Swainson, 1830 subtribe iolaina riley, 1958 Iolaus pallene. Photo courtesy Jeremy Dobson

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Type locality: Zambia: “Luanshya”.

Distribution: Zambia (Copperbelt Province and north-west).

Specific localities:

Zambia – Mundwiji Plain; 60 km east of Solwezi; Luanshya; 8 km east of Chingola; Mutundu, Mufulira (Heath, et al., 2002).


Early stages: Nothing published.

Larval food:

Phragmanthera polycrypta (F. Didr.) Balle (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Bampton, 2000: 35].

Erianthemum sp. (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Bampton, 2000: 35].

Iolaus (Argiolaus) iturensis (Joicey & Talbot, 1921)
Argiolaus silarus iturensis Joicey & Talbot, 1921. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, Witley 1: 91 (40-166).

Type locality: Democratic Republic of Congo: “Forest on watershed of Ituri and Lindi Rivers, S.W. of Avakubi”.

Distribution: Democratic Republic of Congo (Ituri, Lualaba, Shaba), Angola, Tanzania (west), Uganda, Kenya (west).

Specific localities:

Kenya – Malaba Forest; Kakamega Forest (Larsen, 1991).

Common name: Ituri sapphire.

Habitat: Forest.

Early stages: Nothing published.

Larval food:

Loranthus sp. (Loranthaceae) [Van Someren, 1974: 328].

Phragmanthera rufescens (Loranthaceae) [Larsen, 1991: 198; as Loranthus rufescens].

Erianthemum sp. (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Bampton, 2000: 35].

Iolaus (Argiolaus) kayonza (Stempffer & Bennett, 1958)
Iolaphilus kayonza Stempffer & Bennett, 1958. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire (A) 20: 1333 (1243-1347).

Type locality: Uganda: “Ouganda, Kigezi, Forêt de Kayonza”.

Distribution: Uganda (Kayonza and Kamengo).


Early stages: Nothing published.

Larval food: Nothing published.

Iolaus (Argiolaus) lalos (Druce, 1896)
Argiolaus silas lalos Druce, 1896. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 17: 286 (285-286).

Type locality: Tanzania: “Dar-es-salaam”.

Diagnosis: In the female the upperside blue scaling is almost entirely replaced by white (Pringle, et al., 1994).

Distribution: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique.

Common name: Lalos sapphire; pale sapphire.

Habitat: Forest, including coastal forest. Around Beira, in Mozambique, it flies in coastal dune bush (Paré, vide Pringle, et al., 1994).

Habits: Specimens have been noted feeding on flowers high up in the forest canopy (Pringle, et al., 1994).

Flight period: December to March (Pringle, et al., 1994).

Early stages: Nothing published.

Larval food:

Phragmanthera usuiensis usuiensis (Oliv.) M.G. Gilbert (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Bampton, 2000: 35].

Erianthemum dregei (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Tieghem (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Bampton, 2000: 35].
Iolaus (Argiolaus) lalos lalos (Druce, 1896)
Argiolaus silas lalos Druce, 1896. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 17: 286 (285-286).

Type locality: Tanzania: “Dar-es-salaam”.

Distribution: Kenya (coast), Tanzania (coast, inland to Usambara, Uluguru and Kilimanjaro mountains, and Pemba Island), Malawi, Zimbabwe (Chirinda Forest), Mozambique (Beira).

Specific localities:

Kenya – Shimba Hills; Mrima Hill; Nyali; Mombasa; Bissil; Arabuko-Sokoke Forest; Watamu (Larsen, 1991).

Tanzania – Tukuyu (Congdon and Collins, 1998).

Mozambique – Beira (Paré).

Zimbabwe – Chirinda Forest (Pringle, et al., 1994).
Iolaus (Argiolaus) lalos kigezi (Stempffer & Bennett, 1958)
Argiolaus lalos kigezi Stempffer & Bennett, 1958. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire (A) 20: 1287 (1243-1347).

Type locality: Uganda: “Mafuga Forest, 7,500 à 8,500', Kigezi, Ouganda”.

Distribution: Uganda (west - Kigezi and Ankole districts).

Iolaus (Argiolaus) manasei (Libert, 1993)
Argiolaus manasei Libert, 1993. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 97 (4): 327 (321-332).

Type locality: Cameroon.

Distribution: Cameroon.


Early stages: Nothing published.

Larval food: Nothing published.

Iolaus (Argiolaus) maritimus (Stempffer & Bennett, 1958)
Iolaphilus maritimus Stempffer & Bennett, 1958. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire (A) 20: 1308 (1243-1347).

Type locality: Kenya: “Kilifi”.

Distribution: Kenya, Tanzania.

Common name: Coastal sapphire.

Habitat: Coastal and subcoastal forest.

Early stages: Nothing published.

Larval food:

Erianthemum schelei (Engl.) Tieghem (Loranthaceae) [Kielland, 1990: ; for I. maritimus usambara].

Phragmanthera usuiensis sigensis (Oliv.) M.G. Gilbert (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Bampton, 2000: 35; for I. maritimus usambara].

Oedina pendens (Engl. & K. Krause) Polh. & Wiens (Loranthaceae) [Kielland, 1990: ; for I. maritimus usambara].

Oedina congdoniana Polh. & Wiens (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Bampton, 2000: 35; for I. maritimus usambara].
Iolaus (Argiolaus) maritimus maritimus (Stempffer & Bennett, 1958)
Iolaphilus maritimus Stempffer & Bennett, 1958. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire (A) 20: 1308 (1243-1347).

Type locality: Kenya: “Kilifi”.

Distribution: Kenya (coast).
Iolaus (Argiolaus) maritimus usambara (Stempffer, 1961)
Iolaphilus maritimus usambara Stempffer, 1961. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire (A) 23: 91 (88-101).

Type locality: Tanzania: “Tanganyika: Monts Usmabara, Amani”.

Distribution: Tanzania (north-east - Usambara Mountains).

Iolaus (Argiolaus) montana (Kielland, 1978)
Iolaphilus montana Kielland, 1978. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 121: 199 (147-237).

Type locality: Tanzania: “Mpanda, Wanzizi Hills, 1450 m”.

Distribution: Tanzania.

Specific localities:

Tanzania – Wanzizi Hills at 1 450 m (TL); Sitebi Mountain (Congdon and Collins, 1998); Usondo Plateau at 1 600 m, 55 km south of Uvinza (Bjornstad, vide Congdon and Collins, 1998).

Habitat: Forest, including riverine forest (Congdon and Collins, 1998).

Early stages: Nothing published.

Larval food:

Phragmanthera rufescens (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Collins, 1998: 95; Mount Sitebi, Tanzania].

Phragmanthera usuiensis (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Collins, 1998: 95; Usondo Plateau, Tanzania].

Phragmanthera usuiensis usuiensis (Oliv.) M.G. Gilbert (Loranthaceae) [Congdon and Bampton, 2000: 35].

Iolaus (Argiolaus) ndolae (Stempffer & Bennett, 1958)
Iolaphilus ndolae Stempffer & Bennett, 1958. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire (A) 20: 1313 (1243-1347).

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