The Fresh Connection – apics mid Atlantic District Student Challenge 2017

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The Fresh Connection – APICS Mid Atlantic District Student Challenge 2017

Win $5500 in travel expenses for 5 to the TFC / APICS Global Student Challenge scheduled to be held in San Antonio, TX during the APICS International Conference October 15-17, 2017
The Fresh Connection (TFC) is a web based value chain management learning simulation built around integrated business functions. Participants make strategic and tactical decisions in the value chain of TFC, a virtual producer of fruit juices. Preliminary rounds are played over the Internet.

Participants are full time students from business schools, colleges and universities.

The Challenge TFC, a virtual producer of fruit juices, is delivering to retail channels. Since the company is suffering severe losses, a new management team has been hired with the following four roles:

This team’s assignment is to make the company profitable again by realizing the highest possible Return on Investment (ROI). Team members do this by making strategic and tactical decisions and optimizations along their end-to-end supply chain network.

How to Take the Challenge? In order to participate, your school will form one (or more) team(s) of 4 students who will assume the roles listed above. Each team will select a Faculty (or Parent Chapter) Adviser to support them along the journey. For MAD’s Preliminary Rounds (3 online sessions on November 3, 10 & 17, 2016), schools may fund as many teams as they desire for a registration fee of $100 per team. Graduate and Undergraduate teams will compete in the same single category. The following prerequisites apply:

APICS Student membership is free. Apply online at this link:

Get Acquainted With TFC: YouTube has several videos on past TFC competitions. The most informative clips are these:

  • Intro Movie: The Fresh Connection, 2:45 mins,

  • TFC Briefing by the Strategy Director, 6:53 mins,

MAD’s TFC Challenge Structure: The District will have one “mulligan” round for familiarization with the simulation followed by 3 Preliminary Rounds scored based on ROI and weighted progressively at 20, 30 and 50 percent of the combined score. The five teams with the highest weighted combined ROI score after the third round will advance to the District Finals. District’s TFC Final rounds are also played remotely. Written and oral reports will be prepared on Friday evening, February 24, 2017 at the District Meeting hotel.
As in the past, District teams will prepare both a 3-page written report plus a 10-minute oral PPT presentation. District judges will use the ISCC rubric for papers and presentation skills. MAD scoring will be weighted at 40% ROI, 30% paper and 30% presentation. MAD’s winning team receives an expense-paid ($5500 cap) trip for 5 to the TFC/APICS Global Student Challenge in San Antonio, TX, at the APICS 2017 International Conference. You will not receive any cash. MAD transfers $5500 to the APICS Foundation, which reimburses upon receipt of expense reports with attached receipts.

Register Today!

Please complete the attached registration form and Email to James at and Brad at

Please mail $100 payments to:

Leann Goettel

4619 Williamsport Rd.

Monongahela, PA 15063-9719

Visa or MC payments (sorry, no AMEX):

Please call Leann at 800 444-2742, x5522

Questions? Please email James at

Screen Shot of TFC Simulation’s home page
TFC 2016 Logistics:

Mulligan & 3 Remote TFC Internet Qualification Rounds Thursdays 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 2016

Top 5 teams advance to

District Finals

3 Remote TFC Rounds
TBD for February 2017
Report & Presentation
Live at the District Meeting Feb 24-25, 2017

Winning team advances

to the International level

TFC / APICS Global Student Challenge
San Antonio, TX
Oct 15-17, 2017


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