Important for series production. A dr.scient student at UiB has an key role in this programme.
3.0 SCT modules production, hybrid development, and cooling/Detector Control System (DCS).
Preparations for module production at University of Oslo have taken place over the last 3 years. The equipment was bought in 1997 after several years of work to prepare a cleanroom for the module production. The ATLAS Barrel Modules are fully specified and consist of 4 silicon detectors, a TPG (thermal pyrolytic graphite with very high thermal conductivity) baseplate and a wrap-around double hybrid structure with 12 integrated readout circuits.
Here is a short summary of the developments over the last 12 months :
The pre-production ASIC, baseboard and hybrid for the final module prototype (“module 0”) are expected to become available in November 2000. Module production is expected to start in the fall of 2001. The Scandinavian module production facilities are expected to be ready on time to follow this program.
Over the last 12 months two modules with working electronics have been built in Scandinavia. This number was limited by the supply of electronics chips and only one has a complete set of readout chips. These have been tested in the systemtest laboratory and the testbeam at CERN, and found to be functioning according to expectation.
The old electronics testing equipment will be replaced with a new set of VME modules, expected to arrive from Cambridge in September. This will improve the speed of the readout and testing sequences significantly. The entire SCT collaboration is now adopting this change, and it is foreseen to install the test equipment in Bergen and Uppsala after installation in Oslo.
In Oslo the electronics lab equipment will be moved to a new lab in an area next to the clean room where the module construction takes place. This change is advantageous as module construction and testing is now concentrated to one laboratory area. The new lab area was prepared during the winter and is now ready for installation of equipment. Oslo now possesses a laboratory with two cleanrooms, one high grade room with controlled air and humidity, for module construction; and another one for module tests.
The key engineer responsible for the mechanical construction of the modules has left and we have been forced to reorganize the manpower accordingly. A new engineer, Torkjell Huse, was hired in March 00 and he is now trained for electronics testing and mechanical module construction.
The leading CERN electronics engineer at the University of Oslo, Ole Dorholt, has recently agreed to co-ordinate and lead the module construction and testing over the next 2 year, and the institute will free him from other duties at the electronics workshop. He is now the technical co-ordinator for the Norwegian ATLAS activities.
A third engineer, Kjell Martin Danielsen, is responsible, part time, for the database setup. This part is well prepared. In addition, two technicians are identified in the mechanical workshop who have started working for the ATLAS project. Furthermore, the mechanical workshop is now lead by Finn Hostad who has a long experience at CERN and was central in the build-up of the clean-room and general infrastructure at the Institute. As a result the manpower has been significantly strengthened and we believe this team, if we manage to keep it intact, is sufficient for the tasks ahead of us.
The planning in Oslo has changed slightly due to these developments but we believe that module 0 production in the late fall and spring can move ahead as planned.
A detector module. The two lower detectors (barely seen) are rotated 40 mrad with respect to the two top detectors. They are mounted on a baseboard with optimal thermal properties. The two mounting points for connection to the structure are shown. The two hybrids with bridge-shaped substrates are placed across the detectors in good thermal contact with the baseplate, and are connected through a wrap-around kapton cable.