Iolaus ndolae. Male. Left – upperside; right – underside. Wingspan: 37mm. Mufulira, Zambia, 4100'. Ex pupa. 4.X.82. M.A. Newport. (Henning collection - H366).
Type locality: Zambia: “Ndola, Northern Rhodesia”.
Diagnosis: The female of ndolae can be distinguished from that of silarus by the red submarginal band on the hindwing, which in ndolae is usually very narrowly separated into two spots, while in silarus it is a continuous band. In both sexes the underside of the antennae in ndolaeare pale brown, often with whitish scaling towards the base of the shaft, while in silarus they are uniform dark brown (Congdon & Bampton, unpublished 2003).
Distribution: Zambia (north), Malawi, Tanzania (east), ?Democratic Republic of Congo (Shaba).