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115. North American Literature I

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 4 Credits.

An introduction to North American literature up until the end of the 19th century using short texts (stories, poetry, passages from Puritan diaries, etc.).

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


Norton (Nina Baym, ed. The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Fifth Edition, New York: Norton, 1999. Malcolm Bradbury and Howard Temperley, eds., An Introduction to American Studies, London: Longman, 1998.:

MARCUS CUNLIFFE, The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. 9, American Literature.

HUGH BROGAN, Pelican History of the United States of America, y/o CARL N. DEGLER, Out of Our Past, Harper.

GEOFFREY MOORE, ed. The Penguin Book of American Verse.
117. North American History and Civilisation

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 4 Credits.

The English presence in America. The foundations of a new nation. The American Revolution and Independence. North and South. The taming of the West. Industrialisation. Progressivism and imperialism. The Roosevelt era. The American Way of Life. Kennedy and the new frontier. Vietnam and the American fit of conscience. The Reagan era.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


BRADBURY & TEMPERLY (eds): An Introduction to American Studies, Longman, 1990

BREIDLID, A. (ed): American Culture. An anthology of Civilization Texts, Routledge, 1996

BROGAN, H.: The Pelican History of the United States of America, Pelican, 1986

CARROL, P. N. & NOBLE, D.W.: The Free and the Unfree. A new history of the United States, Penguin 2nd ed., 1988

GIDLEY, M. (ed): Modern American Culture. An Introduction, Longman, 1993

HEFFNER, R.D.: A Documentary History of the United States, Mentor Books 5th de., 1951

KRONT, J.A., RICE, A.S. & HARRIS, C.M.: United States History to 1877, Harper Perennial (a division of Harper Collins Publishers), 1991

RICE, A.S. & KRONT, J.A.: United States History from 1865, Harper Collins, 1991

MAIDMENT, R. & DAWSON, M.(eds): The United States in the twentieth century. Key Documents, Hodder & Stoughton, 1993

MAUK, D. & OAKLAND, J. : American Civilization, Routledge, 1996
120. Second Language and its Literature II: Arabic

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 5 Credits.

Grammar. Arab literature from the 13th to the 18th century: Encyclopedism and travel books. The Nahda. Contemporary Arab literature.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


F. CORRIENTE, Gramática árabe, 2ª ed., Madrid, 1983.

F. CORRIENTE, Diccionario árabeóespa–ol, Madrid, 1977.

HAYWOOD-NAHMAD, Nueva gramática árabe, Madrid, 1992.

LECOMTE, Grammaire de l'arabe classique, 2» ed., Paris, 1976.

Métodos de aprendizaje de la lengua árabe LINGUAPHONE y ASSIMIL.

IBN BATTUTA, A través del Islam, Madrid, 1981.

IBN KHALDUN, Discours sur l'histoire universelle, 3 vols., Beirut, 1967ó68.

MARTINEZ MONTAVEZ, Pedro, Introducción a la literatura árabe moderna, 2ª ed., Madrid, 1985.

MARTINEZ MONTAVEZ, Pedro, Teatro árabe. Teatros árabes, Granada, 1992.

MARTINEZ MONTAVEZ, Pedro, La literatura árabe de hoy, Madrid, 1990.

MARTINEZ MONTAVEZ, Pedro, Poesía árabe actual , Málaga, 1985.

Literatura iraquí contemporánea , 2ª ed. Madrid, 1977.

Literatura tunecina contemporánea , Madrid, 1978.

Literatura y pensamiento marroquíes contemporáneos , Madrid, 1981.

TOMICHE, Nada, Histoire de la littérature romanesque de l'Egypte moderne , París, 1981

121. Second Language and its Literature II: French

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 5 Credits.

Italian grammar. Twentieth-century French literature.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


A.A. V.V. Grammaire du Français Contemporain. Paris: Larousse, 1974.

CANTERA & DE VICENTE Gramática francesa. Madrid: Cátedra, 1986.

MAUGER, A. Grammaire pratique du français d'aujourd'hui, langue parlée, langue écrite. Paris: Hachette, 1968.

A.A. V. V. 350 exercices de grammaire. Niveau débutant. Paris: Hachette, 1990.

LAGARDE & MICHARD. Les Grands Auteurs Français, 6 vols. Paris: Bordas, 1973.

A.A. V.V. Historia de la Literatura Francesa. Madrid: Cátedra, 1994.

DICTIONNAIRE FRANÇAIS-ESPAGNOL. Paris: Larousse (Coll. Saturne), 1967.

LE PETIT ROBERT. Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française. Paris: Le Robert, 1984.
122. Second Language and its Literature II: Italian

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 5 Credits.

Advanced grammar. An introduction to main trends and authors of contemporary Italian literature.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


CARRERA DIAZ, M., Curso de lengua italiana , Ariel, 1992.

RENZI, L. (ed.) , Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione , Il Mulino, vol. I: 1988, vol. II: 1991, vol. III: 1995.

SERIANNI, L., Grammatica italiana , UTET, 1989.

SALVI, G. y VANELLI, L., Grammatica essenziale di riferimento della lingua italiana , Le Monnier, 1992.

PETRONIO, G., Historia de la literatura italiana , Cátedra,1990.

FERRONI, G., Storia della letteratura italiana, Einaudi Scuola 1995.

BRIOSCHI, F. y C. DI GIROLAMO, Manuale di letteratura italiana, Bollati Boringhieri 1993.

139. Second Language and its Literature II: German

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 5 Credits.

The development of the capacity for oral and written expression, insisting on the necessity of acquiring German cultural general knowledge in order to make German literary works more accessible.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


AUFDERSTRASSE, H., BOCK, H. y MÜLLER, J., Themen neu 1. Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch. Max Hueber Verlag. Ismaning, 1992

DREYER, H./SCHMITT, R., Prácticas de gramática alemana. Verlag für Deutsch /Editorial de Idiomas. Madrid, 1995

EISENBERG, P., Grundriss der deutschen Grammatik. Stuttgart, 1994.

EINZENSBERGER, H/EISMANN,V., Die Suche, Langenscheidt. München, 1993

FISCHER, P., Begleitübungen zur Grundstufe. Hueber Verlag. München, 1993

GRIESBACH, H., Sprachlehre Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Grundstufe. Max Hueber. Ismaning, 1995.

GÖTZ, D. y HAENSCH, G, Langenscheidts Grosswörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Langenscheidt. München, 1993.

HEIDERMANN, W., Testheft zum Lehr- und übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik Neubearbeitung. Verlag für Deutsch,1999

HELBIG, G/BUSCHA, J. Übungsgrammatik Deutsch. Berlin. Langenscheidt, 1991.

JAN, E., DALLAPIAZA, R.M y SCHÖNHERR,T, Tangram 1A, Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch. Max Hueber Verlag. 1997

KRÖEHER, O., Liederreise-77 deutsche Lieder, (1 Compact-Cassete) Klett Verlag. Stuttgart, 1987.

LUSCHER, R.y SCHÄPERS, R., Gramática del alemán contemporáneo. Max Hueber, Ismaning.

LUSCHER, R., Übungsgrammatik DaF für Anfänger. Verlag für Deutsch, Max Hueber, 1998

MEINERT, R., Die Deutsche Deklination und ihre didaktische Probleme. München, 1989.

OTTO, E, y RUPPERT, E., Gramática suscinta de la lengua alemana. Barcelona, 1990.

REIMANN, M., Grundstufen-Grammatik. Huever Verlag. München, 1996.

SLABY, R. J., y GROSSMANN, R., Diccionario de las lenguas espanola y alemana. Herder. Barcelona, 1990

SUBIK, VON B.,/KURDYNOVSKY, H., Alltagssituationen. 49 Abeitstransparente für den Tageslichprojktor, Hueber. Münchwn, 1993.

WAHRIG, G., Deutsches Wörterbuch, Bertelsmann Lexikon

2nd Four-month Period

116. North American Literature II

1st Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 4 Credits.

The study of a selection of short texts, both fictional and non-fictional, poems, plays, letters, etc.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


Norton (Nina Baym, ed. The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Fifth Edition, New York: Norton, 1999. Malcolm Bradbury and Howard Temperley, eds., An Introduction to American Studies, London: Longman, 1998.:

MARCUS CUNLIFFE, The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. 9, American Literature.

HUGH BROGAN, Pelican History of the United States of America, y/o CARL N. DEGLER, Out of Our Past, Harper.

GEOFFREY MOORE, ed. The Penguin Book of American Verse.
118. History and Civilisation of the British Isles

1st Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 4 Credits.

Introduction to the history and civilisation of the British Isles since its origins up until the Glorious Revolution.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


ALTSCHUL, M.: AngloóNorman England 1066-1154

ASHLEY, M.: England in the 17th century

BINDOFF, S.T.: Tudor England, Penguin Books, 1977

BROWN, R.A.: The Norman Conquest, E. Arnold, 1984

COWARD, B.: The Stuart Age, Longman

FLETCHER, A.: Tudor Rebellions, Longman, 1990

FREEMAN-GRENVILLE, G.S.P.: Atlas of British History. From Prehistoric Times until 1978, Rex Collings, 1979

HIBBERT, C.: The English: a social history 1066-1945, Grafton Books, 1987

HILLERBRAND, H.J. (ed): The Protestant Reformation

KENYON, J.P. (ed): A Dictionary of British History, Pan Books, 1982

LEVINE, M.: Tudor England

LOCKYER, R.: Tudor and Stuart Britain (1471-1741), Longman, 1990

McDONALD, D.: An Illustrated History of Britain, Longman, 1989

MEDCALF, S. (ed): The Late Middle Ages

MILLER, J.: The Glorious Revolution, Longman Seminar

MILLER, J.: Restoration England: the Reign of Charles II, Longman Seminar, 1990

MORGAN, K. (ed): The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, Oxford

TITTLER, R.: The Reign of Mary I, Longman Seminar, 1990

TREVELYAN, G. M.: A Shortened History of England

119. English Literary Texts

1st Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 6.5 Credits.

Elizabethan poetry. Elizabethan and Jacobite plays. John Milton. Satire. Eighteenth-century novels. Jane Austen. Romantic poetry. Victorian novels and poetry. Oscar Wilde and G.B. Shaw. Modern poetry. Contemporary plays, novels and poetry.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


BOULTON, M. 1953/88 The Anatomy of Poetry. Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

COOKSON, L. 1987 Practical Approaches to Literary Criticism: Plays. Londres: Longman.

GILL, R. 1985 Mastering English Literature. Londres: Macmillan.

HIDALGO, P. Y ALCARAZ, E. 1981/88 La literatura inglesa en los textos. Alcoy: Marfil.

HAWTHORN, J. 1992 Studying the Novel: an Introduction. 2nd edition. Londres: Edward Arnold.

LEECH, G. 1969 A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. Londres: Longman.

LEECH, G Y SHORT, M. 1981 Style in Fiction. Londres: Longman.

LODGE, D. 1992. The Art of Fiction. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

MAYNE, A. Y SHUTTLEWORTH, J. 1984 Considering Prose. Londres: Hodder & Stoughton.

MOODY, H.L.B. 1987 (1968) Literary Appreciation. A Practical Guide. Harlow: Longman.

NEWTON, K.M. 1990 Interpreting the Text.Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf,

PEET, M. Y ROBINSON , D. 1992 Leading Questions. Advanced Level Literary Appreciation. Edimburgo: Nelson,

SANDERS, A. 1994 The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon.

STEPHEN, M. 1991 English Literature. A Student Guide. Londres: Longman.

WILSON, R.1987 Practical Approaches to Literary Criticism: Novels. Londres: Longman

3rd Year

124. History and Culture of English-speaking Countries

2nd Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 6.5 Credits.

The Age of Warpole. The Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. Domestic affairs and social reforms. The Empire. Prosperity and progress in the Victorian Age. Reforms from the Victorian Age to the First World War. The post-war period up until 1929. Life in Britain between the Wars. Britain at war (1939-1945). Life in post-war Britain. Commonwealth, Ireland and the EEC. A new strategy for the 80’s.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


COOK, Ch. & Stevenson,J.: Modern British History 1714-1984.Longman 1989. 2nd Ed.

COOTES, R.J.: Britain since 1700. Longman 1990.

FORD, Boris (Ed).: The Cambridge Cultural History. 9 vols. C.U.P. 1984.

LANE, Peter:Success in British History 1760-1914. John Murray 1988.

MARWICK, Arthur: British Society since 1945. Penguin Books 1990.

PEACOCK, H.L.: British History 1714 to Present Day. Heinemann, London 1983.

RICHARDS, D. & Hunt,J.W.: An Illustrated History of Modern Britain 1783-1980. Longman 1987.

ROYLE, E.: Modern Britain.A Social History.1750-1985. Edward Arnold 1987.

STEVENSON, J.: British Society 1914-45. Penguin Books 1988.

WATSON, J.: Success in British History since 1914. John Murray 1988.
127. Applied English Linguistics

2nd Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 7.5 Credits.

Applied linguistics: Study scope. Theoretical and applied linguistics. Didactic methodology and linguistics. Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL).

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


Abbot, G. et al. (1981) The Teaching of English as an International Language. Collins.

Alcaraz Varó, E. (1990) Tres paradigmas en la investigación lingüística. Marfil.

Allen, J. P. B. & S. P. Corder (eds) (1973) The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics. Four Volumes. OUP.

Asher, R. E. (ed) (1994) The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Pergamon.

Brown, H. D. (1993) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Prentice Hall.

Brown, K. & J. Miller (eds) (1996) Concise Encyclopedia of Syntactic Theories. Elsevier.

Carter, R. (1987) Vocabulary. Applied Linguistics Perspectives.

Carter, R. & M. McCarthy (1988) Vocabulary and Language Teaching. Longman.

Collidge, N. E. (ed) (1990) An Encyclopedia of Language. Routledge.

Crystal, David (1995) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. CUP.

Crystal, David (1987) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. CUP.

Corder, S. P. (1978) Introducing Applied Linguistics. Penguin.

Els, T. van et al. (1984) Applied Linguistics and the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages. Arnold.

Gairns, R & S. Redman (1986) Working with Words. CUP.

Grabe, W. & R. Kaplan (eds) (1991) Introduction to Applied Linguistics. Addison Wesley.

Harmer, J. (1987) Teaching and Learning Grammar. Longman.

Johnson, K. (1982) Communicative Syllabus Design and Methodology. Pergamon.

Loveday, L. (1982) The Sociolinguistics of Learning and Using a Non Native Language. Pergamon.

Madrid, D. & McLaren, N. (eds) (1995) A Handbook for TEFL. Marfil.

Madrid, D. & McLaren, N. (1995) Didactic Procedures for TEFL. La Calesa.

MalmkjÊr, K. (1991) The Linguistics Encyclopedia. Routledge.

McCarthy, M. (1991) Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. CUP.

Newmeyer, F. J. (ed) (1988) Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. Volumes I IV. CUP.

Robins, R. H. (1997) A Short History of Linguistics. Addison Wesley Longman.

Stern, H. H. (1983) Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. OUP.

Stern, H. H. (1992) Issues and Options in Language Teaching. OUP.

Wardhaugh, R. y H. D. Brown (eds) (1976) A Survey of Applied Linguistics. Ann Arbor.

Widdowson, H. G. (1979) Explorations in Applied Linguistics. OUP.
128. The English Novel

2nd Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 6.5 Credits.

The novel as a literary genre. Eighteenth-century English novels. The influence of Cervantes. The epistolary novel. Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. Gothic novels. Historic novels. Jane Austin and the study of “Pride and Prejudice”. Victorian novels. The Brontë sisters and the study of “Wuthering Heights”. William Thackeray and Elizabeth Gaskell. Charles Dickens and the study of “Great Expectations”. George Elliot and the study of “The Mill on the Floss”. Thomas Hardy and George Gissing.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


ALVAREZ AMOROS, J.A. ed., Historia crítica de la novela inglesa. Salamanca, 1998.

BEER, Gilian, George Eliot. Brighton, 1986.

BUTLER, Marilyn, Jane Austen and the War of Ideas. Oxford 1970.

GILMOPUR, Robin, The Idea of the Gentelman in tthe Victorian Novel. Londres, 1981.

HARDY, Barbara. The Moral Art of Charles Dickens. Londres, 1970.

-Particularities: Readings in George Eliot. Londres, 1982.

HIDALGO, Pilar, La crisis del realismo en la novela inglesa contemporánea. Malaga, 1987.

-Tiempo de mujeres. Madrid, 1995.

LEAVIS, F.R., The Great Tradition. Londres, 1948.

SHOWALTER, Elaine, A Literature of Their Own: British Women Nolelits from Brontë to Lessing. Londres, 1982.

STEVENSON, Randall, The British Novel since the Thirties: An Introduction. Londres, 1986.

WATT, Ian ed. The Victorian Novel: Modern Essays in Cristicism. Oxford, 1971.

WAUGH, Patricia, Harvest of the Sixties: English Literature and Its Background, 1960-1990. Oxford, 1995.

1st Four-month Period

123. English Grammar I

2nd Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 3.5 Credits.

The concept of grammar. Lexical words and functions. The structure of the English language. Communicating with English. English vocabulary.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


DE LA CRUZ, J.M.&TRAINOR, P.(1989): Gramática Inglesa. Catedra

CHOMSKY, N. (1986), Knowledge of Language, Praeger, New York

HUDDLESTON, R.(1984): Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge U.Press

QUIRK, R. et al.(1985): A Comprehensive Grammar of English. Longman

RADFORD, A.(1988) Trnadformational Grammar, C.U.P., Cambrigde.

125. History of the English Language I

2nd Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 3.5 Credits.

Phonology and an introduction to metrics. Morphology. Intraparadigmatic and interparadigmatic contrasts. Intradialectic and interdialectic chronological contrasts. Introduction to syntax.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


DE LA CRUZ, J, MARCOS, P.J., y CAÑETE, A. Inglés Antiguo, Base de la Filología Inglesa, Vol. I UNED, (en prensa).

HOGG, R.M., ed., The Cambrigde History of the English Language, Vol. I, C.U.P., Cambrigde, 1992.

MITCHELL, B. Old English Syntax, O.U.P., Oxford, 1985.

126. English Literature III

2nd Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 4.5 Credits.

An introduction to English poetry. Medieval poetry. Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales”. Renaissance poetry. English sonnets. Metaphysical poetry. John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”. Poetry during the Restoration. Eighteenth-century poetry.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


Abrams, M.H. 1957/88 A Glossary of Literary Terms. 5th edition. Nueva Yok: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Booth, S. 1977 Shakespeare's Sonnets. New Haven: Yale U.P.

Boulton, M. 1953/88 The Anatomy of Poetry. Londres: Routledge.

Cooper, H. 1989 The Canterbury Tales. Oxford: O.U.P.

Carey, J. 1981 John Donne: Life, Mind and Art. Londres: Faber.

Corns, T.N. (ed.) 1993 The Cambridge Companion to English Poetry. Donne to Marvell. Cambridge: C.U.P.

Ferguson, M., Salter, M.J. y Stallworthy, J. 1996 The Norton Anthology of English Poetry (4th edition).Nueva York: W.W.Norton.

Ford, B. (ed.) 1954/87 The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Fuller, J. 1972 The Sonnet. Londres: Methuen.

Leech, G.A. 1973 A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. Londres: Longman.

Onega, S. (ed.) 1988 Estudios Literarios Ingleses. Renacimiento y Barroco. Madrid: Cátedra.

Parfitt, G. 1992 English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century (2nd edition). Londres: Longman.

Potter, L. 1986 A Preface to Milton. Londres: Longman.

Sanders, A. 1994 The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: O.U.P.

Spurr, B. 1997 Studying Poetry. Basingstoke : Macmillan.

Waller, G. 1993 English Poetry of the Sixteenth Century (2nd edition). Londres: Longman.
129. North American Literature III

2nd Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 4.5 Credits.

From the colonial age to national literature. The influence of the Puritans on the American imagination. Decadent Romanticism. The humour of the West. From realism to naturalism. An introduction to modernism. The imagination of the South. Post-modernism.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


Norton (Nina Baym, ed. The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Fifth Edition, New York: Norton, 1999. Malcolm Bradbury


WILLIAM FAULKNER, The Sound and the Fury

2nd Four-month Period

130. Ancient and Early Medieval English Texts

2nd Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 3.5 Credits.

A historical, linguistic and stylistic commentary of ancient and early medieval texts, with translation and review exercises.

Teaching Method: Lectures and practicals.

Examination Method: Written exam.


BRAVO, A., GARCIA, F. Y GONZALEZ, S. (1992) Old English Anthology, Oviedo.

de la Cruz, J., Marcos, P.J. y Ca–ete, A. (próxima aparición) Inglés antiguo, Madrid.

GODDEN, M. Y LAPIDGE, M. (1991) The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature, Cambridge.

GREENFIELD, S.B. Y CALDER, D.G. (1986) A New Critical History of Old English Literature, Nueva York.

HUNTER BLAIR, P. (1956) An Introduction to AngloóSaxon England, Cambridge.

KISPERT, R.J. (1971) Old English. An Introduction, Nueva York.

LAPIDGE , M. Y GNEUSS, H., eds. (1985) Learning and Literature in Anglo-Saxon England, Cambridge.

MITCHELL, B. (1995) An Invitation to Old English, Oxford.

NILES, J.D. (1980) Old English Literature in Context, Cambridge.

STENTON, F.M. (1971) AngloóSaxon England, Oxford.

WRENN, C.L. (1973) A Study of Old English Literature, Londres.

Elective Modules

2nd Four-month Period

801. Stylistics of the English Language

2nd Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 3.5 Credits.

Textual stylistics and linguistics applied to translation. Macro and microanalyses. Expository texts: Schemes and frames. Instructive texts: Scripts. Argumentative or persuasive texts: Plans. Translation techniques. Evaluating translations.

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