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KEYWORDS: Intruder detection, human detection, human identification, sensor fusion

A03-061 TITLE: Integrated Computational Algorithms to Treat Fracture and Fragmentation

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes
OBJECTIVE: Develop advanced and innovative numerical algorithms to describe discontinuities or moving boundaries and their complex interactions under blast and penetration loading conditions. The algorithm should be able to describe geometrically and materially nonlinear problems by alleviating the difficulty of meshing and remeshing, and numerical instability due to large deformation, shock propagation, and localized failures.
DESCRIPTION: During the past three decades, several computational codes based on finite element discretization have been successfully developed to solve structural problems under quasi-static and vibration loading conditions. However, most commercial finite element codes are incapable of describing the details of fracture and fragmentation of buildings and military vehicles due to blast and projectile penetration loadings under extreme dynamic pressures and elevated temperatures and also are limited to a certain class of problems.
Recently, several academicians proposed alternative methods to the finite element based algorithms. The proposed meshless methods are attractive alternates to Lagrangian/Eulerian and smooth hydrodynamic particle based algorithms/codes. There is an urgent need for the development of software based on meshless methods to describe fracture and fragmentation of three-dimensional structures and advanced armor/anti-armor systems. The software should include smooth and non-smooth contact algorithms, adaptive particle or node migration to capture steep gradients induced by localized shock and penetration, and elevated thermal loading conditions. In addition, thermodynamically consistent and mechanics based material models capable of describing material responses under high pressures, high strain rate, and high temperatures should become part of the software system. The code development requirements include the integration of several nonlinear mathematical methods for describing highly nonlinear physical phenomena associated with the dynamic response of solids and structures.
Because of the aggressive schedule for technology insertion into the Future Combat Systems for the Objective Force, there is an urgent need for the development of efficient and accurate computational codes to describe fracture and fragmentation of structures and systems under survivability design analyses. The resulting technology will allow rapid virtual prototyping and enable significant reduction in the design cycle time of armor and anti-armors for ultra lightweight systems.
PHASE I: Select a candidate meshless algorithm and develop a three-dimensional code based on that algorithm. Validate the code through simulations of static and dynamic problems for which analytical and other numerical solutions exist.
PHASE II: Produce fully integrated software to model and simulate moving boundaries and discontinuities under multiaxial loading conditions. The code should also include thermodynamically consistent and mechanics based advanced material and equation of state models capable of describing material responses under high pressures, high strain rate, and high temperatures. Develop a MPI based version of the software that will run in massively parallel computers. Validate the MPI based three-dimensional code through simulating sample blast and penetration problems for which experimental measurements (high-speed photographs and in situ measurements of surface velocity and stresses inside the solids) are available. Develop appropriate pre- and post processors suitable for setting up the code and analyzing the results from the MPI based code, respectively.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Develop the prototype meshless code from Phase II into a robust and scalable virtual simulation facility or product with Graphical User Interface (GUI) for integrated pre- and post-processors appropriate for the commercial and military market.
OPERATING AND SUPPORT (O&S) COST REDUCTION (OSCR): Traditionally, a major part of the resources in-terms of time and cost is spent to setup the highly complex three dimensional structures and systems through complicated meshing and remeshing. In addition, a fairly a large amount of time is spent in global/local analyses of fracture and fragmentation through the post-processing of large amount of data. Simplification of the modeling and simulation through a GUI based software system that uses a meshless approach will reduce the engineering costs of future commercial and military survivable systems.

1) A book on “The Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) Method,” by S.N. Atluri and S. Shen, Tech Science Press, 2002.

KEYWORDS: modeling and simulation, survivability

A03-062 TITLE: Integrated Information Interface for Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation Tools

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Information Systems
OBJECTIVE: Create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with integrated pre- and post-processors that interface with efficient and accurate computational electromagnetics engines to allow rapid virtual prototyping of communication and radar systems and antennas for the Objective Force.
DESCRIPTION: Electromagnetic modeling and simulation engines are indispensable tools for communication and radar system development, as well as mission planning. Recent research in algorithms and implementation has produced efficient and accurate codes for full-wave electromagnetic analysis with CPU and memory requirements reduced by orders of magnitude. However, these codes tend to require complex input data files and produce large output data files that can be difficult to interpret. These requirements increase the design cycle time and reduce the allowable complexity of the problem under analysis.
Because of the aggressive schedule for technology insertion into the Future Combat Systems for the Objective Force, the user interface to these efficient and accurate computational codes must be streamlined. This topic requires a GUI with integrated pre- and post-processors that gives the operator an efficient means to set up modeling and simulation problems and scenarios, and provides a vehicle for visualization and intuitive interpretation of the simulation output data. The GUI should work with existing electromagnetics engines and be scalable and robust enough for commercial and military users.
The resulting technology will allow rapid virtual prototyping and enable significant reduction in the design cycle time of communication and radar systems and antennas for the Objective Force.
PHASE I: Select one or more candidate electromagnetic computing engines and determine input and output data exchange requirements. Develop initial concept design for and identify key elements of a GUI with integrated pre- and post-processors to generate input data and display output data for the candidate electromagnetic computing engines. Determine technical feasibility of integrating the proposed GUI with the selected computational engines.
PHASE II: Develop prototype GUI code and demonstrate the capability to generate input data and display output data with the selected computational engines. Demonstrate the capability to set up, analyze, and display a simple electromagnetics problem such as a dipole antenna radiation pattern or the radar cross-section of a canonical object and validate the simulation results using experimental data or analytical results.
PHASE III DUAL-USE APPLICATIONS: Produce a fully integrated GUI supporting one or more selected electromagnetic computing engines using the prototype GUI code from Phase II. Provide code to DoD laboratories for evaluation and testing. Demonstrate the capability to set up, analyze, and display results from a complex electromagnetics problem with military relevance or commercial application.
OPERATING AND SUPPORT (O&S) COST REDUCTION (OSCR): Simplification of the modeling and simulation interface will reduce the engineering costs of future commercial and military communications and radar systems.

1) Wendy Petersen-Weiman, Michael Quinn, Ivan Lui, Chris Wentland, Paul Pukite and Daniel J. Challou, “Using Real-Time Computer Graphics and a Rapid Prototyping Modeling and Simulation Kernel to Facilitate Early Systems Engineering,” presented at 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando FL, December 2002.

2) M. D. Casciato, Il-Suek Koh, and K. Sarabandi, “Efficient calculation of the fields of a dipole radiating above an impedance surface,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-50, no. 9, pp. 1222 -1235, Sep. 2002.

3) Eric Jones, Balaji Krishnapuram, John Pormann, John A. Board, and Lawrence Carin, “Electromagnetic simulation environment,” in Proc. SPIE Vol. 4367, Enabling Technology for Simulation Science V, Alex F. Sisti and Dawn A. Trevisani; Eds. Bellingham WA: SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2001, pp. 137-143.

KEYWORDS: GUI, modeling and simulation, electromagnetics

A03-063 TITLE: Remote Neurological Measurement and Sensing

OBJECTIVE: Develop methods to remotely, and unobtrusively, collect, transmit and/or store neurological data from warfighters in an operationally realistic environment.
DESCRIPTION: Information is the key enabler of the Objective Force. There is a subtle, but critical, difference between information superiority and decision superiority. It is dependant upon understanding – the ability to comprehend and project information. When this is effectively coupled with training and experience it becomes wisdom, and wisdom is a critical enabler for reducing cognitive workload and expediting decisions using case-based reasoning. The disparity between information superiority and decision superiority amounts to human cognition--the ability of operators to synthesize, analyze, and act on information available. A key to achieving decision superiority is the optimization of human-system interfaces that facilitate maximum situational awareness for a given amount of information.
To date, a major obstacle in achieving this optimization has been the dearth of tools and methodologies available to objectively measure human cognitive performance. Without objective measures, all too often expediency becomes the driving force in design and implementation of human interfaces. Methodologies and metrics have been/are being developed to provide an objective analysis, given the proper inputs. Critical to the success of these assessments is objective measures of stress, workload, cognitive state, etc.
Therefore, to aid in these objective tests and assessments, it is necessary to remotely collect physiological and neurological data from test participants ('remote' in the context of a test environment is defined as the ability to capture test data in an environment where the data acquisition system is located at some prescribed standoff distance from the test instrumentation, and is connected either via wireless or standard fiber connection). To ensure operational realism and relevancy, these tests are, by nature, in high stress, high impact, environments. As such, the required instrumentation must be lightweight, robust, and must be capable of being integrated into existing test and operational systems.
PHASE I: There are a wide variety of physiological and neurological parameters that can be measured and assessed. The focus of Phase I shall be the determination of the most critical neurological parameters to be measured to assist in the determination of stress, workload and cognitive state. Included in this determination shall be a trade study on the most appropriate, and best suited, method for measuring these parameters in the stated environment.
PHASE II: Prototype hardware and/or software should be developed to demonstrate the ability to collect, transmit and/or store neurological data in an operationally realistic environment. Demonstrations (laboratory and/or field experiments) shall be conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of the prototype system(s). The contractor shall also begin the process of mapping neurological responses to individual learning and working styles, situational awareness development, and assess possible shifts in situational awareness in conditions of high workload and stress.
PHASE III DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: The proposed technology will have a high payoff throughout DoD, not only to Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) activities, but to operational elements as well. The proposed instrumentation will be applicable to any warfighter on any platform – dismounted warrior, pilots/aircrews, sailors, UAV/UGV operators, etc. Projected uses beyond RDT&E include warfighter physiological status monitoring, combat casualty care & telemedicine, training and personnel selection. Potential commercial medical applications include use by Emergency Medical Services (EMS), in-home monitoring of patients to reduce hospital stays, and to support research into developing cures for neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, etc. These systems would also be of high value to the commercial sector in the design, development and RDT&E of commercial aviation systems, long-haul trucking – essentially any system requiring a human-machine interface, particularly in high stress, high workload environments.

1) Aust, Dr. Randy. “The JSF Human-Machine Interface Program—A Contractor’s Challenge.” Presentation at HFE-TAG Conference, San Diego, CA, April 2002.

2) Crew System Ergonomics Information Analysis Center. “Man System Integration Standards, NASA STD-3000.” Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 1994.

3) Gawron, V. “Verifying Situational Awareness Associated with Flight Symbology.” AIAA—99-1093.

4) Handspring Developers Forum. “The Shirt Off Their Back: VivoMetrics and Indy Car Racing.”

5) Hankins, T. and G. Wilson. “A Comparison of Heart Rate, Eye Activity, EEG, and Subjective Measures of Pilot Mental Workload During Flight.” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 69, 360-367.

6) Scerbo, M., et al. “The Efficacy of Psychophysiological Measures for Implementing Adaptive Technology.” NASA/TP-2001-211018, June 2001.
KEYWORDS: neurological, physiological, cognition, performance, decision, perception, memory, man-machine interface, human systems integration

A03-064 TITLE: Advanced Electro-Optical/InfraRed (EO/IR) Projector for Testing Imaging Sensors

ACQUISITION PROGRAM: PEO Simulation, Training and Instrumentation
OBJECTIVE: Development of an advanced electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) projector for simultaneous testing of multi-band sensor suites (containing visible sensor, Mid-Wave Infrared (IR) Forward Looking IR (FLIR) and Long-Wave IR FLIR). Complex scenes projected by the advanced EO/IR projector must have a large temperature range, high spatial resolution, high temperature resolution, and a highly correlated multi-band spectral output. The projector should be capable of testing both scanning and staring sensors. The spatial and temporal resolution should be sufficient to support testing of current and next generation visible and IR sensor/systems. The temperature/amplitude resolution should exceed the temperature resolution of these systems. It is also desired that the projector system be designed for mobile test applications and support testing of systems with sensor fusion algorithms. Such technology would be applicable to many commercial uses involving the development and testing of commercial visible and IR sensors used in homeland security, medical imaging, police/fire detection systems, collision avoidance systems and other property protection systems.
DESCRIPTION: One potential candidate projector technology for this application is the large format resistor array projector system. However, this technology alone can not support testing of sensors operating within the visible-spectrum since the spectral output is only suitable for sensors operating within the infrared-spectrum. These resistor array systems also suffer from other limitations including: limited spatial resolution (currently 512x512), spatial non-uniformity, dead pixels, limited frame rate, heat dissipation problems, and limited availability (relatively high cost).
Another potential candidate projector technology for this application is the micromirror array projector system. However, this technology is currently limited in application to staring (non-scanning) sensors and seekers due to the inherent reliance on pulse width modulation for the generation of intensity levels. It is also limited in amplitude resolution and contrast in the LWIR band.
An innovative approach is needed to overcome the limitations of these currently available projector technologies. The advanced EO/IR projector system developed under this effort should meet the following performance goals:

· Spatial resolution/format: > or = 1024x1820

· Spectral waveband: 0.4-14 um (visible to LWIR)

· Amplitude resolution: > or = 14 bits

· Maximum Apparent Temperature: > or = 100° C

· Minimum Apparent Temperature: < or = 0° C

· Instantaneous Pixel to Pixel Delta Temperature: > or = 100° C

· Variable Dynamic Range Control

· Flickerless

· Mobility is desired

PHASE I: Perform a feasibility study of the development of an advanced EO/IR projector system which meets the specifications above. Evaluate innovative technologies which may be used to build and integrate the advanced EO/IR projector system and leverage existing projector technologies. Perform trade-off analysis to determine the best approach for each subsystem, and develop a preliminary design for the advanced EO/IR projector system. Perform modeling and analysis to establish the proof-of-principle and predict the performance specifications for the final system.
PHASE II: Develop a prototype advanced EO/IR projector system. Demonstrate the advanced projector technology and characterize its performance.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The advanced IR projector developed under this topic would provide an excellent test bed to support the development and testing of imaging EO/IR sensors used in both ground and aviation military platforms. The system could also be applicable to medical imaging, police surveillance, fire prevention/detection, auto collision avoidance systems and intrusion detection systems. Commercial applications for this technology might be found in the medical, law enforcement, fire, automobile, home security, and aircraft industries.

1) D. Brett Beasley and Daniel A. Saylor, "Application of Multiple IR Projector Technologies for AMCOM HWIL Simulations", Technologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing IV, Robert L. Murrer, Jr., Chair/Editor, Proc. SPIE 3697, pp. 223 - 230. (1999).

2) B. Cole, B. Higashi, J. Ridley, J. Holmen, K. Newstrom, C. Zins, K. Nguyen, S. Weeres, B. Johnson, B. Stockbridge, L. Murrer, E. Olson, T. Bergin, J. Kircher, D. Flynn, "Innovations in IR Projection Arrays", Technologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing V, Robert L. Murrer, Jr., Chair/Editor, Proc. SPIE 4027, pp. 350 - 376. (2000).

3) Steve McHugh, Richard Robinson, Bill Parish, Jim Woolaway, "MIRAGE: large-format emitter arrays 1024x1024 and 1024x2048", Technologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing V, Robert L. Murrer, Jr., Chair/Editor, Proc. SPIE 4027, pp. 399 - 408. (2000).

4) D. Brett Beasley, Daniel Saylor, Jim Buford, "Overview of Dynamic Scene Projectors at the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command", Technologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-loop Testing V, Robert L. Murrer, Jr., Chair/Editor, Proc. SPIE 4717, pp. 136 - 147. (2002).
KEYWORDS: Infrared, projector, sensor fusion, electro-optical, simulations

A03-065 TITLE: Variable Cold-Stop for a Multi-Band Infrared Imagers

OBJECTIVE: The objective is to develop a variable cold-stop that will interface to an existing infrared camera in the mid-infrared (3um-5um) spectrum. The investigator will demonstrate the feasibility of the variable cold-stop by manually adjusting the cold-stop to match the infrared lense from different manufacturers. The investigator will determine the best cooling technology and material available for the cold-stop. The investigator will consider materials such as Silicon, Germanium, Sapphire, zinc or other compatible materials. The infrared camera?s desirable features are an RS-170 video port to demonstrate adjustment of the variable cold-stop and a high-speed digital data port (12-16 pixel format) to save the data. Minimum resolution shall be on the order of 640 x 512, desired minimum frame rate/second shall be 100 to 300. Additional desirable features are simultaneous frame shuttering, minimized blooming, low fixed pattern noise, high sensitivity, windowing, horizontal and vertical binning for higher frame rates, and very low power consumption. The investigator will provide the best solution design for an adjustable cold-stop that will accommodate f-4 to f-10 lenses with a standard f-mount interface, or a common industry standard lens mount.
DESCRIPTION: Infrared imagers have been designed with cold-stops that limit the use of infrared lenses from different manufacturers. To realize the objective of this effort, it is anticipated that a deviation from the traditional wavelength imager and cold-stop matching , to a more versatile architecture design will be required. The cold-stop is a field of view (FOV) limiting aperture, and is cryogenically cooled to block unwanted background radiation from reaching the detector. The investigator shall determine the best solution for eliminating unwanted background radiation from reaching the detector when adjusting the cold-stop for different focal length lenses.
PHASE I: The investigator shall conduct the necessary analysis and research to develop a cold-stop for an existing infrared camera in the (3um to 5um) spectral range. Resolution will be a minimum of 640 x 512 and the desired frames/second will be 100 to 300 with a 12-16-bit pixel format. The variable cold-stop will be developed to accommodate lenses from f-4 to f-10. The analysis and research shall provide the basis for a full-scale prototype variable cold-stop integrated into an existing infrared camera development in Phase II. Technical risk is to be minimized by leveraging from existing technology.
PHASE II: The investigator shall proceed with prototype development and demonstration of the technology proposed in Phase I. The full-scale prototype variable cold-stop integrated into an existing infrared camera shall ensure that other issues beyond the sensor are addressed. These issues include, but are not limited to, high-speed digital data interface, time stamping of individual frames, alternative infrared lens mounts, and a data storage solution.
PHASE III: APPLICATIONS include Test and Evaluation Ranges, military and commercialization. Potentially there is a tremendous worldwide application for variable cold-stop infrared imagers that will find wide spread use in the medical field, law enforcement, industrial inspection systems, search and rescue, military and aviation.

Optical Radiation Detectors by E. L. Dereniak, Devon G. Crowe, Porc. SPIE Vol. 4369, pg. 649-661, Infrared Technology and Applications XXVII, Bjorn F. Andresen; Gabor F. Fulop; Marija Strojnik; Eds.

KEYWORDS: Infrared, Cold-Stop, Digital Cameras, Interchangeable Infrared lens, Sensor, Focal Plane Array, Silicon Germanium (SiGe), Material

A03-066 TITLE: Airspace Management and Deconfliction of Networked UAV

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Air Platform, Information Systems

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