteristics of Uranus.

    30. Describe the characteristics of Neptune.

    31. Describe the characteristics of Pluto.

    32. What is an asteroid? Where are most located?

    33. What is Ceres?

    34. What is a comet? Why is it called a dirty snowball?

    35. What is difference between a long period and a short period comet?

    36. What is a meteorite? Describe the four different types.

    37. What is spectroscopy?

    38. What is the Doppler effect?

    39. What is the difference between a refracting and reflecting telescope?

    40. What is chromatic aberration?

    41. What are the properties of optical telescopes?

    42. Describe the properties of a radio telescope?

    43. What is a radio interferometer?

    44. What is the photosphere? Chromosphere? Corona?

    45. What are sunspots? Why do they form?

    46. What are spicules?

    47. What are prominences? Flares?

    48. What is the source of the sun’s energy?

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