COI Report – Part VII
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425 40.4 Password policies must be implemented and enforced across both domain and local accounts 891. Typically, when restrictions are implemented on the
administrators group in GPOs, Windows applies the settings to members of a computer's local administrators group, in addition to the domain's administrators group. However, in the case of the SGH Citrix servers, a setting called block policy inheritance had
been applied at the servers, meaning that domain level policies could not be inherited (
i.e. they were blocked) and would not apply to the SGH Citrix servers. Accordingly, although password policies had been implemented at a domain level, they were not applied on these servers.
892. We recommend that a technological solution be found to ensure that updated password policies will be pushed down for server
local administrator accounts,
without exception. If no such solution can be found, steps must betaken to individually implement the updated
policies at the local servers, or an alternate solution must be implemented to centrally manage server local administrator accounts.
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