The gadabout letters

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Ten really kind remarks

Joe and Danimal,

These are people that will have a wedding website and continually email innocent bystanders about the updates.

I have about ten really kind remarks I'd like to send in reply here.
Jesus, god, this is worse than the fkn sick cat emails.


Hello anyway

Neenah Coldstone,

Hey. How are you? I realize that I called and left a message for you last week and you didn’t respond, but I figured I would just write and say Hello anyway. I hope this doesn’t make me a stalker again.

I just found an old email from you when we went to the mountains, apparently, and then you were all stressed because it was fun but you felt like you should have been studying. I forgot about all of that for a long time. I don’t even remember where we went, but, apparently it was fun. We both said so in the email.



Collect the $$

I just got your message. Sorry to hear about that, but maybe you don’t' mind too much. You can collect the $$, stay home with MJ, and find a job in the city to where you can take the train.

This is strange timing. I just told Clara and left mom a vm that I was coming home after BT at RR to find a job. I cant stand E. Colfax neighborhood any longer, and the thought of getting up everyday looking for a job online for Chicago, then running around this dump is too much. I've had it with Portland and enough is enough.
The LAW job is pushing things back anyway. I was supposed to start full time tomorrow. Now they say "two weeks" which will surely be "two weeks" in two weeks. $200/wk isn’t doing shit either.
So, what did Chuck say? What was the reason? The sleeping IT guy was feeling pressured to do more than sleep? You finally put gramma-one-cube-over in her place? You told the gossipers talking about wearing shorts to work to shut the f#&% up, once and for all?

Oh well, maybe we can take Martin to a cubs game. That would be cool.


Colfax From the Highway


So I was just thinking about a solution I came up with as I got back to Portland (boy do I love this place, not only do I get to think about not seeing you for a while, living 30 miles apart, how lame Portland has become, etc., I get to cruise the length of Colfax from the highway to the shitway and take detours due to the fair…jesus.) anyway…the plan. It will work and we can start it right away!!

We find a place in chicago with the help of apartment people (im working on that already), rent it as soon as possible and move there. Then, I leave my truck here, and just fly back and forth ($200/week RT tickets deducted from a $1000 ish a week salary is a lot better than no income at all!) on the weekends to be with you guys in Chicago where you are living full time and looking for a job/there for interviews/etc. and I just keep this job until either I get bored sick of the commute, or I find a job in Chicago, whichever comes first. Either way, I'll still be pulling in almost $800 a week!!!!!! As long as I have this lease, I can stay here while going to work at DU during the week. By the time its up, I expect I'd have a job in Chicago, then give two weeks at DU and wallllllahhhhh, never come back to this dump AGAIN~@!@@@!!! I am excited, can you tell by my excessive use of exclamation marks?
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LETS DO IT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve said he wants to. I asked him at Quizno's.



The Black Crowes

To Jordan Fairway,

Any takers? I say we get a crew together, meet up for happy hour after work, and do it up like old times. Maybe hit the Snug?

The Black Crowes are playing tomorrow (Tuesday) night, but for 33$.

Iron & Wine is a mere 20$. And Calexico is playing as well, although about them I know not a damn thing.



CASE NO. 99T29

Judge Elah May

Pitkin County Court

5061 E Main Street Ste 300

Aspenville, CO 81611

September 28, 2005

Dear Judge Elah May,

I came to speak with you this past spring to clear up my record that had (unknown to me until this past spring) an outstanding warrant in Pitkin County. My arrest/case originally took place in January of 1999. At that time I was assigned 20 hours of alcohol education. Due to a miscommunication between myself, the alcohol counselor (in Illinois), the Oregon DMV, and the Pitkin County Court, I received my drivers license back after completing 10 of the 20 hours.
When I spoke with you this past spring, you allowed me until September to finish the ten hours and report back to you. I am writing to you today to say that I have completed the required hours. I have included here a copy of the paperwork as proof.
I attended classes with the following institution:

A.C.S.C., Inc.

Portland, CO 60216
At your convenience, I would appreciate it if you could please have mailed to me some kind of acknowledgement that this matter with my driving record with the Pitkin County Court has been cleared.
Thank you for your help in this matter.


Leonard Treadway

CASE NO. 99T29


The Stalker

Detective John Doe

Court Hollis Police Department

400 Laporte Ave

Court Hollis, CO 80521
September 19, 2005

Dear Detective John Doe,

In March of this year I received a voice mail from you concerning a harassment problem with Roda Leeverson. At that time, I returned your voice mail to say "thank you" for your help because it had been many months at that point since I had asked Roda Leeverson to leave me alone and stop the harassment. You said you told Roda to leave me alone. She has not done so. I am sorry to bother you with this situation, as I am certain you are a busy man. However, it has been almost a full calendar year since I first told Roda to cease contact of all kinds. She still is sending me emails of a harassing nature, and I am no longer feel that I should have to put up with her behavior.
I am also very busy with a new fiancé and full time career at the University of Portland. Roda Leeverson has a long standing personal history of child abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, several suicide attempts, acts of violence and general trouble with the law. She cannot be trusted, and I am tired of wishing this would "just go away".
After explaining the situation to Officer C.J. Lowerty of the Portland Police Department in early March 2005, I spoke with the Portland City and County Court on March 29th of this year. At that time, the judge told me that if there was no "obvious physical threat to my well-being" there was nothing she could do. I would just like Roda to stop contacting me all together. She just will not do this.
Below are just a few of the recent emails from Roda. I emailed her back to ask here for the hundredth time to leave me alone. She wrote back and said she was talking to the police. Is there anything I can do to get her to leave me alone?

Leonard Treadway, M.A.


CASE NO. 99T29

August 31, 2005

Dear Judge Elah May,
I am currently in the process of completing the remainder of my required alcohol education classes. I came to speak with you this past spring to clear up my record that had (unknown to me until this past spring) an outstanding warrant in Pitkin County. My case originally took place in January of 1999. At that time I was assigned 20 hours of alcohol education. Due to a miscommunication between myself, the alcohol counselor (in Illinois), the Oregon DMV, and the Pitkin County Court, I received my drivers license back after completing 10 of the 20 hours.
Right now I am making up the other ten in order to clear myself with you and Pitkin County. When I spoke with you this past spring, you allowed me until mid September to finish the ten hours and report back to you. I am writing to you today to say that I have two (2) of the ten hours done and will attend class at the below agency for two hours each Tuesday evening for the next four weeks.
I recently completed a graduate program at the University of Portland, and was unable to begin the classes until this time. At the end of September I will have a document stating that I have completed the required ten hours and will make sure to send a copy of that paperwork to you directly.

I am currently attending classes:

A.C.S.C., Inc.

Portland, CO 60216

Thank you for your help in this matter.


Leonard Treadway

CASE NO. 99T29


The Pottery Connection

Mon 8/29/2005 7:12 PM

Hi. So I told Clara all about what you do up there and showed her my only remaining HH work (blue sugar bowl) but I showed her the still life of your stuff, told her about the infamous Jug, and she agreed that we should have a 4-person multi-piece HH dining set. I told her I would conference you on the idea way ahead of time because me knows how busy you are. We were thinking it would be a cool present from maybe someone in my family for the wedding with whom we could easily arrange payment to you for the initial costs + shipping down to the Mile High. So let me know your thoughts on the idea. We were thinking 4 big serving plates, coffee cups, small serving bowls and then one big bowl. Something like that.


How’s things? 81+ sunny down here. Too hot for my blood. Better than New Orleans though. That place is messed.

Remember when your buddy Amia Diorio stormed out of the Rippling Waters cabin? she took a lot of stuff, including The Jug.
She even tried to take one of my Kerouac books. (as if that would slip past me.)
Anyway, I want to come up real bad, so no arm twisting needed. The wedding is Dec 30 in cape may, NJ. You will be getting an invite when they go out. No worries if you cant swing a trip to the far reaches of the Atlantic seaboard.
Whenever you can get the set done is cool. No rush what so ever. Me wants new, rad glaze.
Im going to figure out a chance to fly to MT. more on that soon…

 Tell Lorenzo hello.



Capitol Hill Ghetto Update

1. So last night I was running around 9:30 pm, started at 14th, ran down to 1st, turned around the block and ran back up to 13th. On about 12th, I saw some backed up cars on the cross street, and heard a lot of honking horns, and one male voice in particular yelling his head off. So I get closer, round the corner and see this station wagon stop in front of a wiry man wearing a soiled "wife beater" tshirt, walking out into traffic and waiving his hands in the air. This was the yelling guy. So I see him go around to the passenger side window of the stopped station wagon. It seems he maybe knows the driver, but I could tell something wasn't right. All of a sudden the yelling man leans in and I see his feet disappear into the station wagon, diving-in style, the car rolls forward about two feet, lurches, and slams on the breaks. The driver gets out, waves over the guy who's stopped behind him, and starts yanking at the screaming perpetrator who'd dove into his car through the drivers side door. When the other guy gets there, they're both pulling on this still-screaming slime of an individual. Finally, they drag the dirtbag out of the station wagon, and pull him across the street, and drop him on the curb where he laid, rolling around, and hollering, until about six police cars and two ambulances showed up. The station wagon guy and his helper drove off like it was no big deal.
2. This morning I went to the post office to stand in line for a while. Some haggard, scantily dressed woman behind me came up and tried to pick up a piece of scummy paper that was stuck to the floor. Clearly it was some inch-long piece of garbage that had probably been stuck to the floor for years. She got all mad when she couldn't peel it up. Then she went over to the counter and started brushing imaginary dirt or dust from the top of it with her mail. She worked at this for about five minutes, getting in people's way, etc. Then she got back in line and pretended to drop her envelope (and, honestly, she acted as if she hadn't noticed she dropped this no. 10 size piece of mail from her own hand). The guy behind her, for some ungodly reason, went for the bait and said "you dropped your envelope". She said "oh, thank you", picked it up and then started talking to him like she was going to pick him up or something. The whole place makes me want to vomit. (except to pick up the rest of my stuff later on) I won't ever go back to Capitol Hill again.

The place is a shit hole.

Portland 06 July 2005



Mon 7/4/2005 3:36 AM

Leah Starlight, Hi!

On Thursday I am outta here-packing up the truck and heading home. and as I first came to this state in 1996 for a Red Rocks Allmans show, I'll be hitting her up one last time for the annual Blues Traveler Fourth of July tomorrow, and then I'm pretty much done. A double latte and a hint of nostalgia led me, today, to write up a little something that I thought I'd share with those of you who've, over the years, been around the various turns inside this maddening state. See you around. Enjoy!

I'll have you know that your letters are the most genuine I get these days. By a long long shot. When I think about Portland, I'll forever think about crazy fkn Colfax, and the best part being the Tony Montana Booth (whether we have it or not) at that bar—and you.

I just have to get out of here, you know, its time to go, but it's been a splendid, full-blooded, can't-give-any-more situation for the past two years. The best part is that I feel very much in love with Clara and I feel so happy about what is to come. But I have about ten close-to-my-heart folks in this mad world, and you, for sure, are one of them.

You make the best of what you have going down there and I'll see you again soon.




Sun 7/3/2005 6:48 PM

So, if you guys want to meet here around 3:00 pm Monday we can head over to the parking lot, circle the wagons, and do a bit of the old tailgating tradition, or hang out in Morrison.

Im a bit apprehensive to pile a shitload of people into my truck. That's how I got the DUI in Aspen. We'll see what works best.

If you're coming, take Downing to 14th , go right. It’s the building called O'Neil Apartments right on the SE corner of 14th and Marion. Marion is one block east of Downing. 14th is one block south of that greasy roadway they call Colfax.



Sun 7/3/2005 3:12 PM

Neenah Coldstone,
Thank you for the explanation. That was very thoughtful….Late, but thoughtful.

I am not really sure what you mean by putting quotes around "just friends", but at this point, it doesn’t matter. I'll be in Portland until Thursday morning, after which time I'll be in Chicago. I'll be back during the summer at some point, briefly, to help Clara move her things, and to get the rest of my stuff as well.

There are a couple big Colorado poetry readings that the publishing company is setting up this fall and winter with other literary organizations, so if I don’t see you before I leave, maybe (if you're still at DU) you could come up (they are in the mountains) to the readings, we could have some drinks, hang out, etc.


Tue 6/28/2005 11:22 PM

Dear Mr. Larry Bernard,
I am attempting to contact your photography department on behalf of the photojournalism job posting. Oddly, I cannot find a direct link to email anyone in that department. Please excuse me, but could you please direct this to the proper hands, or let me know who I should contact.
Thank you for your time and assistance,
Sincerely, Leonard Treadway, Esquire
====Letter to Photo Editor Included Below=====
I am writing you tonight because I just found your opening for a new photojournalist for the Rockford Register Star, and I would like very much to have a shot at being considered. I noticed the said title is specific – you are looking for a News Photojournalist, and that is what I am. My last full time position as a photographer won me the Best Spot News Photograph, an award juried by the Montana Newspaper Association. At the time, I was shooting for the Flathead Publishing Group, a large conglomerate of Northwest Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, and other state papers.
I am 31 years old and healthy. My hometown is Schaumpton, Illinois. This month I finished my M.A. in Digital Media Studies at the University of Portland, where I have been experimenting with various media hardware and photo techniques. I am going to be getting married this New Years. My soon-to-be wife and I are looking forward to moving back to the area where I grew up, or as close to there as we can get, as soon as we secure jobs. Neither of us wants to leave our current jobs here in Colorado until that time. We are hoping to move next month at the latest. (Currently I am a web developer for the Educational Technologies Department at the College of Law at the University of Portland.)
I attended and graduated from Bradley University with a B.S. in Communications Photography where I studies with Howard Goldbaum.

I attended a year of Post-Bacc studio classes at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago before heading out to Montana to shoot (and write news and editorials) full time.

Bigfork, Montana proved to be too small of a town for even me, the mountain lover, and I had to find more, so I applied and was accepted to the DMS program for my M.A. at the University of Portland.

I would like to send you a digital portfolio of some of my recent work, as well as some of the shots from Montana and other projects I've worked on since. I can email them to you right away.

Please let me know your thoughts.
Thank you for your time,



Sat 6/25/2005 8:21 PM

Dear Milton Dennison,

I wanted to point out one last thing here, because something you wrote (below) rubbed me the wrong way.
Note the recurring element in each of the four books of poems.

  1. Say No More / Poetry from the back roads and blue highways of AMERICA and the adventures of the interstellar roadside prophet

  2. Outlaw / AMERICAN poems on the run

  3. Big City Freight Train Blues / PORTLAND poems

  4. Bridge Jumpers Union, Inc / A neo-propaganda strategy for the hangers-on: a past time for helots, North AMERICAN poems

You have to have completely turned around my stand on things within much of my writing in order to say what you have said below. It's exactly what that brain-damaged dolt of an ex-girlfriend (had to get a restraining order against her, etc.) used to do all of the time. Funny thing is, she was bi-polar, too, had a serious break with reality, and always believed everything she said.

What I write has been called a social critique (of the very people and places I am surrounded by all of the time.) I've been to more places, met more people good and bad, driven more roads in this country than you could ever dream of, Suburban Boy. After you leave home for a while, you'll understand the magnitude of what I'm saying.
You sound like such a chump, telling me to expand my horizons in what I choose to read, or what you called it—"required reading". That doesn't even make sense to me, however, if I told you the things I was ACTUALLY required to read and then present on for the M.A. graduate seminars, you wouldn't even understand the titles. But, I'll pass that one around, people who know me will find it truly amusing.
Now fuck off for good.


Sat 6/25/2005 11:15 AM

Dear Milton Dennison,
This is the most lashing, ridiculous missive I've ever read from you. Clearly I was accurate in my assessment that you harbor many years of frustration and self-disappointment.
That's great that you are happy with your life, the way you've created it. That's about all we can work toward, ultimately.
I never looked or spoke down to you, Mike, until you started this angry game of yours years ago, while I was still living in the cabin in Redstone. I don't look down or speak down to or about anyone in this world unless they assert themselves, ironically, into the mindless, immoral parade.
You and I are not alike, I'd like to point out, once and for all. Let me repeat that: You and I are not alike. Judging from these letters, I see nothing more in you than a bitter 30 year old family man. I am sure it would not be accurate to say that is ALL that you are, but, it's highly predominate for sure.
I've dealt with many unstable, bored, anxious, bi-polar, lunatic "friends", "girlfriends", etc. over the years, and as we all know after time we leave people behind, they come in and out of our lives, etc. So that's that. I'd expect no more emails from you. I've far better things to enjoy with my time.
As for the details of your family, work, etc that you listed, my questions on them in the past have been genuine, however, that too has changed, and I could not care less about you or any of that any longer.

I think I'll just put you and your secretary on the "blacklist" (blocked emails) so that I don’t have to be bothered again.

I will grant you this, your long, mad letters are unique in my in-box, for you and the secretary are the only people to attempt a tearing, like cornered tigers, into my autogenously composed stand in life.

Leonard Treadway (the person in CO who is unoriginal, jumped on a "9-11 bandwagon" whatever the hell that means, thinks he's better than everyone else, thinks he's smarter than everyone else, hides in politically left college towns, doesn’t understand what it means to be American –not because he's driven to and through the 48 contiguous states at will, but because his little bro didn’t go to the ME to fight GW's oil supply war--)

This whole thing is insightful for a minute, then I start laughing because you are just plain old pissed off. It’s a joke, really, and reminiscent of the hallways of high school.

Au revoir



Thu 6/23/2005 11:10 PM

Hello Professor Billingstonvilletown,
Long time no see. I hope things are going well for you.
A have been working on some ideas for critical, academic papers these days, and finding out some things about the tenure track process. I have a question and I don’t even know how relevant it is, so I thought I'd offer it up. The question is, when considering published papers in peer review journals, is it essential that all papers be based in data/recorded/field research, or is it just as respectable to (at least attempt to) have more lofty, theoretical papers printed?
Maybe if I include an abstract of one of my papers here my question will be made clearer. There is research going into it, and backing up the theory, but as far as I know, there isn't any other documentation out there making the same connections that I am with this paper. At the same time, I don’t want to be working on something that most of these communication journals would just shake their heads at. In other words, I'd like to contribute in a practical way, with original ideas.

Thanks for your help,



Colfax Ave Nightlife

Thu 6/16/2005 4:41 PM

Jordan Fairway and DON CARLOS,

Sanchos is two doors down from the carpet bar, remember that joint, oh so long ago...?

Its all about two blocks from my place here in lovely capital hill. Im figuring I'll mix up the last of my white Russians around seven, party starts at 8, maybe head over around 830.

If all else fails, the Snug is a couple doors down and there is always the chance of making out with girls locked inside one of those things. (unless youre engaged, and then your friends have to do that part.)
Portland weather sucks.



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