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Algorithm :-

  1. Define the structures for MenuItem and OrderItem to represent menu items and the user's order.

  2. Initialize the menu array with menu items and set up variables for the order.

  1. Function displayMenu(menu[], size):

    1. Print the header for the menu.

    2. Iterate through the menu array and display item codes, names, and prices.

  1. Function calculateBill(menu[], order[], orderSize):

    1. Initialize total to 0.

    2. Print the header for the order summary.

    3. Iterate through the order array:

      1. For each order item, find the corresponding menu item.

      2. Calculate the amount for the item (price * quantity).

      3. Update the total and print item name, quantity, and amount.

  1. Function main():

    1. Declare arrays for MenuItem and OrderItem and initialize menu items.

    2. Set up variables for the user's order.

    3. Enter a loop:

      1. Display the menu using displayMenu.

      2. Prompt the user to enter an item code or "done" to finish.

      3. If the user enters "done," exit the loop.

      4. Validate the entered item code:

        • If valid, prompt the user for the quantity and add the item to the order.

        • If invalid, display an error message.

    4. Calculate and display the total bill using calculateBill.

  1. End of Algorithm.


Structure Definition: Struct MenuItem
String code[5] String item[30] Float price

Struct OrderItem String code[5] Int quantity

Function displayMenu(menu[], size): Print "Domino's India Menu:"

Print "%-5s %-25s %-10s", "Code", "Item", "Price" For i = 0 to size - 1:
Print "%-5s %-25s ₹%-10.2f", menu[i].code, menu[i].item, menu[i].price Print "\n"

Function calculateBill(menu[], order[], orderSize): Float total = 0

Print "\nOrder Summary:"
Print "%-25s %-10s %-10s", "Item", "Quantity", "Amount" For i = 0 to orderSize - 1:
For j = 0 to 5:
If order[i].code == menu[j].code:
Float amount = menu[j].price * order[i].quantity total += amount
Print "%-25s %-10d ₹%-10.2f", menu[j].item, order[i].quantity, amount
Print "\nTotal: ₹%.2f", total

Function main():

Define menu as array of MenuItem Define order as array of OrderItem Int orderSize = 0
Initialize menu with predefined menu items While True:
displayMenu(menu, 6)
Print "Enter item code to add to your order (or 'done' to finish):" Input order[orderSize].code

If order[orderSize].code == "done": Break

Bool found = False For i = 0 to 5:

If order[orderSize].code == menu[i].code: found = True
Print "Enter quantity:"
Input order[orderSize].quantity orderSize += 1

If not found:

Print "Invalid item code. Please try again." calculateBill(menu, order, orderSize)
End of Program




The billing system program you provided, designed for a fictitious Domino's India menu, can have various real-world applications, especially in the context of restaurant or food service management. Here are some potential uses of the program:

  1. **Restaurants and Cafes:**

    • The program can be used in restaurants and cafes to facilitate order processing and generate accurate bills for customers. It streamlines the ordering process and helps in maintaining organized records of transactions.

  1. **Small Business Management:**

    • Small businesses in the food industry, such as local pizzerias or cafes, can adopt this program to manage customer orders, track sales, and generate invoices. It provides a simple yet effective solution for businesses with limited resources.

  1. **Training and Education:**

    • The program can be used as an educational tool to teach programming concepts, data structures, and basic user interface interactions. Students can learn about structures, loops, and user input handling through this example.

  1. **Learning C Programming:**

    • Individuals learning the C programming language can use this program as a practical exercise to understand how to work with arrays, structures, loops, and user input/output functions.

  1. **Prototype for Larger Systems:**

    • The program serves as a prototype or starting point for developing more sophisticated billing and order management systems in the food industry. Additional features, such as user authentication, database integration, and graphical user interfaces, can be incorporated for larger-scale applications.

  1. **Menu Presentation and Pricing:**

    • The program can be modified to serve as a tool for presenting menus and pricing information in a clear and formatted manner.

This can be useful in scenarios where customers need to view available items and their prices.

  1. **Customer Interaction and Experience:**

    • Restaurants and food services can leverage the program to enhance customer interaction and experience. Clear menu displays and accurate billing contribute to a positive customer experience.

  1. **Demonstration of Basic Programming Concepts:**

    • The program can be used in educational settings to demonstrate fundamental programming concepts such as structures, loops, conditional statements, and input/output handling.

It's important to note that while the provided program is a simple console-based example, real-world applications in the food industry often involve more complex features, including database integration, online ordering, and integration with point-of-sale (POS) systems. The program can be a starting point for developing more advanced solutions tailored to specific business needs.
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