COI Report – Part II
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425 (a) The SIRF describes
the framework for PHIs, also termed as healthcare entities, in reporting security incidents to their management and the Healthcare Sector Lead. It includes the typical
incident reporting flow, starting from the Cluster ISO (Security Officer, which then branches to multiple incident reporting chains
– including to the Cluster GCIO and CSG as Healthcare Sector Lead and also results in the
incident being reported to CSA, and management of SingHealth, IHiS, MOHH and MOH. b) The IR-SOP covers incident reporting as part of the roles and responsibilities of the SIRT in mounting a broader response to security incidents. The IR-SOP includes the typical incident reporting flow mentioned in (a. Unique to the IR-SOP is the SIRT Reporting Structure and description
of the SIRT members roles, which provides fora linear incident reporting from Cluster ISO to Cluster GCIO, and then to Cluster senior management.