The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, qut

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Key issues and emerging trends

The literature highlights the following key issues and emerging trends:

  • the need for support for the fundraising function at the board level

  • the need to simplify, redesign and coordinate fundraising regulation in Australia:

    • the role of government regulation of fundraising, and

    • the role of self-regulation of fundraising

  • maintenance of the levels of public trust in fundraising NPOs – lessons to be learned from levels of public dissatisfaction with fundraising methods in the UK, and

  • impact of new technologies:

    • implications for fundraising regulation

    • use of social media and rising popularity of fundraising ‘portals’ (intermediaries), and

    • use of ‘big data’.


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McGregor-Lowndes, Myles, Ted Flack, Glenn Poole and Stephen Marsden. 2014. Defining and Accounting for Fundraising Income and Expenses. Brisbane, Queensland: The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, Queensland University of Technology.
Medina-Borja, Alexandra and Konstantinos Triantis. 2014. "Modeling social services performance: a four-stage DEA approach to evaluate fundraising efficiency, capacity building, service quality, and effectiveness in the nonprofit sector." Annals of Operations Research 221 (1): 285-307. doi: 10.1007/s10479-011-0917-0.
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