The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, qut

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Australian context

In Australia there is scant research into the in-kind giving behaviours of individuals and corporations. With the exception of the study by Maguire et al. (2014) into the pro bono practices of other countries, there are few studies which compare Australian in-kind giving practices with other nations. In-kind giving encompasses a range of activities beyond corporate giving. However, based on a report describing the results of an environmental scan of giving and volunteering in Australia it is evident that the majority of data available on in-kind giving are related to corporate donations (McGregor-Lowndes, Flack, et al. 2014a). Similar to other countries, Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) prefer to give in-kind rather than cash amounts (Madden, Scaife and Crissman 2006). With the exception of these studies there are few other statistics in relation to additional forms of in-kind giving such as individual and small group in-kind giving, and how this compares with other countries.

The studies relating to in-kind giving in Australia are piecemeal. While there exists international literature on the management of in-kind product donations in both disaster and non-disaster responses less is known about the Australian context. How Australian NPOs handle and manage in-kind donations and the accounting challenges associated with valuing in-kind gifts is an important area for further investigation.

Key issues and emerging trends

A review of the available literature on in-kind giving reveals that there is no universally-accepted definition of the term. While it is generally understood to include donations of goods and services, it is unclear whether in-kind giving encompasses all forms of donated services, including the various types of volunteering. A clearer delineation of what constitutes in-kind giving may enable a more robust examination of its uses and impacts.

The institutional and regulatory environment can either support or constrain the incentives for in-kind donations. This review has found that there are tax incentives available for product donations to thrift stores in the UK and the US; however, this is not the case in Australia. This review has also highlighted that there are significant differences in relation to what is considered to be pro bono in different countries. The way in which pro bono work is defined in various jurisdictions determines the types of activities law firms can count towards pro bono engagement. There are calls in Australia to broaden definitions of pro bono to include other forms of legal assistance.

In relation to food waste and aid development, in-kind giving is contested and focuses on the ethical debates of product donations. The logistical and resource challenges associated with managing in-kind product donations in both disaster and non-disaster contexts are also key themes in the literature. The growing field of online portals and exchanges largely addresses these challenges, although research into these giving vehicles is nascent. Examples include Goods360 and TechSoup Global that enable corporations to donate goods that are then distributed to NPOs. Portals such as VolunteerMatch and GoodCompany are also becoming an increasingly popular way to match individuals wishing to donate services with the particular needs of NPOs.

In addition to online portals that facilitate in-kind giving, in the UK new models of corporate giving that encourage in-kind donations have also been documented as outlined in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3 Examples of online portals to facilitate in-kind giving (Charities Trust 2013)

Argos Toy Exchange: In partnership with Barnardo’s Argos encouraged people to donate unwanted toys by taking them into their local store. Barnados then sold them to raise funds. In return the donor received a £5 voucher to spend on toy purchases over £35 in-store.

M&S Clothes Recycling Scheme: M&S in partnership with Oxfam provides a recycling scheme whereby consumers are encouraged to give an unwanted piece of clothing every time they buy a new one. The concept is said to have encouraged sustainable fashion


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